ZW's Birthday Gala: Part 7 - Needling Connor


<font color=red>Eivl <font color=navy>Emperor<br><
Jul 30, 2002
One of the things Connor really wanted to do this trip was to get up and hit the bakery early and have breakfast teats of his own choosing. Diabetes put the kibosh on that idea.

Diabetes works this way. His body doesn’t make insulin. Everyone needs insulin to get glucose from carbohydrates into the body’s cell use as energy. Connor gets his insulin from the 3 shots a day we give him. Trooper that he is, here 60 days after being diagnosed he can give himself the shot.

We measure the insulin and need to match that with a measured amount of carbs. To many carbs and he get sick but too little is worse, he can pass out. Exercise requires more carbs or less insulin.

I tried to get carb counts of the product sold there ahead of time but no dice. McDonald’s, Burger King, and Krispy Kreme can tell ya. Mickey can’t.

A couple of people went way out of their way trying to help Kelly at the Bakery, Phil at the front desk, and Al from the bakery. My thanks go out to these folks for making an effort.

I don’t think knowing the carb count is asking too much. We will be going back and I’ll keep you all posted on how well I do at getting some answers for future trips. Today placed a call to an executive about this, anyone want to bet if I get a call back?
(hint: it has been a month and I am still waiting)

Anyway Connor did great. He was on a reduced level of insulin because of all the walking. He is also very good at letting us know when he feels low and needs some carbs.

This typically would be as Millionaire starts.

The first time we went into Millionaire Connor felt low, he tested and sure enough.

I know the rule no food or beverages allowed in the studio. I walked over to a CM and told her the deal, I needed to run out to the stroller and get some juice for a type I diabetic kid. She was very cool and must have radioed out because the guys at the door held it open for me.

Same deal at Festival of the Lion King where a manager was real helpful and Little Mermaid. The CMs were just great.

In fact before Mermaid Connor had had drank our last carb drink so we figured his levels would be OK but he was still testing low. I dashed out but it was before the soda sales places were open.

Did you know that there were times you can’t buy a soda at Disney?

I didn’t.

I saw a CM, who I thought was pushing out a big cart of sodas but it turned out to be empty trash cans. His name was Danny. Danny took me over to the Starring Roll bakery walked in the exit because the line was a mile long, interrupted the cashier and scored me a bottle of juice. He wouldn’t take cash for it.

I quickly fumbled for a BadShoe Thanks You pin and ran back to Connor.

I spent the rest of the day asking various manager types if they were Danny’s boss and if not to pass on my thanks to the right guy. If anyone knows the Big Boss of Disney's MGM, let me know. I'll send a letter.

OK so the CM as were waiting for Honey I Shrunk the Audience was a jerk and we all had to leave to find him something but that was the one exception. I figure the guy came over from Universal.

...anyway back to Millionaire, I run out to the stroller / cooler carrier and get Connor some juice and run back in. My pals again holding the doors open. I may not be the exact picture of fitness as I was a little winded from running up the back steps but sat down before the show started. Connor chugged his juice.

Guess who got in the Hot Seat?
Don't worry Zurg - tell Connor that he will at some point be able to visit the bakery anyway!!! I had Krispy Kreme's on my last vacation!!!

As you get more adapted to living with it, you will pretty much know how different foods affect your insulin needs, and how much insulin to take to compensate. My biggest problem with Dis is not the food, but the heat - sends me all over the place - and usually DOWN!!!

And as a side note you can get sugar free ice cream at the Ice Cream Social - don't know about the carb count but at that point I didn't care!!! Started at 57, ate the entire thing and an hour later only at 65!!! See what that heat does to me!

Is he on Humalog & Lantus?
He ate there anyway and we do Krispy Kreme now and then. KK can give you a carb count.

The heat and the walking was the issue and he was down a lot and we had lowered his insuling for the trip.

Humalog & Humalin, still in the honeymoon period. gets about 1/3 form shots still producing the rest.

He did very well all things considered.
always hard when your young ones don't feel well.


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