Your Disney Pet Peeves

agree with flash pics in dark places- even if it is allowed - annoying when you can't see the ride
I can't see after ....I was going to say being flashed ;) ... but that sounds pretty bad -

One of my other biggest complaints:
Turn off the Strobe Necklaces and light flashing spinners or light up ears -ESP. blinky light ones- During POTC or Small world or Haunted mansion- or anywhere else it is dark.

Spitting- I really hate it when people spit on the ground...ok that could be OT But 2 weeks ago we were at HS and these guys were like spitting tobacco juice everywhere -it was nasty..
I agree with many things posted here. (although somewhat bothered by some of the cultural generalizations)

One of my pet peeves is the way some people dress. It's Florida, I know it's hot, but I do not need (or want) to see that much skin. Some women weaing tops that are ten sizes too small and see through, and shorts so short that their butt cheeks are hanging out the bottom.

And ladies, I do not need to see the top of your thong! Seriously. (This bothers me everywhere, but especially at a family place like WDW, where teeneage girls, as mentioned previously, like to sit on the hand rails, and therefore put their behinds directly in my path)
I have 2:

The will-never-change herding practices for getting people into and out of MK. Who's bright idea was it to slap a body of water between the parking lot and the park entrance? I'd like to tar and feather him (and yes I say him because it must have been a man). You can see that idea was ousted for all future park planning projects. My last trip there I was riding the ferry back to TTC after park closing and saying (what a horrible end to a terrific day, blah)

I'd guess that was probably Walt Disney himself. The plans were drawn up before he died. I think he wanted MK to be a "fantasy", separate from the "real world". I saw a show where he said he hated the fact that Disneyland was so close to the highway, he wanted WDW to have lots of room to keep the outside world out.


You are exactly right! :thumbsup2

Why do you think MK is the park that's furthest away from the big entrances? It's the anticipation of the drive in your car, bus, or monorail from the TTC.

According to the Modern Marvels episode featuring Disney World, the narrator said "Walt knew he could do better. And he vowed to" in regards to the fact that so many trashy hotels and fast food joints were opened on the highway so close to Disneyland.

So, when Walt decided to go ahead with the Florida Project, he wanted Guests to be completely detached from the outside world. Enter the transportation means to get to MK. The ferry, monorail, or resort bus.

Personally, I think it makes getting to MK even more magical. You can see the train station and the top of the Castle. As you get closer, the Castle is completely blocked until you walk under the train station and get to the center of Main Street. :goodvibes
In my Walt history babble I forgot to post mine!

- The Guests who stop in the middle of the walkways. Now, if it's just two people it's not too bad to maneuver around them. I get really ticked when it's a tour group. Such as our friends from South America. When I worked at WDW, I made friends with a lot of people from Brazil, Argentina and Peru, and they really were the nicest people. However, even THEY agreed that the tour groups were (for the most part) very, very rude!

- Cursing. I cannot STAND when anyone curses. Especially loud. Now, of course I'm sure we all go off in our heads and let the bombs fly. But I get really upset when I hear teens, young adults and even PARENTS cursing up a storm. it makes me so sad :sad2:
We have used a flash on POTC. We have looked and listened every time we have ridden the ride, now where is there a message posted or spoken that we could find or hear that indicated no flash photography.

When boarding ride, there is a pirate voice that says something like be considerate, no flash photography or external lighting allowed.

I also thought it was common knowledge that flash photography is not allowed on any ride that is dark.

I find it funny that you made a comment about rude Americans but yet you didn't think it was rude to light up a dark ride with flash photography?
-People who use their strollers as battering rams, with small children inside it.
-People who talk about 'adult things' while waiting in line surrounded by children.
-People who take their folded up stroller on the train to petting zoo island (forget the actual name) even though there are signs all over saying no strollers.
I find it funny that you made a comment about rude Americans but yet you didn't think it was rude to light up a dark ride with flash photography?

I made a statement regarding something I beleived to be a fact. I will be looking for this when we go in May.

I didn't make gereralized statements about people from another country or another culture or even Americans. What is perfectly acceptable in their society may not be in ours. It is no different here, things here may be perfectly acceptable, but when we go to another country and do that same thing it is seen as rude. Generalizing about a culture or group of people in a negative way is not appropriate or necessary. Remember these people are guests to our county and are choosing to spend their money here. We honestly should be lucky that they come.
This is easy. People who talk, take pictures (flash), or video (w/lighting) on attractions when you are NOT supposed to. I honestly thought I was in a lightning storm on POTC.

Me, too! I didn't think I had any Disney pet peeves until I saw this. All the flashes drive me CRAZY!!:mad:
I agree with the flash photography on any dark ride.

My pet peeves include people who insist on talking through the entire show or attraction. I can recite the opening to HM just like many other people, but I don't. I pay my money to enjoy the professional's sing the songs in the shows, not your off key version of it.

My other pet peeve are the people who have been waiting in line at the CS restaurants and when they get up to the cashier they finally ask their family...what do you want and no one has decided yet. Use your time in line to look at the menu or don't get in line until everyone knows what they want.
My pet peeve is actually against Disney itself.
When you go to the world showcase in Epcot, you go to Mexico and can buy Mexico items. The same with France, Britian, Italy etc, etc.

You go to the American Pavillion and you can't buy one stinking thing that is made in America :mad:
Come on Disney, you mean to tell me in this entire Country you can't find one Mom & pop shop that makes Tee shirts, wood works any thing.

Silly I know.
Good point! I never thought of it before:headache:
Must agree with the peeve about front row parade and firework viewing crashers.

Another - the people sitting an extra long time after eating at the counter service restaurants when many people with trays of food are wandering around looking for a table. I know how good it feels to be able to sit after all the park touring, but be considerate of the next family who would like to feed their kids (and have a brief rest too!).

We just ask if we can sit and eat, because we know darn well it will take 15-20 minutes for whoever to bring back their food. We even offered them our carrots we got. They happily obliged.
I've seen alot of pet peeves about people hitting ankles and heels with strollers.....

My pet peeve is those people who also don't look where they are going and run into a stroller that was moving in a straight line. Then they look at the person pushing the stroller like they were in the wrong. Um, no. Take some responsibility for your own feet, will ya? We try to be really careful about that because I wouldn't want my feet run over either.

NOw I have kids, but one major pet peeve are the kids (or adults) standing behind you in line who keep edging up like they think by breathing down my neck or bumping into me repeatedly will make the line move faster. Just where would you like me to go?
Folks who smoke in areas other than the areas set aside for that.

me too! i especially hate the people who smoke while walking and then the smoke hits you in the face because you are unlucky enough to be walking behind them! uhhh. they really should enforce the smoking sections more.
they really should enforce the smoking sections more.

True story, from less than two weeks ago, when I was staying at ASMu. A member of my party was an occasional smoker, so while in the lobby (getting sodas or whatever) I wanted to ask where the designated areas were, so that I'd be able to relay that information later when needed.

The most easily accessible CM I saw was actually a gentleman working at the DVC stand near the registration desk, so I asked him. (Remembering that CMs are always supposed to find your answer even if they don't know, and since he was at this resort, he probably knew anyway).

The answer I got? "I usually just tell people anywhere outside, as long as you're not too close to where there are a lot of other people."

In fairness, I should add that CMs at several other locations pointed me to actual areas, in some cases even providing a map, so I'm not sure how common of an answer this is, but still, that it happened at all leads me to believe it's probably not unique.

Now, while those of us who are well seasoned may be aware of designated smoking areas and all, I can imagine many others simply don't know. Clearly, enforcement is questionable at best, and that stinks. But, if a cast member gives an answer like that, I can't at all fault someone for doing as they're told. Of course that's not always the case, but you get the idea.
True story, from less than two weeks ago, when I was staying at ASMu. A member of my party was an occasional smoker, so while in the lobby (getting sodas or whatever) I wanted to ask where the designated areas were, so that I'd be able to relay that information later when needed.

The most easily accessible CM I saw was actually a gentleman working at the DVC stand near the registration desk, so I asked him. (Remembering that CMs are always supposed to find your answer even if they don't know, and since he was at this resort, he probably knew anyway).

The answer I got? "I usually just tell people anywhere outside, as long as you're not too close to where there are a lot of other people."

In fairness, I should add that CMs at several other locations pointed me to actual areas, in some cases even providing a map, so I'm not sure how common of an answer this is, but still, that it happened at all leads me to believe it's probably not unique.

Now, while those of us who are well seasoned may be aware of designated smoking areas and all, I can imagine many others simply don't know. Clearly, enforcement is questionable at best, and that stinks. But, if a cast member gives an answer like that, I can't at all fault someone for doing as they're told. Of course that's not always the case, but you get the idea.

yea i understand. i wish i could think of a way to fix it. maybe more smoking sections for smokers? or better signs? i dunno. hopefully i won't have to smell cigarette smoke the next time go..
I've seen alot of pet peeves about people hitting ankles and heels with strollers.....

My pet peeve is those people who also don't look where they are going and run into a stroller that was moving in a straight line. Then they look at the person pushing the stroller like they were in the wrong. Um, no. Take some responsibility for your own feet, will ya? We try to be really careful about that because I wouldn't want my feet run over either.


Try as I may to not hit anyone, there will always be someone who cuts right in front of a stroller at the last possible moment. This is especially bad in crowded areas/times like park closing. :sad2:
Smokers in a non smoking zone!

People that make rude comments about waiting to load a bus when the driver is trying to load or unload someone on a wheelchair. Come on people I bet that person would love to be able to walk/stand like you!!!

Parents that let their kids scream and scream and scream in a show instead of taking them outside so the rest of the people can enjoy the show. If your kid is having a major meltdown please do not push it on the rest of us.

Cursing in front of all the kids! Watch your language!


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