Something about Nothing, come join in........ Part 3

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i just took a glance at the first forum page.

do you realize that we have 10,777 posts and counting since we began?

and we have 131,857 hits on the thread.

we are not even a year old yet!

i think we set a record.

No wonder I can't stay "ketchuped"!

Hi Marcie!!!:wave: Didn't mean to forget you! And WELCOME Donna; you will find that this group is the friendliest group on the DIS and you can ask anything here and nobody is gonna be mean to you.
alison, i posted the count and people as i was getting dizzy going back and forth trying to count noses to see who you forgot.

i missed penny........oops, i'm bad.

so i guess we will have to make it up to her and have her house be the first we tp..........:rolleyes1
Mac, did you know that I've NEVER been tp'ing? That sounds like fun....My sister went all the time with her friends, but I was always afraid to do stuff like that. My dad was so mean when we would get tp'd when we were night he caught the neighborhood kids in our yard and ran them off. The next morning, he went around and gathered each one of them up and gave them trash bags to clean up... I was sooooooo embarrassed!!!! One time we got forked and tp'd...they put plastic forks all over our yard....have you ever heard of such?
i should drive over to your place sometime and teach you how to tp

it is fun!

and we can show your kids also how the pros do it........:rolleyes1

i'll put that on our "bucket list".
it's monday.

wake up time..........

but for those that don't have to be at work until 8:00, stay in bed for a few more hours.

looks like green light out on the thread.

sweet sleep all
Can't ketchup. Not many guys over 500 on the list?:rolleyes1

I'm ready for cold weather now. Finished re-doing my fireplace and got the new oak mantle and surround up this weekend.

Congrats to Green Bay. It was fun watching grown men play in the snow. :happytv: Reminded me of the Lombardi days.

I can't wait to help trash damo's house. Can it wait to summer? SC is a little too cool.

I start a diet challenge today. Four guys, $100 each, average weight- morbidly obese, 3 months, highest per centage lost (we're all engineers so a little anal) takes all. Weigh in is at 7:15 this morning. I ate all my favorites this weekend including mass quanities of sh*t on a shingle and chocalate ice cream. I plan on drinking a couple gallons of water before the weigh in. After the weigh in I mustard.
Good Morning. Another work week.

Mac - I'm not off to anywhere this week. This week is drive to the client's office. We will be leaving about 7:30am from office and getting back about 7:30pm. But, I will be home every night.:cool1: And, as for the Super 8 breakfast spread - you were kidding right. :rotfl2:

Katie - Perhaps, you can tutor my DS12. He is studying the "sex" stuff in his health class as well. Not sure, if I want him to make a good grade or not.;) I know a couple of weeks ago, when he was studying the "correct" names of all of the parts of the male & femal reproductive system, DH and I had to look through the book to get the correct answers.:lmao:

Tricia - good luck today with the doctor. Hope you get some answers.

Well - need to get moving.

Katie, I agree with Marcie. When I first started looking at houses, I was buying on my own (I had not met Mike yet and was with a financial juvenile who wound up sucking me dry, but that is a story for another time ... :rolleyes1 ). Anyway, $120K was my limit. And I managed to find a house that I really liked and figured as I got the money, I'd fix some things up. Which I have done. Except that I could've had a much larger house for $145K, which seemed (like Marcie said) a FORTUNE. Well, duh, had I known that 7 years later, I'd be one half a happy dink and that extra $150 a month in mortgage payments would not have killed me, I'd certainly have made a different decision. Instead, I wound up converting my 30-year to a 15-year and doing some work on the house. At least I'll own my house free and clear at age 45; only 9 more years to go!

OK, and maybe this is just me not being a parent to anything with 2 legs, but since when did it become the school's responsibility to teach students everything they need to know about contraception and diseases, etc?! I am shocked, really. Do parents have no accountability whatsoever for their children's sex ed and really rely on the school 100% for that? What a cop out. Sex Ed in school should complement a child's sex ed at home. Not replace it. The parents of the children who didn't know anything should really be ashamed of themselves.

I have never been TPing ever. I think deep down, I am a goody-2-shoes!

MF, good luck with your diet competition! Hope you drank a few gallons of water before your first weigh in, and wore heavy hiking books and a heavy jacket or sweater and a weighted belt! Keep us posted on how that goes!

I am just waiting for the dentist to open. :headache: Ugg, hate trying to set up another appt. Have to try to change an appt for Miss Savannah too. Mike and I opted to switch tours this week, and though her appt would've worked for my evening tour, it doesn't work for my night tour. And, Mike is such a creature of habit, any disruption to his schedule just messes up his whole day. He'll take her if I can't change the appt, but I have to try first. That's about the only thing that drives me crazy about him. Don't muck up his schedule or THE WORLD ENDS!

Anyway, hi everyone! Happy Monday!
good morning sunshines! except for marci - a very cold 4 in her town:scared1: ; guess i can be-auch about it being 30 there all this week.

stick a fork in me, i'm done:goodvibes

3 medical appts on the schedule, none of them mine; if i didn't haul family by their ears they wouldn't show...guess it's my job lol

jodie - what's up with the dental goofiness? used to be they'd fix a tooth & that'd be it:confused3 ; such a hassle & expense

tricia - not sure if you're in a PPO/HMO and whether you can switch providers @ will? Hope it works out for you. Youngest DS had a misdiagnosed Fx from football; treated by ER/ortho who cleared him. Six months later still complaining; took him back to ped; sent him out to another ortho & more invasive testing @ local ER; still nothing. Ped decided to send him to one of the few pediatric orthos in our area & children's hospital of pittsburgh. He had developed fielberg's disease (bone death; involving his growth plate in foot). If it had been undiagnosed he'd have one foot smaller. 1st set of doctors said they missed it because he should've been complaining of "excrutiating" pain:headache: Two years down the road; things look great though. Just a pain, had to reset/new cast for 6 months, etc. Guess what i'm trying to say, is be an advocate & always get a 2nd opinion.:thumbsup2

as to TPing; we've been victims (lol) not perps. If i had pulled that stunt while a child; and if caught by my dad; wouldn't have been able to sit down for a week.;)
Mac Dw is doing fine and wants to thank you for all the prayers and the others that prayed for her and the swelling is almost gone just one little spot being stuborn but hopefully gone soon.
Macraven, thank you SO much for all the links you gave me to help me with the planning of my first Universal Trip. I've just started looking over everything and am excited at all the reading I'll be able to do now about all of this and will get some more answes to the many questions I have. Your help is greatly appreciated :)
Morning everyone. A quick drop in. Joshua's doctor appointment is at 4:15pm. We can all celebrate another seizure free night. :woohoo:

When I called the doctor's office, Marti, who is one of the front office ladies, said, "Well hey there girl! We were going to call you if you didn't call us. How did the weekend go for our little fella?"

I guess you guys aren't the only ones who think of Joshua and Daniel as "ours". ;)

I've been reading up the papers they stuffed into my hands as we were discharged. The wording of their informative articles leaves something to be desired. It's like trying to descipher instructions on how to hook up electronics. I find myself reading an entire paragraph and thinking, "I don't have any clue what that said."

From what I can gather, Joshua had what is now know as Generalized Convulsive Seizures followed by a Postictal Period... which means he jerked around for a few minutes and then was so tired afterwards that he fell asleep.

About 3 out of every 4 patients with seizures, no matter how much testing is done, will never know "why" they have seizures.

When I think of seizures, I automatically think of Epilepsy... but I didn't really know what it was, so I looked it up. Epilepsy is simply the diagnosis of chronic seizures. In other words, if you keep having seizures over a long period of time, you have Epilepsy. Huh. That still doesn't explain why. :confused3

So, we were talking TPing? Yeah, I did that once or twice. I have a vivid memory of checking out at the local Kroger store. 5 teenaged girls in the grocery store at midnight buying 10 packs of generic toilet paper and giggling our heads off. I'm sure they had NO idea what we were planning. :rolleyes:

We TPd Michelle Morton's house. She was a popular clique wannabe, but she tried to hold us (the not quite popular, but not quite geeks) in reserve. The end result was that nobody could stand her.

Oh, and I have a new diet tip for you guys. Have your child scare the sh*t out of you. Works like magic! I've lost 3 pounds since last Monday. :eek:
Macraven, thank you SO much for all the links you gave me to help me with the planning of my first Universal Trip. I've just started looking over everything and am excited at all the reading I'll be able to do now about all of this and will get some more answes to the many questions I have. Your help is greatly appreciated :)

HEY luckywife! I must have missed your first post. I've been off the computer for a few days. Anyway, WELCOME to our friendly little thread! Feel free to ask questions, chat, whatever. We have fun here.

I noticed your ticker. I'll be in Daytona (I hope) next month for the races.
Morning everyone. A quick drop in. Joshua's doctor appointment is at 4:15pm. We can all celebrate another seizure free night. :woohoo:

When I called the doctor's office, Marti, who is one of the front office ladies, said, "Well hey there girl! We were going to call you if you didn't call us. How did the weekend go for our little fella?"

I guess you guys aren't the only ones who think of Joshua and Daniel as "ours". ;)

I've been reading up the papers they stuffed into my hands as we were discharged. The wording of their informative articles leaves something to be desired. It's like trying to descipher instructions on how to hook up electronics. I find myself reading an entire paragraph and thinking, "I don't have any clue what that said."

From what I can gather, Joshua had what is now know as Generalized Convulsive Seizures followed by a Postictal Period... which means he jerked around for a few minutes and then was so tired afterwards that he fell asleep.

About 3 out of every 4 patients with seizures, no matter how much testing is done, will never know "why" they have seizures.

When I think of seizures, I automatically think of Epilepsy... but I didn't really know what it was, so I looked it up. Epilepsy is simply the diagnosis of chronic seizures. In other words, if you keep having seizures over a long period of time, you have Epilepsy. Huh. That still doesn't explain why. :confused3

Oh, and I have a new diet tip for you guys. Have your child scare the sh*t out of you. Works like magic! I've lost 3 pounds since last Monday. :eek:
Tricia, I'm still praying for Joshua. So glad to hear he hasn't had seizures since :woohoo:
Did you get my email on Sat. night?
If you need a little help with dicyphering some medical terms, I might be able to help you on that. I don't know all the medical terms but some I know.
Hope all goes well with the specialist appt today :hug:
Hey there homies!

Happy Monday (ha ha ha)

Hoping everyone is feeling better today and that those with snow are making out ok. We were supposed to get a coating and mostly rain.....we hardly got rain :woohoo: Yay Giants (shh, don't tell the Eagles fans around here - oh wait - that would be me and Barb :rotfl: ) I am happy they beat Dallas! I really wanted the Colts to win, they are the ones that could knock off the Pats, but SD looked really good :eek: so who knows :confused3
And of course I wanted the Packers to win (for Marcie) The local sports talk radio here is making fun of the TO crying during the press conference :rolleyes: That yahoo is another rant for another an athlete he is first class #1 but as an individual he is about 4 cards short of a full deck :rolleyes1 :3dglasses

me, daddybean and kbean all have the winter cold - blech

cbean got a furry friend this weekend.....she/he is cute and is making a mess of her/his bedding in the cage - but so so so sweet:lovestruc

Got to get the buddybean ready for skool - be back later!!
Tricia - Just wanted to post and let you know that I am still thinkingo f you and the family. When you see the doc later, let us know how you make out.....and how is Carol doing today??
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