"It's the economy, stupid"

To each his own, I believe people make whatever choices that are best (or not) for them and live with the consequences but as long as it does not affect me than I'm good with whatever you choose to do.

For us it was to save five years for this trip. My husband opened a disney savings account and had a small amount of money automatically taken out of his paycheck every two weeks. We never saw that money so we never missed it ;) We used a Disney Visa card for practically everything we would have normally paid for with a debit card and paid it off each month so we could rack up the Disney reward dollars. Disney reward dollars will pay for our meals on our trip. This has worked for us but it may not work for others. Our trip is completely paid for before we go and that makes me happy :yay:
Ahh...so it's your "right" to ridicule other peoples' financial decisions? Gotcha! :thumbsup2 ;)

Furthermore, I didn't see anyone "asking for peoples' opinions". I'm pretty sure the posters that ya'll disagree with were posting their personal situations in support of the OP. They weren't on here, going "I'm paying for Disney instead of my house. What should I do?". Maybe I didn't read it the way you did. :confused3

Regardless, it's pretty sad that other adults have to ridicule others' financial situations and decisions. :sad2:

Generally I would agree with the non ridicule thing but it is the everyday American who bought too much on credit, took on a house payment they couldn't afford, and insist on a new car every three years that put the country into this mess.

If you do not have a safe fund,at least (LEAST) 3 months of your income, in the bank a Disney trip should be put on hold. That is the adult and responsible way to behave.

Buy now- think about it later is dangerous and we are seeing the results right now.

Frankly I don't want to gang up on anyone but people really do need to think long and hard about their choices and the consequences.

We are all freaked! :sick:

I paid cash for this trip, but it bothers me in my gut to actually spend that kind of money right now. It bothers me everyday. I can't help it. It is hard to get excited about the trip. One day I am, then next aprehensive.

DH and I are in a good financial position. We don't use credit cards (nothing wrong with them, so no one flip out). I chose a long time ago not to use them. I bought a new "used" car to save on gas, lower payment and less gas saves me $250 a month.

Not really sure why I'm nervous spending the money on the trip, just am. Can't help it. :guilty:
Ahh...so it's your "right" to ridicule other peoples' financial decisions? Gotcha! :thumbsup2 ;)

Furthermore, I didn't see anyone "asking for peoples' opinions". I'm pretty sure the posters that ya'll disagree with were posting their personal situations in support of the OP. They weren't on here, going "I'm paying for Disney instead of my house. What should I do?". Maybe I didn't read it the way you did. :confused3

Regardless, it's pretty sad that other adults have to ridicule others' financial situations and decisions. :sad2:

When someone posts on a public message board, they risk having others comment on it. When someone says they are goinig to Disney because they NEED the trip, but are losing there house, you darn well bet they've opened themselves up to a lot of opposing opinions.
I'm nervous too....Like others have said, our trip will be paid for before it gets here. I started a part time job JUST to pay for vacations....dh works in banking...so while we're pretty sure his bank is secure, and we're pretty sure they're on solid footing...you just never know. We're another family that chooses not to carry balances on credit cards. We've done it before, in fact we financed out entire wedding on credit cards. 20 years ago...& ended up paying for it almost till our 5th anniversary.....we saw that as a huge mistake...& have never used them again to pay for something we couldn't pay off immediately...I only make $900 a month or so, depending on hours...but all that money goes into savings, with some for Disney and some for other vacations...

We've trimmed everything we're comfortable trimming from the monthly expenses. I will pay our trip off in full by February, with cash, and then have our spending money in the bank ready to go before we leave.
When someone posts on a public message board, they risk having others comment on it. When someone says they are goinig to Disney because they NEED the trip, but are losing there house, you darn well bet they've opened themselves up to a lot of opposing opinions.

And do you honestly think that these people don't KNOW what they're doing is not responsible? Honestly?

Of course they do. They know that they're not making the smartest move in the world. But, they've STILL made that decision....and no amount of "opposing opinions on a public message board" is going to change their minds.

It's called personal responsibility and if they get themselves in a jam, THEY have to answer to it. Not us.
My wife and I both worked (past tense) at the same company for many years (Real Estate industry). Last year at this time, I was planning a Feb trip for '08 when I lost my job. That trip was canceled. I have since found a new job at a different more stable company and industry and we recovered fine. So, this fall I started to plan the Feb trip again for '09 and sure enough, my wife just found out today that she lost her job. Now, I make quite a bit more than she does so, we may still swing the '09 trip but if we do, we will definitely cut back - way back if we go. Thank goodness we don't have anymore relatives working at that company. It could have end up being a Saving Private Ryan situation where we'd have to go in and rescue whoever was left...(see, we can still make bad jokes during these trying times)...

Seriously though, people living beyond their means (and financial institutions allowing it) is what has gotten us here in the first place. Be smart people...take your vacation; we all need one. But scale it down. Your family will remember the great times together not how much $$ you spent...Our '08 vacation was days off and a series of day trips. It wasn't Disney but we had a great vacation and at a fraction of the cost...If we decide we can't swing the '09 trip we'll do something else and have a great time together...

Bolding mine. That's exactly what I always recommend. I have a trip planned for this December that is almost all paid for. But I think--no I know--this is going to be my last WDW vacation for a while. I could afford a trip, but for now, I am going to be saving more than I'm spending, building up some emergency savings. So next year I'll take my vacation days & do close to home things or go visit family. WDW will be there for me when we get thru this--we will get thru this, but this may take a few years--and I'll be there again.

These are bad times, there's no two ways about that. :sad2: I also have the funds for our trip but this economy makes it seem even more of a luxury right now. The proposed government bailout is going to hit every one of us and hard - the government is basically going to buy all the bad debt and become a collection agent funded by our taxpayer dollars, there's no way they can do it without more of our money. Gas $4 per gallon, foreclosures, ugh.

Am booked for an Alaskan cruise this summer and am going to be giving that some serious reconsideration. It frankly just doesn't seem appropriate right now... :sad2:
And do you honestly think that these people don't KNOW what they're doing is not responsible? Honestly?

Of course they do. They know that they're not making the smartest move in the world. But, they've STILL made that decision....and no amount of "opposing opinions on a public message board" is going to change their minds.

It's called personal responsibility and if they get themselves in a jam, THEY have to answer to it. Not us.
Here's the thing. Forums exist to discuss issues. This discussion involves all sides of the discussed issue.

Sometimes, people post their personal drama to public forums. Obviously, they do so in order to get support from the community. This support basically comes in two flavors: agreement and disagreement. If people aren't prepared for both, they best not drag out their junk.
Of course, it's their decision to make, their debt....until they are forced to declare bankruptcy. Then it becomes everyone's problem, because we are paying for that.
Of course, it's their decision to make, their debt....until they are forced to declare bankruptcy. Then it becomes everyone's problem, because we are paying for that.

But when declaring BK, doesn't the judge look at your financials? So they wouldn't be able to "get away with" taking a trip to Disney and THEN filing BK.
Isn't that the truth? I was in court earlier this week, and started talking to another attorney while we were waiting for the judge to show up (who was 30 minutes late, but that's another rant). This other lawyer had 8 files in his hands for the judge to sign -all foreclosures, and I remarked to him how sad that was. He pointed to the large crate next to him, full of files and replied "Oh, this is nothing - I have all these to be signed by various judges this morning, and then I have to go over to the bankruptcy court to see more clients." And that was just one day's work, and one attorney! I think it's a very dire situation here in Central Florida.

I'm an attorney also. I've got clients coming to me right and left wanting to sue on bad debts, being sued for bad debts, and some looking for a reason to sue someone in an effort to come up with some money from somewhere! Also lots of people from very rich areas living in huge houses driving mercedes with lots of cosmetic surgery coming in for a divorce and disclosing their net worth is less than zero. :scared1: I agree, it's very, very bad.
And do you honestly think that these people don't KNOW what they're doing is not responsible? Honestly?

Of course they do. They know that they're not making the smartest move in the world. But, they've STILL made that decision....and no amount of "opposing opinions on a public message board" is going to change their minds.

It's called personal responsibility and if they get themselves in a jam, THEY have to answer to it. Not us.

Actually, after reading these boards, I'm not convinced most people know what they are doing is irresponsible. Not when I see posts from people saying "don't cancel your trip, your children's memories are more important" or "we NEED this trip because we are stressed" and things like that.
We know that this so-called "bailout plan" for the economy is gonna really cost us. Tax cuts are now a thing of the past.

But I look at it this way...if we don't do something...those banks may very well fail and no one would be able to get a loan of any kind. Homeowners, business, corporations, no one. What this means is that instead of thousands of lost jobs, it would very well may be millions of lost jobs. Which is worse, possibly another depression? or a tax rate hike?

There is no real way to make this thing comfortable...it'll hurt no matter what. :headache:
OK...EVERYONE BREATHE!!!!!!!:surfweb:

From what I've gathered, the one PP wasn't saying that she's going to give up her house for a trip to Disney. It sounded like she and her family were ALREADY in the process of putting the house up for sale. And, when they get back, it'll be on the market.

As far as being irresponsible, haven't we ALL made some really dumb and STUPID mistakes, especially when it comes to vacations with family, a couple, or ourselves?!?!?!?:confused3 :confused3 NO ONE on here is perfect because if we were, we'd find a way to live at Disney 24/7!!1:lmao: :lmao:

Yes, this is a public forum/discussion board, but do we seriously have to be so rude sometimes?!?!?:confused3 I think there's ways of getting points across without being rude.

AND YES!! Some of us DO NEED a vacation away from everyday life/stress!! Who doesn't?!?!?:confused3 :confused3 That's why we plan things called VACATIONS!!!!! Whether it be Disney, local amusement park, etc. we need to get away from everyday life and pressures to get back to ourselves and/or families!!

That's something that everyone has and needs to do from time to time. If we didn't, there would be NO Disney!! Now think about that!!!:scared1:
Wow! When I started this thread yesterday I didn't realize that this nerve I was touching was so sore. Reading all the responses is making me feel very lucky. I have a secure job. I make enough money so that my wife can work part time. I realize now that I live in Fantasyland (sorry for the pun). My concern is more long range. We have pensions and 401K's that suddenly don't seem to be offering the security they once did. But my concern over retirement investments pales in comparison to the posters who are worried about jobs, have lost jobs and worse. I posted the thread because I wondered if the economy was something that other people were thinking about when it comes to vacation plans. I learned that I need to thank God for how lucky I am right now. My prayers go out to all the posters who are experiencing true hard times that they will pull through and that our country's leaders are cognizant of their troubles, and qualified and brave enough to pull all of us through these tough times.
You can't fix it, why worry about about it. Life goes on day by day, nothing you can do to change anything. We cut back where we can but you only go around once and I know a few people who didn't go all the way around and regretting it. We just came back from a 9 night stay at WL, loved it, needed it, recharged our batteries and did nothing different this time then from our other 40 trips. Planning our next jaunt, if it happens , it happens, if not so be it but we live our lives day by day and enjoy them to the max.

I totally agree..I work for one of the big companies currently in the news...my sister and I had just booked a Feb 09 trip a couple of weeks before all the really bad news broke. I see everyone's point about saving money, being prepared, etc. but I believe in living your life...work takes up so much of our time..people need to decompress, enjoy the good things in life..yes, be realistic about things, but you never know what is going to happen..I do not want to regret not going to my favorite place in the world..the last thing I want to do is give up my vacation to give this industry another week of my life. Especially after the stress "they" have caused myself and many of my friends (co-workers), it wasn't anything we could control. It was the higher ups that made the wrong decisions for thousands of us.

I will be in Disney in February, watching Wishes with my sister and knowing it was the right decision FOR ME.
Excuse me, but who are you to tell people about how they should handle THEIR financial situations?

If someone wants to "take out a loan" to go to Disney, that's their choice. If someone wants to "charge their trip"...guess what? That's THEIR choice.

I always find these threads so interesting when people come on here, carting around their "holier than thou" attitudes with them. Just because YOU choose to go to Disney all paid for with CASH doesn't mean EVERYONE has to follow in your footsteps. :sad2:

Good Lord, there were times that if we had to wait to pay for our trips "all in cash", we NEVER would've gone.....and boy, am I glad that we didn't wait.

At the end of the day, it's really NO ONE'S business how people choose to pay for their Disney trips. :rolleyes:
I didn't really see where this person or anyone else was judging those who pay with credit, specifically. I just was raised to use cash whenever possible and save credit for emergencies etc. My little method works for me and I'm comfortable with it-that's all. I really don't give a rat's hienie what other people do-just giving my perspective, which I believe is the whole point of a forum.;)


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