Weight loss for Wishers and becoming Leaner Meaners!

Vic: Woot, woot! That's great news, about the increase in weights. Plus all the good WO sessions. I never think of using Flaxseed OIL. Thanks for the recommendation. I'll look into it.

Maria: :hug: for the loss of your co-worker. It doesn't matter if you knew she was ill, it's still a shock and a sorrow. I hope you and your colleagues can support each other emotionally, in addition to the adjustment in the workload. It's no wonder your workouts and eating have been thrown off. But I admire you for looking forward, not back. Let us know how we can support you in this, okay? :love: (I'll even volunteer to come and sweep your house for any nasty Hershey infiltration.)

Aloha Jeff: The idea of a vacation in Hawaii in which I tour filming sites--Lost or otherwise--is my idea of heaven. :cloud9: Sad, really. :rotfl2:

Tracey: Back to your idea abut a fun fundraiser--I do think some sort of mom competition is a great idea in all seriousness. An obstacle course, or something American Gladiator-ish! Of course, I like the idea of a "real" race or tri, but I can imagine that might not be as attractive to a wide range of people.... And while I'm aware that you're most likely not serious, the suggestion just sent me into imagination overdrive! And DS11 would probably like it--maybe even as a parent-child event! (They're still not too cool for such things at that age, are they?)

I think it's great that you're supporting all your friends on their running adventures, in addition to your sons and Girls on the Run. You're quite the coach/mentor, from my perspective. And then you supply me with this nifty new song by Toybox. I immediately went to YouTube to listen to "Best Friend." It's a catchy running song. And have you seen this version of it? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQ9t7bps8I8 Your DS should post their version--I love lip sync parodies!

About the Flaxseed...yep, it needs to be ground. Apparently the seeds don't get broken down in the digestive system.

Beth: I believe my experience might be similar to yours (see below). Nancy's advice, as always, sounds right on target. After all, you've gotten into a good WO groove that's challenging but also producing the results you want with your races, core, etc. So you don't want to adjust that--just convince your body that you're going to fuel it to perform well.

I didn't realize you were having leg cramps. Ouch. Do you dislike bananas? They're my go-to for potassium. Just curious. I hope the dentist managed to go as scheduled so you could squeeze in all your workouts. That's one heck of a schedule.

P.S. David Boreanaz. Ah, yes. Eye candy makes a TM run go better.

Chris: Congrats on the (pending) registration for 3 races. :cool1: I just looked at the Columbus marathon--holy cow, they've got a generous time limit for their races. They're really walker friendly. What's the weather like in October in Columbus? DOOD's parents want his (really, our) fall race to be Chicago again, but I'm thinking Detroit or Niagara or an East Coast. Still keeping options open, though, because of schedules and the economy. So...do tell! :listen:

As for me: Beth, thanks for mentioning the weight loss. It's been a good month for me. I'm surprised. I've been thinking about it and you know, I have to attribute it to the Self Challenge. I'm just starting my 5th week now, which coincides with the weight loss. It's helping me lose about 1 pound/week. It's not the particular exercises or their menu plans, though. I don't particularly follow either. But I have been following its emphasis on interval training--and in general training with more intensity--and eating MORE. I'm currently eating between 1500-1700 calories a day (except for one weekend day, if I'm honest). According to SparkPeople, I should be eating no more than 1550 a day. Seeing as I'm losing every week with MORE calories and I wasn't losing with SP's calorie guidelines, I'm sticking with Self. I just wish it focused more on weight training, and I may need to adjust that when I start Month 2 next week.
Hey team,

Checking in with 8.27 miles, 1:18:18. Good stuff!

Hope you're all logging your reps. Keep it up!
Hi Everyone!

Another short post from me as things here are crazier than ever. To add to the crazy, busy-ness here, DD9 broke her wrist last night. We're off to the hospital in a little while to get a cast put on it.

I just wanted to pop in and say hello :wave: and I hope to be able to catch up with all of you very soon.
Morning Team! Over the hump day! Yippee!!!!

Debra: Has it been 5 weeks on the Self challenge already? I just think time is flying! And, 1 pound a week is excellent! That's enough to see numbers change, keeps the motivation up, and it's solid weight loss. If it comes off too quick, it usually comes back for me! I am glad you are seeing such success with the challenge......it's a nice motivator! Yes, I have to say David Boreanaz is eye candy.......I will just call him Angel! I got to see the show this morning since I got my body out of bed at 6am again! I have to say, it's a little easier knowing that Angel is on!!!! (((is that really sad or what?????))))))

Maria: I hope the week goes by quickly and quietly. Having a sudden death of a friend/co-worker is tough. It's an eye opener for all of us. Like what Richard is going through......makes you take stock in your own life, and try to appreciate all the good things we have. I am so grateful that my family is healthy and relatively happy (no one is ever happy at the same time, but mostly). Life is so much shorter than we think it should be.......I hope the week ends gently for you. :hug:

On a brighter note, I am sensing Spring around the corner......always cause to celebrate for us long distance atheletes! I am working hard at getting in shape for the coming race season! I love having a good race to look forward too!

AFM: I am liking the double excerise time. Getting up is really hard, but if I keep up the pattern of getting up, it gets easier. I like getting 3 miles done in the morning. It doesn't seem like much, but if I do it 3 or 4 times a week, those miles add up for me. It helps so much for me to get it done, without taking to much time from the family. They are sleeping in the morning, so they don't even know I am up! Then when I take a class in the evening, it's not such a big deal! I have noticed that I am sleeping much better, and I am really hungry in the morning for breakfast! Goes with the territory I guess!

I hope everyone is having a Lean Mean day!


**added*** Julie: Sorry to hear about dd! I hope the casting goes easily and she doesn't have too much pain. Tell her to pick a cool color!
Hey everyone! Things have been busy at work - I guess people are back from March break vacations! I've been running (slowly) and working out. Did a physio reassessment on Monday and ran into some problems with my right knee. I seemed to get pain intermittently and we couldn't figure out why. I'd do forward lunges but only get them going backwards. Couldn't do burpees either ... but I'm not complaining about that one :) We also talked about my goals for this year (or lack thereof). I wasn't really prepared for that one.

Debra - Yeah, I was the last one picked for team sports in elementary school too. I was never good at volleyball, basketball, baseball, track stuff. I blame the teacher because he spent a lot more time with the kids who were already good. I once asked why and why we never saw him serving a volleyball, pitching baseball, dunking hoops, high jumping, etc. I got sent to the principal's office. I suspect he just couldn't do any of it.

You could come to Toronto for the Scotibank marathon if you're looking for a fall race :) I'm doing the half.

Maria - Haven't checked out the DVD yet. Sorry to hear about your co-worker.

Beth - Congrats on the 3 pound weight loss!

Chris - Lots of races coming up for you!

Okay, that's it for me... Have a great day everyone!
Don't worry Beth, it's not you, it's me! :rotfl:

I've been pretty morose lately, but I'm determined to pull myself out of it. :thumbsup2

I'm going for a walk tonight, and this afternoon. It's a beautiful, sunny day, so I'm going to take advantage of that. I have to go out this afternoon to get my TB test read (we have mandatory yearly testing @work), so while I'm out I'm going for a nice walk around the block.

I'm just going to walk, 'cause I'm not sure I have a run in me. I have found that I usually get frustrated with walking, and then start to move faster. One can hope! :thumbsup2

I'm starting the new BL challenge on the DIS Friday, so I'll have new motivation to get lean and mean! pirate:

:cheer2::woohoo::yay: Let's Go Lean Meaners!

Maria :upsidedow
It has been a little slow on the Lean Meaners recently, hasn't it? All over the boards, too. I don't know about you, but my DIS is having more periods where the board is sloooooow. I also think this time of year is tough, in some ways tougher than mid-winter. The weather swings have me going outdoors but then today, when it's raining, I have little motivation to do anything (work, fun, posting, etc.). I just want to watch movies and eat bon bons. (Not that I actually know what a bon bon is. I think truffle. Is that close?)

Aloha Jeff: Another steady run you've got there. Maybe it's my imagination, but are you a bit faster than last year? (And I know you'll get faster with your new running group.)

Julie: Again, PD to your DD. And I have to say that I hadn't noticed your pic with Stitch until today. I'm soooo jealous!

Beth: Thanks to you, I've been trying to split up my double dipping exercise time. It makes the WOs seem less daunting and I think keeps my metabolism higher overall. But I still can't seem to get up extra early, as I should to maximize my day. I stay up later instead. How did you train yourself to get up earlier. Did you get up earlier bit by bit until you reached your goal (I've tried it and it doesn't seem to work for me) or just set the alarm to the point you need and then gut it out? (That better sleeping sounds really appealing to me.) Anyway, it sounds like your split schedule makes the WOs more manageable for you and your family, and allows you to get a little more healthy "you" time in. How are your classes going? Has the faux-Jillian given you respect from here on out?

Oh, and I heard from Nancy the other day. She's doing SO well with everything, although I can hear in her post that she wants to do more. And she's so funny about everything.

Vicky: Ouch, sorry to hear about your knees. That only on the backward part of the lunge seems strange. (Although lunges and squats always are uncomfortable for me.) So you're still running, though? Any pain there? And as long as I'm asking tons of questions, did you come up with goals. I hate that kind of question and am always tempted to say, "Not to get myself killed this year."

You, you must have been the kind of cool kid I would have loved to hang out with in school. The "Emperor wears no clothes" kind of kid. I was terribly, terribly shy and quiet. Oooh, the Toronto marathon is another possibility. It's a little earlier, too, so that might be good. And DOOD and I love Toronto. We're really going to need to decide soon and it's the planning ahead that's hard for us. (Schedule-wise.) We fully committed to ToT about 10 days before the race. Anyway, I'll add it to the short list. What's the weather like then, btw?

Maria: Why do you need yearly TB testing? Sorry, that part stuck out for me. I think it's a great thing that you're going to walk TWICE today. TWICE. A mood lifter. And, as Self tells me, a good way to get over the chocolate cravings. (Me, I just walk TO the chocolate. Sort of defeats the purpose, KWIM?) Congratulations on signing up for the BL challenge again. I know you really enjoyed it, and it looks like they've divided up into smaller teams this go-round.

As for me: I'd love to come here and report activity for the day, but....not yet. It's been rainy all day. Okay, so I exaggerate. It was rainy when I got up for a couple of hours, so I ate breakfast and did some work. Then it stopped. So I finished my task, but by the time I'd put on 1/2 of my running clothes, it had started again. So I did some DISing, and it stopped. By the time I put on my compression shirt (am I the only one who uses UA's loose compression shirt & then still buys it a size too big? :rotfl2:) and shoes, the rain had started...again. So I ate lunch. Now I'm at just the right point where I can do a mid-afternoon run. And it's still raining. :headache: I hate running in the rain when it's heavy enough to get my socks wet. (It's right at that edge of more than drizzle, but steady.)

It's warm enough, though, that I should be fine for a SR. So I'll give it another 45 minutes or so for the rain to pass. And if it doesn't I'm going out anyway. Thank goodness I don't live in Fargo anymore. Have you heard about their flooding conditions? I missed living there during the great flood of 1997 and this one is supposed to be worse! :scared1:
Debra: Yes, Nancy is doing so well.....but she is bored. I KNOW she wants to do more, but she just needs to take her time with that! She has been a good patient so far though......

The whole getting up thing is hard every day......but when I know that it's my only chance to get some miles in, it's a little easier. My dh is gone again on a business trip, so it's much easier for me to get up if he is not still sleeping in the bed. When he is home, it is hit or miss if I actually get up or not. It's hard for me to get up, when he isn't! My body has gotten used to it, and i am waking up without the alarm on most days, so in that it is a little easier. It's the mental game I have to play to actually make it up. Usually I tell myself that I will just get up to go to the BR, and then back to bed and once I am up I can motivate on to the TM. It's 100% mental. And I don't win the game every day!!!! :confused3

I got in a new class yesterday......kickboxing!!!! I have to say, I loved it! My legs are sore this morning though......A new instructor for me, and she seems really good. She said she doesn't care about our form, just that we keep on moving! I like that! I am not a 'tinnie tiny' workout queen, as most were in the class, but I kept moving!

I like getting the classes in for sure, so it looks like I will just continue to get up early every day! :scared1:

Hey Debra -- the TB testing is because I work with the homeless. Not exactly the most healthy population. My agency requires it of all employees, so even though I'm not in direct service, I have to get it done. ::yes::

DH suggested I look into a personal trainer at the Y last night. I'm not sure if I'm ready to go there, but it is true that I constantly talk about how Bob or Jillian could whip me into shape with their little fingers... :lmao: I'm just not good at pde (public display of exercise). Yep, I'm in the "last kid picked for PE club", well not last. The little girl who was a burn victim was after me. Kids are mean, aren't they? Well, it is something I haven't tried yet, and I have a good friend who lost 70 lbs last year with a personal trainer...but she lives in LA, I think she was forced to lose weight or move back to the Midwest! :rotfl:

Maria :upsidedow
I don't think WISH boards would be so slow if someone (who shall remain nameless) didn't post grandios novels. You're using up all the daily space allowed. :rotfl2: You know I'm teasing you, right?

Maria, so sorry to hear about your co-worker.

Nothing to add. Taking a rest day today, and taking 5 keiki to the free private screening of the new Hannah Montana movie. Gotta love Girl Scouts for saving me $48 bucks or more on tickets. Maybe once I get them settled into their chairs, I can sneak off to watch something I want to see. LOL.
I don't think WISH boards would be so slow if someone (who shall remain nameless) didn't post grandios novels. You're using up all the daily space allowed. :rotfl2: You know I'm teasing you, right?

Maria, so sorry to hear about your co-worker.

Nothing to add. Taking a rest day today, and taking 5 keiki to the free private screening of the new Hannah Montana movie. Gotta love Girl Scouts for saving me $48 bucks or more on tickets. Maybe once I get them settled into their chairs, I can sneak off to watch something I want to see. LOL.

Oh, one last post before I close out for the night. It's my novels that slows WISH down and not YOUR photos? Really? :rotfl2: Somehow I think more people pause & linger at the sights of paradise than read my ramblings. Your fault! Or should I say, tag, you're it?
Hi Friends.....I always wonder why it takes me over an hour to post....phone calls, breakfast, potty training, lunch making....all of this since I began reading and posting this morn:confused3 Call me multi-tasker:cool1:

Beth...spring was around the corner and now they're calling for SNOW tomorrow:confused3! Keep updating, I love reading your posts even if I can't post. You're my motivation;).
Chris....hey there!
Deb...I started out kidding about the fundrasier, but by the end of that post, I seriously started thinking about it. I love the "Best Friend" song, but I'm a little nervous about my kiddos posting their vid on youtube. Here's another one that DS has me hooked on...the song not neccessarily the vid.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLanmHKt_7c
Maria...:hug: I'm still thinking about you. A walk outside is sometimes the best form of meditation. I love the PDE acronym! and I love this....
a good friend who lost 70 lbs last year with a personal trainer...but she lives in LA, I think she was forced to lose weight or move back to the Midwest!
Jeff...hey there...ya think the boys would like the Hannah Montana movie?
Julie....hope DD is doing alright.
Vicky....hey there, hope the knee is feeling better.

I have been keeping very busy, but I'd rather be busy than not. Hope everyone is having a great day! I've got 6 miles on tap for today, unfortunately it's on the TM...I think I'll put on the Twilight movie again.;)
Tracey: Forgive me for wondering how I can motivate you???? You are a great multi-tasker! I am so-so at multi-tasking myself. I always feel like I do an OK job at most things, instead of a great job at a few things.....I guess that it's a mom things! We have to do alot at the same time. Let me describe my morning today.......(bear with me).......I got up at 5 am (done sleeping, which is weird, but whatever). I lay in bed an extra 15 minutes (after taking Motrin!). I get up, sort 8 loads of laundry (I hope to get done today after work.....we'll see), pick up the boys room (which is disgusting BTW), change into smelly workout gear, run 4 miles on the TM (watching Angel of course), get off the TM into the shower which is broken and the shower pin keeps coming out (fixed X3 during my shower), wake the boys up (ugh), dress, hair dry, wake the boys up again, make-up, yell at the boys to get dressed (and brush their teeth, please?), breakfast for everyone, lunches packed, empty the dishwasher, fill the dishwasher, feed the piggies, yell at the boys again to eat and pack their backpacks, take laundry to car, garbage can in and add more, gather my breakfast and lunch, pack up my stuff, kiss the boys, and off to work. My husband is not home today, but even if he was, he would be laying in bed looking at the laptop and asking me why I am late to work every day!!!!!!! There it is in the nut shell, my morning at it's finest. UGH!.......... Why did I chose to have kids????/ JK (I think). So, no matter how you morning goes, it's got to be better than mine!

Debra: Don't listen to Jeff, I love your posts!!!! I look forward to them everyday! Good luck with the double dipping exercise plan. Sure is helping me sleep and wake up refreshed! (see above posting.....)

Jeff: Don't listen to Debra, I love your pictures!!! (see what I am doing here?) I envy your scenery, but love seeing it anyway! (can you both tell I am the baby of the family of 4 kids??????? I like everyone happy!)

I hope to see some of you lurkers posting today!!!

AFM: I got myself on the TM today for 4 miles instead of 3....b/c I skipped the gym (and Pump) last night. It was raining buckets, and I was exhausted! I am glad I did skip it though, since I felt really good getting up today. Really refreshed! That is why the 4 miles wasn't torture!

Happy Friday everyone! Anyone have exciting plans for the weekend? Nothing planned here - just getting stuff ready for taxes and spring cleaning! I really don't like the process of spring cleaning but love the results afterward ... kind of like exercising! Besides I figure the more stuff I can get rid of, the more stuff I can buy when I go shopping :laughing: It's a rest day for me so I might go and see a movie tonight.

Jeff - Did you go to the HM movie or see something else? Did you watch Lost on Wednesday? Did they film the opening scenes in Hawaii? I noticed there was lots of snow but when the actors were speaking, there was no steam/condensation coming out of their mouths. So I assumed they were somewhere warm.

Maria - I vote for the personal trainer! I find that they push you harder than you do yourself - at least in my case anyway. Sometimes when I'm doing weights or pushups, I end up doing several more past the point where I would have stopped if I were working out on my own. I finally popped Shred into the DVD player to watch it... not the same as doing it though :laughing:

Tracey - Wish I had a TV in front of my TM! I haven't seen Twlight before but it's on my rental list.

Debra - No I was pretty quiet and painfully shy as a kid. I never really liked school or teachers though so I always had something to say about them much to the disappointment of my mom. Last year at the Scotiabank Waterfront Marathon, the weather was pretty nice - I think it was about 15C and overcast at the start and then when I finished it was maybe 19-20C but sunny!

Have a great day everyone!
A few people I know on Facebook questioned my sanity about going to the Hannah Montana movie. There was a storyline to it, and really good music. I must say, Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana has a voice which is improving with age. Rascal Flatts and Taylor Swift have cameo appearances/songs. I liked it, and when it comes out on DVD, it will be purchased for this Disney family!

Last night was a Girl Scout free private screening, and members could bring non-members with them to have a fun "girls night out." The movie was nothing like the TV show on the Disney Channel.

Being one of the very few male leaders on this island, I took 4 girls including my 10 3/4 year old. There were about 3 other dads, and a couple of brothers. Otherwise about 350 tween-agers and up. Will the boys like it, I say probably, but not as much as the girls.

When we got home, we spent time finding the songs and videos on youtube, so my Princess #1 could listen to them, and learn the dance.

Like I said in my previous post, I think the "Hoedown Throwdown" dance is going to be the next craze with the kids. Think what High School Musical's "We're All In This Together" was to the kids. It's going to be popular amongst the kids.

The Tennessee scenery, where it was filmed, was pretty nice to look at as well.

Yes, the opening scenes of LOST were filmed here. They dump shaved ice on the ground at night, to make you think it's really snow. Shots were from downtown area, but made you think they were in Russia.

They were filming in various locations this week. Last episode or two to complete for the season, from what I hear from my sources.

It takes approximately 3 to 4 weeks from filming to airing on TV.
Beth: Oh, you're such a good caretaker and peacekeeper. I can totally see you as the baby of the family. I'm obviously the eldest, pushy and sarcastic. :rolleyes1 I definitely didn't take any offense at Jeff's post--and I'm certain he didn't at mine. It's just a long-standing volley of ours. Our "thing," so to speak. (Oooh, I have a thing with Jeff. I wonder if the Queen knows? Or cares? :rotfl2:)

About the getting up--I'm the same way with DOOD. So much easier if he's not around. Again, I'm a proponent of that separate beds, thing, as I get the quality sleep if he's not around. You actually sound if you miss your DH, though, which is so romantic. :lovestruc And I agree with the mental thing. I'm by nature a night owl, so I often lose that game. Or should I say the alarm clock loses in its efforts to get me up. Not even the cats can stir me early. But I'm going to keep making an effort. I want those benefits you mention. BUT 5 A.M.????? Good God, woman! :scared1:

I so admire you for trying all these new classes. You're definitely keeping your body on its toes, so to speak, and keep pushing yourself. I'd be out of my comfort zone in a kickboxing class, I think. Or I'd like it too, too well, which is a scary thought. I guiltily admit to avoiding most classes. :guilty: Because, as Maria says, I'm not comfortable with PDE. Especially in classes where my klutziness can be exposed to the skinny minnies of my gym. I've heard what they say about other participants. Very junior high, just like we've been talking about. I'm trying to get over it--one of my goals, you might say.

One last thing, because apparently I have a lot to say. It looks like your streak has really changed your body. It now things a rest day is one in which you DON'T double dip. Wow!

Maria: First, I love your DH. (And maybe he could teach me to bowl? Totally random comment that I've been wanting to say for some time now.) I think that the idea of a PT is a great one, if you want to go that route. I don't have a PT, for the PDE reason and a budget one (okay, so I *choose* to spend my spare money on travel, books, etc., and the PT should be higher on the list, but....:rolleyes:) But back to YOU.

I think a good PT can really help you achieve your goals. And I was lucky enough to know a PT in Fargo quite well socially. He always said that the clients he was most interested in working with were those who wanted to work, because he got frustrated by people who just phoned it it. And he was one of the most laid-back people I knew! You'd be the perfect client! And I can say as a people-watcher at the gym, I've NEVER had a negative thought about people working with their PTs who were working it. It's true, I've thought less of those people who come dressed for their appointment in full jewelry and makeup and spend most of their time on the phone. And I'm somewhat confused by obese PTs--yes, my gym has them. But I tend to be slightly envious of people who are that committed to themselves that they move outside of their comfort zones. Like Vicky with her PT, and Beth with her classes, and Cindy with her BQ goals, and Mike with his tri training. (I could go on.) An inspiration to me. So you should just get a PT--for my benefit! :rotfl2:

Aloha Jeff: So you enjoyed the Hannah Montana flick, huh? (You would have never convinced me into thinking snuck off to see another flick, so I'm glad you didn't try!) I understand Miley's trying to get her bona fides in country music, so the videos make sense. (Not sure I understand that "hawk in the sky" move.) I won't even try to guess how many times I'd have to watch the video to learn the hoedown! It looks harder than Beyonce's "Single Ladies." Hey, have the GS cookie sales come out yet? I haven't seen them around here, :confused3 and I usually donate a few bucks.

P.S. You know I question your sanity normally, right? :rotfl:

Tracey: Ah, I think I've discovered your inner love of electronica music. I have my interest in it, too, especially from my Detroit days. Did you know that Detroit has an Electronic Music Festival? Lots of fun. I think I listen to it more for running these days. And strangely enough, what I listen to for running isn't necessarily what I listen to normally. Sometimes it's music I wouldn't even like normally--like "Single Ladies." Strange. (I'm also fond of Fatboy Slim--"Rockafeller Skank" and Tricky--"Black Steel." Not child approved.) How do you feel about Aqua's "Barbie Girl"? Or Bambee's Bumblebee? (those are links, btw.) I have to say, kids must keep you young. Between this music and Twilight, you're certainly "in the know."

Vicky: Ugh, you just had to mention spring cleaning didn't you? I haven't felt the urge to purge yet, and I usually do around this time. Maybe I need to just go ahead and start. Maybe you could get a TV for in front of your TM now? :rolleyes1 I'd think that once you start Shred, all the work with your PT will pay off. You'll be happy to know (at least I think you'll be happy) that DOOD agreed the Toronto race should be on our short list. We still won't know what, if anything, we're signing up for. There are a lot of scheduling decisions, etc., to make. And I don't think we'll be committing to anything until after our dr.'s appointments in the next couple of weeks--annual checkups, but DOOD's knees are still bothering him. :sad2: Anyway, on the happier note, we loved the temperature, we love Toronto, you're there....so it's on the Google calendar to check against the fall semester schedule. :teeth: We'll also be looking at academic conferences in the area, because I thought if we could match a race with a conference the university would pay for the hotel and part of the travel.

As for me: Speaking of knees, mine are sore today. Not in pain, just sore. DOOD actually noticed me limping today and asked me if I was in pain. I said no, this is just what happens after a vigorous WO. He replied, "Since when?" I said, "Since a couple of frakking years." Apparently he doesn't pay that much attention to me. And I'm supposed to trust this man when he says I look good? :rotfl2: I really don't know exactly when this knee thing started to happen, but it's an annoying side effect of age. Psh. Rest, ice, and stretch. I barely think about it except for such conversations, and think he notices now because of his pain.

In nutrition news, here are 12 Superfoods from Tosca Reno's The Eat-Clean Diet. How many do you eat regularly?

  1. Tomatoes (with a useful hint not to store fresh tomatoes in the fridge with other fruits because they emit a gas that causes other fruits to rot! Put them on a counter.)
  2. Skinless Turkey Breast
  3. Wild Salmon
  4. Broccoli
  5. Berries
  6. Beans & Legumes
  7. Spinach
  8. Walnuts
  9. Bison
  10. Pumpkin
  11. Soy
  12. Oatmeal

Obviously, I don't eat any of the meat. But I do eat everything else regularly, except for the pumpkin. I eat that seasonally and then mostly in desserts.
Debra: I have done the Toronto marathon and 1/2 marathon the past two years. It's a nice flat course, and the weather was good last year. The year before (2007) was hot. It was very abnormal to be hot that year, and the Canadians kept telling me that!:rotfl2: But last year was perfect.....cool in the early morning, but stayed pretty cool throughout. You'll like the race! I don't think we will do it again this year, since we added Chicago with the new rnr 1/2 in August.

You know, I am surprized that I do alot of classes now......I am SO uncoorinated myself, and I was very intiminated at kickboxing. Everyone else was very small and fit. But I decided last year that I am done letting others make me feel bad. I have to step out of my comfort zone to get things done. I perservered through the cat calls and nasty comments from passer-byes when I started running, so there is nothing I can't do! All the stuff I get done in my classes is the stuff I hate to do. It just seems easier to get it done in a nice group! If I don't do my classes, I would get no strength training what-so-ever!

I know you and Jeff love each other......I was just having a little fun with you
! I love your banter!

Have a nice weekend Meaners!



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