Team 8 Jessica's Rabbits Bios and Info


DIS Veteran
Sep 12, 2002
Okay, so we have 13 members of our team, certain to crush our fellow runners/walkers/bikers/swimmers in the 2008 competition.

Some of you I know well, some less so, but we'll all get to know each other well in the coming year. I will be able to consolidate the hours and miles each of us produce each week, and get that into WWDave's scorecard, however that works out. I will ask WWDave if weight work counts as time, since I'm sure many of us do this a few times a week to keep muscles from tearing (and basically parts from falling off).

Here is my running resume:

I'm 51 years old, but only feel the years after a hard run or a long day. In my youth I played soccer, up to and through College, plus 2 truly thrilling matches against professionals (NASL & MLS). Soccer is my true athletic passion, but leg injuries have sadly forced me to hang up my boots. I did some serious running in my late 20's to early 30's and turned in PRs of 17:00 for 5K, 66:36 for 10 miles, and 87:11 for a half marathon, but those days and times will never be seen again.

I started running for real again in the fall of 2003, when our daughter enrolled in College. Since I didn't need to attend her soccer and lacrosse matches anymore I wanted a distraction. I had been at WDW in January 2003 by chance at the same time as the half/full, and it looked like fun, as well as something to keep me busy. So I signed up for the 2004 half.

I've run the past 5 WDW January races, 2 halfs, 1 goofy, and 2 fulls. I'm registered for the goofy in 2009, but focusing on the half. I'm built like a soccer player (quads, hamstrings, gluteus), so I'm pretty strong in shorter races, but past the half marathon distance I really struggle. On good days I'm capable of running 9 mpm pace for up to 13 miles, but when I go longer my body quickly slows down and then breaks down.

I will run the Tower of Terror in October, and I may run the Minnie. Just once in my life I would actually like to run the last 9 miles of the Marathon course, and I suspect the only way that will ever happen is to run Minnie.

And most important of all, my bride is Martha, the Red Dragon. Martha ran her first ever full marathon on January 13 and came across the finish line with 3 great friends in our Wish group. She is everything I lack as a runner: level headed and very consistent with her pace. If she could give some of that to me I'd be a lot more successful in longer events.

Hi everyone :wave:

As a runner, I struggle a bit. This year I completed the Goofy challenge :thumbsup2 and had a blast. Last year I ran the full marathon injured and it was pure torture. I've run some half marathons, 5Ks, etc. Like Craig...on the shorter distances (5K) I can pull a quick pace, low 8 mpm but on the longer runs I fall apart. I AM running the Minnie and plan to run those 9 miles and enjoy every second as that is the torture zone for me during the full.

Because I am injury prone I will only be doing 3 runs per week....with a total of approximately 15-20 miles. But I am training for a triathlon this summer so I will be logging bike miles, spinning classes, elliptical and/or ski machine and eventually swim miles in addition to my normal 8 plus hours per week of yoga and pilates. :goodvibes

As you can see from my clippies I have a few races to train for this year...and I'm contemplating the Philadelphia half as well. That should keep me posting miles consistently up until Goofy training starts in earnest.

I think this looks like a STRONG team!!!! I can't wait to see how we do!
Hello :wave:

After Amy's post, I feel like a slacker already :rotfl:

I started running two years ago after dealing with lower back issues as a way to strengthen myself and also get healthy. I completed the full WDW marathon in '07 (thanks to Amy believing in me) and the Goofy Challenge a few weeks ago. I've also competed in 8 5k's, 8 10k's and two Halfs. I can finish in the high 7's on the 5k's, right at 8mpm on the 10k's and consistenly train in the 8:30-9:15mpm zone. I add a solid mix of cross training (elliptical, stationary bike & pilates) and a "long" (to me) bike ride when the weather warms up (16-22 miles) in addition to running around 20 miles per week as a base. Hopefully this will be a worthy addition to the team's totals :goodvibes:

This year I plan on the Minnie Weekend events, the DL Half, Goofy '09 and a smattering of local 5k and 10k's in between.

I do all of my races with AmyBeth68 (best running partner ever!), so if you convince either of us to sign up for'll end up double the miles ;)

Can't wait to get to know everyone a little better...and am looking forward to picking up our prizes for 1st place in January :goodvibes:
Craig... :worship: HOLY FAST BATMAN. Those PRs are sick (sorry been watching the X-Games). uber speedy devil.

OK...Scott and Craig are making me feel like Pokey McTurtle. :rolleyes: Fortunately speed doesn't count b/c I'd not be so much help...matter of slow butt is good for the team b/c i'll be out there longer. Yay for the minutes! :thumbsup2

Looking forward to meeting everyone!
Wow, I need to pick up the pace with the competition on this team alone!

I started running in spring 2005 to train for the Philadelphia Distance Run. I've been hooked since. My "training" is sporadic at best. (DH says I don't push myself.) I say, I run/race to have fun and enjoy the surroundings.

We've done WDW for the last 3 years (1/2 in '06; Goofy in '07 & '08); DD13 and I will be completing our 3rd Minnie in May; also did ToT; we've also done some other halfs, 10Ks; don't do too many 5Ks as I don't get going until about 3 miles into a run. My best half was 2:30 last June.

This year I turn 40 and to celebrate I'm doing the Philadelphia Women's Triathlon in July. I did the duathlon last year and had a blast.

My year will include many hours of running, biking, swimming and yoga (all of which I track in Excel becauseI'm a geek!). I'm thrilled to be a part of this team...we'll rock!

...I forgot to add that I'm heading to Disneyland to get that extra medal!
Hi Darcey... have a lot of the same events planned as us!!!

And a fellow Jersey girl too :)

The SheRox philly tri in early August will be my first tri and i'm slightly intimidated.

You have nothing to feel competitive about with this group...sounds like you are kickin' some butt. Glad to see another runner girl heading toward 40 in style! :cool1: (I'm turning 40 this year too)
This year I turn 40 and to celebrate I'm doing the Philadelphia Women's Triathlon in July. I did the duathlon last year and had a blast.

Duathlon!! I've always been curious about those events...I have questions for you :)

My year will include many hours of running, biking, swimming and yoga (all of which I track in Excel becauseI'm a geek!). I'm thrilled to be a part of this team...we'll rock!

Another Excel spreadsheet tracker!! :thumbsup2 I've got to go back and start a new one for this year :goodvibes:

Nice to "meet" you!
Ooh, I'm In - best introduce myself then.

I'm Helen, I'm 39 (gulp, sob, weep) and live in Australia - admittedly not the normal home of a WISHER, but I'm English by birth and when I lived there WDW was only a 'short' 8 hour plane trip away so the addiction began. Then I moved to New Zealand (18 hours plane flight away) now I'm in OZ (21 hour plane flight away) as a result, I may not be doing the same events as the rest of you, but I will intend to 'represent' by doing the odd half in this neck of the woods (and possibly Disneyland, tho jury is still out on that one).

So in terms of exercise, I'm not the fastest runner in the world (tho can I just mention I was the first Australian over the finish line in the WDW half - we'll ignore the fact that the others trounced me by over an hour in the full!), but I'm consistent - or least I was in New Zealand where all my friends were runners and it was the primary part of my social life - here drinking is the primary part of my social life and so I need something keep me moving and Craig, you're it!!!!.

Over the next 6 weeks I'm on mission weight loss which means lots of short runs probably on the treadmill - plus the odd hour at weekends - then race season will start to begin here (it's summer now, too hot to race - it was 100 yesterday!), so I should crank things up a bit then. At the moment, I think I will do the Sydney newspaper half in May: the Gold Coast half in July and the Sydney vitamin company half in September. So that's me - let battle commence.
Hi everybody! :wave:

My name is Martha and I'm Calcio's DW. I'm 47 years old and have been running for 5 years. I ran before our DD was born then took an 18 year hiatus simply because I got tired of it and we lived in places where it was difficult to run. So I did other things like Jazzercise.

I started working with a trainer over 5 years ago and she got me back into running. I ran the WDW Half Marathon in 2005 and 2006 but had hip bursitis problems so didn't run the 2007 one. This year I ran the full marathon and boy was that painful!

Last year I did run the Minnie Marathon and the ToT. I've just now signed up for the WDW Half in 2009. That I can do.

I'm slow. I average 10:30 to 11:00 min miles. But, that's what I run. I workout 4-5 times a week and I also think we need to figure out if WWDave will let us count weight work.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Let the games begin!
Yes...ITA....All Mighty Leader (Craig)...please confirm if the following counts toward minutes exercised.

weight training
Body toning, core, etc classes

I honestly think they should count. And not just because I can add about 600 minutes per week to our total if they do...although that would help a bit ;). But because we should all be doing some form of weight training or core work as it is essential to healthy running IMO. *stepping off soapbox* LOL! Just let us know what the grand-poobah of the exercise challenge says.

Thank ya!

And :wave: Martha and Helen! What an awesome team we have here! :goodvibes
Hi Guys and pretty princesses.

Yes all types of exercise works. Even things like shoveling snow and mowing the yard with a push mower. A person doesn't need a weight room to get a good workout in.

Basicly anything that you do under your own sweat power counts as exercise. Some activities are great exercise but can't be converted into miles so we are logging miles and hours exercised.

Actually I would encourage you to do a lot of different activities. Walking/running is great for the cardio and most of the leg muscles. But when you combine that with a good strength activity that incorperates the upper body and the core muscles and you have a well rounded program.

For example: My personal routine involves racewalking at various speeds, LSD walking with Erica, and three days a week I play in the pool. The water has 300 times the resistance of water so swimming and sprinting in the pool is like working with light weights. I try to stretch regularly but often neglect that portion of my training.

Good luck y'all.

Visiting Panda:hippie:
Yes...ITA....All Mighty Leader (Craig)...please confirm if the following counts toward minutes exercised.

weight training
Body toning, core, etc classes

I honestly think they should count. And not just because I can add about 600 minutes per week to our total if they do...although that would help a bit ;). But because we should all be doing some form of weight training or core work as it is essential to healthy running IMO. *stepping off soapbox* LOL! Just let us know what the grand-poobah of the exercise challenge says.

Thank ya!

And :wave: Martha and Helen! What an awesome team we have here! :goodvibes

Okay Amy, since you brought it out...I'll step right up there with you on that soapbox. I did my first half marathon 4 months before I started yoga. A year later and 8 months of yoga later, I noticed a tremendous difference in performance. (And no, it wasn't because my running had been progressing, because I was actually running less and doing more yoga at the time.) After several months of athletic vinyasa yoga, my body felt stronger overall. I would almost consider it a "balanced" strength.

Now a question for you as a pilates instructor...Does yoga count as weight training? The yoga I do is pretty intense, not so meditative. I gotta say, it is possible to get some pretty tight abs with yoga, altough mine are hidden by that soft, squishy gut that appears after having children.
Shhhhhh...pretend I'm not here. A little bunny told me you might need some graphics help. I'm less than great, but if you want it....


I can change teh text or if you have better bunny pix or anything, let me know.

Sneaking back out....
Now a question for you as a pilates instructor...Does yoga count as weight training? The yoga I do is pretty intense, not so meditative. I gotta say, it is possible to get some pretty tight abs with yoga, altough mine are hidden by that soft, squishy gut that appears after having children.

Darcey...YES...Vinyasa flow and Power Yoga are VERY athletic forms of yoga that not only stretch and tone but cause you to burn a ton of calories b/c you get the heart rate up with the flow. I LOVE that type of yoga...and I'm actually teaching a fusion flow class now that is half pilates and half vinyasa yoga. answer your question more thoroughly, I used to lift weights and now I only do pilates and yoga. I find that because you are lifting your own body weight (doing plank, sun salutations, boat pose, arm balancing poses etc) and performing intense actions using resistence (chair pose, crescent lunge, warrior series and goddess) that you are actually getting a form of "weight training". Plus the pilates and yoga offer a lot of core strength and balance!!! Unless you're looking to really bulk up, I don't think you have to replace yoga with strength training. I think both are EXCELLENT ways to improve your running and help you stay injury free! :thumbsup2
Carrie, I so totally love you right now. Thank you for the effort to make us look good.

Okay, you may have noticed that I am graphics-impaired on these boards, so I have no idea how to use this, or how to get it where I want it. And how can I load up a photo to my bio?

Darcey and Amy

Yes, the weight work is absolutely critical. A couple of springs ago on the first really lovely outdoor running day I got carried away and took off like one of Jessica's Rabbits. The next day I hurt all around the connections of my pelvis, as hip flexors and groins were asked to do too much too soon. Back to the weight room!

Did I learn my lesson? Heck no! This past fall as the miles increased I backed off to 1 weight session per week, at less weight on the legs to let them recover. 2 weeks before race day, ping! inside the right hamstring and I'm in danger of not even starting. Someday I'll learn.

Thank you WWDave for including it in the tally.


And careful with the leader thing. I'm a college professor who has never, and I mean never, managed anyone but myself. If you're up for an amateur leader, be certain I'll lead in an amateur manner.

And I'm not sure I'd use "slow" to describe Martha. Last May we ran a 10K together, and I had to push it to keep up with her.

Just like our namesakes, out little team is going to kick tail!

I'm an idiot and double posted. And because my computer is crazy, they're ten minutes apart. I guess that's a good way to start off my intro to the team. It's like tripping across the dodgeball court right after you've been picked for a team because your shoe's untied :sad2: ....

Ok, I should probably introduce myself. And I should point out that I'm sharing the couch with a dog and a pregnant wife and it's not a big couch, so if I accidentally type kj#*JDELrf 43fjewklf in the middle of this, that just means the dog pushed me into the pregnant lady.

I'm 31, although my cousin pointed out over Christmas that I'm only 9 years from 40 :sad2: , and I've been running for a little over 3 years. I was always active in my earlier years, and soccer was my drug of choice. Yep, Craig, I'm one of those people like you who knows that true "football" does not involve helmets and a quarterback. :) I played soccer for 13 years up through high school and then intermural in college. I also ran track in high school, but I was a pole vaulter, so who knows if that really counts as anything.

A few years after I graduated, I married the best thing in my life, my lovely DW Krista (aladdinsgirl). As most of you know, we're expecting our first child later this year, so we're pretty excited. And I would be doing an injustice if I didn't mention the other important (and most spoiled) member of our family, our labrador Hines.

Even though I was active in high school and college, after we were married I slowly became out of shape and put on the weight. Christmas 2004, I decided to do something about it. Krista and I both started running and eating healthy, and I ended up losing over 50 pounds. One of my friends had run two marathons and made it look easy, and after having a grand total of two 5Ks under my belt, I signed up for the 2006 WDW full marathon. I trained all year and finished well. Since that point, I've been hooked. I've run Disney every year since, going Goofy in Jan 2007. Krista and I have both run countless 5Ks and 10Ks, quite a few half marathons, and of course Disney every year. I plan on upping the stakes a little this year and I'm shooting for the Cleveland full and Philadelphia full marathons in addition to Goofy 2009. We'll see if I hold up.

Through this process, I also started doing a few triathlons (the first one was a team race with my afformentioned marathon buddy). I now train like a triathlete because I think it's better for my body and it makes me feel stronger overall. Depending on the time of year, I'll run 3-4 times per week (20-30 miles total), bike twice (usually about 50 miles total) and swim twice in addition to weights 2-3 times weekly. I have to admit I can't wait till it gets warmer outside as the bike sessions on my indoor trainer drive me batty!

I don't really consider myself too fast, but for the way I train, I'm ok with my pace and overall times. Like Craig and Scott, I can crank out a faster short race, around 7:00-7:20 per mile for a 10K or less (I actually posted a 17:50 5K in college, but I was young and stupid and had no idea what I was doing), but I slow considerably at the longer distances. Maybe I just play it too conservative, who knows. :confused3

I should probaby mention that Hines just stuck his butt on the side of my keyboard, so I think he wants me to stop typing now.

I know some of you already, and can't wait to meet the rest. I think we've got a great team, and definitely the coolest team name! :thumbsup2 Let's go get 'em, guys!

Steve: oh yeah, right. You're not fast at all. Sure. 7:00 to 7:20 per mile. Slow as molasses. Sheesh!

Carrie: that is the BEST! Thank you so much. I'm not a creative person so anyone who can do that ranks right up there in my book.

Team 8: we could have some rally towels made with our cool new graphic. CVS will do that for us. We can take them to all the events this year and really get people talking!!

Now all I need to do is figure out how to make it small enough to put in my signature.
OK, I think this should be sig size.


Now, if you copy teh line below, paste it adn put opening and closing brackets on where I have *, you can put it in your sig. If it's too small, let me know.

Carrie--thanks! You rock! (and we swear we won't tell the rest of team 7 that you're helping us out before this game has even started ;) ).



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