Something about Nothing, come join in........ Part 3

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being the homie that i am, i went out to burger king and got one of those fact, i bought 2 of them.

they are all gone.

gee, what i will do for a homie.....

:hug: :worship: :hug: :worship: :hug: :worship: :hug: :worship: :hug: :worship:

My dinner was VERY good. DH picked up the fresh salmon yesterday and did an excellent job of it too. . . it was wonderful. . . . a little lemon pepper, little garlic, little season salt, throw it on the foreman and. . voila. . . . we would have paid $20 a pop at most restaurants for it. Steamed veggies, wild brown rice and a salad rounded out the meal. ok, ok, i had half of a baked potato too. . . with fat free sour cream only and I didn't finish either my rice or potato

3.5 oz of salmon has 7 grams of fat :scared1: I'll eat salmon as a treat. . . and leaner, white fish regularly. . . when 7 grams of fat is almost 1/2 my allowed intake per meal, that's alot. I try to stay well under 15 grams of fat in case there's some "hidden" grams I didn't realize or know about. . . I like a little cushion.

This was honestly the most satisfying and enjoyable meal I have eaten in 12 days. I'm going to day to but that Rachel Ray cookbook full of low-fat meals. . .and easy to prepare. . . that's what I'm talking about.

Last night was the first time we prepared 2 separate meals. Kids has a friend over and none of them like salmon, so dh put a chicken in the rotisserie for them. He's so wonderful. . . :love: I did our dinner, he did theirs and he cleaned up the kitchen so I could watch COPS :rolleyes1 And no, no one else can have him. . . he's all mine:hug: he even does :laundy:

I've truly been blessed in my life! :cloud9:

Thanks for all your support folks!!:grouphug:
Good morning everyone!

I'm heading out in a few to go Snow Tubing at Mt. Abrams. :thumbsup2 My daughter asked me if I wanted to go with her and her friends. I've never been, sounds like fun. Plus it's actually above freezing here! I guess I'm "cool" enough today to be seen out with a bunch of 20 somethings. :rotfl2: Maybe they just want a designated driver.....:confused3
See you all around dinner time. Wish me luck. :cool2:
Sharon - Have fun.

Wendy - Sounds like a great meal. Your dh is a keeper.

Barb - Loved all the pics. Food looked great. Bubba looked stuffed.

DM - I say go ahead and put in an estimated count down.

Todd - I love fried cheese. If is very yummy.

I woke up this moring to a very queasy stomach and am now have chills followd by sweats. I do not have time to get sick. Think I am going to go soak in the tub. I may not be around much today if I don't get feeling better.

Have a great day everyone.
mike - oh to snag a $100 fare:wizard: ; phillie seems to get all the luv from SW:) ; course we tend to travel on the weekends & last time i looked the fares were in the $150+ range for SW & AT one way this summer - yikes.

Like Barb said in an earlier post, I like to get the 1st flight out, and the last flight back, as of now, the flight home, (Sunday May 18th) is $149, but that will change, it always does, just have to be patient, that's the hardest part, waiting :headache:
Okay, but the furniture is coming in two weeks, so we have to do it before then.

1, 2, 3....GOOOOO!!!!!

Okay....what's the address? :rolleyes:

My dinner was VERY good. DH picked up the fresh salmon yesterday and did an excellent job of it too. . . it was wonderful. . . . a little lemon pepper, little garlic, little season salt, throw it on the foreman and. . voila. . . . ....

and I didn't finish either my rice or potato

Last night was the first time we prepared 2 separate meals. Kids has a friend over and none of them like salmon, so dh put a chicken in the rotisserie for them. He's so wonderful. . . :love: I did our dinner, he did theirs and he cleaned up the kitchen so I could watch COPS :rolleyes1 And no, no one else can have him. . . he's all mine:hug: he even does :laundy:

I've truly been blessed in my life! :cloud9:

Thanks for all your support folks!!:grouphug:

Sounds like you did great with your dinner...and even better by NOT finishing the 'starch' :thumbsup2

You've truly got a great DH....definately a keeper :goodvibes (and I will admit you are brave to let your DH do laundry!)

I'm heading out in a few to go Snow Tubing at Mt. Abrams. :thumbsup2 My daughter asked me if I wanted to go with her and her friends. I've never been, sounds like fun. Plus it's actually above freezing here! I guess I'm "cool" enough today to be seen out with a bunch of 20 somethings. :rotfl2: Maybe they just want a designated driver.....:confused3
See you all around dinner time. Wish me luck. :cool2:

Yay!!! You're a 'cool' Mom!! :cool1: Have a ton of fun and don't break anything! :scared:

I woke up this moring to a very queasy stomach and am now have chills followd by sweats. I do not have time to get sick. Think I am going to go soak in the tub. I may not be around much today if I don't get feeling better.

Have a great day everyone.

:hug: Hopes you feel betters soon....

Like Barb said in an earlier post, I like to get the 1st flight out, and the last flight back, as of now, the flight home, (Sunday May 18th) is $149, but that will change, it always does, just have to be patient, that's the hardest part, waiting :headache:

That IS the hardest part....waiting! :bored: Money burnin' a hole in yer pocket...WANTING to spend it.... good luck on getting better fare Mike.... I did see a commercial on tv yesterday for "wanna get away"....did it help your rates at all?
thoughts and hugs and prayers to Tricia and her family.:hug:

massive nor'easter snowstorm all day tomorrow for both Sharon and me. 12 inches of snow ++++

i swear, that snowblower is muttering things when i walk past it.

even if you aint a Giants fan normally, please root for them and not Dallas (please??????)
massive nor'easter snowstorm all day tomorrow for both Sharon and me. 12 inches of snow ++++

i swear, that snowblower is muttering things when i walk past it.
WOW...another snowstorm? Have you guys ever had so much snow in one winter?
thoughts and hugs and prayers to Tricia and her family.:hug:

massive nor'easter snowstorm all day tomorrow for both Sharon and me. 12 inches of snow ++++

i swear, that snowblower is muttering things when i walk past it.

even if you aint a Giants fan normally, please root for them and not Dallas (please??????)

Don't worry....ANY Eagles fan will NEVER root for Dallas :thumbsup2
We will be getting some snow starting tonight...overnight...where I am, they are calling for 2-4"...prolly get around 2-3"....Tracie will most likely just get rain and a coating.....lucky her!

WOW...another snowstorm? Have you guys ever had so much snow in one winter?

I admire Penny & Sharon...I simply could not live where they do.... I hate just a couple inches....they are getting feet! :sad2:

Mummydust you guys! :wizard:
Tricia wants everyone to know that she appreciates everyones emails and PMs....she is very touched.

She is thankful for your good thoughts, friendship & prayers.

She is afraid to leave Joshua alone, so she spends all her time with him. She simply doesn't have the time to reply to everyone much as she wants to! :goodvibes

She wanted you to know she is reading everything we send her, and she is extremely grateful for all the good wishes, emails, PMs and means a lot to her.

For you Tricia.... :grouphug: :wizard:

Oh, and Carol is in a recliner, she's eating and walking around, but in a lot of pain. Apparently the meds for her pain bring on migraines, and she'd just rather deal with the pain using Tylenol. Carol sounds like she is making progress, slow, but nonetheless, progress..... Good news there!!!

Now...just need to transfer dust to Joshua and the Tricia family will be good to go :thumbsup2

My dinner was VERY good. DH picked up the fresh salmon yesterday and did an excellent job of it too. . . it was wonderful. . . . a little lemon pepper, little garlic, little season salt, throw it on the foreman and. . voila. . . . we would have paid $20 a pop at most restaurants for it. Steamed veggies, wild brown rice and a salad rounded out the meal. ok, ok, i had half of a baked potato too. . . with fat free sour cream only and I didn't finish either my rice or potato
That sounds positively yummy! Keep it up! :goodvibes
Janet & Mike will find this interesting.....

Just checked SW site for my airfare...(saw that commercial again!) Now the fare is $109.... went up $10!

All times and rates look the same for returning home :rolleyes:

we dun gud :goodvibes
i'm home from church, it went late today.

have all your backs covered.

i haven't read back so don't know if barb posted the new 411 from tricia.
this might be a repeat.

just turned the puter on and saw her pm.

"I told Barb and I'm telling you too. Make sure everyone on the thread knows how much I appreciate the PMs and emails. I've read them all, but I don't have the time to respond to everyone right now. I'm keeping you and Barb up to date on everything and I know you'll spread the word to everyone else. I'm sure there are messages and hugs posted on the thread too, but I haven't had time to read that at all. It means a LOT that you guys are here for me."

besides being a chat thread, we really like everyone that has joined us here.
we share the burdens the homies have and try to be supportive.

someday all these invisible people that live within the box on the monitor will become real.......

what a party we could plan.

i vote to have the first gathering at damo's house since it will already be houses are always clean...

todd, warm that bus us and come get all of us.
even the newbies are joining in for the party!
even the ones that came here and posted,
"oops, wrong thread, sorry" are invited.

heck, bring the neighbors too.........

now who is gonna tell damo about the bash?

oh and tricia, you can make the cheese sticks.
i'm dying to try them!
Like Barb said in an earlier post, I like to get the 1st flight out, and the last flight back, as of now, the flight home, (Sunday May 18th) is $149, but that will change, it always does, just have to be patient, that's the hardest part, waiting :headache:

sage advice:thumbsup2i tend to think the worst case scenario then hope to be pleasantly surpised

barb great pics, food looks good too; except that EVO :confused3 was part of an italian family for years prev. marriage, never came across that as an appetizer; must be an acquired taste - like beer:idea:

mac - TP'ing is big in our parts, usually related to a senior graduating/sports teams. It's all fun & games until it rains. Funny thing, the county tax assessor came around that day for the pic they post on web site...had to beg them to come back out:lmao: . Afraid if i'd ever sell, all it would take for someone to look it up; they'd never come for an appointment to see it.

i started rootin for the chargers:rolleyes1
:eek: you were brave...AND very smart to teach them to block the're a 'cool Mom'


I say "chuck the mail" ...who needs it?? ...and, didja remember to buy 'underwear' at kmart? ;)

is that code word for thongs?

links to my trippies are in my sig (above my pic)....these guys love my trippies... (they were actually going to take up a collection to send us back just so I could do another trippie

pass the plate, we need to add more for that trip......

this surprises me....altho I have NO trouble finding the's inside the joint that we get lost I'm amazed you can find your way around in there.....

well, ahem, with all the security there during the event anyone that gets "lost" can get escorted back to their room.........
just show your room key and they'll help..

We've never had a sleep over (and that's okay with me!) and you guys are freaking me out (kids disappearing in the middle of the night and such) that I don't think i WANT to have any sleepovers..... (unless it involves homies )

you haven't lived until you host a sleep over......
Congrats on the willpower Wendy Keep at it....remember...nothin' tastes better than skinny ;) You can do it!!!!

of course she can do it.
i ate the burgers for her last night.......

Now Barb that is one sleep over that I would love to do! Can we do it in Orlando?

lookie lookie, the committee has started to form already.
lori, you're the contact person to round us all up.
send the copy of mapquest to todd so he knows how to pick up

My cheat was a bit....excessive

I went with my dad & stepmom to Latin Quarter. Three 1/2 empinadas, 2 small breadrolls, and two 1/2 chicken&beef skewers later, um, yeah. Add the flan I had at the end....

so you ate healthy for one night.
you can always starve for the rest of the week.....

that's what girls do and it works for us..

I still have 1/2 of the meal for tomorrow. :)

save that for me. i'll be down for dinner...

Ready to go~

What a sweatball! :eek: ~

those are such cute pictures of your little guy.
he's a clone of mama.
he could never get lost in the world.
look at barb, you see bubba.


(a/k/a 'mozzarella stix in 'blob' shape!)

They were quite the challenge for Bubba .........

Bubba had the pizza..........

After our purchase, we headed home, where we got comfy and popped Spiderman 3 into the DVD player (DH borrowed it from a dude at work). About half way thru, DH whipped up some s'mores and we enjoyed our movie and s'mores....altho, don't know which we enjoyed more?

(noting my 9500 post)

that one pic is priceless.

you should blow it up and frame it.

yes, i noticed. go for 10 K.....

Melted cheese.....a good thing? I say....YES!


being blonde and all, i forgot what we are to discuss.
i don't think it is the world wide bash at damos though
.......or is it?

Okay, but the furniture is coming in two weeks, so we have to do it before then.

1, 2, 3....GOOOOO!!!!!

WOO HOO............THE PARTY IS ON !!!!
:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

My dinner was VERY good. DH picked up the fresh salmon yesterday and did an excellent job of it too. . . it was wonderful. . . . a little lemon pepper, little garlic, little season salt, throw it on the foreman and. . voila. . . . we would have paid $20 a pop at most restaurants for it. Steamed veggies, wild brown rice and a salad rounded out the meal. ok, ok, i had half of a baked potato too. . . with fat free sour cream only and I didn't finish either my rice or potato

3.5 oz of salmon has 7 grams of fat :scared1: I'll eat salmon as a treat. . . and leaner, white fish regularly. . . when 7 grams of fat is almost 1/2 my allowed intake per meal, that's alot. I try to stay well under 15 grams of fat in case there's some "hidden" grams I didn't realize or know about. . . I like a little cushion.

This was honestly the most satisfying and enjoyable meal I have eaten in 12 days. I'm going to day to but that Rachel Ray cookbook full of low-fat meals. . .and easy to prepare. . . that's what I'm talking about.

Last night was the first time we prepared 2 separate meals. Kids has a friend over and none of them like salmon, so dh put a chicken in the rotisserie for them. He's so wonderful. . . :love: I did our dinner, he did theirs and he cleaned up the kitchen so I could watch COPS :rolleyes1 And no, no one else can have him. . . he's all mine:hug: he even does :laundy:

I've truly been blessed in my life! :cloud9:


is mr wwessing an only child?

Good morning everyone!

I'm heading out in a few to go Snow Tubing at Mt. Abrams. : My daughter asked me if I wanted to go with her and her friends. I've never been, sounds like fun. Plus it's actually above freezing here! I guess I'm "cool" enough today to be seen out with a bunch of 20 somethings. :rotfl2: Maybe they just want a designated driver.....:
See you all around dinner time. Wish me luck.

take the camera with......

I woke up this moring to a very queasy stomach and am now have chills followd by sweats. I do not have time to get sick. Think I am going to go soak in the tub. I may not be around much today if I don't get feeling better.
feel better soon homie.

Like Barb said in an earlier post, I like to get the 1st flight out, and the last flight back. :

i think like you both do.
first flight in to orlando
last flight out of orlando.

only way to do it

thoughts and hugs and prayers to Tricia and her family.:hug:

massive nor'easter snowstorm all day tomorrow for both Sharon and me. 12 inches of snow ++++

i swear, that snowblower is muttering things when i walk past it.

even if you aint a Giants fan normally, please root for them and not Dallas (please??????)

penny, do you sweet talk the snow blower or or just kick it on it's head?

WOW...another snowstorm? Have you guys ever had so much snow in one winter?

you don't really want to know todd............

and i'm watching the game in between posting....... wear thongs? :rolleyes1

oh....and damo said it was okay to use her house is coming soon, so that's why breakables yet ;) Awaiting directions :rolleyes1

that one pic is priceless.

which one...they're all funny :rotfl2:

macraven said:
i think like you both do.
first flight in to orlando
last flight out of orlando.

only way to do it

:thumbsup2 one reason we are such good friends ;)
raise your hands if you have ever tp'ed a house before.......

hey you shortie in the back, stand on the box so i can see your hand....

ok, got that homie counted.....

i say we all go to the mall this week and swipe the tp in the public restrooms.
if we all do that, we could do a lot of houses next weekend.

just remember, it's the family that plays together that stays together...
is is that supposed to be serves time together..
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