"You're going to Disney AGAIN??"

Closet Disney Junkie

Earning My Ears
May 17, 2013
Anyone else out there feel like a leper amongst their social group &/or family for loving Disney so much? My fiancee and I have a fairly strong Disney addiction after rediscovering the parks 2 yrs ago post a 20 some-odd year hiatus. We're going this October and it will be our 4th trip in the 2 yrs, and after news got out that we were going to the parks again I've been the subject of some jokes and snickers. I've got a fairly thick skin and my friends and I are used to busting each others' chops, but sometimes the accumulation becomes annoying and I start second-guessing my sanity!

I suppose I'm not the most common demographic for Disney park-goers: early-30's with no kids, my wife-to-be says I'm prone to being a "frat boy" & not in a good way haha. & I understand where my friends are coming from: if you told me 3 yrs ago that I would be in this situation I would think you're crazy. My travel before Disney consisted of going to third world countries, living out of a backpack and going off beaten path. I now understand that travelling the world, being very active, and loving Disney are not necessarily mutually exclusive characteristics in a person.

I'm not sure what I'm looking for with this post. Just hoping that there are some like-minded individuals who can sympathize with my situation.

I'm sure u will find many people here whose family and friends don't understand. U either love disney, hate disney, feel just so so about disney or could care less either way. In a perfect world everyone would love disney as we do. When I hear "u r going again?" I just say yup and don't elaborate. When they ask me why I go there so much or why don't I try something new I just say why?? I've already found my dream vacation destination..why do I have to look elsewhere. I sometimes go 4-6 times a year. I just don't care what others think about it. I love Disney...they can go do whatever they love and leave it alone. Have a great trip and get to planning the next one!
I'm sure u will find many people here whose family and friends don't understand. U either love disney, hate disney, feel just so so about disney or could care less either way. In a perfect world everyone would love disney as we do. When I hear "u r going again?" I just say yup and don't elaborate. When they ask me why I go there so much or why don't I try something new I just say why?? I've already found my dream vacation destination..why do I have to look elsewhere. I sometimes go 4-6 times a year. I just don't care what others think about it. I love Disney...they can go do whatever they love and leave it alone. Have a great trip and get to planning the next one!

Thanks for sharing your own experience. I'm still trying to find the best way to deal with it, but putting too much stock into what ppl think is def not the way to go. & it's def not going to stop me from planning that next one ;)
Thanks for sharing your own experience. I'm still trying to find the best way to deal with it, but putting too much stock into what ppl think is def not the way to go. & it's def not going to stop me from planning that next one ;)

Nope it isn't and u won't chg their minds. I tried that and am over it. Now every time I go I just feel like I know a secret they don't. Disney rocks!!
I've been going annually for the last 4 years. Prior to that the family only went every 2-3 years. DW thinks any less than 3 years is overkill so I've gone solo the last 3 times, which is fine with me as I'm having a good time and she isn't bored.

I don't care what anyone else thinks. It's my free time and if I'm having fun then that is good enough for me. I go on my favorite rides as many times as I want, eat when I'm hungry, visit whatever park feels right at the time, and just let the inner child come out.
I've been going annually for the last 4 years. Prior to that the family only went every 2-3 years. DW thinks any less than 3 years is overkill so I've gone solo the last 3 times, which is fine with me as I'm having a good time and she isn't bored.

I don't care what anyone else thinks. It's my free time and if I'm having fun then that is good enough for me. I go on my favorite rides as many times as I want, eat when I'm hungry, visit whatever park feels right at the time, and just let the inner child come out.

Lol I love the unapologetic attitude. Life's short, do what you want where you want.
I get the same. Went on a family trip in 2007. Got super involved in the planning aspect and then..it was over. I went solo in 2008... Have gone every year since....with family, with like minded friends and solo.... I get - your going again? From lots of folks but like pp- I do not care. My vacation, my choice, my fun. I also like to visit other countries but it requires so much planning and learning new phrases in other languages...hard to explain that planning a Disney trip is relaxing in comparison ( even with FP +)! You have my sympathy!
I hear you RE visiting other countries (although I'm Cdn so technically Disney = international trip haha). In my 20's I made it a priority to make my vacations unconventional, but as I'm getting older the idea of popping Imodium like skittles isn't as appealing! That's not to say I'm old or am giving up other travel forever, in fact we just did the Inca trail/Machu Picchu last yr and are doing Korea/Indonesia/Japan next spring, with the mandatory stop at Tokyo Disney of course! But to be honest I'm starting to prefer the familiarity and magic of Disney over cool FB pics. Like you said, "My vacation, my choice!"
What I tell people is:
Whoever pays the piper calls the music.
:rockband: :charac2: :mic: :music:
If your family wants you to go on a vacation and they are willing to pay for it, go and have a great time on them. If you are paying for the trip you go where and when you choose to go.
We are at the point we just don't tell people we are going hehe.
The funny thing is that I was the Disney nut. Now whenever we are planning a trip my husband asks if we can go to Disney. I am the one who says no we need to do other things and see new places.
I grew up going with my family and did the college program. My husband had only been twice in his life before we went for my birthday 2 months after we started dating (he came to visit me in college in St.Augustine and my mom surprised me with her DVC points and free park tickets which she sent in a bag with him on the plane.) He was NOT excited to be spending my adult birthday at Disney World running around theme parks. Tinkerbell must've sprinkled some extra pixie dust that night as she flew from the castle because he loved every minute of it and I've been enjoying my fairytale life.
That was 7 years ago. Since then: got engaged at CRT, ran the Disney marathon the next day, numerous Disney races, trips to Disneyland California, just got back from our 2nd time at Disneyland paris, 2 Disney cruises, married at the wedding pavilion, and if I had to put a number on how many times we've been to Disney World together in the last 7 years I'd say 35 (and that's very conservative).
My job makes it doable: I work for southwest. We own DVC. We've had annual passes. Disney is almost like a "free" vacation to us because its no direct out of pocket expenses when we go except food.
We are travelers. Haven't quite ventured out and done the 3rd world backpacking thing; we are more sail through the Caribbean beach people. The trip we just went on though we flew into Frankfurt, drove to Paris and stayed a couple days in the city, went to Disneyland, then flew to Venice. It was awesome and Paris is one of our favorite cities. But it was exhausting. Maybe it was our 1-year old who didn't understand time change and went to sleep every morning at 2am because to him it was his regular bedtime. Maybe it was going out and having to explore new sights and walk - a lot. But Disney is just so easy. And familiar. And wonderful. And I can go into the bakery in France grab a baguette and REAL orange soda and take a short walk to Italy without having to brave an international airport trying to fly standby when I don't speak the language and I can read all the signs.
Living in FL, I've grown up going to Disney at least once a year, but usually 2-3 times. Me and my BF bought annual passes and we've booked 6 trips this year. This probably sounds like overkill even here on the DIS, but we never get tired! We always try a new resort, new restaurants, etc. I kinda feel like I should travel to other places but I always seem to go back to WDW. New cultural experiences? Why when I can visit any country at the world showcase? Okay, now I just sound crazy... ;)

But really: my coworkers and family think I'm insane. We're also college students so it's a little hard to find someone on campus with similar interests since most students are just into frat parties and drinking. But I work at a school, so at least the kids understand my obsession! :)
My first WDW trip is next year. I have been to DL before and next year's trip will be my 3rd cruise with DCL. I am worried that I am going to end up like all the PP which is a problem because the flights from Australia are so expensive. I have enough of a travel addiction without adding a disney one.

I don't advertise the disney inclusions in my recent international trips as a lot of people don't understand but if they ask I tell them. While I never did much of the developing country backpacking I have done a lot of travel for my age (almost 30). The appeal of disney is the ease of it all. I am tired a lot these days from a busy lifestyle and I love the fact that Disney can be as energy consuming or as relaxing as you want it to be. I love going interesting exotic places too but for now a vacation is what I want and that is different to going travelling. Disney is better than just normal resort style trips as there are so many more entertainment options and it is all easy and well organised.

I think if you want to spend your travel budget on disney and that makes you happy then go for it.
I just booked my second solo trip for next year. Went for the first time (solo) this september and told everyone I didn't know when I'd get another chance to go...... apparently it's September 2015......
My first WDW trip is next year. I have been to DL before and next year's trip will be my 3rd cruise with DCL. I am worried that I am going to end up like all the PP which is a problem because the flights from Australia are so expensive. I have enough of a travel addiction without adding a disney one.

I don't advertise the disney inclusions in my recent international trips as a lot of people don't understand but if they ask I tell them. While I never did much of the developing country backpacking I have done a lot of travel for my age (almost 30). The appeal of disney is the ease of it all. I am tired a lot these days from a busy lifestyle and I love the fact that Disney can be as energy consuming or as relaxing as you want it to be. I love going interesting exotic places too but for now a vacation is what I want and that is different to going travelling. Disney is better than just normal resort style trips as there are so many more entertainment options and it is all easy and well organised.

I think if you want to spend your travel budget on disney and that makes you happy then go for it.

I like your comparison of Disney trips to resort trips ... ppl go to Mexico or the islands multiple times a year and their friends/family don't think twice about it. To me all-inclusive vacations are a big waste of time, esp if you don't leave the resort, but for certain ppl that's their idea of a vacation and I never think to judge them based on that. Different strokes ....
We are at the point we just don't tell people we are going hehe.
The funny thing is that I was the Disney nut. Now whenever we are planning a trip my husband asks if we can go to Disney. I am the one who says no we need to do other things and see new places.
I grew up going with my family and did the college program. My husband had only been twice in his life before we went for my birthday 2 months after we started dating (he came to visit me in college in St.Augustine and my mom surprised me with her DVC points and free park tickets which she sent in a bag with him on the plane.) He was NOT excited to be spending my adult birthday at Disney World running around theme parks. Tinkerbell must've sprinkled some extra pixie dust that night as she flew from the castle because he loved every minute of it and I've been enjoying my fairytale life.
That was 7 years ago. Since then: got engaged at CRT, ran the Disney marathon the next day, numerous Disney races, trips to Disneyland California, just got back from our 2nd time at Disneyland paris, 2 Disney cruises, married at the wedding pavilion, and if I had to put a number on how many times we've been to Disney World together in the last 7 years I'd say 35 (and that's very conservative).
My job makes it doable: I work for southwest. We own DVC. We've had annual passes. Disney is almost like a "free" vacation to us because its no direct out of pocket expenses when we go except food.
We are travelers. Haven't quite ventured out and done the 3rd world backpacking thing; we are more sail through the Caribbean beach people. The trip we just went on though we flew into Frankfurt, drove to Paris and stayed a couple days in the city, went to Disneyland, then flew to Venice. It was awesome and Paris is one of our favorite cities. But it was exhausting. Maybe it was our 1-year old who didn't understand time change and went to sleep every morning at 2am because to him it was his regular bedtime. Maybe it was going out and having to explore new sights and walk - a lot. But Disney is just so easy. And familiar. And wonderful. And I can go into the bakery in France grab a baguette and REAL orange soda and take a short walk to Italy without having to brave an international airport trying to fly standby when I don't speak the language and I can read all the signs.

Sounds amazing! Disney Paris is def on the radar. I love the fact that Disney has these international parks so you can do combo vacations
My first WDW trip is next year. I have been to DL before and next year's trip will be my 3rd cruise with DCL. I am worried that I am going to end up like all the PP which is a problem because the flights from Australia are so expensive. I have enough of a travel addiction without adding a disney one.

I don't advertise the disney inclusions in my recent international trips as a lot of people don't understand but if they ask I tell them. While I never did much of the developing country backpacking I have done a lot of travel for my age (almost 30). The appeal of disney is the ease of it all. I am tired a lot these days from a busy lifestyle and I love the fact that Disney can be as energy consuming or as relaxing as you want it to be. I love going interesting exotic places too but for now a vacation is what I want and that is different to going travelling. Disney is better than just normal resort style trips as there are so many more entertainment options and it is all easy and well organised.

I think if you want to spend your travel budget on disney and that makes you happy then go for it.

& have an amazing time on your first WDW trip! The florida park is unique in that it's so huge that you can completely immerse yourself in everything Disney. Nothing quite like it!
Living in FL, I've grown up going to Disney at least once a year, but usually 2-3 times. Me and my BF bought annual passes and we've booked 6 trips this year. This probably sounds like overkill even here on the DIS, but we never get tired! We always try a new resort, new restaurants, etc. I kinda feel like I should travel to other places but I always seem to go back to WDW. New cultural experiences? Why when I can visit any country at the world showcase? Okay, now I just sound crazy... ;)

But really: my coworkers and family think I'm insane. We're also college students so it's a little hard to find someone on campus with similar interests since most students are just into frat parties and drinking. But I work at a school, so at least the kids understand my obsession! :)

It's tough to quit once you've sampled the Kool-aid! Plus the world is so huge you can prob go every day and always notice something new. I've got a feeling I'll be going until I'm old & gray! Well, older & grayer =P
I just booked my second solo trip for next year. Went for the first time (solo) this september and told everyone I didn't know when I'd get another chance to go...... apparently it's September 2015......

Have never had the opportunity to do a solo trip but hopefully if it ever came up, I would have the cojones to go through with it! Have an awesome time on your trip!
Funny, I've recently reçeived comments from people going to Cuba, mexico and dominican republic every year (to me it's always the same thing... Beach) and my answer was:

Every trip is different enough and familiar enough. It makes me happy and I'll go again and again as long as it makes me happy.
Anyone else out there feel like a leper amongst their social group &/or family for loving Disney so much? My fiancee and I have a fairly strong Disney addiction after rediscovering the parks 2 yrs ago post a 20 some-odd year hiatus. We're going this October and it will be our 4th trip in the 2 yrs, and after news got out that we were going to the parks again I've been the subject of some jokes and snickers. I've got a fairly thick skin and my friends and I are used to busting each others' chops, but sometimes the accumulation becomes annoying and I start second-guessing my sanity! I suppose I'm not the most common demographic for Disney park-goers: early-30's with no kids, my wife-to-be says I'm prone to being a "frat boy" & not in a good way haha. & I understand where my friends are coming from: if you told me 3 yrs ago that I would be in this situation I would think you're crazy. My travel before Disney consisted of going to third world countries, living out of a backpack and going off beaten path. I now understand that travelling the world, being very active, and loving Disney are not necessarily mutually exclusive characteristics in a person. I'm not sure what I'm looking for with this post. Just hoping that there are some like-minded individuals who can sympathize with my situation. Thanks!
I can definitely sympathize! I'm early 30s, single with no kids, and I'm Disney obsessed right now! My first trip was back in 1997 and I didn't go again until 2012. After that, I returned the following year and then again this year for a solo trip which was my best trip yet! So now I'm anxiously awaiting next May to find out when I can book my Fall 2015 Disney trip! I look at Disney websites and YouTube videos all the time. It seems like trip planning is a yearlong activity for me, but I really enjoy it! There's still so much left to see and do...

Anyway, I feel your pain and you're not alone. :)


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