"It's the economy, stupid"

We're planning on a trip next September. If we get free dining, I should be able to pay for the whole trip with my Reward Dollars from my Disney Visa. The only cash we'll have to use is the gas to get there and the food along the way!
I'm in travel and my job has been in constant jeopardy ever since 9/11. It's become a way of life, worrying about will I be in the next round of layoffs. And we have layoffs about every 6 months. We have lost benefits/raises/time off and they never replace someone when they leave or get reduced.

I currently work 2 jobs to make ends meet in my meger condo ( but I guess at least I own my own property ) The economy stresses me out all the time. Not sure I can find time to fit in another job-

Coming to Disney is definately a plus and I look forward to it. It can be pricey, but I do without a few 'extras' so I can save some moolah to go on vaca.

It'll get better for most, it's just a matter of time.

Hang in there!
I am terrified about the economy -- my son and I both work for the same company and the plant we work for announced in early August that they are outsourcing all 290 manufacturing jobs to China within a year. :mad: This means that our entire household income will disappear (my husband is unemployed). We had already planned a Disney trip first week in December and are still going even though I know it's not the financially responsible thing to do. I have no idea when we'll be able to afford to go again and as long as it's already paid for, I'm not giving it up. It'll be a bittersweet trip and I'm going to be soaking up as much magic as possible.

Wow, that is horrible! I work for a mfg. company as well, and think about this too sometimes, these days it can happen so easily and quickly. We're closing some plants to consolidate and I am hopeful for those who are losing their jobs that they'll find something else.

I will say a prayer for your family, and I wish you and your family a wonderful trip to Disney. I would go too, and enjoy every minute of magic and family, the real world isn't going anywhere, it will be right here waiting for you when you get home. Disney is a great place to put the real world "on hold".
Take care,
DH and I both have pretty stable jobs, but we've been noticing that things have seemed slower. He hasn't really had any overtime to speak of since late winter/early spring. Luckily, we've never relied on overtime to run the household and that money just always went into savings. Some of the other people he works with are having a really hard time right now as they relied on OT monies. While we've still been able to meet all of our expenses, we're definitely not saving as much as we used to, even with cutting back on things like eating out, renting movies, etc. I'm still going to WDW in October (taking my niece for her first trip) and DH and I are going on a cruise in January, but I'm not booking anything else or looking at booking anything else.
You can't fix it, why worry about about it. Life goes on day by day, nothing you can do to change anything. We cut back where we can but you only go around once and I know a few people who didn't go all the way around and regretting it. We just came back from a 9 night stay at WL, loved it, needed it, recharged our batteries and did nothing different this time then from our other 40 trips. Planning our next jaunt, if it happens , it happens, if not so be it but we live our lives day by day and enjoy them to the max.

Great post...:thumbsup2 .I so agree..:)
We will adjust. We always have and always will. Americans (and every other developed country) will always find a way to maintain their way of life as much as possible.

We have never had debt before but now we do. We have a maxed out credit card and have pushed our home equity line to the limit. We can't really afford to pay our house note and pay for gas so we're going to sell our home as soon as possible. Really, it's not the most responsible thing in the world for us to go to WDW, obviously. But we paid for most of it out of our income tax this year, before things got so 'iffy'. And you dang well better believe we're gonna go!

I will not worry about it while I'm on vacation. And when I get back, I will make a concerted effort to sell my house and get out of debt so I can eliminate the other cuases for concern.

We will be fine.
We will adjust. We always have and always will. Americans (and every other developed country) will always find a way to maintain their way of life as much as possible.

We have never had debt before but now we do. We have a maxed out credit card and have pushed our home equity line to the limit. We can't really afford to pay our house note and pay for gas so we're going to sell our home as soon as possible. Really, it's not the most responsible thing in the world for us to go to WDW, obviously. But we paid for most of it out of our income tax this year, before things got so 'iffy'. And you dang well better believe we're gonna go!

I will not worry about it while I'm on vacation. And when I get back, I will make a concerted effort to sell my house and get out of debt so I can eliminate the other cuases for concern.

We will be fine.

Have a great vacation..:thumbsup2 ...I love your positive attitude..:)
Life is too short to stress all the time and we all need an escape to look farward to..:thumbsup2
gosh, this thread is everything I've said to myself and my DH lately.....
No, we really shouldn't go but we want to and need to and will have fun! The kids are 13 and almost 10 and pretty soon they won't want to go with us. We live pretty much paycheck to paycheck but I've been tucking money away bit by bit to help pay for this trip. I've saved change ($814 worth!) and put what I didn't pay ahead of time on my disney visa. Sometimes it's FAMILY that is priority.
and hey.....disney is OUR happy place!
My wife and I go to WDW a number of times per year, but if things got bad for us financially, we would stop going until things were good again. I would never, ever borrow money to take a vacation or spend on a vacation during a time when I couldn't pay my bills. That would not happen. Ever.
Why worry about something you have absolutely no control over? My 8-year old doesn't care about the stock market, she just knows that she's going to Disney next September and can't wait. It's up to Mommy and I to worry about the finances. Don't waste time worrying about the economy - it always comes back. Worry more about creating memories with your family to last two lifetimes.
I'm in travel and my job has been in constant jeopardy ever since 9/11. It's become a way of life, worrying about will I be in the next round of layoffs. And we have layoffs about every 6 months. We have lost benefits/raises/time off and they never replace someone when they leave or get reduced.

I currently work 2 jobs to make ends meet in my meger condo ( but I guess at least I own my own property ) The economy stresses me out all the time. Not sure I can find time to fit in another job-

Coming to Disney is definately a plus and I look forward to it. It can be pricey, but I do without a few 'extras' so I can save some moolah to go on vaca.

It'll get better for most, it's just a matter of time.

Hang in there!

be proud of your condo! :thumbsup2 i know the economy can cause stress but sometimes we need to destress at wdw!

i agree we all should hang in there :)
I planned a trip for my Mom and I for this coming October. Half way through paying for it finances took a turn for the worse and I ended up putting the remainder on a CC. This means the trip I was hoping to take for my 25th Wedding Anniversary in January is OUT! I just can't justify spending more credit no matter what the occasion. :sad1: :sad1:
This week really has me thinking about whether my plan for a $5000 vacation next May is a good idea. Anybody else worried about the economy?

So long as you have saved and budgeted for the trip and not going into debt, then you should be fine!
I can understand the need and desire to go on vacation, but why do you have to spend $5000? I mean, if you are worried about it why not scale back? I would LOVE to stay at a deluxe resort, however being realistic our budget only allows for value. I would rather stay at POP with no worries about money or lack of money than the Poly and be worried everyday leading up to the trip, during the trip and after the trip.
Taking a break, enjoying your family, and making memories does not have to equal a high dollar price tag, in my opinion. And yes vacations are wonderful, but the stress of maxed out credit cards or taking loans to go is not an even exchange. Making a choice between paying bills or going to Disney is a no brainer.
Good luck with your decision!

This week really has me thinking about whether my plan for a $5000 vacation next May is a good idea. Anybody else worried about the economy?
That's a 95 percent employment rate. That's pretty damn good.

The only problem I have when they toss around those figures it's very misleading. Sure we have high employment....At Walmart and other low paying minumum wage jobs that no one could possible live and raise a family on.
Like every one else the economy is not just about jobs, your fuel bill has doubled, which caused your food bill to skyrocket and now the stock market has tanked which means if you are lucky to have a job with a pension or 401K plan you've seen your life savings drop almost 8% in a few days.

Like my grandmother used to say, "please don't pee on my leg and tell me it's rainwater" This economy sucks.
Why worry about something you have absolutely no control over? My 8-year old doesn't care about the stock market, she just knows that she's going to Disney next September and can't wait. It's up to Mommy and I to worry about the finances. Don't waste time worrying about the economy - it always comes back. Worry more about creating memories with your family to last two lifetimes.

I don't know J, I think my 8 year old would remember not having food or if her parents started fighting constantly because of no money (economy, not infidelity is now the #1 cause of divorce).

Op, I'd probably cut my trip budget a bit. $5K is a lot of money.
We will adjust. We always have and always will. Americans (and every other developed country) will always find a way to maintain their way of life as much as possible.

We have never had debt before but now we do. We have a maxed out credit card and have pushed our home equity line to the limit. We can't really afford to pay our house note and pay for gas so we're going to sell our home as soon as possible. Really, it's not the most responsible thing in the world for us to go to WDW, obviously. But we paid for most of it out of our income tax this year, before things got so 'iffy'. And you dang well better believe we're gonna go!

I will not worry about it while I'm on vacation. And when I get back, I will make a concerted effort to sell my house and get out of debt so I can eliminate the other cuases for concern.

We will be fine.

This has got to be the most irresponsible thing I have ever heard. You can't afford to put a roof over the head of your family, but you are going to Disney? Do you think down the road your kids will care about the trip when they are uprooted from their home because they've LOST it?

Enjoy your trip. I hope it's worth it.
We're from the UK and have exactly the same problems and worries as the USA at the moment.

We've been planning our Disney wedding for the last 12-18 months and we are still (hoping) to go ahead with it. We are going through 'sticky' times just like everyone else but my DF has started work in a stable position after months of the odd day here and there so hopefully we will be fine.

We have been looking forward to the wedding and Disney for so long it would be a real shame to have to cancel it all and we are determined not to, but we are also realistic. If it came down to the fact we either get married or lose our house we can always get married in a couple of years.

We've had a scare in the UK over the last few days that our largest mortgage lender was going under but they have been bought out so thankfully 13 million people can breathe a bit easier - us included!
Yes!! This is our last Disney vacation unless the economy drastically improves. We have no business going in November but this is an anniversary gift to my parents, who have never been on a "real vacation" in their lives. Plus dad lost his job earlier this year (thank you, economy) and to be honest, I just don't see any of us being able to do this again in the coming years.

Is it responsible for me to keep this trip? Nope, but I know we won't be able to go back again for many, many years. This is the last "hoo-rah" for us. Sadly, I had plenty budgeted for this trip, and now I'll probably be taking out a loan to pay for our dining (I'm not one of the blessed people who got a pin code) because the increase in EVERYTHING else (and loss of all overtime at work) has really messed things up. :sad2:

You might want to check into getting a Disney Visa card, if you don't already have one. They just announced free dining for I think when you're going. There's no fee on the card, and we just got back from free-dining a couple weeks ago, and it saved sooooo much money. It was great. Good luck!


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