Zero Forky's Given - An August 2019 Dining Report - Completed 8/18

Hope you found your 🎄and got breakfast too. We got ours today at our town's Fire Company. Waiting for them to deliver it to our home.
Thanks we did get her home thanks to this stellar crew. They certainly could have used the help of the Fire Company.

Can you imagine the story my grandson would be telling his friends in a few years- "my Granny knit me a drunken, off his face elf who's an absolute lightweight when it comes to alcohol but she says it's ok as it was coming up to Christmas and everyone has "that 1 friend"! :rotfl2:
Is it strange that I can imagine that from an Irish lad :drinking1

Love a man who can not only cook but sew as well!:worship:
My dad darned our gloves, socks and woolly tights when they needed it. Think he learn't out of necessity as a child during the war years when it was a case of make do and mend.
I'm not sure how or when Jason learned to sew but it certainly comes in handy.
By George Wine’s Got it

For dinner we were all over the map and couldn’t decide what we wanted. We agreed just to head to Disney Springs and see where our bellies led us. Unfortunately as we arrived a typical August storm was quickly approaching so we knew we needed to hunker down somewhere. We headed towards the Boathouse assuming we could get in there but as the flood gates opened we were right by Wine Bar George and just ran in.

This should give you some indication of what we were dealing with.

Wine Bar George has both a downstairs bar and an upstairs restaurant but as we didn’t have a reservation we were seated at a high-top table downstairs in the bar which suited us perfectly.

For those that haven’t been to Wine Bar George their wine selection is HUGE and we had a hard time deciding where to start.

Ultimately I got the Nigl Gruener Veltliner from Austria which was minerally and acidic with a slight tart apple flavor. Aka this was everything I love in a white wine. Jason veered oakier and richer and went with the Favia “Suzie” Viognier from Napa. Our server indicated this was the highest rated Viognier by Wine Advocate and it didn’t disappoint.

Casey ordered a Shirley Temple and she was quite pleased with her “wine” selection for the evening.

To go with our delicious wines we decided to share a few things. Up first we have the Burrata with tomatoes, olive oil, and grilled bread.

Oh my this was so insanely delicious and the star of the meal. The Burrata had a perfect consistency, with the spring of fresh mozzarella on the outside and a decadent creamy center. It paired well with the garden fresh tomatoes, oil, and salt and perfectly grilled bread. Casey declared it delicious and said she could eat it every day of her life. I’m right there with ya sister.

We also got their charcuterie with Cappicola, Bresaola, Proscuitto, and Soppresata.

These were all good, but nowhere near worth their $25 cost.

But beef is still what’s for dinner!

Next up Jason and I were interested in a few red wines so our server suggested we pick 3 and do a flight which worked out perfectly. Here we have a 2015 French Guigal Côtes du Rhône, a 2015 Italian Villa Antinori Sangiovese, and a 2016 Napa Levithan Cabernet/Syrah Blend.

And here we have the same wines with a fancy model.

These were all good but the Cotes du Rhone was a bit too jammy for my liking. While I rarely meet a Syrah I don’t like Jason commented this wasn’t good because it was “Francy” aka fancy and French vs. an unpretentious Australian varietal. The Sangiovese was Jason’s fav but it had some green pepper undertones that I didn’t care for. The cab/syrah blend was the real winner as it got better as our meal went along and had a deep cherry and pepper flavor which I love.

Love so much that I got another glass of it.

To help soak up all this wine we were consuming we got a few more appetizers.

These are the Crispy Mac and Cheese Bites because Mac and Cheese isn’t already bad enough for you one might as well fry it. These were terrific as they were perfectly crunchy on the inside and oooey gooey on the inside.

We also ordered the Porchetta which is Spiced Pork Cheeks served on a three cheese polenta. The pork had an incredible almost fennel like flavor and while slightly dry the creamy polenta livened it up.

Lastly we tried their Housemade Meatballs which also came with polenta.

These were moist and flavorful, but like any good Italian I proclaimed mine better and my family very wisely agreed.

Unfortunately Wine Bar George does not take Tables in Wonderland so we had to suck up an almost $150 bill, but we really enjoyed our experience here. As the name implies Wine Bar George really is all about the wine and while the food was simple, it was all delicious and clearly intended to make the wine shine. I’d spend my life noshing on a few appetizers and drinking good wine vice sitting down to a full meal if that was an option, so this was definitely my kind of place. No picture, but George was even in the house and stopped by to check on us. Overall the wine is most definitely a 5, but taking the full meal in totality I’d give it a solid 4 forkys.

After dinner the rains had stopped so we got Casey a new backpack for school.

And she decided she was going to be a “pin girl” so she got a starter set.

Before leaving we stopped in Amorettes for some delicious treats.

This was our first visit here and all I can say is their packaging and designs are seriously serious.

We took these back to the room where we shared the Orange Bird inspired citrus mouse and the Cheesecake with lemon curd and blueberries.

I figured since these were so beautiful they couldn’t taste as good as they looked but I was thankfully wrong. The orange one was the better of the two as it was very creamy with a slight orange flavor and while the cheesecake was pretty standard the lemon curd really put it over the top.

And they are Casey approved!

The wine also compelled me to order this little beauty at the last minute. Not only was it beautiful, but it was comprised of vanilla and chocolate chiffon cakes, with amarula mousse, pineapple jam, and what put me over the edge chocolate covered potato chips.

We ended up noshing on this one throughout the week but sadly it didn’t measure up to the others. We got nothing from the chips and it basically just tasted like a typical vanilla/chocolate cake. Oh well you can’t win them all.

Before bed Casey decided she wanted to be a world famous vlogger so she and Jason made a recap of the day.

Fascinating I know! Why she’s not a infamous yet is beyond me :earboy2:

Up next, a near perfect meal!

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That burrata looks delicious! Glad you liked Wine Bar George. Casey is ready for stardom!
It was a bit of serendipity to be right next to Wine Bar George when the rains came. Too bad they don't take TiW. Really, if the restaurants/bars are located in Disney Springs, or Epcot, they really should take the discount card.
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"Hollywood Studios - slash - MGM" :laughing: You are raising her right! I will subscribe to her channel! I adore Wine Bar George. So happy you had a good experience as well. They do a take on that burrata dish for brunch with avocado that I can't stop thinking about. SO good. George has been in there almost every time I have and I've been really impressed because he really rolls up his sleeves and gets to work. I've seen a lot of GMs/owners "observing" and I see George seating people, clearing tables, moving chairs and, of course, chatting with guests. Really great spot. Glad the rain drove you in there!
Yum at Wine Bar George! It is such a great wine selection. Glad you had a great selection and appetizers as well. It makes me sad about the lack of TiW too. I need to figure out if any of the places I have planned for January actually take it anymore.
That Burrata dish looks amazing and I am glad it also tasted the same. The meatball dish also looked good but happy to hear your family agreed with you that your meatballs are better😉. Will have to check the menu to see if I think DH would go for it as a lunch option.
These are the Crispy Mac and Cheese Bites because Mac and Cheese isn’t already bad enough for you one might as well fry it.
I’ve heard of these little bits of heaven but never had them. Anything that bad for you has to be good.

After dinner the rains had stopped so we got Casey a new backpack for school.
Awesome backpack. I think I would be in a constant state of hunger looking at it though.

Before leaving we stopped in Amorettes for some delicious treats.
I wanted to go there but never could find it. DS/DTD has changed so much I couldn’t navigate.
Is it strange that I can imagine that from an Irish lad :drinking1
Not at all! :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
Wine bar George sounds like my kinda place! Delicious tidbits of food with lots of wine choices = perfection! 😋
Casey’s backpack is awesome. Cheer her up no end at school :thumbsup2
I thought Casey was very good in her vlog. Laughed at her Hollywood studios slash MGM comment plus who wouldn’t be excited for those desserts :goodvibes

ETA there ya go I’ve even subscribed and given Casey a like on YouTube so she has a transatlantic fan! World famous now for sure :thumbsup2
Sober elf! See he has his face on and everything lol. Must be because it’s a work day!:rotfl:

(Ps why do my photos land sideways? Seriously? I’ve no clue:confused3)


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Wine is just not my thing, so Wine Bar George has not been on my radar much, I must admit. HOWEVER, those apps look pretty darn delicious! I could definitely see us stopping there for some mid-shop snacking.

Love Casey's new backpack :) and "pin girl" status. She is just adorable AND she's DISBoard Famous--that totally counts!! :)
2015 Italian Villa Antinori Sangiovese,
I toured this winery in Italy, it was wonderful, my husband was very jealous! I was with my sisters.
Wine Bar George gets solid reviews. The wine and food all look yummy and the desserts are so pretty. I am glad they didn’t disappoint!
I love Casey’s recap, she is very laid back about it all!
I’d spend my life noshing on a few appetizers and drinking good wine vice sitting down to a full meal if that was an option, so this was definitely my kind of place.

This is like my dream, i would much rather tapas style food 100% of the time! Happy it was a good meal overall!

And she decided she was going to be a “pin girl” so she got a starter set.

but does she stay a pin girl all trip? that is the question

We took these back to the room where we shared the Orange Bird inspired citrus mouse and the Cheesecake with lemon curd and blueberries.

I figured since these were so beautiful they couldn’t taste as good as they looked but I was thankfully wrong. The orange one was the better of the two as it was very creamy with a slight orange flavor and while the cheesecake was pretty standard the lemon curd really put it over the top.

WOW these look good! So happy they tasted as good too!

chocolate covered potato chips.

I mean you had me at chocolate covered potato chips, there are very few things i wont eat covered in chocolate.
Oh my this was so insanely delicious and the star of the meal. The Burrata had a perfect consistency, with the spring of fresh mozzarella on the outside and a decadent creamy center.

We had the brunch version of this and it was delicious too.

These are the Crispy Mac and Cheese Bites because Mac and Cheese isn’t already bad enough for you one might as well fry it. These were terrific as they were perfectly crunchy on the inside and oooey gooey on the inside.

Yum I really liked these too.

We took these back to the room where we shared the Orange Bird inspired citrus mouse and the Cheesecake with lemon curd and blueberries.

Those sound so good, I need to try more Amorette's cakes.

chocolate covered potato chips.

I would be tempted by that too, I love chocolate covered potato chips.

Before bed Casey decided she wanted to be a world famous vlogger so she and Jason made a recap of the day.
Fascinating I know! Why she’s not a infamous yet is beyond me :earboy2:

She's adorable I liked her recap :laughing:
For those that haven’t been to Wine Bar George their wine selection is HUGE and we had a hard time deciding where to start.
wow, such a a nice picture. So normal Who are you people??

And here we have the same wines with a fancy model.

Ohhhh..,there you are!

but we really enjoyed our experience here. As the name implies Wine Bar George really is all about the wine and while the food was simple, it was all delicious and clearly intended to make the wine shine. I’d spend my life noshing on a few appetizers and drinking good wine vice sitting down to a full meal if that was an option, so this was definitely my kind of place. No picture, but George was even in the house and stopped by to check on us. Overall the wine is most definitely a 5, but taking the full meal in totality I’d give it a solid 4 forkys.

That all looks really good! I have no idea what a Burrata is but I think it looks like something i would like.

After dinner the rains had stopped so we got Casey a new backpack for school.

Love it!

Before bed Casey decided she wanted to be a world famous vlogger so she and Jason made a recap of the day.

Adorable! I’d watch her show! I love how she probably wasn’t even alive when they switched over but she calls it MGM :love:
It sounds like you had a great experience at Wine Bar George! That is on my wish list. I love Casey's backpack! And I think you have a YouTube star in the making!
For those that haven’t been to Wine Bar George their wine selection is HUGE and we had a hard time deciding where to start.

Yes- for people like me who don't know much about wine it was very intimidating lol. Our server was fantastic thankfully lol.


What a nice picture!

Oh my this was so insanely delicious and the star of the meal. The Burrata had a perfect consistency, with the spring of fresh mozzarella on the outside and a decadent creamy center. It paired well with the garden fresh tomatoes, oil, and salt and perfectly grilled bread. Casey declared it delicious and said she could eat it every day of her life. I’m right there with ya sister.

I am also with Casey! I've rarely met a burrata I didn't like and this one was amazing!

These are the Crispy Mac and Cheese Bites because Mac and Cheese isn’t already bad enough for you one might as well fry it.

Oo sounds amazing.

This was our first visit here and all I can say is their packaging and designs are seriously serious.


The wine also compelled me to order this little beauty at the last minute. Not only was it beautiful, but it was comprised of vanilla and chocolate chiffon cakes, with amarula mousse, pineapple jam, and what put me over the edge chocolate covered potato chips.

Wow! That is beautiful and sounds amazing.

We ended up noshing on this one throughout the week but sadly it didn’t measure up to the others. We got nothing from the chips and it basically just tasted like a typical vanilla/chocolate cake. Oh well you can’t win them all.

That is very sad.

Fascinating I know! Why she’s not a infamous yet is beyond me :earboy2:

She's adorable! I'm in for her channel!
These were terrific as they were perfectly crunchy on the inside and oooey gooey on the inside.
This is our fav app at WBG! I'm glad you liked it too!!!

so this was definitely my kind of place
Umm, yeah!!!! We will have to hit it up next time we are in Disney together!!!!
No picture, but George was even in the house and stopped by to check on us.
OMG! This is soooo cool! I would LOVE to meet him. He's liked a couple of my tweets but that's as close as I've gotten to him...

the Cheesecake with lemon curd and blueberries.
I LOVE this and order it every time!

Fascinating I know! Why she’s not a infamous yet is beyond me :earboy2:
We'll take her under our wing and make a YouTube sensation of her yet...She'll probably beat us to the top. LOL!


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