The Silly and Mischievous Adventures of Four Crazy Canucks - FINAL THOUGHTS 2/1

Did your mom get sunburned?

She looks a bit red :( I hope not.

Such a beautiful pic of the Future World fountain.

Yep Mom is sunburned. She always burns yet refuses to wear anything over SP5. :rolleyes: I can only imagine what she will look like after the cruise. :rolleyes:

That was such a great rainbow - we were on the bus back to MK and saw it over the WL and so forth. :goodvibes

I can just hear your mom scolding you in the restaurant! :rotfl2: (Because my mom would, too.)

I can't believe we're nearing the end...

It was the perfect rainbow, I have never seen one like it before.

I know, I can't believe it is almost finished. :sad:
Great Video, I never heard Off Kilter before!! They are so on my to do list. I already know I want a CD. I just checked out their website, as well as Mo'Rockin.

Nothing wrong with Pizza Hut. When you know you're near the end and heading home soon, I say go with comfort food! it helps bring you back to yucky reality.

Can't wait to find out what happens with the rash!! Did it itch? was it hot to the touch?
While at dinner I noticed that my rash was really bad, the worst that it had been the whole trip, my thighs and upper arms were completely covered. I was fascinated with examining my legs and arms and Mom got irritated at me for looking at it so much in the restaurant. I just couldn't help myself, it was so weird.

:rotfl: That totally sounds like something I would do. And how my mother would react!

I love all the rainbow pictures. Magical! pixiedust:
Great Video, I never heard Off Kilter before!! They are so on my to do list. I already know I want a CD. I just checked out their website, as well as Mo'Rockin.

Nothing wrong with Pizza Hut. When you know you're near the end and heading home soon, I say go with comfort food! it helps bring you back to yucky reality.

Can't wait to find out what happens with the rash!! Did it itch? was it hot to the touch?

Nope if it wasn't so ugly I wouldn't have known it was there as it didn't cause any discomfort other than mental discomfort. :lmao:

:rotfl: That totally sounds like something I would do. And how my mother would react!

I love all the rainbow pictures. Magical! pixiedust:

We were so close when you saw the Rainbow, if you hadn't heard Off Kilter and explored UK instead you would have probably seen us :rotfl:

Oh no I didn't realise this was your last day?!?!?! Do we ever get to find out what caused your rash?
We were so close when you saw the Rainbow, if you hadn't heard Off Kilter and explored UK instead you would have probably seen us :rotfl:

Oh no I didn't realise this was your last day?!?!?! Do we ever get to find out what caused your rash?

Yep, our last day, so sad. :sad: I always hate when I finish a TR.
I don't get to tour World SHowcase too much with Jimmy, but this year he is expressing an interest in the passport so hopefully I will get to do so a bit more!:thumbsup2

hey also have some Kim Possible adventure game for the kids ! If you had a link to a Disney Mom 's Panelist I bet she could clue you in!!:rotfl2:
Lessa enjoyed as always your updates !!
Can'twait for those May hours so we can start planning !!
hey also have some Kim Possible adventure game for the kids ! If you had a link to a Disney Mom 's Panelist I bet she could clue you in!!:rotfl2:
Lessa enjoyed as always your updates !!
Can'twait for those May hours so we can start planning !!

Thanks Rosie.

Yes it will be nice once the hours come out and we can start planning.
Hi Lessa,

Really enjoying all the updates and the photos are fab! We spent a lot of time in WS during our trip, but your photos have made us realise there is so much more we need to see. Off Kilter sounded great - we always seemed to just miss them! :rolleyes:

DH was eyeballing your TR and said "I've got a photo that's identical to that fountain at FW! Same time of day and everything!"

How depressing is it when you get to the end of your TR! :sad:

Di x
Hi Lessa,

Really enjoying all the updates and the photos are fab! We spent a lot of time in WS during our trip, but your photos have made us realise there is so much more we need to see. Off Kilter sounded great - we always seemed to just miss them! :rolleyes:

DH was eyeballing your TR and said "I've got a photo that's identical to that fountain at FW! Same time of day and everything!"

How depressing is it when you get to the end of your TR! :sad:

Di x

I was excited to hear Off Kilter playing as I always seemed to forget about them. I am going to make an effort in May to try and catch all the performances that are featured in each country.
We have seen off Kilter a couple of times. They are pretty good!

I think I am the only one who didn't see the rainbow on this day:confused3
That rainbow was awesome! You got some wonderful shots of WS.
That rash would scare me. Was the sun out that day? Maybe that made it worse. I'm sorry you had to deal with that.
Departure Day arrived, we woke up bright and early at 6:30. I didn't sleep very well and neither did anybody else for that matter. We did some last minute packing and then hauled everything down to the car. I can't remember why but once down at the car Mom needed to do some rearranging of the stuff in the suitcases so she sent us off to get some last minute pictures and to fill our mug up one last time.


The run and roll, wouldn't Alek make a great action movie star? :lmao:



We headed into Everything Pop to fill up the mug and to browse around the gift shop. After a few minutes we went back to meet Mom at the car. We were headed to Erich's favourite breakfast spot, IHOP. He just loves their enormous omelets.

Breakfast was yummy, filling and most importantly cheap! There was a cheap gift shop across the way that Alek and Erich wanted to check out so we went over. It was full of cheap t-shirts and "Disney" souvenirs. Definitely not very high quality stuff.

The trip to the airport was smooth sailing and we dropped the car off and checked our bags with no hassle. We were super early for our flight so we shopped around in all the airport stores. Alek and Erich of course posed for some pictures. If you are easily offended avert your eyes. ;)






We split up for a bit, Mom and I went in one direction and Alek and Erich in the other. I think we went in most of the stores, I only made one purchase though and that was a bottle of nail polish from Del Sol.

Joining back up with the boys we breezed through Security, no headaches from ignorant agents like last year.


After dumping all our stuff down at the gate I went off to see if there were any good magazines to read at the gift shop. On my way I was stopped by a guy trying to get me to sign up for a Disney Visa card. I told him I wish I could have one but being Canadian and all I didn't qualify. Well what did he do? He gave me a fake Disney Visa!


So there ya go I now have a Disney Visa even though it doesn't actually work. ;)

While sitting at the gate there was this horrible family sitting nearby. This little boy was crying his eyes out and the mother and grandmother completely ignored him or told him to shut-up and stop crying. A stranger sitting nearby took pity on the kid and struck up a conversation with him and he calmed down a lot. What a pity though that it takes a stranger to take care of this kid and make him feel better. What made it worse was that the family were all wearing Make A Wish shirts so this kid was most likely sick and being treated this way by his family. What a disgusting display of parenthood.

On the plane ride I read Breaking Dawn and finished the book off. I had started at the beginning of the trip and it is not a small book. Alek and Erich slept through the trip as usual.


When we walked out of the airport in Syracuse it was so chilly! What a difference! The leaves had already started to change colour and it was still August!


We made the required stop in Watertown to visit the grocery store and pick up all the yummy American food items we can't get in Canada.

The rest of the drive was really quick, the thousand islands are always pretty to drive through.

I hate having to go across these bridges in the Thousand Islands, bridges make me nervous to begin with and I always feel as though they are so narrow and that the huge trucks coming from the other direction are going to run us off.




Alright! No lines at the border!


Only 30 more minutes and we'll be home!


If you see the Oh Canada video in Epcot you might recognize this tower.



When we got back we dropped Alek off at his apartment (he would collect his luggage later), and then we were home!

It was so great to see my kitties again, the best part of coming home.



Now for one final rash update, the day after we got home I woke up and the rash was completely gone. Based on that alone I am assuming that the rash was probably caused by an allergic reaction to something in the hotel room, most likely the bath soap or whatever detergent they use to clean the sheets. It was a big relief to have it gone as I did not want to show up back at work with that lovely souvenir. ;)

I'll be back with a Final Thoughts post so don't go away!
Glad you had an uneventful trip home. Glad the rash went away though. That is still so weird though.
Sounds like a lovely last day (well, as lovely as they can be...) I'm glad you got home with no issues! :)
Oh no your trip is over! I wasn't ready for that. Hurry up and go back so you can write another one.
That last picture of both your brothers with Goofy is hilarious :rotfl2:
Glad you had an uneventful trip home. Glad the rash went away though. That is still so weird though.

Yep, on travel days uneventful is very good.

Sounds like a lovely last day (well, as lovely as they can be...) I'm glad you got home with no issues! :)

It was a pretty good day for departure day.

Oh no your trip is over! I wasn't ready for that. Hurry up and go back so you can write another one.
That last picture of both your brothers with Goofy is hilarious :rotfl2:

Don't worry, only 3 1/2 months until I'm back at the AKL! I am pondering over whether or not I should start up a PTR.


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