Your Guests Inviting "others" to come along too!

Some people, you give them an inch and they take the ruler from you and beat you with it.

I think probably about half the fault is yours for just being too nice to people, unfortunately.

If I were in your situation, and I never end up in your situation because I"m a cast iron you know what and have no problem telling people, sorry, no, you can't behave like a two year old, I'd just call everyone, tell them that due to work changes/conference rescheduling, the whole vacation's off, and then re-plan it from scratch with just you and dbf.

The more people you have with you on the vacation, the more exhausting it is, and that was with people we wanted to vacation with in the first place.
I feel your pain. I went through the whole guests inviting guests situation. Hope everything goes ok. Sending you some pixie dust... :wizard:
emsip said:
I feel your pain. I went through the whole guests inviting guests situation. Hope everything goes ok. Sending you some pixie dust... :wizard:
So what did you do? :teeth:

best wishes -
Reading these types of threads make me want to never, ever invite any family to come with us. Lucky for us, no one in our family seems to WANT to go to Disney, so I think we're safe. ;)
OK, this wasn't at Disney but, it is the same story. It is amazing what some people will do!

Last year my DSIL attended a conference that was located near a beach in Florida. She did not want to go alone so she called the only person that she knew that would be able to go at a moments notice... my step SIL (who by the way was only able to go at a moments notice because she is a good-for-nothing lazy stay at home wife, dropped out of High School, no college, no kids, and has never worked a day in her life. And she is really not a nice person!). A few days before they were suppose to leave, Step SIL called DSIL and announced that Step SIL #2 would be going too! And Oh by the Way, she would be bringing her daughter with her too!

They insisted that DSIL would have to drive since the gas was so expensive! (the room was covered until they suddenly had 4 people and DSIL had to pay the difference to upgrade to a bigger room!) Once they arrived they Step SILs decided that they would be staying in the bed room and that DSIL would sleep on the couch. The Step SILs were terrible to DSIL the entire time and the only reason they were there was because she invited them!!!

I told her that next time she was that desperate, she should call me, I will just take off work!

As for us inviting anyone anywhere with us...

We have a disclaimer attached that states, "If you don't want to do what we are doing or can't keep up then don't come with us!"

We have had several bad expierences because somehow we always end up inviting someone to go with us!
Well, I invited a married couple and their 7 year old daughter to join us this December (they have never been). All was fine but then they asked about a month later after I had booked HDDR,LTT and MVMCP if their oldest son could join us. Son is nice enough BUT has been in trouble numerous times and has been arrested several times. I reluctantly agreed and then rescheduled everything.
Well, now son has moved in with his girlfriend and they just assumed she could join the vacation. :confused3 Well, NO! I've never met her and even if I knew her well I certainly would not invite her. I tried to diplomatically state this and hopefully we have it all cleared up. Not to mention having to rebook things again...
I feel your pain!
Wow, until I read this thread I had no idea how many people would invite themselves along on other people's vacations!

To quote Jar Jar Binks: How Wude!
IMnotsohumbleO, for the next week or two you need to spend some time exercising. First thing each morning and then when you get home in the evening spend five minutes in front of the mirror. Take a deep breath and, from the diaphragm and chest, inunciate clearly:


Then repeat.
Wow!!! I, for one, would just tell everyone that things had changed, we're so very sorry, but no one will be able to be with us. We are just devastated. So sorry if this causes any problems but our hands are tied..yada, yada. You get the picture. I just can't imagine the hutzpah of some people...why in heaven's name would someone think it was okay to invite someone else on a trip you were invited on!!! I would un-invite the whole bunch and go and have a wonderful time myself (and dbf).
It's threads like this that make me glad I made the decision NOT to tell families and friends that I bought into DVC! Not even my kids know, I'm afraid they'll spill the beans ;)

My sister has already tried to invite herself, my BIL and my two nephews, whom I love dearly but are very, shall we say, rambunctious, on our upcoming trip. Keep in mind, this trip is to celebrate my husband coming home from Iraq. He's been gone a year and a half, and we want to spend time re-connecting as a FAMILY. These plans do not include my sister and her kids this time around, and she was a little less than understanding when I told her we just wanted to go on our own this year.

I can't imagine how upset she'd be if she found out we're staying in a two bedroom at VWL. Just imagine all the family fun we could have had! :earseek:

I'm sorry you're running into these problems on your upcoming trip. I hope it all works out for you. I know it doesn't help you this time around, but my advice in the future though is to keep the DVC a big secret :teeth:
Sorry, but I couldn't bear to read everyone's reply. I needed to stick my two cents in!! This is the height to rudeness!!! This happened to me once. Years ago (before joining DVC) I invited my DS and her DD to come to WDW with us. Weeks later she asks if it would be okay to invite her friend and her daughter. THE NERVE! DS knew that her friend's DD didn't like my DD. I said, no. She told me that she already asked her friend and she said yes. Needless to say, my DS went with her friend to WDW because I wouldn't budge. Since joining DVC my DS is about to make her 2nd trip with us...she doesn't ask to bring friends with her anymore! Your money, your points, your kindness. Don't get suckered into anything. Good luck!!
Yep me and hubby have decided not to let family know that we have bought into DVC either. We went on the tour and my dad knew that we went on it (he was vacationing with us when we went) and he asked if we bought it if he could use our points. I said sure, IF I am not using them and for a price :teeth:

But thankfully we aren't telling anyone.
I only get along with family when I am not there.

So I let my brother use my points once after 5 years or so.

I take my niece more often.

I have brought friends before.

but I don't know about future trips.

the last one - the girl (who I didn't know that well) only complainted the entire time. didn't once say how lovely everything was.....

I have brought friends that I knew well - and to say it politely they get jealous.

I am bringing friends again in Nov - but staying offsite this time. So I am hoping for less complaints.

next year I have two trips planned and they are both Solo!!!!
We must be lucky - we actually ask people to go with us and as often as not they say no

Maybe we are not liked???

Not sure which is worse - attracting flies or repelling???


:confused3're going to be rich from everyone pitching in their $.02.....and here goes mine:

Invitee #1 needs to be uninvited. PERIOD! Think about it....there are so many red flags here: 1) she doesn't consult you first before mentioning to BF about coming along 2) she obviously has not picked a winner for a bf in the first place...unemployed druggie (or former druggie...which is an oxymoron)......Not only that, but she'd rather take him to WDW instead of her kids??? I don't know how well you know or like this person, but she has not exercised common sense so far. If you take here along, she is just going to be bitter or complain. I don't even think I'd offer to find them a place for themselves because it seems obvious that you don't want to hang around him anyway.

Just tell her that 3 adults in a studio is a squeeze, but 4 would just be too many....especially someone you don't know and have never met. If she asks about Invitee #2, tell her that is for a different week and it's a good friend of DBF's that you know well. If you need to go further, explain that he get's to invite ONE friend for one week and you get to invite ONE for the other.

As for invitee #2....that's a totally different situation b/c her maternal instinct is kicking in and doesn't want to leave her baby behind (unlike #1)....and quite possibly, her husband is not looking towards full-time-baby-duty-with-no-repreive. I wouldn't ask DBF to talk her out of bringing baby. Being a parent of a infant can be stressful and mentioning separation would create more stress. Welcome the baby and just make her aware of your early hours and need for sleep. Maybe, you could look into staying at a mod or value with adjoining rooms in that case or see if you can get a 1BR at OKW for cash...or just add on ;) if you need the points.

Don't mean to sound harsh, but #1 seems to be bad news and would definitely would add stress to YOUR vacation.
I haven't even told certain people in my life that I became a DVC member, and your tale reminds me why I did that.
This thread just reaffirms my decision not to tell anyone else about owning DVC...jeesh the nerve of some people. I'd be embarrassed to invite someone else along on an invitation I'd been given.
This is bad news :earseek: and we haven't even talked about annoying habits some people have that would make you want to shoot them dead! We invited a wonderful young woman along with us last summer. We have known her and her family all her life, wonderful people, very Disney, a perfect fit...except that she lived with her cell phone to her ear, even took it into the bathroom with her!! She called her family back home with minute by minute up-dates of her vacation: "Mom, guess where I'm walking now? TO THE BUS STOP!! And now I'm sitting on a bench at the bus stop." etc. It ceased to be cute after the first hour or so, and was downright annoying by nightfall. She talked with people back in Michigan, but she never talked to us, and we were in the same room...

No, I really think that you have to figure that anyone you invite along, no matter how terrific they are, will be a jerk while on your vacation. If you have the urge to share the Magic, tell your loved ones to whack you hard on your head until the urge passes... :goodvibes
Cruelladeville said:
This is bad news :earseek: and we haven't even talked about annoying habits some people have that would make you want to shoot them dead! We invited a wonderful young woman along with us last summer. We have known her and her family all her life, wonderful people, very Disney, a perfect fit...except that she lived with her cell phone to her ear, even took it into the bathroom with her!! She called her family back home with minute by minute up-dates of her vacation: "Mom, guess where I'm walking now? TO THE BUS STOP!! And now I'm sitting on a bench at the bus stop." etc. It ceased to be cute after the first hour or so, and was downright annoying by nightfall. She talked with people back in Michigan, but she never talked to us, and we were in the same room...

No, I really think that you have to figure that anyone you invite along, no matter how terrific they are, will be a jerk while on your vacation. If you have the urge to share the Magic, tell your loved ones to whack you hard on your head until the urge passes... :goodvibes


Quick update: I told my friend that her boyfriend couldn't come along. I did, however, suggest that maybe she and her new bf could always make plans to go down and get their own accommodations and that it would be a great time for her to take her kids too. However, I made sure to add that I was out of points for the year so I couldn't book her a DVC stay (which is true, I've rented all my current year points and I'm not going to borrow from next year). I have a feeling though that if she ends up still wanting to go w/o her bf that she'll end up like cruella's guest and stay on the phone the whole time. At which point we'll just end up leaving her and going on our own. We have no problem doing our own thing and will still enjoy ourselves. :teeth:

As for my dbf's friend, we haven't heard anything else from her about going so I'm not even sure she is still planning to go. We figure we won't mention it anymore and see if she brings it back up.


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