My Disney Scrapbook (FINISHED: Updated 9-18-07)

Wow I love your pages they are great. I love how you used the Cricut machine for your titles. I just got it and haven't played with it to much but after seeing your pages makes me want to use it now. Thanks
Thanks for sharing

where do you get all your background papers from
love the woody one
where do you get all your background papers from
love the woody one

I found the paper for Woody at one of the local scrapbook stores. They have a section for outdoorsey stuff and I saw it and knew it would be perfect for Woody. :)

Your pages look great!!!!. I'd love to know where you get your stickers and paper from?? I am just starting to scrap as you can see by tag. I just keep telling myself I can do this, I think I can, I think I can. (Ha Ha):rotfl:
I get my stickers and paper from a variety of places though mostly local scrapbook stores, Joanns, Michaels, and Hobby Lobby. The stickers can be quite pricey so I look for them on sale. Michaels had the Jolees (Incredibles, Sleeping Beauty, etc) on sale for 40% off last week. Some of the paper I had left over from other projects. I'm actually trying to use some of that stuff up. I tend to take a sample of my pictures for the pages I need paper for with me when I go to the store so that I can make sure it works with the pictures.

Thank you all! I was working on the title page today.
Great pages! I especially love all the characters and the Kiliminjaro Safari ones.
tHANKS FOR TAKING THE TIME TO SHARE -- i LOVE TO LOOK AT OTHER PAGES FOR NEW IDEAS. (Sorry about the caps!!!) Very nice work. How many pages are you planning for this album?
I took pictures of a whole bunch of my pages, but I'm going to post them in several posts so that this one post won't be too filled with images. Again the pictures were altered to remove us from them for privacy reasons. Some of the colors are a little off then what they are in real life do to the poor lighting in the room where I was taking the pictures. Also a few of these layouts use photos I "borrowed" from Mark who posted them here a few months ago. Thank you Mark! :)

Sleeping Beauty/Aurora (Epcot)

This one I still need to affix her signature on it, but I liked the layout so much I wanted to include it with this batch. :)




Dinner at the Biergarten (Epcot)



Its Tough to be a Bug (Animal Kingdom)

The one picture in the lower left corner of the first page is a picture of my sister and I with our "bug" glasses on. The picture of Flik is from Mark.


While we were waiting to go into the theater we were goofing around near the "posters." In mine I gave two thumbs up and in my sister's she struck kind of a Vanna White pose, which was really funny. You can't see these, but I wanted to give you an idea of what was going on in this page.

Buzz Lightyear (MGM Studios)


Cinderella (Magic Kingdom: Toon Town Hall of Fame)


Clarice (MGM Studios)


Great Movie Ride (MGM Studios)


I made the mistake of not testing the glue with the gold vellum before I glued it down and as a result it sort of puckered a little when it dried. Oh well. It doesn't look that bad.


I think this one is a *tad* cluttered, but I wanted to use all the posters for the movies featured in the movie and had printed them a bit too big, but didn't want to waste ink reprinting them. I do like it though. The photos of John Wayne and the Wicked Witch are also from Mark.

The Incredibles (MGM Studios)




I'm going to post the rest in another post.

How did you do the border on the Great Movie Ride? I love it. Is it something you bought? If so, where?
I love them all!!

I have a question, How did you do the signature on the Cinderella page?
The first page I'm going to post isn't all the way finished, but I was so excited how it turned out and with the idea as a whole I wanted to share it. :) This took quite a while to do, but I think it turned out great!

Expedition Everest:

This page just needs the journal done, but you can see where it will go. I love the distressed look. One of my favorite things to do when I create wallpapers in Photoshop is to distress and grunge things up. And I think the distressing looks right here.


And here is the title page for the one book. I'm still thinking of what to do for the character/autograph book. Its hard to tell in this photo because the lighting stinks, but on the Mickey ears it says "January 10-16, 2007" and "Disney's Pop Century Resort."


And none of the things used are original. They were all scanned an printed on photo paper.
Great pages! Love how you took the items and turned them into a page. Great idea. I may have to scraplift that idea Yzerbear if you don't mind.
OK. I finally have some new pictures to post!

Beauty and the Beast (Epcot)


This photo was taken in France at Epcot. We were among the last to see the Beast that day. He had to go back inside. Belle and Beast were both very nice. The paper for this layout comes from the "Once Upon a Time" stack by Die-Cuts with a View

Camp Mickey-Minnie (Page 2)


Page one isn't quite done yet, I think its missing the journal, which is why its not posted yet. Anyways, all these photos come from our special "dream" where we were selected the campers of the day and got to meet all the characters at once. Minnie was supposed to have been there, but she was still getting ready. Donald was a riot! At first he didn't want to take any pictures, then he couldn't stop posing! It was a lot of fun and one of the best moments of our trip!

Dreams Come True


This is the layout I did for our "Dream." That isn't the original certificate. I had scanned it in because I didn't want to ruin the original. The color scheme is a little strange because I wanted to use the one sticker, but that didn't quite match the certificate. I think it works though.

Donald @ Camp Mickey-Minnie



Goofy @ Camp Mickey-Minnie


Mickey @ Camp Mickey-Minnie

Cinderella's Golden Carrousel



This is my sister's favorite rides! I was so happy to get some pictures of it without any people! I used Mark's picture of the sign. Thanks Mark!

Sword in the Stone


Darn it! Neither of us were able to pull the stone out! ;)

Breakfast at Chef Mickey's


We had breakfast at Chef Mickey's on my sister's birthday. It was so good. There was so much good food. She got a cupcake at the end for her birthday. I'm still working on the pages for each of the characters.

Haunted Mansion


I think this might be one of my favorite pages. I love the black and white photo, with the funky, old looking edge/border. I added that when I printed it at Walgreens. They have some neat effects you can do to your photos. This is using my new Cricut cartridge! :)


All of the photos used here are from our 2005 trip since we didn't get any good photos of the tombstones this last time. I really like how this one turned out as well.

There is one more page for the Haunted Mansion, but its not done yet.

Muppet 3-D Vision



Streets of America: New York



Streets of America: San Francisco


Norway (World Showcase)


The photo of the church (?) is one borrowed from Mark

Mad Tea Party - Page 2


This is one of my favorite rides and always have to ride it at least once if not more. I love the bright colors here. This is page 2 of 4. The other 3 are still missing a couple of things (journal, title, etc).

That is all I have photos of right now. Wheew!


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