The Official What's For Dinner thread:Thursday 1-24-08? Recipe finder in OP. Enjoy!

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Thanks for all of the info, Ladies. Today I went with my brother to my sister's house for lunch and he gave us the disbursement from my Mom's home. We all were thanking God that he could not reach my other sister, she is a pill. Gail can call her. Anyway, it is not a lot of money but it is enough and while I am going to pay some bills ( I can't believe I am going to do this), I want to share with my family, so I am thinking a family trip, minus my oldest who would rather chew glass than go to Disney, would be nice. I'll give him money and he can use it for whatever.

Now I really don't want to cook so I'm glad that I made that soup yesterday. It is hearty enough for dinner with a salad and bread.
Hey Y'all,

After having a bad bug hit me on Sunday, I can finally think about food again.

Nancy, I think that's a nice way to use the money. We've gone between Thanksgiving & Christmas and loved it. The lights & decorations are so wonderful. Don't miss the "Santa's" from around the world in Epcot's WS. I also think the MVMCP is worth the extra bucks, the parade, fireworks & snow are so nice. And I second or third the Osborne Family Lights too.

Lauren, If I ever finish the house renovations & decide to plan a party, I'll need to hire you! What great ideas!

Aimee, The party sounds fun & with all the great ideas & recipes you're getting it's gonna be wonderful!

I think we'll have roast beef panninis for dinner.

Becky, Beautiful souffle even if it did overflow.

DD & I tried our hand at pasta making on Saturday. It was fun & very good. We made a light wheat fettucine that came out really good. Served it with a spinach pesto sauce and chicken.

Has anyone else made pasta at home? Any tips or info. for me?
Evening all--

Well we will be having seafood tonight for my b-day, but Kris will pick it up and bring it home.
Ross is home sick and we are going to the DR's at 8:30 tonight to see if he needs an antibiotic or inhaler or what. Last week he had the sniffles etc, and I figured it was just a cold, as Kris and I each came home from vacation with one. Ross then came home once last week with a fever of 104.5 and by bedtime it was normal, and he went to school. Over the weekend he has been coughing almost nonstop, and not eating, and I kept him home today and figure we better go get this checked.

I wish I could ship his heavy coughing down to my mother as she is struggling to cough up all the junk in her lungs from being on the Vent for a week. She had a rough morning, but they are working on things, and she is feeling a bit better this evening. Pulmonary might go in with the scope and suck some stuff out, and try to help her out a bit, they have put her in a bed that sort of taps her in the back every half hour to help break it up. Her nurse said it was the Caddilac of beds, lol.

We are having Lobster stew and Lobster rolls, mmmmmmm!!! A lobsters worth of meat in each one!!

Nancy--I think your mother would love what you are doing with the will be a trip in her memory. (she would also be proud that you are paying some bills too;))
Sheryl, glad you are feeling better...:hug:

All this talk of me party planning makes me miss my last job...:sad1: I was in charge of planning sales awards trips, dinners, team building events, etc...I really wish I could find something that I would love to do like that again. I just moved too far away to stay with the company...

So, if anyone wants me to plan a party, let me know!!!

I have never made pasta but what you made over the weekend sounds awesome! :thumbsup2
Hey Y'all,

After having a bad bug hit me on Sunday, I can finally think about food again.

Has anyone else made pasta at home? Any tips or info. for me?

I hope that you are feeling better now. Years ago I bought a pasta maker, another gadget I had to have, used it one time with my niece and then packed it up and put in in teh basement. I am of no use to you.

I wish I could ship his heavy coughing down to my mother as she is struggling to cough up all the junk in her lungs from being on the Vent for a week. She had a rough morning, but they are working on things, and she is feeling a bit better this evening. Pulmonary might go in with the scope and suck some stuff out, and try to help her out a bit, they have put her in a bed that sort of taps her in the back every half hour to help break it up. Her nurse said it was the Caddilac of beds, lol.

Nancy--I think your mother would love what you are doing with the will be a trip in her memory. (she would also be proud that you are paying some bills too;))

I hope that Ross gets rid of his cough. My sister said the kids are all sick and they have been swamped. She is a respiratory therapist at Childrens but worked across the street for years. I'll ask her about that Cadillac of your Mom's. Coughing is so hard when your lungs are tired.

So, if anyone wants me to plan a party, let me know!!!

My SIL is asking her friend to stand up as well so I won't have carte blanche when we do something for her, but I know I'm calling you!

I am afraid I'm going to bother you a lot for a bit. When we went to the MNSSHP we were sorry that we only bought tickets for one night. Should we think about tickets for two evenings? DGD is a character junkie but I am not sure if there are so many at this one. Also, any advice on the CP? We definitely are going to check out the Santas. I think we are going to plan 7 nights and we are not worried about getting to everything, we are going to concentrate on the special Christmas effects, the rest will be a bonus. I am going to see if my sister's girls can get time off. I would love for them to join us. All this planning and I am not sure we can do this :rotfl:
Wendie, Hope Ross is feeling better, your Mom has an easier time and that you enjoyed your dinner!

Nancy, I would love to help you plan something! Your Mom would be proud of you...what a nice way for you to spend some of the money...can I be a long lost sister? ;)

Well, the Chicken Ala King was a HUGE hit! Of course I altered the it is...not the most diet friendly dish but oh so good!

4 chicken cooked chicken breast, cut into cubes or roughly shredded
1 small onion, diced
3/4 cup carrot, diced or sliced
3/4 cup frozen broccoli, cooked but not mushy (cooked fresh is fine)
3/4 cup frozen peas, cooked but not mushy
4 heaping tbs of flour
1 cup chicken stock
2 cups warm milk
salt, pepper, nutmeg, garlic powder to taste
2 tsb sherry
rice or toast to serve ala king on (would be good with biscuits too)
*** Add more stock or milk if needed at end of cooking

In a pan, melt butter and saute onion and carrot for about 5 minutes. Stir in flour and cook for another 5 minutes.

Take pan off the stove and slowly whisk in chicken stock, then milk. Return to stove and season. Bring to a gentle boil and cook another 10 minutes. ***See above.

Add chicken and remainder of vegetables. Cook another 5 minutes. Serve over rice or toast.

Add chicken, sherry, broccoli and peas.
Well we just got Ross to bed, we had to go to the pharmacy after his Dr. appt. Then give him one med 40 min before the other, etc etc................he has bacterial pneumonia, along with cellulitis on his right cheek, and maybe influenza as well.........the trifecta of illness! (he might also have a sinus infection which would explain why the cellulitis on the cheek came from) He should be feeling better after a day or two of antibiotic in him, and he will rest well with the cough med with codeine.
What a week.......I also have my grandmother having eye surgery on Thursday to deal with as well.....As long as I stay healthy I can handle this all, lol.

Sheryl--I am so sorry to hear you were not feeling well...glad you are feeling more like yourself!

Now off to watch american idol that we dvr'd.

It is almost 1am and I just talked to my mom, she could actually say a few words tonight, that I could understand, her voice was loud and she could put 3-4 words together for mini sentences. Which was amazing to me, considering this time last week, I was thinking I would never talk to her again! Her nurse said that her lungs were sounding much clearer as well, and so far they are holding off on going in to clear them out for her!!! Off to bed now!
I ended up not enough enough tomato sauce to make jambasta last night. Scott drove my car so I couldn't pick some up. So I ended up making baked salmon and rice. Tonight I will make the jambasta.

WFD at your house?

Lindsay - can I just say that your kitty chili ROCKS!!!!! It was so incredibly yummy!

Is it the A1 chili? It is delish, isn't it? :)

I think we'll have roast beef panninis for dinner.
Hey I have a question. I got a panini press for Christmas and plan on using it this week. What kind of bread do you use for your paninis?
Well we just got Ross to bed, we had to go to the pharmacy after his Dr. appt. Then give him one med 40 min before the other, etc etc................he has bacterial pneumonia, along with cellulitis on his right cheek, and maybe influenza as well.........the trifecta of illness! (he might also have a sinus infection which would explain why the cellulitis on the cheek came from) He should be feeling better after a day or two of antibiotic in him, and he will rest well with the cough med with codeine.
What a week.......I also have my grandmother having eye surgery on Thursday to deal with as well.....As long as I stay healthy I can handle this all, lol.

Sheryl--I am so sorry to hear you were not feeling well...glad you are feeling more like yourself!

Now off to watch american idol that we dvr'd.

It is almost 1am and I just talked to my mom, she could actually say a few words tonight, that I could understand, her voice was loud and she could put 3-4 words together for mini sentences. Which was amazing to me, considering this time last week, I was thinking I would never talk to her again! Her nurse said that her lungs were sounding much clearer as well, and so far they are holding off on going in to clear them out for her!!! Off to bed now!

I'm so glad your Mom is continuing to improve. Wow talk about the come-back kid!

Sorry to hear Ross is so sick. He sounds like Alex he isn't satisfied with just one illness he has to get 3 different kinds.:confused3

Lindsay I would use a hearty bread like a Italian. Does your Grocery store have a variety of breads? I would look for a larger loaf of crusty bread.

I still have to decide on my dinner tonight. So far I have stuck to my resolution of not going to the store and just using what I have in house first :woohoo:
I am just popping in to post a recipe since I've lurked here a bit and gotten some great ideas!
Tonight I am making vegetarian chili. Love this recipe!!

Longaberger Vegetarian Chili (yes it's Longaberger, shi shi foofoo chili)

1/4 cup vegetable oil
2 large onions diced (about 3 cups)
2 large red peppers cored, seeded and diced
4 cloves garlic
2 T ground cumin
2 tsp ground coriander (I can never find this since I moved out of eh US and need to mash my own)
1 tsp cayenne pepper
2 tsp paprika
3 T chili powder
1 t dried oregano
2 tsp salt
1 tsp black pepper
Two 28 oz cans diced tomatoes, drained
One 28 oz can crushed tomatoes
One 16 oz jar medium hot salsa
12 oz beer
Two 15.5 oz cans white hominy, drained
Two 15.5 oz cans black beans, drained
Two 15.5 oz cans kidney beans, drained
Two 4 oz cans diced green chilies
Juice of 2 limes
One 8 oz bag frozen corn
1 bunch fresh cilantro, stems removed corsely chopped

Heat oil in heavy bottom 8 qt or larger pot over med hi heat. Add onion, pepper and garlic and cook 5 minutes stirring frequently until veg are soft.

Combine the 8 spices and seasonings in a small bowl and then add teh mixture to the veg. Cook for an additional 5 min stirring frequently.

Add tomatoes, salsa, and beer. Lower heat to med and simmer for 15 minutes. Add the hominy, beans, chilies and lime juice and simmer 30-40 min.

Stir in corn, heating it thoroughly for 5 to 7 minutes. Mix in fresh cilantro and serve.

I will also make some cornbread to serve with it.:cloud9: Perfect cold weather food.
Hi all,

My internet is acting funky so if you do not hear from me, that is probably why.

Wendie, Poor Ross. I am glad that he got his meds and hope they kick in fast. Boy, you are having a rough week. You need a big strong cocktail! :hug:

I am going to see my Mom today so I need to make something quick: meatloaf, lipton garlic shells and some kind of veggies...I like corn and peas the best with meatloaf so probably those.

Have a great day all!
Nancy, I would love to help you plan something! Your Mom would be proud of you...what a nice way for you to spend some of the money...can I be a long lost sister? ;)

But of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, I like you so much more than my older sister, Gail got the short straw yesterday and had to call her ;), my brother was positive she would not call him back, his wife said she was done making the calls and then being treated like an outlaw, and I rub her wrong, so Gail is always the short straw :rotfl:

Well we just got Ross to bed, we had to go to the pharmacy after his Dr. appt. Then give him one med 40 min before the other, etc etc................he has bacterial pneumonia, along with cellulitis on his right cheek, and maybe influenza as well.........the trifecta of illness! (he might also have a sinus infection which would explain why the cellulitis on the cheek came from)

Holy Moly! Poor Ross! Give him a hug for me, won't you? I'll keep your GM in my prayers on Thursday.

Great news about your Mom, Wendie! It's weird, isn't it? One minute you are preparing yourself for the worst possible news and then the next you are on top of the world, celebrating.

Lindsay I would use a hearty bread like a Italian. Does your Grocery store have a variety of breads? I would look for a larger loaf of crusty bread.

So far I have stuck to my resolution of not going to the store and just using what I have in house first :woohoo:

Janice, my sister used Italian bread yesteday and sliced it thick. OMG! They were so good!

I am not as on track as you are with your resolution becasue Costco did not have any ground turkey ( I ma going to need to get there today) but I am trying.

I am just popping in to post a recipe since I've lurked here a bit and gotten some great ideas!

Welcome! Now no more lurking, keep posting please! Your chili recipe looks so good.

We are chatty so jump in whenever you want.

I want to make stuffed peppers tonight if I can get to Costco for meat. If not I will figure something out. Buddy is home today and is at Kady's Winter concert with DD. I am going this afternoon, he'll probably join me then as well.
Tonight we're going to the stockshow to see the Extreme Bull Riding - I am STOKED! I love me some violent sports.

We'll be dining at our favorite mexican place beforehand with the ILs. They have the BEST salsa.

How was the bull riding? My brother used to ride the rodeo circuit, and it just about killed me! I was the designated family member. I got to go with him, and meet him at the hospital. The kid was stepped on, gored, thrown more times than I can count, and has had every bone in his body broken by bulls. On the upside, he does have some nifty belt buckles!!! I hate to think of the arthritis that's awaiting him! Luckily, his wife convinced him that fatherhood was just as risky and dangerous as riding the bulls.
Lauren - The Chicken ala King recipe looks great.:thumbsup2

Wendie - :hug: for Ross, hope he starts feeling better soon! I'm so happy your Mom continues to improve.

WFD - Oven BBQ Baby Back Ribs, Baked Beans and a Salad.
I am just popping in to post a recipe since I've lurked here a bit and gotten some great ideas!
Tonight I am making vegetarian chili. Love this recipe!!

Longaberger Vegetarian Chili (yes it's Longaberger, shi shi foofoo chili)

1/4 cup vegetable oil
2 large onions diced (about 3 cups)
2 large red peppers cored, seeded and diced
4 cloves garlic
2 T ground cumin
2 tsp ground coriander (I can never find this since I moved out of eh US and need to mash my own)
1 tsp cayenne pepper
2 tsp paprika
3 T chili powder
1 t dried oregano
2 tsp salt
1 tsp black pepper
Two 28 oz cans diced tomatoes, drained
One 28 oz can crushed tomatoes
One 16 oz jar medium hot salsa
12 oz beer
Two 15.5 oz cans white hominy, drained
Two 15.5 oz cans black beans, drained
Two 15.5 oz cans kidney beans, drained
Two 4 oz cans diced green chilies
Juice of 2 limes
One 8 oz bag frozen corn
1 bunch fresh cilantro, stems removed corsely chopped

Heat oil in heavy bottom 8 qt or larger pot over med hi heat. Add onion, pepper and garlic and cook 5 minutes stirring frequently until veg are soft.

Combine the 8 spices and seasonings in a small bowl and then add teh mixture to the veg. Cook for an additional 5 min stirring frequently.

Add tomatoes, salsa, and beer. Lower heat to med and simmer for 15 minutes. Add the hominy, beans, chilies and lime juice and simmer 30-40 min.

Stir in corn, heating it thoroughly for 5 to 7 minutes. Mix in fresh cilantro and serve.

I will also make some cornbread to serve with it.:cloud9: Perfect cold weather food.

Sounds yummy!!! Thanks for coming out of lurkdom to post this! Stay around and chat with us. As you can tell, we love to chat about food (or anything else, reall). What you'll find is an extended family that you never knew you were missing!
Dinner tonight will be sweet and sour meatloaf, green beans and some kind of potato. If I get really industrious, I'll mash my own, if I'm lazy, I'll just do instant. It's that kind of day. It's snowing like crazy, and supposed to clear up which means that the temperature (21 degrees now) will plummet to about 10. Brrr. I'm supposed to drive to the library today, but we'll see if I ever leave the cozy nest of my home!
When we went to the MNSSHP we were sorry that we only bought tickets for one night. Should we think about tickets for two evenings? DGD is a character junkie but I am not sure if there are so many at this one.

Nancy -- We didn't do any character greets at the Christmas party, but there are definitely characters around. I don't think there are as many as at the Halloween party though. The parties are never sold out that week, so you could always go one night and if you want to go a second time, you could buy the tickets there. We thought one night was enough.

Wendie -- Sorry to hear about Ross. I hope those antibiotics kick in quickly.

Caili is sick too. She started throwing up this morning, and this is really bad news because we are supposed to be on a bus tomorrow morning at 7:30 to go to Lake Placid. Hopefully, the bug will run its course quickly or else I have no idea what we are going to do.

I don't know what is for dinner yet...probably some kind of pasta. Maybe Caili will be able to eat a little of it by then.
Laura - Hugs for Caili.:hug:

I thought y'all might like this:

How was the bull riding? My brother used to ride the rodeo circuit, and it just about killed me! I was the designated family member. I got to go with him, and meet him at the hospital. The kid was stepped on, gored, thrown more times than I can count, and has had every bone in his body broken by bulls. On the upside, he does have some nifty belt buckles!!! I hate to think of the arthritis that's awaiting him! Luckily, his wife convinced him that fatherhood was just as risky and dangerous as riding the bulls.

Oooh, it was fun! Didn't see anyone hurt too badly, though a few limped off. Some are smart enough to wear helmets with face guards, thankfully.

It was very cool.

(I can't imagine being crazy enough to get on one of those!!)
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