Weight loss for Wishers and becoming Leaner Meaners!


Last night the Disboard was down for maintenance. They put back the search button. You can't hide now. LOL.:lmao:
Vicky: Spiderman crawl???:scared1: I am glad I don't know that one! Good job at the gym though.......it's always nice when someone else notices the work you have been doing! :cool1:

Hi Everyone! :wave:

Vicky - I'm glad to hear that your knee is better. What a nice compliment you received at the gym. That must have made you feel great! How's the Spiderman Crawl going? I've never heard of that, but it sounds like something DS7 would like. :laughing:

Tracey - Has adding speed workouts helped you to break the weight loss plateau? Unfortunately, I'm not at a plateau yet - I've been yo-yo'ing up and down (mostly up :sad1:) for the past month.

Beth - I yell at the TV when I watch BL also, so you're not alone. :upsidedow

Debra - I'm glad that your knees are better and I hope the hills you run don't cause you more knee pain. Have you been better at hydrating lately? I can see how that can really take its toll on you when your work outs are more intense. Oh, and I'm not sure if you can count drinking bourbon as hydrating (although I'd probably try to count it :laughing:).

As for me, no weight loss lately. I was pretty weak when it came to resisting junk last week, but I'm trying to be better this week.

DD's wrist is healing nicely. We go back for more x-rays in two weeks. At that point, the dr will decide if she needs another cast or maybe just a splint. We're leaving for WDW in less than three weeks, so a splint would be much better than a cast, but we'll see what happens.

Have a great week, everyone!
Julie, thanks for posting.......I was laying low until someone else was around!!! I don't want to look to 'needy' posting back to back!

I hope your DD graduates to a splint for your trip......would be so much easier to deal with!!!

Debra: Hydration is a tricky thing for me. I drink about the same amount every day, but depending on the workout it can be not enough! I am getting into such a routine.....and I carry my new water bottle with me where ever I go! My dsis gave me a Penn State/ pink Camelbak water bottle, which I love! :cloud9: So, I have it with me always! How's the knees? Did you take your pills and do your Pilates????? :confused3

AFM: Man, I am tired! I had to come in the work early to see a patient before his surgery. But, I had to go back home to get the kids ready for school (no way they would be able to do by themselves! :eek:) DH is out of town, so it was on me. Well, I wasn't going to run the TM this morning, since it would be so early, but my body decided otherwise. I was wide awake at 5:00 and decided WTH I'll get up and run. So, I got the 3 miles in anyway! I got to work, back home, and back to work by 8:00! :scared1:

During the commute, had to call the school to handle some issues regarding ds#2. Talk about duel tasking! So, by the time I got to work for the second time, I was exhausted! But, of course had a full work load here! So, I am tired. Kickboxing is tonight......don't know if I have the energy or not.....I'll let you know!

Hey Lean Meaners,

I am back from my trip. It was fun but am so glad to be back to my florida sunshine. Miss Delena brought strep throat back with her though. :sick:

I got in a few runs over vacation and indulged in a long weekend of drinking beer and mojitos with my college BFF and I think I am still recovering from that. I am too old to party all weekend. I am drinking as much water as I can stand.

So, I will be back to posting regularly, I'd really like to lose 5 pounds in April, before my birthday in early May!

Hope everyone is doing well!:hug:
Vicky: I knew people in the Kalamazoo area that raised ostriches for meat. Apparently it's a good meat, along with emu. No idea where to get it, though. I guess it's an expensive item, too. Bison was really big out in the Dakotas, go figure.

Congratulations on the unsolicited compliment from a fellow gymmate, especially one whose fitness you admire. That just gives you the drive to keep on impressing her. And I just looked up both Spiderman exericses (push ups and lunges) and Mountainclimber exercises on YouTube. :eek: No matter what variation you're doing, you're really working it. No wonder you're getting leaner and toner.

On gait analysis. That's a really cool bonus for signing up for a 1/2 marathon. Which one are you doing. (Side note: no wonder Disney races look to chintzy in comparison.) Did they recommend certain PT exercises?

Aloha Jeff:

Last night the Disboard was down for maintenance. They put back the search button. You can't hide now. LOL.:lmao:

But I can run. Just not fast. :rotfl2:

Julie: The good news is that I think all my XT--oooh, did I just utter the evil word? ;)--since the beginning of the Self challenge has been helping my knees, so the hills are getting easier. Not easy, but easier. Also, I'm learning how to tackle them instead of trying to take the flattest route. As for the bourbon. Hey! I allot it into my daily calories, why can't it be allotted into my hydration amounts? :confused3 :lmao:

As for the eating of the junk food--I hear you. I go through phases where it's easier and harder. This week, harder. The old "frozen grapes" trick didn't work this week and it was a nose dive into the biscotti, among other things. (I'm willing to cop to the biscotti, in other words.) What do you do to avoid giving into the munchies? Assuming, of course, that's your goal. Before your trip to Disney, at least! And here's hoping DD is in a splint by then, for maximum pool time. :woohoo:

Beth: I really need a designated water bottle. Yours sounds beautiful! I would imagine with your double/triple dipping, you need to hydrated constantly just to keep up, huh? Oh, and congratulations on listening to your body, especially when it tells you to get up and do the run anyway! :hug: with the situation with DS#2. It must be frustrating, at times. Maybe kickboxing is EXACTLY what you need tonight. :rolleyes1

Amy: Oh, I'm sorry to hear about Miss Delena's strep throat. How painful for you, and for you too. :sick: I'm glad you have a great time with your college BFF, even if you've learned that all-night partying is followed by the hydration purge. Ah, good times. It's great that you have a specific goal for April. I gotta get me one of those. Knowing you, you'll hit your goal with ease.

As for me: Today's a rest day, but I need to get some pilates and cardio movement in tonight. I have a dr's appointment tomorrow--the annual preventative exam for the insurance company, but with a new doctor, so I have to fill out a bunch of forms. And have I mentioned I haven't been to a doctor in years? (Shhhhhh, people will yell at me if they find out.) So I'm expecting the whole thing to take forever. And then I need to get the referrals for all the other doctors I should be seeing. And the lectures that go with not going to the doctor, which in turn makes me want to avoid going. Fun, fun, fun. And don't even get me started in on the weigh-in. So, I'm a might bit mitchy today. I'll be better after tomorrow. Not after the appointment, but after a run. Funny how that elevates my mood, isn't it?
Hi Lean Meaners! I've got a hydration question for anyone who knows... Ever since I started drinking green tea, I seem to get in more tea than water (or really any other liquid). I prefer green tea because it keeps me warm - I always find water too cold unless I leave it sitting on the counter which I don't always remember to do. So... Does it matter whether I drink water or do other beverages count? :)

Beth - Yes, the compliment made my day! She's really nice too! A lot of the other girls/women at the gym are a little clique-y. I don't get that. How was your kickboxing class? I've always wanted to try it.

Debra - Everytime I think of ostrich meat, I remember that Simpsons episode where Homer has a bunch of them in the backyard and tries to pick one to to cook. I'm doing the Toronto Women's 1/2 at the end of May. A few other DIS'ers will be there too so I'm looking forward to it! I can send you the list of exercise/stretches they gave me if you like. I'll see if I can post them on a website so you can download them.

Good luck with your appointment today! I always pictured you as someone who went for regular check-ups. Remember your pills and pilates!

Amy - Sorry to hear about the strep throat! :hug: Hope Delena feels better soon! I came back from WDW with strep once. And with my luck, it was around the time when SARS was in the news. I thought I was going to be quarrantined at the airport. :laughing:

Julie - Hope your DD is able to get into a splint by the time you go to WDW. Of course with a cast, maybe she could have the characters sign it. I've been having a hard time resisting junk lately too - it seems everyone has a dish on their desk at work with chocolate eggs or jelly beans. As for the Spiderman crawl... I think it would have been more fun if I were climbing an actual wall. Instead, I probably looked like a seal sliding across the gym floor

AFM - I'm going to try and add in some yoga in the morning. Did I mention I'm not a morning person ... I'm hoping that I'll develop a better sleep routine. I really don't get nearly enough as it is. There's no good reason for it either. I just like to stay up - it's a habit from previous jobs where I didn't have to start at 8AM.

Have a great day everyone!
Vicky: I think you're okay drinking green tea as long as it doesn't have a lot of additives. As long as the liquid isn't caffeinated/dehydrating, I think you're okay. I know that green tea is featured in the Eat-Clean Diety book. That said, tea is a a diuretic, so you'll want to make sure you balance that potty-break factor in! :rolleyes1

I'd love to see those exercises, if you can post them easily! Hopefully they'll inspire me to shake things up. I'm like you, in that I'd like to be more of a morning person--maybe more like Beth or Julie (not that extreme, I'd never survive). I used to like gentle a.m. yoga, more for stretching than anything else. Let us know how it goes. And maybe we'll keep asking, just so you feel inspired. ;)

As for me: I agree, Vicky, I do seem like the type who would keep to regular health check-ups. Bwa ha ha, did I have you all fooled. :lmao:

I got my run and pilates in before the doctor's appointment (pills tonight). Evil fitness gods are punishing me for not going regularly. I walked in for a preventative health-care exam. I walked out with an appointment for a blood draw tomorrow (7 tests) and a new tetanus shot, a gyn appointment next month, and a battery of tests yet to be scheduled: mammogram, CT and chest X-ray, and an ultrasound of my thyroid. I expected everything except the last one; they're not sure what it is, maybe a nodule. :sad2: On the up side, I'm liking my new doctor. No lectures, no chiding, just a lot of tests. And I'll be back in the cycle of keeping track of my health problems, as I should be doing. Yay for me. :rolleyes:
Deb, all because of you.

8 1/4, 1:12:50. I kept hearing your voice in my head saying "Run fast, run fast, run fast."
Oh, Jeff! I'm glad you ran faster, but I certainly don't want my nasal-y voice in my head, and can only imagine the reason you ran faster was to try to get away from it. :rotfl2: Congrats on making good time, though!

Okay, it's my turn to feel a little weird. Where did everyone go? :confused3 (Jeff, you're someone, of course. Just not EVERYONE.)

So, here's my update, boring as it may be. I got my bloodwork drawn today and a new tetanus shot. My shoulder is now sore, but before I began to feel it I put in my XT today. The woman on the elliptical next to me gave me the stink-eye. I can only assume it's because I'm now working hard enough to have sweat pouring down off me and onto the machines. Oh, and that I smell. :lmao:

More good news. I lost another pound this week. Yay me. I'm going to try to hold to onto the loss this weekend, but make no promises. I'm intending to enjoy a little noshy nosh this weekend because my birthday is Monday. (Apparently DOOD didn't plan on taking me to WDW every year to celebrate, so I need a little something something to get over the disapointment, right? Right?? :rotfl:)
Good Saturday afternoon! Hope everyone is well!

I have to say I had a lousy week at work last week. In such a big WAY! Wow, I can honestly say that I am NOT loving my job right now, but I will take the good with the bad. Usually, when Nancy is there, I love my job. So, I will hang in there for her return.

Sorry Debra I was missing in action yesterday related to above post! :rotfl2: It was a bad Friday. Yeah for you getting your blood work done! I know that you don't like needles, so I am very impressed that it got done with good fashion. Those necessary evils need to be done to keep us healthy! :banana: I also hear ya on the 'smelly' idea. I smelled so bad on Thursday, I thought I would drive everyone away! How is it that some people don't sweat at all????? I look like I took a shower (((but certainly don't smell that way!!!)))).

So, the streak continues, but almost didn't. I didn't get up yesterday morning (my dh was home for the first time all week) and I couldn't force my way up. So, I didn't get a work out in and work was horrible. By the evening, I was exhausted with no workout done. I FORCED myself on the TM for 30 min/2.25 miles just to get it done. I logged some miles, some time, and not very elegantly. My plogging pace and grunting and groaning could be heard throughout the house.

My weigh in days are Mondays, so we will see what the damage is for this week!

Hellllllllllllloooooooooooooo, anyonnnnnnnnnnnnne oooooooooutttttt theeeeeere?????????????????????????????????????????????

Yo ho WISHers.

Got out for my long slow run today. 13 miles, estimated 1:58. My Garmin battery died around mile 10, so just have to guess on my time. :lmao:

Off to Girl Scouts, astronomy day at University of Hawaii.

Have a good Sunday everyone.
Hey Lean Mean Brigade!

I'm sorry, I now have so many threads to keep up with...I just can't! :sad2:

Anyway, I think I solved my knee pain issue. I slowed down! Now I seem to be able to work out as often as I'd like, it just takes me longer. I did 6 mi yesterday and today, with 4 planned for tomorrow. I also posted a loss last week against the odds, so I'm building on that momentum to get a good start for this week.

Jeff -- I love your idea of slow. Just call me a turtle :lmao:

Beth -- Good luck with your weigh-in. Those hard weeks at work are rotten. I know you are seriously missing your partner in crime. :hug:

Debra -- Let me be the first to say "Happy Birthday!" a bit early. :bday: I think I never answered your question about our Vegetarian Fridays. I'm not sure you would call it such. It doesn't involve recipes because we don't cook on Fridays. It means I'll usually have minestrone soup or grilled cheese for lunch, and Veggie Supreme pizza for dinner. We just do it for Lent. I'd like to institute it one day a week year-round, but Dennis is not having it. Likes his meat, does that one. :rotfl2:

Vicki -- I'm not qualified to answer your question, but I do count my own tea consumption as water. I drink a big 32 oz. mug of hot tea every morning, plus another cup, plus a bottle of water, and then later a bottle of diet green tea. I call it all water, and when I get it all in, I feel quite floaty :boat:

Julie -- Are you psyched for April Vacation? It sounds like you have a fantastic trip planned! Do tell us about your ADRs, I need to live vicariously! I'm home with ds Tues. and Wed., so I'm planning good workouts those days. I still haven't decided on Mon., dh has the day off, so I don't really need to take it, but five days off in a row sounds very enticing...:rolleyes1

I haven't done the leg work to decide on a PT yet. I think I'm going to let it ride for April and follow the plan I worked out. If I follow it and don't see results, I will concede defeat and go with the PT. If I do get results, then I guess I'll reassess.

Shout outs to Amy K, Tracey, Wendy, Mike, Connie, and all the other Lean Mean folk who we're all dying to catch up with.

It's going to be another long week at work for me -- and I'm sure for lots of you, too -- so let's remember to take each day as they come, find joy in odd moments, and be proud of our Lean Mean efforts! :cheer2:

Maria :upsidedow
:stitch: 'Ohana Monday Mixer :stitch:

The mixer starts here...

Variety is the spice of life, so they say. (But don't ask me who they are, although I suspect they work for McCormick. :confused3) With that in mind, this week's mixer question is:

What types of XT do you like to do, and why? What are your old favorites and new discoveries? What kind of XT would you like to try?

Anecdotes and pictures are welcomed. I think we'd really like to hear about the benefits of your XT--physical, mental, social. Does it create a stronger core or more flexibility? Does it help you de-stress? Is it something you enjoy with your kids, partner, friends? It might also be helpful to know how you work XT within your walking/running schedule.

Extra points for XT activities that are unusual or have funny names or rituals. As determined by popular vote. And in case you're wondering, those points have no monetary value whatsoever. (I'll make up other disclaimers as I think of them.)
:cake::bday::cake: Happy Birthday, Debra!

This Saturday I worked at the Umstead 100 (mile) Endurance Run at Umstead Park.

For those of you that aren't familiar with ultra racing, often aid stations (like the one I worked this weekend) have real buffets of food of every variety from soups, stews, burgers and dogs to M&Ms and pretzels -- and everything inbetween. I worked a 6-hour shift on "my end" of the long table of snacks and beverages making peanut butter and jelly/ham/turkey sandwiches, cutting cantaloupe/oranges/boiled salted potatoes, replenishing cookies/candies/grapes, pouring Pepsi/Mountain Dew/ginger ale/fruit punch and (of course) water and gatoraid, passing out ibuprofen, filling water bottles with ice and anything else that we had to offer -- it was quite warm for those guys going 50-100 miles. (Someone had said 80 -- I don't know what the temperature was in Raleigh on Saturday.)

And runners going that far get very cranky. Can't really blame them, can you? I don't know if I'll be back next year. You know there are those folks who can let barbs deflect right off them and not take anything personally -- and then there are those like me that every harsh word leaves a big gaping hole. Even though I understand intellectually why someone who'd been moving for 24 hours would be a bit grumpy and be apt to complain about any-and-every-thing, the disgruntled runners made me a little sad. I need to get over it though. On the flip side, many runners would thank us very sincerely. I need to remember that if I don't go back next year, all those very nice runners who were so kind and so grateful will not have the support they need. I need to focus on them. As I approach my mid-50's, I should be mature enough to shrug the other stuff off. I mean, really!

The funny thing was, as I picked up my volunteer award (a blanket with the race logo embroidered on it) and headed out, I realized I hadn't had a chance to eat anything while I was there -- too busy the whole time. And man, the barbecued chicken and burgers smelled GREAT!

So that's my report. Hope you guys all had a great weekend!
Happy Monday, friends. I'm just realizing that it's been a week since I've posted.
Beth....your hectic schedule continues. I read about the day you went in early to see a patient before surgery....then came back home and continuted your morning.
Deb...My Jake is setting his sights on the mile and 2 mile in track. His goal right now is a 9:30 on the 2 mile this year. Hydration is always a big deal for me, too. I have to be really careful.:bday:
Vicky...that's awesome that you were able to get a gait analysis as part of the marathon pkg. That would be great info to have. Congrats on the comment from a fellow gym member that you're leaning out. I would count the green tea in my water consumption.
Julie...congrats on the weight loss...hope DD gets a splint before vacay.
Amy...Yay, you're back!:yay: Poor Delena with strep, yuck.
Jeff...Run on!
Maria....congrats on the weight loss.
Wendy...working an endurance run sounds like fun, except for crabby people. I'm sure that they were all very thankful to have you there, as a kind word and smile are always appreciated. What a spread of food.

The weather is back to cold here for the Cards home opener today. I'll celebrate from my nice, warm home:). DH and I did 4 hours of yard work on Saturday and then yesterday, when he cut the grass, he ran over a snake!:scared:
Last week was crazy. I had so many sleepless nights (I think it's PMS related, sorry for TMI) and it's so frustrating. My panic attacks were really bad because of the lack of sleep and then my hiatal hernia was acting up! Overall, it wasn't my best week, but things are looking up:). I lost a lb. last week...I was down 2, but picked it back up yesterday. I've gotta go get the kids ready for school.....have a great day.
Good morning Meaners. I thought I would post now, before my day heads down the crapper! :rotfl2:

Work is no fun, Maria, without my Miss. Nancy. Too much to do, and NO appreciation from anyone for busting my butt. I have a very grumpy family at home to boot. It's hard working full time, and I am going to remember that when I am back to my normal part-time status!

Debra: :bday:party: Happy Birthday!!!!!! I hope it's a good one, even though your not in WDW. Can't have that every year now can we? Hope you had a nice weekend. I am sorry to hear about the loss of 3 Pittsburg police officiers this weekend. When will the madness stop? The whole incident started because the guys dog peed on the rug......:sad2:. Really, just clean it up and move on! The guy had to be a wack-a-doodle that's for sure. Now there is 3 families greiving the loss of a loved one, who was just doing their job. I just don't understand. My thoughts are with all of you in Pittsburg.

Maria: The weigh in went pretty well. Down another 1/2 pound, and I will take it! I was pretty liberal in eating last week, and probably don't deserve the 1/2 pound, but I will take it!

Wendy: Yeah, I bet some of those runner were miserable. I don't blame them in a way, but they shouldn't take it out on the volunteers. No matter how bad the run, I always make sure to thank everyone for volunteering. Without them, there would be no race! You should be commended for the hours put into that job! Thank you!!!!! :hug:

Well, the hospital is already pagging me, and calling and requesting my presence EVERYWHERE, right away! I don't like to be needed!

Beth: Oh, I'm sorry to hear about the work-related stress. I guess it was bound to happen. Hopefully Nancy will return to work soon, for both your sakes. It's more fun with a partner in crime, right? Thank you for the kudos on the bloodwork. Unfortunately I do need the positive reinforcement on that--I know it's silly, but the whole idea of needles freaks me out. No pierced ears, even.

And thanks for the thoughts about the Pgh officers. It's pretty sad around here and everyone's talking about it. In some ways, Pgh is a really small community and so it's nice to have a bonding moment, although I really wish it hadn't come at this cost.

You're obsessed with the daily workout! :rotfl: Hard not to be, though, when the results pay off. And you get the bragging rights, not to mention the envy of people like me. (Or is that jealousy? Never sure which one). Sometimes when I want to stop a WO, I think of you and say, "Are you THAT tired or just sort of tired? What would Beth do." You're generally good for another 1/2 hour, at least.

Jeff: How is the running clinic going? I keep meaning to ask.

Maria: How's the knee pain? Do you take anything for joints or eat walnuts, flaxseed, etc.? Your Vegetarian Fridays sound veggie to me, and I love all the things you mention. DOOD likes his meat, too, so I've taken to cooking us separate meals. Just made him jambalaya. I've found it makes him more malleable when I finally say, "If we're going to eat two different things anyway, I'd like to go out to eat tonight." :lmao:

Julie: I second Maria's call for ADR information. Living vicariously through other people's menu planning sounds like a lot less work and more fun than the old-fashioned way!

Wendy: I know just what you mean about being sensitive. Me, too, and would find it hard to set aside. Maybe you could volunteer for it in another capacity, if you feel strongly about the race? Regardless, I know the runners really did appreciate your presence at the aid station. Even if they were tired, hungry, and cranky. And I can't imagine anyone being cranky around you--you have a contagious smile!

Tracey: I know you're busy, busy, busy, on top of a not-so-great week. (I can't tell you how happy I am not to go through PMS anymore.) So congratulations on losing a pound and being able to put in hours of yard work this weekend. Thinking good thoughts for you--and peaceful, restful nights this week. And I'm looking forward to hearing that DS has a 2 mile PR soon. P.S. Your hiatel hernia sounds painful AND inconvenient. :hug:

As for me: Thanks for the birthday wishes, folks! Unlike last year, this year is really low-key. It's for the best, as DOOD has been stressed about his job. Among other things, he's going to a conference this week and has gone from being excited about it to dreading it. So low key is better and I'm sure we'll celebrate jointly when his birthday comes up in a couple of weeks. He did get me a gift membership to D23. Now all I have to do is figure out what to do with it.:rotfl2:

I'm also pleased to say that I was restrained this weekend--to fit with low-key weekend. So no weight gain. We just maintained a regular weekend in terms of eating and working out. And since that's going to get me where I want to be sooner rather than later, I'm happy. :yay:
Debra: Happy belated Birthday

Everyone else :wave2: :yay::woohoo::cheer2::flower3::grouphug: as needed!

I feel guilty about not being here more meaners...just a lot of WTO/LTO days in a row, I still love ya!

I've worked not less than 14 hrs a day for the last 10 days, and normally 18...but I guess I'm fortunate to have a job.

anyway, still have knee issues 6 weeks after surgery and can't really run, so between that and the eternal winter in Chicago this year, I've been really down, which of affects sleep/familial relationships.

I've not missed any swim workouts for the IM, but haven't been real good about getting the two a days in since I'm pretty much in my office from 0600- 2200.

Thanks for letting me hang with you meaners.

Beth...sorry that your family is grumpy. I find that once Spring Break is over, my kiddos are DONE with school and ready for summer. They're getting harder and harder to wake up and motivate;). Thank goodness they have a 4 day weekend coming up.
Deb....Cool that DOOD gave you a D23 membership! He's always so creative in his gift giving. Congrats also on a "restrained" weekend. Weekends are always the hardest and what a great feeling to stay on the healthy track and stick to your plan.
Julie....I'm with Maria and Deb and want to know what ADR's you have planned.
Mike...:hug: those are some long work days. The stress is very hard on sleep and family relationships, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, right? I know you're upset that you're not running, but that knee will heal and you'll be out there in no time. But for now, you're keeping up with the swimming and that'll keep you in great shape;). Now, go make a fire and have a drink.

I've now had 2 full nights of sleep and feel like a new woman:cool1:! Well, not new, but rested:lmao:. It's amazing how horrible you feel when your sleep is off. I'll be power cleaning today, along with the Shred DVD, and Girls on the Run. Have a happy day, all.


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