Something about Nothing, come join in........ Part 3

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Hey guys, checking in.

Tricia - glad to see you on here. Sending you lots of :grouphug: :grouphug: from West Virginia.

Barb - love to see the pics. Since no one is going to Universal right away, we'll pass the time by viewing pics of Bubba's family on the weekend.:love:

Jodie: The stores and WalMart (of course) are just like that here. Anytime they predict 1-2" of snow, everyone runs to buy bread and milk. My DH does this too. On Jan 1, they were calling for snow later that day. So of course, off he goes on New Year's Day to WalMart to get supplies. :confused3

Catch you later. Off to watch Amazing Race tonight.

what time is the doc appt tomorrow?

be sure to take notes when you are there.

hang in there, homie. that's very good no more seizures this weekend.

I have to call first thing in the morning to find out the time. The doctor at the hospital told me that she had called my regular doctor to let him know what was going on and that they made me an appointment for Monday, but I went through all the paperwork they didn't list a time. If he told me what the time was when we were talking, I don't remember it now. :headache:

I've been doing a little research online about seizures, so I have LOTS of questions and, yes, I'll be taking LOTS of notes.

My biggest question is if my regular doctor feels like he needs to refer us out to a pediatrician. Our regular doctor is a family practictioner and he is GREAT. However, he is Army Reserve and will be deployed to Iraq next month for a 6 month tour of duty. His partner in the practice is Mr. Broomstick-for-a-Personality... the guy that threw pills at me when I was having my last tummy pains? Yeah, him. Anyway, I'm going to look my doctor in the eye and ask if he needs to send us to someone else to manage Joshua's condition. He's a good guy. He'll send me elsewhere if he needs to.


Thank you to the man upstairs:angel: :angel: :angel:
Tricia - glad to see you on here. Sending you lots of :grouphug: :grouphug: from West Virginia.

It's good to be seen on here!

Thanks for the hugs. I'm just trying to keep things as normal around here as possible. I try to keep an eye on Joshua without making it obvious that I'm keeping an eye on Joshua, if you know what I mean.

He's looked at me twice today when I was watching him play and said, "What?"

Ooops. Got caught staring. I've gotta get better at it. :rolleyes1
Oh bummer. What is good news for Penny is very bad news for Mr. Jodie. Now, I have to put up with him for the rest of the night! :scared1:

Hi Tricia, glad to "see" you on here again. Been thinking about you, and hope you get the answers you seek and help Joshua needs. Keep us posted. :hug:

Ugg, so, I get my tooth bonded on Friday, right? And she decides to bond my snaggle tooth as well because she said my old dentist was just lazy. It's been a problem for years. I finally get it fixed, and it barely lasts 48 hours ($112 for me, and $765 billed to insurance, yikes.). So, now I need to call her in the morning, and let her know that her work didn't hold up and I didn't even eat anything hard at all!
yep, the 1st thing i run for when snow is predicted is a trusty nanner:banana: :rotfl:


keishashadow said:
i like the 1st direct flight in the am & the last one outta dodge, just to squeeze all the vacation-y goodness out of a trip:thumbsup2

have run into problems with that strategy:

* weather & equipment delays (usually get comp'd) stinks; not sure if you'll get home, let alone when:sad2:


*DH never knows exactly what his schedule will be @ work until Friday am. One time i had him getting home after he was to start a midnight shift:rolleyes1 (work week can begin as early as 12:01 am on Sunday or as late as 4:00 pm on Tuesday:headache: ) He rarely misses work, now he just calls off sick if it happens;)

usually not a problem for us....we'd just go back to family's house....this year would be a problem since we are leaving from UO this, who cares.... there are worse places to be stuck than Orlando :rotfl2:

you mean it doesn't snow in jersey??
wow, i think we all should move there then.

i'm sick of the snow.
or have i ranted about that enough already?

She's in northern snows there :scared:

keisha run out of nanners.............oh vey............

NEVER happen :sad2:

besides...if she does...i'll share mine

i fixed breakfast for all of them this morning before i left for church.
you would have thought that was enough for the day, but , oh no.....they got hungry again.

:snooty: how dare they!
We used to do that.... but DH couldn't rationalize taking a whole day off just to sleep in! :confused3 Besides, we rarely go for just a, we are actually ready to come home by then (I'm sure we'll be ready this time too!) So, we get in late on Saturday nite/early Sunday morning, have all day Sunday off to food shop, go thru mail,, it's all good. (note: I usually do laundry at FIL's before we come home, but we'll be at UO after Dad's before we come home this time...guess I'll be doing laundry that Sunday :headache: )

That's good thinking, and when we would go from Friday to Friday, we did that as well. Now that we go Fri to Sunday, I "budget" the extra day when I figure out my vacation time for the year. At the Post Office, if we work a holiday, we can get an extra 8 hours of vacation time added to our total, instead of the money for working the day, that's what I do, I sign up for all the Federal Holidays (except Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years) and always take the extra vacation time. So it all works out in the end!
I have to call first thing in the morning to find out the time.

My biggest question is if my regular doctor feels like he needs to refer us out to a pediatrician.

Wishing you all the luck you could possibly get :goodvibes For whatever reason, I'm thinking 'pediatric doctor' wouldn't be such a bad thing :confused3


I try to keep an eye on Joshua without making it obvious that I'm keeping an eye on Joshua, if you know what I mean.

He's looked at me twice today when I was watching him play and said, "What?"

Ooops. Got caught staring. I've gotta get better at it. :rolleyes1

:eek: whoops! :rotfl: Kids....if they only knew.... :rolleyes1

Oh bummer. What is good news for Penny is very bad news for Mr. Jodie. Now, I have to put up with him for the rest of the night! :scared1:

Yep...good luck with that :rolleyes1

Ugg, so, I get my tooth bonded on Friday, right? And she decides to bond my snaggle tooth as well because she said my old dentist was just lazy. It's been a problem for years. I finally get it fixed, and it barely lasts 48 hours ($112 for me, and $765 billed to insurance, yikes.). So, now I need to call her in the morning, and let her know that her work didn't hold up and I didn't even eat anything hard at all!

Well... :mad: what is up with THAT??? Tell her to get her sh*t together for cryin' out loud! :mad: I wouldn't want to be her tomorrow.... :scared: Good luck & let us know how goes....

Hey Jennifer!!! :wave2:

Nice tickers DM ;)
That's good thinking, and when we would go from Friday to Friday, we did that as well. Now that we go Fri to Sunday, I "budget" the extra day when I figure out my vacation time for the year. At the Post Office, if we work a holiday, we can get an extra 8 hours of vacation time added to our total, instead of the money for working the day, that's what I do, I sign up for all the Federal Holidays (except Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years) and always take the extra vacation time. So it all works out in the end!

Good idea! :thumbsup2 Works for ya and that's what you have to do...what works for you.... ;)
No, he's not. . . and he had a very non-traditional upbringing.

qualify that statement.............nontraditional upbringing.
like you guys were't raised like the gyspies were or anything like that....

Hey guys, checking in.

Tricia - glad to see you on here. Sending you lots of :grouphug: :grouphug: from West Virginia.

Catch you later. Off to watch Amazing Race tonight.


where are we off to tomorrow jennifer?
will it be the hilton, the hampton or the super 8?

super 8 has a nice breakfast spread...

I have to call first thing in the morning to find out the time. The doctor at the hospital told me that she had called my regular doctor to let him know what was going on and that they made me an appointment for Monday, but I went through all the paperwork they didn't list a time. If he told me what the time was when we were talking, I don't remember it now. :headache:

I've been doing a little research online about seizures, so I have LOTS of questions and, yes, I'll be taking LOTS of notes.

My biggest question is if my regular doctor feels like he needs to refer us out to a pediatrician. Our regular doctor is a family practictioner and he is GREAT. However, he is Army Reserve and will be deployed to Iraq next month for a 6 month tour of duty. His partner in the practice is Mr. Broomstick-for-a-Personality... the guy that threw pills at me when I was having my last tummy pains? Yeah, him. Anyway, I'm going to look my doctor in the eye and ask if he needs to send us to someone else to manage Joshua's condition. He's a good guy. He'll send me elsewhere if he needs to.

get joshua a pediatrician.
they specialize and can be more helpful than a family practictoner.

little people react different ways to meds and you need the experience of the child specialist.

do a google search for pediatricians in your area.
see if they are board certified.
call then and ask the office manager what percentage of his clientel he works with deals with the neuro system.

when i moved out of the city/chicago, i switched to a family physician in the small town i live in.
worse mistake.
son ended up in the hospital at age 11 months and i had to threaten with a lawyer.
went back to using a pediatrician for the boys until they were 16.
chose one doctor that had a practice with partners about 30 minutes away.

the family doc didn't read the charts correctly and give an accurate diagnosis. he was used to big people diagnosis.

keep in touch.
we want to hear what happens tomorrow.

oh vey........i sound like i'm back at giving gemma lectures.......
btw, where is that girl?



Thank you to the man upstairs:angel: :angel: :angel:

i watched that game.
you know if the cowboys would have won, greenbay would lose next week playing them.
gb will have weather about 10 degrees next sunday and they play fine in that type of temps.
gb has never done well in dallas.

it should be a good game to watch.

It's good to be seen on here!

Thanks for the hugs. I'm just trying to keep things as normal around here as possible. I try to keep an eye on Joshua without making it obvious that I'm keeping an eye on Joshua, if you know what I mean.

He's looked at me twice today when I was watching him play and said, "What?"

Ooops. Got caught staring. I've gotta get better at it. :rolleyes1

learn the trade now so when he is a teen, you won't get caught.......

Oh bummer. What is good news for Penny is very bad news for Mr. Jodie. Now, I have to put up with him for the rest of the night! :scared1:

Hi Tricia, glad to "see" you on here again. Been thinking about you, and hope you get the answers you seek and help Joshua needs. Keep us posted. :hug:

Ugg, so, I get my tooth bonded on Friday, right? And she decides to bond my snaggle tooth as well because she said my old dentist was just lazy. It's been a problem for years. I finally get it fixed, and it barely lasts 48 hours ($112 for me, and $765 billed to insurance, yikes.). So, now I need to call her in the morning, and let her know that her work didn't hold up and I didn't even eat anything hard at all!

snaggle, what happened at the dentist???
you didn't tell us about the other tooth.......

i have had to have rebonding done before.
i was told my tooth was not dry enough the first time so it did not hold up.
i just love the excuses docs give.

refuse to pay for the visit.
she should have done it right the first time.
tell her i said that too.....

That's good thinking, and when we would go from Friday to Friday, we did that as well. Now that we go Fri to Sunday, I "budget" the extra day when I figure out my vacation time for the year. At the Post Office, if we work a holiday, we can get an extra 8 hours of vacation time added to our total, instead of the money for working the day, that's what I do, I sign up for all the Federal Holidays (except Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years) and always take the extra vacation time. So it all works out in the end!

do you like working for the post office? my brother works at a po and delivers mail. his son surprised him and said he was getting married after christmas. brother had a heck of a time trying to get off a week for that.
holiday time is tough time to get time off for his place.

at this point, not talking to that brother so i really don't care if he gets time off or not now.......;)

mike that is a great deal of getting the comp time for the holidays you work.

Hi Tricia, glad to "see" you on here again. Been thinking about you, and hope you get the answers you seek and help Joshua needs. Keep us posted. :hug:

Ugg, so, I get my tooth bonded on Friday, right? And she decides to bond my snaggle tooth as well because she said my old dentist was just lazy. It's been a problem for years. I finally get it fixed, and it barely lasts 48 hours ($112 for me, and $765 billed to insurance, yikes.). So, now I need to call her in the morning, and let her know that her work didn't hold up and I didn't even eat anything hard at all!

First, what a mess with your tooth. You've had the problem for years and the fix only lasted 2 days? I hope the other one holds! :eek:

Next, I thought about you once when I was at the hospital with Joshua. I had a "Perfect Storm" moment... and I thought to myself, "This is just like when Jodie was talking about being the sober one in charge of her drunk girlfriends." :rotfl:

My Perfect Storm moment was when I arrived at the hospital and realized that I couldn't call in the calvary. Carol had just had emergency surgery, so she & Deb and Mom were at a hospital in Atlanta. FIL had outpatient surgery Thursday morning to remove cancer from his nose, so he was laid up with MIL tending to him. Brad had to keep Daniel who, at 2.5, wouldn't be able to behave as would be needed in a hospital environment. I was on my own. :scared1:
darkie, 18 more days until you see her

210 more days til you leave the sunshine state......
does that mean you will be moving in august this year?

you'll miss HHN.............:eek:
i watched that game.
you know if the cowboys would have won, greenbay would lose next week playing them.
gb will have weather about 10 degrees next sunday and they play fine in that type of temps.
gb has never done well in dallas.

it should be a good game to watch.

I'm hearing a high of 4 for next Sunday! :scared1: Unfortunately we're going skiing on Friday and Saturday and those are about the numbers I'm hearing for then too!

So glad the next game will be here. They say about $4 million in revenue for the team, not to mention the city. Unfortunately, DH is supposed to be out of town leaving Sunday afternoon (for Indianapolis - he's in the wrong city for a change! ;) ). He says no way, not happening. So he's figuring out how he can either drive out before the game (except he's determined to GO to the game) or drive out after. Let's see 5pm game, over at 9, driving 7 hours to Indy - not a great plan in my book!

Tricia - we're so glad to see ou back here! Hang in there and feel free to watch us instead of him! We won't say "what?" to you! It's just so funny though because I can just visualize the tone and expression! Good luck!

Jodie - sorry to hear about all the teeth hassle! Keep us up to date and I agree that I wouldn't pay either until everything is solved!
anyone talk to lori today?

she posted this morning she might not be around as she thought she was getting sick.

get well real soon lori

i can give you a hug and a pat.

can't catch germs on cyber stuff.....
I'm hearing a high of 4 for next Sunday! :scared1: Unfortunately we're going skiing on Friday and Saturday and those are about the numbers I'm hearing for then too!

So glad the next game will be here. They say about $4 million in revenue for the team, not to mention the city. Unfortunately, DH is supposed to be out of town leaving Sunday afternoon (for Indianapolis - he's in the wrong city for a change! ;) ). He says no way, not happening. So he's figuring out how he can either drive out before the game (except he's determined to GO to the game) or drive out after. Let's see 5pm game, over at 9, driving 7 hours to Indy - not a great plan in my book!

never say impossible to a cheese head marcie.
after you have lived in greenbay longer, you'll understand the intensity of the fans and the length they will go for the team...........

he can roll into indianopolis in about 4 hours from where i am....
ok, 6 hour drive, leave at 9 and be there by 3 am......

wait, fans never leave the stadium at gb right after the game, they all linger around.......

another possiblity is to take the ferry over by milwaukee or north of there and take a shuttle flight out of mitchell field.
rent a car when he arrives and return the same day.

or he could call in sick
that might be easier to do
get joshua a pediatrician.
they specialize and can be more helpful than a family practictoner.

little people react different ways to meds and you need the experience of the child specialist.

do a google search for pediatricians in your area.
see if they are board certified.
call then and ask the office manager what percentage of his clientel he works with deals with the neuro system.

when i moved out of the city/chicago, i switched to a family physician in the small town i live in.
worse mistake.
son ended up in the hospital at age 11 months and i had to threaten with a lawyer.
went back to using a pediatrician for the boys until they were 16.
chose one doctor that had a practice with partners about 30 minutes away.

the family doc didn't read the charts correctly and give an accurate diagnosis. he was used to big people diagnosis.

keep in touch.
we want to hear what happens tomorrow.

oh vey........i sound like i'm back at giving gemma lectures.......
btw, where is that girl?

I had the exact opposite experience. The reason why Joshua is a patient at my family doctor is because I couldn't get him properly diagnosed and treated at his former pediatrician. Joshua spent most of 2005 and 2006 sick. He had pneumonia 3 times. The pediatrician just kept throwing Amoxicillan at me and patting me on the head. I finally got fed up and took Joshua to see my doctor. He took one exam of Joshua and said, "Well, he has tonsils the size of golf balls. I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned that he needs them removed. We'll refer you to an ENT doc right away." Maybe it is because he has 3 kids of his own and they are all in the pediatric ages? His oldest is 12, youngest is 5. I dunno. I only know that I trust him and he has made Joshua a healthy boy before.
tricia, stick with the doc you have trust in.

i didn't know you had issues before your doc took joshua as a patient.

good luck tomorrow.:grouphug:
do you like working for the post office? my brother works at a po and delivers mail. his son surprised him and said he was getting married after christmas. brother had a heck of a time trying to get off a week for that.
holiday time is tough time to get time off for his place.

at this point, not talking to that brother so i really don't care if he gets time off or not now.......;)

mike that is a great deal of getting the comp time for the holidays you work.

I am in the maintenance dept, so I like it, carriers do have a hard time getting days off. I have been there almost 18 years, I have weekends off, it's a good job! I have some senority now, so getting the weeks off I need for vaca is pretty easy, it wasn't always like that though :headache:
Tricia wants everyone to know that she appreciates everyones emails and PMs....she is very touched.

She is thankful for your good thoughts, friendship & prayers.

She is afraid to leave Joshua alone, so she spends all her time with him. She simply doesn't have the time to reply to everyone much as she wants to! :goodvibes

She wanted you to know she is reading everything we send her, and she is extremely grateful for all the good wishes, emails, PMs and means a lot to her.

For you Tricia.... :grouphug: :wizard:

Oh, and Carol is in a recliner, she's eating and walking around, but in a lot of pain. Apparently the meds for her pain bring on migraines, and she'd just rather deal with the pain using Tylenol. Carol sounds like she is making progress, slow, but nonetheless, progress..... Good news there!!!

Now...just need to transfer dust to Joshua and the Tricia family will be good to go :thumbsup2

Thanks for the update.

Bubba's mom, where did you get your timers? Tickerfactory's are too big. :headache:

Saw the new tickers. Forgot you were going to see Ad next month. Have a great trip.

i'm home from church, it went late today.

have all your backs covered.

i haven't read back so don't know if barb posted the new 411 from tricia.
this might be a repeat.

just turned the puter on and saw her pm.

"I told Barb and I'm telling you too. Make sure everyone on the thread knows how much I appreciate the PMs and emails. I've read them all, but I don't have the time to respond to everyone right now. I'm keeping you and Barb up to date on everything and I know you'll spread the word to everyone else. I'm sure there are messages and hugs posted on the thread too, but I haven't had time to read that at all. It means a LOT that you guys are here for me."

besides being a chat thread, we really like everyone that has joined us here.
we share the burdens the homies have and try to be supportive.

someday all these invisible people that live within the box on the monitor will become real.......

what a party we could plan.

i vote to have the first gathering at damo's house since it will already be houses are always clean...

todd, warm that bus us and come get all of us.
even the newbies are joining in for the party!
even the ones that came here and posted,
"oops, wrong thread, sorry" are invited.

heck, bring the neighbors too.........

now who is gonna tell damo about the bash?

oh and tricia, you can make the cheese sticks.
i'm dying to try them!

I for one can not wait for all of you to become real. That will be one very happy day.

i loved the 3 pics i posted before with a quote and the above one.

he looks so quiet and in thought.

give us the set up for that pic

He looked like he was so full he was about to bust to me. Very cute pic.


i said show of hands, not butts.............

and i know you all are dying to know which homie that was.....:rolleyes1


mike, you are the smartest man around here.
i like how you think!

i leave my house around 3:45 am for o'hare to catch a 6:25 morning flight.
of course i am exhausted by the time i leave my house as i'm afraid i'll oversleep and miss my ride so i just piddle around the house until time to leave.

and of course when i land in orlando, rooms are never ready for me on site so i store my belongings and hit the park.

by 6 in the evening, i am a walking zombie ready to crash.
but can i go back to the room and get some shut eye???.........
no way........i'm on vacation!

i recover from my vacations when i return home.

Me too. I want to get maximum vacation time in. I keep adding a day or two every year. DH is eventually going to catch on.

Warning: rant ahead.

I would not have gone to the grocery store if our fridge weren't empty and cupboards weren't bare. Except that we're supposed to get 1-3" of snow tomorrow. HARDLY WORLD STOPPING, PEOPLE! So, tell me, why was the grocery store MOBBED and we couldn't find 1/2 gallon of the milk we usually buy and they were completely out of bananas. BANANAS. IDIOTS! You'd think these morons have never seen 1-3" of snow! MORONS!!!!!!!@!

Isn't it amazing.:headache: My mil calls to let us know that we need to go get everything too.

Oh bummer. What is good news for Penny is very bad news for Mr. Jodie. Now, I have to put up with him for the rest of the night! :scared1:

Hi Tricia, glad to "see" you on here again. Been thinking about you, and hope you get the answers you seek and help Joshua needs. Keep us posted. :hug:

Ugg, so, I get my tooth bonded on Friday, right? And she decides to bond my snaggle tooth as well because she said my old dentist was just lazy. It's been a problem for years. I finally get it fixed, and it barely lasts 48 hours ($112 for me, and $765 billed to insurance, yikes.). So, now I need to call her in the morning, and let her know that her work didn't hold up and I didn't even eat anything hard at all!

Sorry Mike. Hope he isn't too bad tonight Jodie.

Can't believe that dentist had the nerve to bad mouth another dentist and did that crappy of a job.

First, what a mess with your tooth. You've had the problem for years and the fix only lasted 2 days? I hope the other one holds! :eek:

Next, I thought about you once when I was at the hospital with Joshua. I had a "Perfect Storm" moment... and I thought to myself, "This is just like when Jodie was talking about being the sober one in charge of her drunk girlfriends." :rotfl:

My Perfect Storm moment was when I arrived at the hospital and realized that I couldn't call in the calvary. Carol had just had emergency surgery, so she & Deb and Mom were at a hospital in Atlanta. FIL had outpatient surgery Thursday morning to remove cancer from his nose, so he was laid up with MIL tending to him. Brad had to keep Daniel who, at 2.5, wouldn't be able to behave as would be needed in a hospital environment. I was on my own. :scared1:

:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: I wish one of us could have been there to help you out. I'm so glad to hear how good Carol is doing. I agree with mac & Barb, get a pediatrician even if your doctor doesn't think you should. They are much better suited to deal with what is going on with Joshua. We are here for you if you if you need anything.

anyone talk to lori today?

she posted this morning she might not be around as she thought she was getting sick.

get well real soon lori

i can give you a hug and a pat.

can't catch germs on cyber stuff.....

I'm here checking in. I have had two soaks in my tub today, may go for one more. Slept off and on all day. The queasiness is gone, headache is coming and going. One of the worst headaches I have had in years.

Thanks for the concern everyone. But you don't need to worry about me, we just need to focus on Joshua.

Have a terrific week everyone.
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