The WOnDeRs - Welcome to the Club -W/C 7th April

I don't seem to have actually changed the scale but my jeans and shorts are fitting alot better and thats really all i am looking for to be a more comfortble me!!!! :cool1:

but trust me that scale will move!!
I was laying in bed this morning and thinking about my first Weight Watchers meeting in 4 years. 1. Am I really ready for this in my head? 2. Why can't the food I like to eat be low in calories? 3. Why can't I eat most fruits and vegetables? 4. Why can't I be one of those truly annoying people who can eat anything and not gain weight?

1. I have tried to watch what I eat so many times and have failed. The last time I lost significant weight (besides WW) I was in the midst of chemo therapy and I didn't want to eat a lot of things. I have to get my head into this or it won't work.

2. Well, if the food I like to eat was "good for me" I wouldn't be overweight. Or to be totally rude about it, morbidly obese. Did you know the definition for being morbidly obese is only if you are 20 lbs or so over weight? YUCK.

3. I have this weird texture adversity. Most of the fruits and vegetables out there make me gag. I have a very advanced gag reflex. I have trouble getting my teeth xrayed because of it. The films are so hard to hold in my mouth.

4. I was "blessed" with my paternal grandfather's Eastern European body type. My weight is concentrated between my waist and my knees. Getting pants to fit is truly difficult. My hips are out of proportion to my waist. I can't get pants without elastic in the back so I don't have the lovely gapping at the waist.

OK, I've vented. I just have to keep in mind this is what is best for my health and besides, I have literally bags of clothes that are too small waiting for me. I have the cutest little black dress for dress up night on the cruise. I have such nice things that are just too small.

Thank you friends. We will all try to help each other through this journey.

3. I have this weird texture adversity. Most of the fruits and vegetables out there make me gag. I have a very advanced gag reflex. I have trouble getting my teeth xrayed because of it. The films are so hard to hold in my mouth.

You have really raised my curiosity on this one. Only b/c I know 2 other people who have issues with fruit and vegetables over texture. DH hates them, mostly b/c he grew up without eating them. Another friend - I don't really know how she wound up with the texture issue with them. I have managed to expand DH's habits to include things other than apples & carrot sticks (seriously - that is all he would eat when we met.)

Can I ask what kind of food textures work for you? Is it better in a smoothie, where you can have the flavour but not the hardness or the "pulpiness" or do you need it hidden in something else?

I may have a couple of ideas for you...
Can I ask what kind of food textures work for you? Is it better in a smoothie, where you can have the flavour but not the hardness or the "pulpiness" or do you need it hidden in something else?

For Kim~
Would the fruit/vegetable baby foods possibly an option for you? Of course, the real benefit from those is the fiber which is probably removed when it gets processed. I'm sure there must be something out there that will work for you.

For Everyone~
In an earlier thread, Nicole mentioned the Fiber One Bars -- If you haven't tried them...please do! I absolutely love them, and for me they are almost a substitute for a candy bar. They are low in fat but high in protein and fiber. My whole family eats them.

I am super-de-duper (for all the "How De Doo" fans out there!) excited this morning as I just got weighed and not only did I lose my 3lb Disneyland "souvenir"...but an additional pound as well! I can't believe it as I've barely lost any weight the last two months. I had a feeling the weight gain on our trip was probably water retention more than anything else, but really thought it would take me at least two weeks to get all of it off.

4/15/08 is the one-year mark since I started my "lifestyle change" (not going to call it a diet!). I had given myself a goal of 50lbs. Today's weigh-in leaves me with 2lbs to go. I really don't think they will be off by Tuesday...but I never would have dreamed I'd even make it that close.

Our next trip to WDW is planned for 8/21 so now I will make my next goal an additional 10lbs. Will I make it? Don't know for sure, but I'm certainly going to try! DH's family is joining us and they haven't seen me since I had lost 30lbs. -- so I know they will be shocked!

I hope none of this comes across as bragging because that is truly not my agenda -- I'm hoping my experience might inspire someone to do the same thing. I'm a 47yr old stay-at-home mom that just decided "enough is enough"!!!

I learned my lesson from diet gimmicks 12 yrs ago with the whole Phen-Fen scare (and first echo showed three leaky valves that thankfully seem to have repaired themselves). But it was enough to make me realize the only way to safely lose weight is thru diet and exercise. I don't go to a gym, I put on my tennis shoes and walk, walk, walk -- it's cheap and effective!!!

Feel free to PM me if you're having a bad day or just need to vent. You've all become a second family to me and I truly understand the weight loss struggle. My favorite phrase is one that I think has been mentioned in a previous post: Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels. But honestly, it's not even a matter of being thin -- it's all about losing weight in whatever increments you can to start getting healthier!

Okay -- enough from the peanut gallery. LOL
I hope none of this comes across as bragging because that is truly not my agenda -- I'm hoping my experience might inspire someone to do the same thing. I'm a 47yr old stay-at-home mom that just decided "enough is enough"!!!

Totally inspiring! Thanks.
I am super-de-duper (for all the "How De Doo" fans out there!) excited this morning as I just got weighed and not only did I lose my 3lb Disneyland "souvenir"...but an additional pound as well! I can't believe it as I've barely lost any weight the last two months. I had a feeling the weight gain on our trip was probably water retention more than anything else, but really thought it would take me at least two weeks to get all of it off.

4/15/08 is the one-year mark since I started my "lifestyle change" (not going to call it a diet!). I had given myself a goal of 50lbs. Today's weigh-in leaves me with 2lbs to go. I really don't think they will be off by Tuesday...but I never would have dreamed I'd even make it that close.

Our next trip to WDW is planned for 8/21 so now I will make my next goal an additional 10lbs. Will I make it? Don't know for sure, but I'm certainly going to try! DH's family is joining us and they haven't seen me since I had lost 30lbs. -- so I know they will be shocked!

I hope none of this comes across as bragging because that is truly not my agenda -- I'm hoping my experience might inspire someone to do the same thing. I'm a 47yr old stay-at-home mom that just decided "enough is enough"!!!

I learned my lesson from diet gimmicks 12 yrs ago with the whole Phen-Fen scare (and first echo showed three leaky valves that thankfully seem to have repaired themselves). But it was enough to make me realize the only way to safely lose weight is thru diet and exercise. I don't go to a gym, I put on my tennis shoes and walk, walk, walk -- it's cheap and effective!!!

Great Stuff -that is fantasic

is in order

I cant wait to see how everyone is getting on - This thread is great motivation even though I am thousands of miles away I am you really do feel part of a very special club :hug:

Good luck everyone for weigh ins next week. I will post the new thread on Monday Morning so any weightloss can be reported and I can tally it up for the next week
I'm not sure how to describe the texture thing. I like lettuce, so salads are ok. Same for cole slaw. I like corn and potatoes. Eating an orange feels slimy, eating an apple feel gritty. I don't know. I've lived almost 50 years without eating a lot of fruits and veggies so I guess I will make the next 50 without them. I do supplement with vitamins and fiber. However I can't eat those Fiber One bars. They taste really good, but just don't ask what they do to my digestive track. When I had my surgery for the rectal cancer they remove most of my rectum and did a reconstruction with part of my colon. I just can't eat certain things anymore. Like popcorn, again don't ask about the results. I miss popcorn.

I went to my first WW meeting this morning, my weight was what I expected. So here goes with counting the points and working toward a more healthy life style.

I'm not sure how to describe the texture thing. I like lettuce, so salads are ok. Same for cole slaw. I like corn and potatoes. Eating an orange feels slimy, eating an apple feel gritty. I don't know. I've lived almost 50 years without eating a lot of fruits and veggies so I guess I will make the next 50 without them. I do supplement with vitamins and fiber. However I can't eat those Fiber One bars. They taste really good, but just don't ask what they do to my digestive track. When I had my surgery for the rectal cancer they remove most of my rectum and did a reconstruction with part of my colon. I just can't eat certain things anymore. Like popcorn, again don't ask about the results. I miss popcorn.

I went to my first WW meeting this morning, my weight was what I expected. So here goes with counting the points and working toward a more healthy life style.


Good week this week Kim and look forward to seeing your results
Anyone know about how good sushi is for you? Is there any type that is really fattening and should be avoided? I'm going for sushi tonight so I was wondering. (I love sushi. mmmmmm)
For Kim~
Would the fruit/vegetable baby foods possibly an option for you? Of course, the real benefit from those is the fiber which is probably removed when it gets processed. I'm sure there must be something out there that will work for you.

For Everyone~
In an earlier thread, Nicole mentioned the Fiber One Bars -- If you haven't tried them...please do! I absolutely love them, and for me they are almost a substitute for a candy bar. They are low in fat but high in protein and fiber. My whole family eats them.

I am super-de-duper (for all the "How De Doo" fans out there!) excited this morning as I just got weighed and not only did I lose my 3lb Disneyland "souvenir"...but an additional pound as well! I can't believe it as I've barely lost any weight the last two months. I had a feeling the weight gain on our trip was probably water retention more than anything else, but really thought it would take me at least two weeks to get all of it off.

4/15/08 is the one-year mark since I started my "lifestyle change" (not going to call it a diet!). I had given myself a goal of 50lbs. Today's weigh-in leaves me with 2lbs to go. I really don't think they will be off by Tuesday...but I never would have dreamed I'd even make it that close.

Our next trip to WDW is planned for 8/21 so now I will make my next goal an additional 10lbs. Will I make it? Don't know for sure, but I'm certainly going to try! DH's family is joining us and they haven't seen me since I had lost 30lbs. -- so I know they will be shocked!

I hope none of this comes across as bragging because that is truly not my agenda -- I'm hoping my experience might inspire someone to do the same thing. I'm a 47yr old stay-at-home mom that just decided "enough is enough"!!!

I learned my lesson from diet gimmicks 12 yrs ago with the whole Phen-Fen scare (and first echo showed three leaky valves that thankfully seem to have repaired themselves). But it was enough to make me realize the only way to safely lose weight is thru diet and exercise. I don't go to a gym, I put on my tennis shoes and walk, walk, walk -- it's cheap and effective!!!

Feel free to PM me if you're having a bad day or just need to vent. You've all become a second family to me and I truly understand the weight loss struggle. My favorite phrase is one that I think has been mentioned in a previous post: Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels. But honestly, it's not even a matter of being thin -- it's all about losing weight in whatever increments you can to start getting healthier!

Okay -- enough from the peanut gallery. LOL

Lisa, that is just super! You should be very proud of yourself. I'm hoping to take the same approach as you. Lifestyle change. I do love the Fiber One bars, and they taste great. My kids are banned from them. The effects are a little too much for them, especially DD7.
In an earlier thread, Nicole mentioned the Fiber One Bars -- If you haven't tried them...please do! I absolutely love them, and for me they are almost a substitute for a candy bar. They are low in fat but high in protein and fiber. My whole family eats them.

I just wanted to second that... Anyone who can handle the fiber shoudl try them. Kim- I kind of understand your problem. My mom had a hysterectomy and they screwed up her colon big big time. And they didn't realize it until almost a week after the initial surgery. So without sharing exact details, she has to live with it to now.

I hope none of this comes across as bragging because that is truly not my agenda -- I'm hoping my experience might inspire someone to do the same thing. I'm a 47yr old stay-at-home mom that just decided "enough is enough"!!!

I don't think you are bragging at all. I think this is a great group to share it with and if you stay with us (which I'm sure we all hope you will) keeping that weight off will help. I am in a wonderful WW meeting in the fact that we have several Lifetime members who come every week and express their struggles and achievements and you really come to realize that weight isn't like garbage. You can't put it out on the curb and never see it again. For anyone who has ever been overweight it's a struggle to keep it off. I lost 70 pounds once and 47 pounds a second time. If I could have just kept it off I would be in such better shape. When I'm having a "bad scale day" I just think that maybe my body is happier at 215 then it is at 170. I know it's not but it is discouraging. We all have those days. I have a friend at work who had to lose a total of 10 pounds, not her last 10, but a whole 10 pounds to be at goal and there are days when I'm feeling ruff that she can be discouraging to me. Not that any one here is discouraging because we all have a different journey to take but those of us who have further to go just need to remember to keep pushing on.

Ok so apparently today is "Rant On The Wonder Board" day. So I think I'm done.

Thank you and good night. (Here's where I need a bowing smiley. :) )
4/15/08 is the one-year mark since I started my "lifestyle change" (not going to call it a diet!). I had given myself a goal of 50lbs. Today's weigh-in leaves me with 2lbs to go. I really don't think they will be off by Tuesday...but I never would have dreamed I'd even make it that close.

Our next trip to WDW is planned for 8/21 so now I will make my next goal an additional 10lbs. Will I make it? Don't know for sure, but I'm certainly going to try! DH's family is joining us and they haven't seen me since I had lost 30lbs. -- so I know they will be shocked!

I hope none of this comes across as bragging because that is truly not my agenda -- I'm hoping my experience might inspire someone to do the same thing. I'm a 47yr old stay-at-home mom that just decided "enough is enough"!!!

I learned my lesson from diet gimmicks 12 yrs ago with the whole Phen-Fen scare (and first echo showed three leaky valves that thankfully seem to have repaired themselves). But it was enough to make me realize the only way to safely lose weight is thru diet and exercise. I don't go to a gym, I put on my tennis shoes and walk, walk, walk -- it's cheap and effective!!!

Feel free to PM me if you're having a bad day or just need to vent. You've all become a second family to me and I truly understand the weight loss struggle. My favorite phrase is one that I think has been mentioned in a previous post: Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels. But honestly, it's not even a matter of being thin -- it's all about losing weight in whatever increments you can to start getting healthier!

Okay -- enough from the peanut gallery. LOL

Thanks for that. I did just what you did 4 years ago after back surgery. I tried the phen phen thing prior to going to weight watchers and that scared the crap out of me too!!! Sometimes hearing stories like yours are such an inspiration. I really needed that today. I lost 63 pounds quit smoking and had a baby and gained it back. Now I will be 40 this year another ball in the wrong court so to say. So I have to get back on track and your story reminded me of me 4 years ago. I have to remember to take it 10 pounds at a time. Sometimes it takes another story to wrap your mind around it. So thanks again and it is not braging just sharing and that helps alot of people. Will will have to celebrate your 50 mark!!!!
Thanks guys!

Went to Applebee's for dinner tonight and had the Grilled Chicken Chili Lime Salad from the WW menu. It was under 300 calories and 6 grams of fat (I think). It was actually pretty had a grilled chicken breast on a bed of fresh spinach leaves that also had mushrooms, onions, and roasted red pepper with a chili-lime vinegarette. There was also cheddar and mozarella cheese sprinkled on top. It's so nice to be able to eat out and have some decent options!
Thanks guys!

Went to Applebee's for dinner tonight and had the Grilled Chicken Chili Lime Salad from the WW menu. It was under 300 calories and 6 grams of fat (I think). It was actually pretty had a grilled chicken breast on a bed of fresh spinach leaves that also had mushrooms, onions, and roasted red pepper with a chili-lime vinegarette. There was also cheddar and mozarella cheese sprinkled on top. It's so nice to be able to eat out and have some decent options!

Good for you!!:thumbsup2 It's so hard to stick with it when you go out to eat!
Hi everyone
Just found this thread and would like to join as well. What a great group full of inspiration!! I too am trying to lose all the "baby weight" (about 40 lbs worth). And combined with my new thyroid medication for an over active thyroid I'm really up the crick!!! Amazing that I could have an overactive thyroid and still be overweight with it. We're not planning another trip to the world until 12/09, but would love my pictures to show a skinnier and healthier me!

Looking forward to following along with you all and sharing my progress as well. Best of luck to everyone!!
Hi everyone
Just found this thread and would like to join as well. What a great group full of inspiration!! I too am trying to lose all the "baby weight" (about 40 lbs worth). And combined with my new thyroid medication for an over active thyroid I'm really up the crick!!! Amazing that I could have an overactive thyroid and still be overweight with it. We're not planning another trip to the world until 12/09, but would love my pictures to show a skinnier and healthier me!

Looking forward to following along with you all and sharing my progress as well. Best of luck to everyone!!

Welcome aboard :thumbsup2
Dh and I weighed in yesterday. Saturday is weigh day around was kind of disappointing I didn't lose anything. Stayed the same! DH lost 1 lb. He has 17 lbs gone in 5 weeks, he is doing amazing! I have 8--ugh! I know I need to be pleased with that and slow and steady wins the race, and all of the other positive things I should tell myself. But it still sucks when you work so hard all week for no results!!

But not giving up, today starts a new week! Next couple of weeks will be tough, we just bought a new home. It closes this Friday, we have a week for cleaning, painiting etc and the movers come next weekend. So we know plenty of meals on the go as our kitchen is basically packed, some frozen entrees perhaps. We will just have to do our best to make good choices and perhaps the extra activity will help!

Realistically we have decided if we can get through the next couple weeks without a gain we will take any modest loss we get!!!

We went to Applebees a couple of weeks back because we heard of the WW menu, but they didn't have it. Does anyone know if it is just a USA thing?
Dh and I weighed in yesterday. Saturday is weigh day around was kind of disappointing I didn't lose anything. Stayed the same! DH lost 1 lb. He has 17 lbs gone in 5 weeks, he is doing amazing! I have 8--ugh! I know I need to be pleased with that and slow and steady wins the race, and all of the other positive things I should tell myself. But it still sucks when you work so hard all week for no results!!

I think 8 lbs. in five weeks is pretty darn good! Plus, the thing that makes most people fail at losing weight is they expect it to come off a lot faster -- but how long did it take you to put it on? So just hang in there and keep telling yourself that any week without a weight *gain* is a step in the right direction (even if it's a slow step!)

We went to Applebees a couple of weeks back because we heard of the WW menu, but they didn't have it. Does anyone know if it is just a USA thing?

Darn -- that's too bad. Maybe you can talk to the manager and find out what the deal is. Whether it's something from the WW menu or not, the thing to really watch out for at any restaurant are the sauces/condiments -- that's what kills you! I usually make sure anything I order is "naked"...whether it be chicken or a burger and then add some mustard or something myself. I also try to get salad instead of fries (or a baked potato). I'll admit, it's not easy when everyone around me always has stuff that looks a lot better. :(


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