ZW's Birthday Gala: Part 5 - A Bit Prone to Motion Sickness.


<font color=red>Eivl <font color=navy>Emperor<br><
Jul 30, 2002
I tried to enjoy my $2.12 cup of imitation coffee flavored beverage. To be honest did, I did. The beverage may have been lame but the morning air was cool, the sun coming up and I was in Disney World. Pop Century is themed like crazy and it felt great!

As I walked back to wake up the kids, I figured ZW must have stopped to pick up some water bottles over at the 7-11 as she had been gone a while. She got back as they stirred to life.

My husband super powers tingled as I detected she was both happy and ticked off - a dangerous situation.

The good news not only did she check in at the Boardwalk the rooms are ready. She has the keys. Very strange and very cool considering they thought they were full the night before. That covers the happy part. I hope I am not the other part.

Things got even better I didn’t do anything!

She is ticked because she got lost going from Pop Century to Boardwalk and ended up at Animal Kingdom. (I figure she went left & right not right & left but I best keep that to myself.) Anyway the kids need food. I volunteer to grab some water bottles at 7-11 while the kids eat.

Connor is jonesing to hit the casino before we go.

The parking lot for our building is way full. Over night people lined up on the curbs. Not one to buck a tradition I do too. After Connor takes a last turn at roulette, we load up the night bag and the diabetes bag and head over to Boardwalk.

We have time to get the junk into the room, give the bell guy a nice tip, put the insulin in the fridge and hit Epcot at park opening. Other than the minor delay with navigation we are into some very good Karma this morning.

I love the walk into Epcot from the International Gateway in the morning. It is like a behind the scenes tour, it is all there just cleaned and waiting but no crowds. You can smell the flowers (or imitation flower scent – with Disney the later is just as likely if not more so.)

However we are on a mission! We can’t be bothered with enjoying the sights of closed country pavilions or slowing down to enjoy the imitation rose scent.

March! March! March! Double Time March!

We duck through Mouse Gears, “No Looking! No Stopping! No Shopping!” Master Sgt Zurg barks. Out the other side I grab Test Track fast passes while the column keeps up the Mission Space march.

Mission Space may look cool but we are not slowing down to notice. In the standby lane, no line, march right in.


Delaney is getting a little nervous. She is 6. This ride is looking scary. The boys and Kelley explain it is a big video game. She is a little skeptical but she goes for it on the condition she doesn't have to ride it again if she doen't want to - ever.

Zurg is a bit prone to motion sickness and is a little nervous too.

OK a bit prone may not be exactly accurate. Let me digress.

I am a recovering private pilot.

It is a lot like other addictions. You are never cured. You you take it day by day. I haven’t flown right seat in 12 years 5 months 8 days.

I look up every time I hear a plane go over head.

There is a fence at the Hazelton airport that every flight student my instructor had after he taught me to fly had to visit - The Bennet Dunlap Memorial Barf Fence.

When I was learning to fly so was one of my good friends. My instructor and his instructor were great friends. They decided to have a race to see whose student would get his pilots license fastest.

They didn’t tell us.

My instructor was Paul, A big guy. Paul would get up very early on weekends call me and have me meet him at the airport and have the plane ready to go. I didn’t always know this was coming and didn’t always get to bed early.

So Paul calls. I groan and get up. I wouldn’t have been up for anything else but he had already left for the airport so I got up. I fueled the plane and went back to sleep in my car waiting for him.

Paul showed up with a big hoagie, a map, and the opinion that even if it was a little windy and bumpy I should plan a cross country flight to some little airport in the mountains called Hazelton. So I plan a flight on the hood of the car and off we go.

I am trying to navigate and fly while Paul digs into the slinkiest Hoagie I have ever smelled. Now this is a Piper Cherokee 140. Two seats, one door on Paul’s side, and not much horsepower when it was new. This plane hadn’t been new since I was in grade school.

We bounce along, slowly, hoagie stinking, above the south eastern Pennsylvania country side. I found my landmarks but slower each time. I was thinking who the hell eats a hoagie for breakfast bumping along in a tired Cherokee 140?

Paul asks if I know where I am.

I say “No.” bump

“Do you see the field?” bump bump.

“No. It is around here some place and if I don’t find it in the net few minutes I am going to hurl.” Bump. Bump. Bump.

“Really?” Bump!

“Defiantly!” BURP!

“MY AIRPLANE!” (When your instructor says this you let go of every thing and let him fly.)

The bumps suddenly went away.

“Hazelton Unicom. Cherokee 611VW Left Down Wind.” Paul said over the radio.

“What would you do if you were flying solo and this happened?” He asked me.

“Still be asleep at home in bed,” I said turning green

The airport was right below us. Paul executed the smoothest landing I have even to this day ever felt, taxied and was out of the plane as nibble as a cat. (Impressive for a big guy.)

I crawled out, staggered five feet to a fence separating the planes and the parking lot and barfed.

Maybe I am a little more than prone to motion sickness. We brought pills for just this occasion. Maybe I let that very good Karma get the better of me this morning. The pills are still packed back in the bags at Boardwalk.

Not much help as we enter the pods at Mission Space.

Do I smell a hoagie?
I "smell" an interesting story coming soon. The Hogie may have its day. Shall we see?
My best friend (must reconsider title) convinced me to go on "Mission Space" by telling me it was no worse than "Rock 'n Roller Coaster".

I have yet to forgive her.
I was more then a little nervous first trip on Mission Space:
Zurg! I am enjoying your trip report-especially the regional references! We used to eat lunch at Victory when we worked near there-I love the root beer and DH loves the Hop Devil (among other kinds). Which airline did you use from Allentown to St. Pete? How long of a drive is it from St. Pete to WDW? Thanks, Zurg! :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

SEAL (south east air line) from allentown.
Little over an hour.

It is so small and easy to get out of tampa St. Pete that in is not much longer than working through orlando. no tolls either
Thanks for the info! I'm going to start surfing those prices soon. We're planning a trip to see the mouse in the fall. Not soon enough!!!!princess:
poor Zurg:( ..looking forward to next report to see how you did on Mission space:D


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