Your life just fell apart & came back together,what are you going to do next? TR UP!


modern mouseketeer
May 5, 2008
Well of course the answer is, I'm going to Disney World!!

Some of you may know me, some of you may not. My name is Jenn, but I go by inkedupmomma. What is an inkedupmomma you ask? She is me, who is full of tattoos aka ink ;)

BUT, you don't care about that, do you? You want to know what the heck my PTR title means! At least I hope you do, cause that was my goal!

OK, so for those of you that know me, you know the story, for those of you who don't, buckle your seatbelts, and break out the box of tissues!

This past January out of the blue my fiance and father of my son up and left me. To add insult to injury, he cheated on me, with my friend:headache::scared1::sick: We were together for almost 7 years, and had complete life. We had gone to WDW in September 2009, and he proposed in Epcot. Why did he do that you ask?? NO CLUE! After he left I fell apart for well over a month. I stopped eating, started heavily smoking, and just was a zombie pretty much. I honestly do not recall much from that time, which is probably best. Thank God for friends, family and awesome Disers! Ok, and sleeping pills lol! The worse part was trying to be a good mom through all of that. I can not say I was. They saw me through the worse thing they could have ever seen. I did get help and start seeing a therapist, and tried to work things out with John. He refused. Said he never loved me, never wanted a family, he just thought he did. I begged for a month for him to come back. Finally I gave up and tried to get myself back together for my kids. Slowly but surely I got a little bit better. In case you are wondering, the kids were devastated, but did so well. It is amazing how kids can bounce back from such a tragedy. They were my rocks and little angels!

So that is the story of how my life fell apart. I won't lie, it made me sad to type that all out. It sucked, and I can't believe it really happened.


My life came back together! As I said, I went to therapy and slowly but surely got a little better each day. Well, maybe not better, but I at least started eating a nibble here and there! Eventually February rolled around, and that is my birthday month. Oh, and yes, Valentines day blew. My BFF from highschool [who I have always had a crush on, and flirted with] came up to visit me on my birthday. So many people wanted me to go out, and they just couldn't understand that I didn't want to go out. What I did want was my BFF and a bottle of booze!

I knew he wouldn't pressure me to go out, and he wouldn't be mad that i wasn't all smiles and happy! He would listen if thats what I needed, he would cry with me if that is what I needed, or he would act like a nut job if that is what I needed! He came to my house and I was misery central! Finally he said, you HAVE to eat. I'm taking you out for dinner! Next thing I know, he says we are going to the melting pot ( it is seriously my fav over priced cook your own food place!) It was such a nice night, and I finally felt like myself for the first time in a LONG time. I ate, I had yummy ice creamy martinis, I laughed! All thing I hadn't done in lord knows how long! The rest of the night was also a blast. We played the new Super Mario brothers, drank,played board games,drank watched a horror flick,drank and then we went to bed, and he just held me so tight like nothing I have ever felt before.

It was the best birthday I have ever had! The next morning I woke up to him gently playing with my hair, and THAT is when I did the unthinkable. I looked up at his beautiful face and gave him the kiss I have wanted to give him for 13 years! None of you know me in real life, but if you did, you would know I am the most shy, prude girl..although I don't act that way lol So for ME to kiss HIM, well wow, it took every piece of guts I ever had or will have! [pray that I never need guts again!] Afterwards, he said, I was wondering when you were gonna do that!:love: I instantly turned red, and could not believe what i had just done..more importantly I couldn't believe he kissed me back and said those words! We always flirted, but he is/was kinda flirty by nature with me. Now I know why. I NEVER in a million years would have thought a guy like him would go for me. I happen to think he is the sexiest thing known to man, and I happen to not have good self yeah, never thought I had a chance. But Sometimes, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale!!

I swear to you, all of this, the good, the bad, the ugly is true.

So, that is the explanation of my title! Hope it lived up to your expectations! I am sure you are wondering where WDW fits into all of this! Well, sadly I have a headache, so that will have to wait until later, along with the who, when, what, and where!

I have some house stuff to do, and gonna pop some alieve, hopefully I'll be back on later with another update!

INTROS!! (Hey look at snazzy me, thanks Ronmel for showing me how to make links!!!)
What an amazingly sweet story (well, the good part obviously, sorry about the sad part.) ::goodvibes
Can't wait to read more.
So, make with the plans already! I KNOW that you have them showed them to me. ;):rolleyes1:lmao:

I'm so excited for you guys being able to stay nearly 2 weeks. I know that you'll have a blast. You have to be sure to take a TON of pictures to share.
Oh count me in! Any story involving a new, fun romance and Disney has me hooked :lovestruc
What a wonderful story. Sometimes in the inky blackness there is a light that comes shining thru. I love real stories.
I'm in! Lots of prayers were being said for you during that whole ordeal, and I'm so happy that you have come out on the other side better than ever! :thumbsup2
Wow Jenn.

What an amazing story.

I am so glad everything worked out for you and now have an amazing guy in your life :lovestruc

I can't wait to read all the Disney details next :wizard:
Woo Hoo...I'm first! :woohoo::woohoo:

I'm second (I think). :)
:rotfl:You two are FUNNY!!!!

What an amazingly sweet story (well, the good part obviously, sorry about the sad part.) ::goodvibes
Can't wait to read more.
Thank you! and thank you for joining in! The rest of the story is also just as sweet! promise!

I love real people with real stories. I am so in! :goodvibes
I am definitely real.. a little too real perhaps! and I have pictures and old TR's you can check on here:rotfl:

I'm here! I'm here! :hug:
:banana: :banana: :banana:
I loves you!

So, make with the plans already! I KNOW that you have them showed them to me. ;):rolleyes1:lmao:

I'm so excited for you guys being able to stay nearly 2 weeks. I know that you'll have a blast. You have to be sure to take a TON of pictures to share.
Yes I do! I have been trying to wait til at least a year out from the trip.. But I need something to life my spirits and waiting til next year!

Oh count me in! Any story involving a new, fun romance and Disney has me hooked :lovestruc
all us disers are romantics at hear! hard not to be after all the princess movies we have seen!!

What a wonderful story. Sometimes in the inky blackness there is a light that comes shining thru. I love real stories.
That is EXACTLY how I felt, suddenly a light was turned on! I'm still in awe about my own story, trust me!

I'm in! Lots of prayers were being said for you during that whole ordeal, and I'm so happy that you have come out on the other side better than ever! :thumbsup2
I know you prayed for me :) and I love you for that, and will be eternally grateful to you, and the rest of my dis pals who were so supportive during that time! you guys rock!


I'm in.

Now off to read :surfweb:

Would love to read more!
I'm working on it! Thanks for joining in!

Wow Jenn.

What an amazing story.

I am so glad everything worked out for you and now have an amazing guy in your life :lovestruc

I can't wait to read all the Disney details next :wizard:

I'm so glad for me too.. is that egocentric?? lol! I have never felt the feelings I feel now. I Like them, and I can't even imagine how life will turn out now. All I know is I'm excited as all get out! Thanks for being a loyal reader :)
OK, wow, I didn't expect such a response! Thank you all for joining in!!

This truly is a love story. My love story. Never in my life would I have thought I would say those words either! I loved my ex, but I never felt that fire. But, I had a baby with him, and I had had a child from a previous relationship (well don't I sound classy:rolleyes: ) So yeah, I loved him, but was never in love with him fully. At least not the way I had always wanted to feel in love. We just weren't right for each other, and when you know, you know! The whole year before I had wanted to split up, and we did have bad fights and leave for a day twice, but I always begged for him to come back. After all, being with someone is better than being a lone, right?? NO, NO, NO, the answer is NO!! It took me a long time, and him dumping me flat on my butt to realize this! I feel like an idiot when I look back, and I am sad for the old me. But hey, time heals all wounds!

The ex and I try to get along now. I have forgiven him for everything, and would REALLY love a Gilmore girls type relationship with him. He however, can't stand me!! Funny considering he screwed me over. But again, time heals all wounds. We have a good custody arrangement, and we are very nice to each other for the kids sake. Hopefully soon, he will get over his anger. To be honest, having a break from the kids, is probably the best thing that has happened to me too! I feel like I have more me time, which I never had before! and for the first time, I get to enjoy my boyfriend without kids! I had my DD when I was 19, so I grew up VERY fast, and never got to do what most couples do. Like have one on one time all the time. Sure I had nights here and there where I went out with John, But my life was my baby girl. Don't get me wrong, I am NOT complaining about that, but being able to have a date night with my current boyfriend, well, it feels like someone handed me a million dollars. I wouldn't trade our alone time for anything! I finally feel like an adult. I also feel like a better mom when I have a break from them!

On a kinda sad note, due to the break up, I had to cancel the Disney trip I had planned for this upcoming September :( This more than anything broke the kids and I hearts!

Anywho, enough with the love story mush and the old love story saddness! and onto the introductions of the cast and possible cast!! I'll explain that part later!

ME!!! Awesome me! Hahhaa, again, I am Jenn, I celebrated my first annual 29th birthday this past february, and have no intentions of aging from that point on:rotfl: I enjoy scrap booking, well, buying the supplies anyway..can't say I've actually made a book yet. BUT soon! I also love needle pointing punk rock designs, getting tattooed, dising, video gaming, baking and anything that involves food or fun, or even better both! I am the main Disney planner, but no longer the only planner! My favorite princess is Snow White, and I cried in 2009 when I finally met her. No clue why, but I did. My favorite Disney but not fully Disney figures are NMBC. I love love loveeeeee NMBC! You have no clue. Obsessed. but in reality I love all the characters, and I find it difficult to pick just one! Oh, and as if 2 kids of my own isn't enough, I also work as a nanny!! I have a little boy named Noah, who as of this September, I will have been watching for 3 years! He was 7 weeks old when I first started watching him! He's my pseudo son!!

On another positive note, since John and I broke up, I have lost over 40lbs!! I look better and feel better! If you look up my old Tr's you should be able to see a difference in my weight! All pics I have posted thus far are of the skinnier me:yay: Speaking of pictures, again, this is me..minus my glasses which you will rarely see me without!


Oh theres that smile again.. told you, I always smile like my face may explode lol especially lately :)

Next up, we have:

Bob aka lover bean aka bean or babe. He just turned 30, and is my knight in shining armor! We have been BFF since fate brought us together in high school! [ thats a good story, i'll save that one for later ] I have invited him on every Disney trip I have ever been on, cause as luck wold have it, he LOVES disney world! He also LOVES kids, and has always been amazing to both my children and played a huge part in their lives! If he had it his way, he would have 8 kids of his own...never happening..not with me anyways:lmao: He has been to WDW a few times with his own family, but the last time was when he was 17 and joined his dad on a business trip. He did the parks solo. He adores all things technical, and nerdy :lovestruc Since the last time he went was so long ago, there is a LOT he as not seen or heard of! He has never been to AKL, never been on Soarin, didn't even know Disney had so many resorts! So yeah, there is a lot for him to learn! Oh, and he LOVES food! That skinny boy can eat like it is nobodies business, so he is beyond excited about this disney dining plan thing ;) To make this beautiful man even better, he has started Dising while at work :love: WHAT.. a man on the disboards..wahta?? a guy I'm with that devoted to planning this trip!! I cold die! Anywho, man of most disney woman lovings dreams is a nurse, and his favorite character is Goofy! He a thrill ride kind of guy, but also loves the cheesy rides like IASW just as much! He is always super fun, and has the best sense of humor of any human I have ever met. Going to WDW with him is a dream come true for me! He is like a 30 year old kid most times, but an adult exactly when I need him to be..what more could a girl like me ask for?? Did I mention, he was the one who said we are doing a disney trip??:love::cloud9:

Next up is:

Kayla aka Kk, aka Kaybooky! She is my beautiful, smart and proud to be nerdy DD! She is OBSESSED with Disney world and has decided she want s to be an imagineer when she grows up :cloud9: She is 9, soon to be 10..and I can't believe that! I swear I blinked and she was all grownup! She is kinda in that tween stage but still ridiculously naive and child like. She is much like Peter Pan and says she never wants to grow up! What can I say, shes awesome sauce! Speaking of Peter Pan, her favorite character is Tik..and man is she just like Tink! tiny and full of attitude lol She is also obsessed with the Muppets and anything Jim Henson! After that she is a die hard NMBC fan as well! She has decided that she WILL be helping plan this trip, and has started her very own research! Did I mention she helped plan her bff's trp to WDW last year! The mom couldn't believe how helpful and Disney knowledgeable my 9 year old was. She said, you guys REALLY are Disney die hards:thumbsup2 Yes, yes we are! This picture of Kayla describes her to a T. She is kooky, crazy, and super silly fun!

Next Up is my baby boy!

Jack! aka doodle bear, aka ooka wooka wut butt, aka OMG I make up a new for him every day! Yes, his name is Jack.. can you guess why?? Mommy loved a certain Tim Burton movie quite a bit! Also, I think it is an awesome manly name! It is very old school, and he is an old soul. He is also my undiagnosed adhd child. I know it is not funny to say such tings, but it is true. He is a CRAZY man. and at times makes me want to cry. When he is not being the hardest thin I have ever encountered in my life, he is a pile of mush and love bug. He LOVES WDW and asks almost daily when we are going back! Most days I catch him singing yo ho yo ho, a pirates life for me. Funny, cause his favorite movie is NMBC, guess that tune is just catchy! Aside from NMBC, his two favorites are Toy Story and Monsters Inc! and hes just starting to get into that very boy stage of super heroes and stuff! He is 4, and starts a full day Pre-K program this fall! I am hoping through that it will calm him down, as I do not want to medicate! He is super smart, and funny as heck when he wants to be. No one can make me laugh so hard one min then cry so hard the next LOL! He is my wild man :)

The last person in our lil family is our Puppy Riley!! Well, actually, he is Bobs dog. Bob took on my two kiddies and I took on a fur baby :) Oddly enough, my Jack was supposed to be named Riley! Jack and Riley were the two names I had in my head up until the day he was born! Isn't that odd! This dog is the animal version of my son Jack! I kid you not..if jack were a dog he would be Riley, if Riley were a human boy he would be Jack! I like to call him a.d.d. dog :rotfl: He is FULL of life and energy, and quite frankly the part of my heart that I didn't know was missing! he is SO good with my kids and just an all around great snuggle puppy, which is his nick name! He is not coming t WDW with us, but I had to include him! If he was a Disney Character, he would be tigger!

Yes, this dog loves to get dressed up!

I have more intros, but I need to go eat some food! I'm still nursing a terrible headache that I have had for 3 days now :(

I'll leave you with a recent picture of us all together as one big happy familia! and of course an awesome pic of the two biggest loves of my lives!


now aint that a picture perfect family picture..minus Jack looking super confused lol


This is from September 2009 at the Poly beach.. my favorite pic of them of all times! I just had to throw it in here somewhere!
Great update, Jenn. And I love the picture of you and the kids with Bob at the Mini-Golf place. Let me tell you, I've NEVER seen you look happier and more relaxed. :)

And I love the Poly pic of the kids--it was my favorite when you posted it hte first time around.
Great update, Jenn. And I love the picture of you and the kids with Bob at the Mini-Golf place. Let me tell you, I've NEVER seen you look happier and more relaxed. :)

And I love the Poly pic of the kids--it was my favorite when you posted it hte first time around.

thank you thank you thank you! I never knew what true love meant. never believed in it i get it, and this is what happened when I got it:idea: It is marvelous! I have NEVER been happier or felt more relaxed. It is such an amazing feeling, a feeling that I hope everyone gets to feel at least once in their lives! Even the people I don't like lol!

I love that pic too!! I post it anywhere and everywhere I get a chance :rotfl: Gotta thank Jophia for that one! It was from the photo shoot they so kindly invited us to last year :flower3:

Thanks again for joining in!
That picture of the kids is great! I love how you can see the castle in the background!
Wow! We have so much in common. I was with the same guy for over 10 years (since high school), even got married to him, but it wasn't until the very end that I realized that we didn't really love each other. We were more like great friends. A year after I got seperated I met this AWESOME and SWEET guy. He has shown me what being in love truly means, and I couldn't be happier. You can always check my PTR to learn more about our wedding and Disneymoon plans. :lovestruc

Other ways we are alike: I'm also 29, have a few tattoos, LOVE Disney and planning trips, buying scrapbooking stuff :rotfl:(I did make a book for our last Disney trip, but have SO much more books to make). Also somewhat similar, though backward, is that my fiance brought his DD (11) to the relationship, while I brought my two fur babies (cats). :upsidedow

You are so lucky to be going to AKL!! Looks like the most beautiful resort.


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