
I always liked Molson Canadian, and The Big Red F (Fosters). Are those considered swill by you experts?

YES, once went to corp. training with a bunch of Australians, at the bar later that night there was a Foster's poster "Foster Australian for Beer" thier comment was "Fosters Australian for crap beer we sell to Americans".
I'm a Guinness drinker lots of people hate it so I guess it's all good if it's what you enjoy. Also like Yuengling Lager, once considered swill now it's right up therewith the premiums. Amazing what a little marketing can do.
Good beer is subjective, it should be good be that _____your name, likes.

I for one love Samuel Smith's oatmeal stout. I am very picky about my beer and it has to be darker than molasses and about as thick without a bitter ending.

I love stouts but I have a hard time finding them here.

Now for more interesting information. Before I hit the moose and took it to my head, I hated beer! I never drank it and despised the taste. Now, I drink heavy dark stouts and love it.

I vote for Killian's Irish Red.

When DW and I were on our honeymoon on Paradise Island, we waded up to the pool bar and asked for an imported beer. He gave us Carling Black Label and said it was from Canada. :rolleyes2

I don't remember if we tipped him (32 years ago).
Count me in for maybe Blue Moon, a good Heffeweizen--even Killians for goodness sake. Or Smithwicks?? Or maybe a Lancaster Strawberry Wheat--a fine beer!!
Funny about Yungling---here in Pa. it's at every biker bar, VFW hall, and roadside restaurant in the state. You cannot escape it!! But seems to have picked up quite a following outside Pa. Not a bad beer to be sure, but--
The standard "Sam" is a bit too bitter for my taste--but their Octoberfest and Winter Lager are pretty good.
Maybe I can convince the place we have in Hanover Pa. to open up in WDW--Kclingers it's called--40 rotating drafts and 620 different bottle selections!!

We talk--but it's all a dream, I'm afraid.
YES, once went to corp. training with a bunch of Australians, at the bar later that night there was a Foster's poster "Foster Australian for Beer" thier comment was "Fosters Australian for crap beer we sell to Americans".
I'm a Guinness drinker lots of people hate it so I guess it's all good if it's what you enjoy. Also like Yuengling Lager, once considered swill now it's right up therewith the premiums. Amazing what a little marketing can do.

fishermouse, now I like me some Guinness. But I recently moved to Maryland, and I can not understand this love for Yuengling. Before I knew anything about it, I had a glass on tap. Swill is a good word to describe it (IMO). I have tried it twice since that first glass, because friends have told me how good it is. I DO NOT GET IT. To me, it tastes like a Miller Lite Amber. Yuck! :scared:
Well-perhaps not THAT bad!!

Here's another beer rant (while we're on the subject). Just last night went to a nice restaurant in Timonium , Md (Michaels. Great crabcakes!!) Wine list printed-by the glass, bottle. But not a word on the menu about beer. I ask the server what's on draft--the answer was the usual-- Bud, Miller Light, Coors--then she stopped, looked at the ceiling and says-"and some others".
Well I should hope so.
But you see the point--lots of times beer isn't listed anywhere on the menu and if you need to ask the server, good chance they won't even know.
fishermouse, now I like me some Guinness. But I recently moved to Maryland, and I can not understand this love for Yuengling. Before I knew anything about it, I had a glass on tap. Swill is a good word to describe it (IMO). I have tried it twice since that first glass, because friends have told me how good it is. I DO NOT GET IT. To me, it tastes like a Miller Lite Amber. Yuck! :scared:

The regular Yuengling is pretty bad the lager is not bad (for american beer) If we're going to get right down to it anything not made in Ireland or Germany is just OK at best. This ought to start a war! But for parties and sharing Yuengling will do, at $30 -$40 a case I keep the good stuff for myself. Then again I keep Segrams on the bar and the 12 year old Jamesons for myself. Present company excluded, most people don't know good alcohol, and drink way to fast and irresponsibly to enjoy quality. No I'm not a lush. But I am Irish:thumbsup2
Funny about Yungling---here in Pa. it's at every biker bar, VFW hall, and roadside restaurant in the state. You cannot escape it!! But seems to have picked up quite a following outside Pa. Not a bad beer to be sure, but--

A few weeks back I had the opportunity to try some Yuengling Lord Chesterfield Ale.... wow, this could be my new favorite, but none of the stores in my area carry it. :sad2:
For me it has to be La Fin du Monde! Best beer deal on Disney property - too bad they only have it at Le Cellier.

Yep. This is true. At one point they also had it at brown derby, not sure if they do now.

Oh, for those who like yuengling they have it old key west or at least they used to.

Crews cup has probably the most beer selection.
If we're going to get right down to it anything not made in Ireland or Germany is just OK at best. This ought to start a war!

I'm not sure if you're serious or kidding, but if you're serious, you're really missing the boat when it comes to US made craft beer, Belgian ales and Czech pilsners (just to name a few).

As for Yuengling, they're done a great job with marketing, but it's not even the best lager made in PA. Victory, Penn Brewery and Stoudt's make lagers which are much better, and true to the style, than Yuengling.

I think WDW is really missing the boat when it comes to what they could do with the beer and food selections in the American pavillion at Epcot WS. There are lots of excellent regional Amercian specialties (think about it-- lobster rolls, cheesesteaks, crabcakes, gumbo, Chicago hot dogs, TexMex, just to name a few) and great local/regional American beers to go along with them.
A real solution for BWV/BCV folks would be for Big River to sell growlers (the 64oz jugs many microbreweries sell) to take back to the room......or anyone for that matter if they wanted to make the trip.
As for Yuengling, they're done a great job with marketing, but it's not even the best lager made in PA. Victory, Penn Brewery and Stoudt's make lagers which are much better, and true to the style, than Yuengling.

I'm a big fan of their Black and Tan, but only on tap. I'm an even bigger fan of Bass Ale. Mmmm, Beer... :drinking1
Okay DVC, how about stocking some GOOD beer at the DVC commissaries??

I mean, Bud and Heineken are, well,... okay, but we really need some quality American brew....

Oh my! Did I hear somebody say "Sam Adams"?

I like my beer while on vacation, and the whole Budweiser thing is essentially just carbonated water with a bit of food coloring. Heiny is one step above that, but still week.
We need some real, robust beer that actually has flavor.
I do NOT want to leave Disney/DVC to go to the grocery store in order to purchase quality beer.

Would anyone else like to see better beer (ahem... Sam Adams) in the DVC commissaries?? :drinking1


I'm with you. We need a better selection. Yuengling, Bass, Harp, Sam Adams. Are there any local brews?
I guess I'll just have to keep going to Gooding or Publix to get better beer.
For me it has to be La Fin du Monde! Best beer deal on Disney property - too bad they only have it at Le Cellier.
Next time you're in the Canada pavilion be sure to try Trois Pistoles from that same brewery - Unibroue of Quebec. TIP: Le Cellier sells beer to-go if you ask nicely.
Well, we all have our favorite quality brews, but I'm very happy to see that we all agree on the premise of this thread...
"DVC needs a better selection of quality beers in the commissaries."

Now, I realize they can't stock eight different quality beers. Perhaps keep one yellow beer (Bud), and add a couple higher end beers such as Sam Adams.

Here's to all who responded in this thread!!... :drinking1 :drinking1 :drinking1 <-- Notice the beer isn't yellow. :teeth:

And if they did stock a more beer they would charge an arm and a leg for it. At SSR they sell Old Saratoga Ale. It's pretty good, but then again it better be for almost $6 a bottle
For me it has to be La Fin du Monde! Best beer deal on Disney property - too bad they only have it at Le Cellier.

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE La Fin du Monde! :goodvibes I'm also a big fan of Sam Adams Octoberfest though. :drinking1
The sad thing is, I would GLADLY pay high prices for better beer. Anything better than what they offer right now.


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