Weight loss for Wishers and becoming Leaner Meaners!

Good morning Lean Meaners! I am bound and determined to be in a better mood today!!! ((((I figured if I posted that, I would have a better chance at it!)))))

Wow, busy day yesterday. I was glad when it was over. Today looks to be a better day at least.

Tracey: I wish I could power clean today too! My house really needs it....it's been neglected in the worse way. I say, 'get it done' while the kidlets are in school!

Debra: Ok, what's the D23 membership? I guess I am out of the loop! I also find it funny that you ask yourself what I would do when exercising!!!! :rotfl2: If you only knew.......at one time the answer would have been "sit on the couch and eat potato chips!!" I am glad that that is not the answer anymore though....... I guess at 231 pounds, chips were a better option then the TM!

Mike: Sorry to hear about the work and the knee. But, I have to say that Winter will be over soon........don't worry!!!! Hang in there with the running....better to have your knee healed and run then!

AFM: Well, I have to say that the workouts went well yesterday for having such a bad day. I got 4 miles in at 5:30 on the TM, and then got to the gym early and did stretch class for 45 minutes, then Pilates for 60min. Not to shabby! Eating went better yesterday than over the weekend....:rolleyes1 But, then it always does better during the week, doesn't it?

I hope you all have a Lean, Mean Day!

Hey Lean Meaners! It's been a busy few days for me. We're renovating and having hardwood floors put in at home so I've been cleaning and packing up things on the top floor of our house - never realized how much junk we accumulated but I'm very glad that it's all gone. I started running out of time on the weekend so I just started packing and plan to continue with the sorting once it gets unpacked. The floors look great but there is a ton of saw and wood dust... and it is tough to get everything out. The weather isn't cooperating either - it's cold and snowing so it's hard to open up the windows to get in more fresh air. I have my fingers crossed for warmer weather - right now, everything tastes like sawdust. Yuck!

Beth - Sounds like an awesome workout this morning! Sorry to hear about the work stress. How is Nancy doing?

Debra - Happy belated birthday!! Are you going to the D23 convention/expo in September? I remember reading something about it a while back. Do you have plans for DOOD's b-day? I haven't forgotten about the stretches and exercises - I just need to reconnect my printer/scanner :)

Tracey - Weather here is cold too! I thought the snow would stop once April hit - oh well. Yikes on the lawnmower incident! I almost don't want to ask but was it a messy clean up?

Mike - Hope your knee feels better soon! You're working some really days there. I'm impressed that you're still able to fit in your workouts. I know when I get stressed and busy at work, those are the first to go for me. WTG!

AFM - Still trying to get on a better sleep cycle so that I can do yoga in the morning. Did my personal training yesterday - no Spiderman crawls *phew* We did a lot of kettlebells and weights so I can really feel it in my shoulders.

Have a great day everyone!
Hi Lean Meaners!

Debra-- a belated happy :bday: !!

Here's a little RR about my 5k on saturday....

So, I ran the Aflac Iron Girl 5K in Clearwater on Saturday morning. Aflac does a series of 10 races and tri's all over the country every year.

Absolutely perfect. low-mid 60's, not a cloud in the sky. :goodvibes Perfect.

Black running skirt, and the tech shirt that came with race registration. Tiara bondi band. I have to have an outfit all planned out, even for just a 5K.

The Race: About 1500 ish runners and walkers. The start of the race was not marked by a air horn or anything, but by the aflac duck yelling the trademark "AAFFLAAAC". Race started out uphill. Flattened out for a bit and then we made the turn to go over the clearwater memorial causeway bridge. This is the main biggest bridge out to the beaches. Ginormous. :scared1: So we run up it, and I was under the impression that the turn around for the 5K was at the top. Umm, no.:scared1: We ran down the other side, turned around and went back up. OMG.:scared1: I took a walk break at around mile 2, right before the return over the bridge. Legs were on fire. I ran as fast as I could on the downhill. It flattened out again and then there was another hill, albeit small, but seemed huge to my tired legs. Finished in 34 flat. Just a bit slower than my last 5K. I am very very happy with this time though because of the hills, since all of my 5K's have been on pancake flat courses. My garmin says my average pace was 10:50. Holy Crap!! And my first 2 miles were sub 11 minutes. Totally fanatastic. And I placed right around the middle for my age group and overall. I am usually towards the back third. And I was almost 4 minutes under the average 5K time. So happy with the results of this race. :goodvibes


Me, in my post race sweaty grossness, posing by my beautiful bougainvillea plant that finally came back to life after we had to transplant it.

Delena, modeling my bling.

Back on track this week and have started to lose my vacation weight gain! Also found a Wii Fit this weekend. I have become obsessed with the Step dance thing. Did it for almost a half hour yesterday. Calves are sore today!!

Have a good day everyone!!
All night and day travel. I've arrived at Augusta, GA for Wednesday's practice round and par 3 tournament at the Masters. 4,000+ miles, and going to be sooooooo worth it!

A bit chilly this afternoon when I got here, and had a short snow flurry in Atlanta as I was driving out of the rental car agency.

Stood at the gate at Magnolia Lane. Guard was way cool, and took my picture for me, since I was by myself.


Gary Player and Luke Donald drove out the gate while I was standing there. Gave them a shaka, and they waved back.


Saw John Daly selling his wares (not qualified for the tournament).

Hey Everyone! It's mixer time!!!!!

We are having a mixer! Jack has once again shown up with an idea. Tomorrow we ALL want to know what your very favorite movie is. I don't mean just a movie you like! I mean the ONE movie that you would choose to have on a deserted island. Just you and the movie!!!

And as long as we are talking movies, what goes better with a movie than the perfect snack??? Tell us about your movie snack. Maybe you do something that is just so kewl that the rest of us need to try it too!!!!

So, choose your movies well!! You are stuck with 'em until you are rescued!!!!
Hi Lean Meaners,

Sorry I've been away so long. Nothing major, just busy. I've been struggling A LOT with my eating lately. Just can't seem to stay away from the sweets. I think it's just stress, but eating the candy in the quantities I'm eating it only adds to the stress. I was sick for a week and a half so there was no exercise either for a while. I'm back now to running and doing the Jillian DVDs so that should help. Just have to find away to stay away from the Easter candy.

Debra: Happy Belated Birthday. Sorry they all can't be at Disney. I'm impressed that you are still doing the Self Challenge. Good for you.

Beth: Great job on continuing your workout streak. Especially given your full time work duties of late. I hope you're in a better mood today. I've been grumpy for a while too. It really makes it much harder to get thru your day.

Mike: Sorry the knee is frustrating you. Patience is hard, but will pay off in the end. Maybe the long work hours are a blessing in that you wouldn't have time to run anyway.

Vicky: Great job on your continued Leaning out. It's great when other people comment on it. Glad you like your new floors. Sorry you can't open the windows just yet. The warm weather has to come soon.

Jeff: Hope you are enjoying your trip to the Masters.

Amy: Congrats on your great race. I love the race shirts and your tatoos. Delana looks so cool with your medal.

Tracey: Hope the power cleaning went well. I am so in the mood to clean my house, that doesn't happen often, but right now I am too busy to get to it. I've discovered the Flylady. Do you know her? I think her website is flylady.net, but she has systems to conquer CHAOS (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome) That was so totally my house. I'm happy to say, that it's looking a little better these days. I'm glad you've caught up a little on your sleep. Sounds like you had a very busy day yesterday. Hope it all went well.

Wendy: Sorry there were so many grumpy people at the race you volunteered at. Just think of those nice ones you met and know that I'm sure deep down the grumpy ones appreciated you too.

Maria: Hope the knee continues to feel better. Hope work is not too awful for you this week. Go Sox!!

I hope everyone has a great day.
Good morning Meaners!

Jeff: Going to the masters!!! Cool! You will have a blast! Keep up the famous people sites (and pictures). Love it.

Amy: Great race! It's nice when it all comes together.....race, weather, the right outfit (which was cute!). The course was hilly, but still successful!

Cindy: Welcome back! I know all about that bussiness.....living that over and over like groundhog's day!

Vicky: How's it going? I would love to say I am leaning out.....but alas, I don't think so. I just wish I looked like I workout!

Maria: How the knee? Knee pain is as bad as back pain in my book. I hate them both.

Mike: How's work? Driving you crazy???? :sad2:

AFM: So, my hip was a little sore yesterday. I am not sure why, but I didn't take pump class. I think squats and lunges would have made it seem worse. So I get on the TM for the second time yesterday (I am nuts by the way). I walked a little, but my hip still hurt. So, I started to run (crazy, I know), and the hip felt much better running than walking. So I did another 60 min/ for 5 more miles and it went really well.......who knows why? I did get to watch the new NCIS (which is awesome) and flipped to Biggest Loser at commericials. I guess that occupied me enough to make the time fly! My hip feel much better this morning. It a tricky hip thing....I have had surgery on it twice, and sometimes I just have to work out the kinks......the joint is fused, but the bone rubs together sometimes, causing some pain. I never know what will 'fix' it, but last night it was running that fixed it! Yippee!

So, my goals for this year is losing another 15 pounds, and a PR for the 1/2 marathon. My weight loss goal is going ok, but now I have to work on getting faster. Tonight I will take my poor beat up o'l body to the track for some mile repeats......I hate speed work, but to run faster.....you have to run faster! I'll let you know how it goes. I didn't get up to run this morning....'saving' myself for the speed work! :sad2:

Strange....I haven't been getting email updates when the threads I'm subscribed to have new posts. Is anyone else having that problem?

Mike: Aw, :hug:. I had no idea you were still having such knee problems. That's unusual, isn't it? Are you going to see the doctor, again? I know how snarky I get when I've had a few off days--I can't imagine how tough it is for you. I certainly hope work eases up so you can at least have more social time. (Because I'm selfish and miss you.) Btw, I meant to tell you that I read your story about the shirts. "I like the Tin Man," too! :lmao:

Tracey: I'm so glad you got some rest and feel like a new woman. Or the improved version of yourself. Wouldn't want DH to think he's gotten away with an affair or anything. :rolleyes1

Beth: D23 is Disney's new "exclusive, collector's club" membership. It will get me a year's worth of magazines (published quarterly) of the new D23 magazine--history of Disney, archival stuff--and discount to the Sept. Expo for Disney lovers. (But I don't think we're going.) What else it gives me, other than an excuse to buy more Disney merchandise, I'm not sure. :confused3 It's a very thoughtful gift, although I'm not sure why DOOD got it for me.

Oh, yeah, I think about you when I work out and need motivation. I mean, you're working FT right now, taking care of the kids (often while DH is gone) and double dipping on the hours. Makes my aches and complaints go away. Or at least shuts them up so I can get through a WO. :lmao: And I think you're doing a great job on getting up early, eating well (even on the weekend), and staying on track.

About the hip. Wow! I never would have guessed that running would be easier on it than walking. (Over squats and lunges, yes.) I'm glad you listened to your body, but were still active and that being so made your hips feel better. And you deserve kudos for updating your goals and committing to speed work. :yay: I'll be interested to know it went tonight.

Vicky: Hardwood floors! How exciting! (And getting rid of excess stuff is almost as exciting!) What made you decide to renovate? Is it part of a long-term plan? Anyway, I hope you get warm spring weather soon so you can air out the house and clear out the sawdust. Although apparently sawdust is good as an appetite suppressant. :scratchin

Amy: I love the fact you need to have an outfit planned out for your 5K. And you've been doing a ton of events recently, so apparently it's part of the incentive. :woohoo: I love the Aflac duck start. So annoying that you're bound to move faster! Congrats on your great time, pace and otherwise and in your standings. That's got to be satisfying. And might I mention that you again look spectacular, sweaty or not. I'm just gonna call you "Legs" from now on, because yours are a mile long! Miss Delena's a cutie, too, and takes after her mama. :goodvibes

Jeff: I just finished watching your video on FB. You interview well, as I would have expected. And that smile! I can tell you're so happy to be there. A lifelong dream, so to speak. I hope you're taking lots of pictures--not that you'll forget this experience anytime soon.

Cindy: Yeah, I think ALL birthdays should involve vacation destinations. Maybe next year, huh? :upsidedow You're doing a good job with the workouts, especially the Jillian DVDs. (I think they're tough and they're my post-Self plans.) I'm sure the eating will come under control. It's so hard sometimes, isn't it?

As for me: I took an unexpected rest day yesterday. Just no motivation whatsoever. Not sure why. I didn't run, either. :sad2: But when I went to the gym today and experienced some intense stomach cramps in the middle of my WO. :confused3 DOOD wonders if a) I wasn't hydrated enough (which I don't think is what happened) or b) stressed out about my upcoming medical tests (which I am, but I don't think that's it either). And it wasn't any form of "intestinal distress" or "tummy trouble," to use euphemisms. Anyway, I cut my WO short (did about an hour) and came home. No pain after about an hour today, although I kept expecting it to return. I'm going to try some Pilates here in about an hour to see how it all goes. But today was strange, very strange in terms of exercise.

In response to Vicky's question....We don't have plans yet for DOOD's b-day. He's having a rough semester--what with knee pain, the pain in the booty that I call his colleagues (some of them anyway), and general family stress. He's not wanted to do anything on the weekend for a month, so I'm trying to figure out if it's better to wait until the end of the semester or plan something. :confused3 He's not a talker/emoter, so sometimes I have to guess and hope I guess right.
Evening Lean Meaners!

Debra - Pills and pilates! I'm sending you a PM...

Jeff - From your outfit, I'd almost guess you were here in Toronto. I didn't realize it snowed in Atlanta. How long are you there for?

Amy - Love your running outfit! Congrats on the race and that's a fantastic pace!! Delena looks so cute in that picture. On your Wii Fit, have you unlocked the Lotus Focus game? Do you know how long you have to sit there to win?

Beth - I would totally think that you would be leaning out with all of your workouts. I love reading about your workouts and wish I had your dedication to get up early and get things done! About the weight loss ... one thing that worked for me was we stopped eating out so much. My DF and I use to go out for food 3-4 times a week. So the only thing losing weight was my wallet :) I get hip pain too when I start running but it disappears by the time I get into my 3rd mile - go figure.

AFM - I went out for my 4 miler today and was able to do it continuously! I slowed down a little going up the hills but I didn't want to stop. My average pace was 10.45 m/m so I'm happy with that. Now I'm off to give my yoga DVD a try!

Have a great night everyone!!
Good morning!

Jeff: :cool1: You are famous!!! Great interview! You are going to have such a great time!

Debra: Pills and Pilates? Yeah, I have a tricky hip, but I have delt with it for so long.......I am used to it! Last nights speed work....if you can call it that.....was mile repeats. I ended up doing 3 of them with a 1/2 mile walk in between and 1 mile walk after I was done. I ended up running the miles in less than 10:00 min/miles (I think around 9:45). The first one was really hard to finish....thought I was dying! But the second one was easier, and I got into a rhythm. The third was hard again. I have to say the walk in between recovered me pretty well. I will stick to this formula for a few weeks, and then maybe increase to 4 mile repeats with a shorter walk in between. I going to commit to once a week speed work for now. (my brother suggested 2x weekly, but I don't think so!) I know I will dread them......that is why I haven't done them until now! :headache:

Vicky: The eating out would do me in too, but I really curtailed that awhile ago. The family gave up fast food about 2 years ago, and eat out very infrequently (to my kids chagrin). The only thing is then I am having to cook ALL the time, and it gets a bit irritating! What I am thinking is that I am not eating enough to feed the exercise. It's a tricky formula.....I am always afraid of eating to much, but with all the workouts I am probably not eating enough calories. Always something to work on!

AFM: The speed work went ok. Can't say I love it, but I think if I want to PR this year, it's a neccessary evil. I didn't double dip yesterday, I wasn't sure how hard the speed stuff would be. But with the running and walking, I got 5 miles in anyway. I'll take it!

Beth Thanks so much for posting about your speed work. I really need to start adding that into my routine!

Vicky Have not unlocked that one yet. I am SO obsessed with the step thing right now. I won't rest until I get perfect on every step! :lmao:And the super hula hoop. Love that one too.

Debra Thanks for the compliment! If I could just get my midsection to catch up with the lean aspect of my legs I would be totally happy! I hope you are feeling better today.

So, remember how I was on here whining about not getting a medal after finishing the gasparilla half in March? I get a postcard the other day in the mail telling me that I will have to come and pick it up myself since it's too expensive to send them all. 3000+ people did not get medals and/or shirts!!! I have to pick it all the way up in South Tampa, which is a bit of a haul for me. I sure hope they take some notes for next year!! Beth, did you get your medal yet?? I think you said you missed getting one too in a half you recently did.

Basically on track this week and I feel good. I hope to enter another decade down in weight by my birthday in 3 weeks.
Amy: You can put 'speed' in nice quotations! I find it funny that my speed work is so much slower than everyone else's regular workout! Oh, well, I have to start somewhere! Loved your pictures! No, I haven't received my medal yet.....can't believe that they were that short for your race!!! Inexcuseble!

Vicky: Your pace is good! I am also taking the hills slower, but usually the down hill part. I hate going downhill more than going uphill! I feel stronger pushing up the hill, and a little out of control down hill. I swear I am faster up hill, which is weird.

Debra: I have to say that DOOD at least puts thought into your gifts! I like that. My dh has done really well gift giving over the last few years. The first few years, not so much. He used to give me jewelery (his first wife demanded it), but I don't care much about that. The last few years he has gotten me my iPod (which is my favorite thing) and the next year my Garmin (which I couldn't do without now). I would much rather receive things I will actually use, not put away for 'good'! Pills and Pilates?

AFM: So, yesterday was a double dipping day! I got up to do 3 miles on
the TM, and than Pump class in the evening. She really ramped things up last night, and since I missed class Tuesday, I am sore today! She used the excerise balls and bands (around your ankles) for leg work. Have to say, it was a good class that went quickly!

I hope everyone has a nice holiday weekend......it's supposed to be nice weather here in PA!:banana::cloud9:

Hi Beth!

I just went to Target and the Easter stuff was picked clean! Good thing I already had most of what I needed. I'm off to construct a basket. Thank goodness I'm pretty much done with filling massive quantities of eggs -- no belief = no egg hunt in my house! I still have to fill a few with jelly beans and $1s. We just dyed 2 doz. eggs, and made homemade ice cream cake.

Gotta get dinner rollin' but you're not alone!

Good luck with your Easter prep!
Maria :upsidedow
Hello my long lost lean meaners! I had 2 weeks worth of posts to read through, but, hopefully, I am back. It's been somewhat of a crazy time. I had 4 MD appts. in the last 2 weeks and have one more this week with a cardiologist. Plus, it was tax crunch time again. Ours were done, but with 4 kids who had income in 6 states and, of course, waited until the LAST MINUTE to send me their stuff, I had my work cut out for me. It's all done now, thank goodness, so hopefully life will get back to normal.

Other than XT, my training is pretty much non-existent. I tried to do 10 miles last weekend, but only could manage 5. This weekend I wanted to try again, but other unforeseen obligations arose and we never got the chance. I am determined to get some miles in this week even though I am still hurting. I finally got my prescription filled and will try the patch during my next long walk. If that works well, life will be good again.

As I mentioned, I had 2 weeks worth of posts to read through and realize I missed alot of important stuff. I won't be able to comment on everyone's activity, but wanted to give a shout out to a few.

Wendy: so sorry about the accident. A bummer, I know, but your beautiful girls are safe (and probably wiser now) and we all know that's the most important thing. Kudos to you for volunteering at Umstead (I read about it in the N&O) and phooey to the rude participants.

Beth: glad you survived the hailstorm. Thanks for keeping this thread alive even though it's a chore sometimes. Your days are always busy, busy and you need to give yourself a big pat on the back for all you do for everyone in your life.

Jeff: why am I not surprised that you made it onto the news? :woohoo: Glad you enjoyed your trip to Augusta.

Amy: congrats on the race and your awesome time. Love the photos and your daughter is a cutie-patootie.

Everyone else: keep up the good work! :thumbsup2

Happy Easter!
Happy Easter Meaners! Hope the Easter bunny brought everyone lots of healthy treats - or does he just save the carrots for himself?

Beth - I'm not a fan of running downhill either. I have this fear that I'm going to fall over and roll down the hill. I have no idea where that comes from since that's never happened. As for the uphills, I use to be *somewhat* better at them but am quite out of practice.

Jeff - You're famous! Were those friends of yours or just people you met heading over to the course?

Jeanne - I can empathize with your kids since I'm a bit of a procastinator myself. Taxes are no exception! I think it's great that you were able to get in 5 miles even though you had planned for 10. It happens to us all.

Amy - The Super Hula Hoop game is lots of fun! My problem with the step game is that as soon as I have do the steps off the board, my timing goes way off.

Maria - Yum! Homemade ice cream cake!!

AFM - I did ran 3 miles on Saturday and managed an average pace of 9:55 m/m. I ran 8 miles today and it was horrible. I had stomach cramps - I ate a pear instead of an apple before I went out. At least I think that's why. Who knew they were so different. Anyway, it took me an 1:40 to get through - never so glad to be done!

Have a great evening everyone!!
Lean Meaners! Sorry I've been MIA this weekend. A combination of LTO and the holiday. I'll catch up tomorrow. In the meantime, though, I wanted to post this:

:stitch: 'OHANA MONDAY MIXER :stitch:

The mixer starts HERE on the thread.

A spring chick told me that many of us gave up goodies for Lent. Now that Lent has ended, Monday is a good time for this mixer question:

What is one healthy food you always have in your kitchen? What is one less-than-healthy food you always have in your kitchen?

Feel free to post pictures, talk about how the foods help you in your training (either as nutrition or reward), and confess to guilty pleasures and happy indulgences!
Hello Lean Meaners.....well, I am just glad that I am not alone anymore! It was a pretty lonely weekend, and I am glad Maria dropped in to let me know someone was around!

It was a fairly nice weekend, but COLD! I wish it would warm up and stay there! Easter was nice, but I had a few run in's with some minature kit-kat bars! I didn't buy candy until Friday, and I did ok until my sister had kit-kat bars.......I love them!

Jeanne: Glad to see you back. Sorry to hear about your training......been there and have done that! Hopefully, life will get less busy and training can resume! I hear ya about the taxes! My dh is responsible for ours......it's the one thing he can do! But, he was running the stuff to the tax guy TODAY (yes, folks, it's the 13th of the month!) and hoping they will be done Wednesday! WTH?????? I have been 'bugging' him for months, and today's the day we finally decide that they need done.......I give up!

Maria: You were a busy little beaver for the holiday! I ended up making some pineapple upside down cupcakes and some chocolate chip cookies for dessert for Sunday. I made the boys their Easter baskets too, but that's about it! My sister cooked for Easter, and it was a carbohydrate bonaza! (with a little ham thrown in for good measure)

AFM: I have done well for the week with another pound down. My total at this point is 15 pounds. I pretty happy with that, and I have to say I have worked hard for each pound! The last time I was losing, it wasn't quite this hard!

I got a run in each day over the weekend, and pretty happy with the results. I am feeling pretty good running right now.

I did take it easy yesterday and ate what I wanted......it's the holiday and all! I am back at it today!

Hello, lean meaners! Slinking back in here with my Easter weekend confessions.... It's been DAYS since I did Pilates and I enjoyed too many treats this weekend. DOOD was gone for a conference and I led the single life. Errratic sleep schedule, convenience (and junk) foods, etc. Part of it was the de-stressing from a busy day of medical exams on Good Friday (see below) but most of it was just silliness.

Vicky: Great news on the continuous running and pace, in general and not on the 8 miler! How did you enjoy your yoga DVD? As I said above, eating out is a weakness of mine, too. I try to avoid all of it--nice restaurants to cafes--because I'll eat everything on my plate regardless of my hunger level.

Is there a difference in, I don't know, the acidity level in an apple and a pear? :confused3 Just trying to figure out why the different reaction, as those are the kinds of things I obsess about. :rotfl2: And eggs, too, now that you've put them on my radar. I have no idea if they're good for me now.

Beth: That balance between fueling and overeating is a real challenge. And it's not just about calories. I noticed a HUGE difference in my energy level this weekend--both from what I was eating and when. Given your crazy schedule right now, I'm not surprised that finding the right balance is difficult. But I look at that number--15--and think, "Yessss!" with a fist pump to go along with it!

Oh, and I wanted to thank you here for posting on 'Ohana with "I Run for Life." I love that song--it's on my iPod--and have considered it one of my running anthems for a while. But it takes on a special meaning because of Nancy.

Amy: First off, I didn't notice anything with your midsection, but since it's one of the areas I want to work on with me, I'll take your word for it. Second, you've got to be kidding me. Gasparilla didn't have medals for you all and now they want you to pay--AGAIN--for them? Somebody needs to write the RD on all of this. I bet they're counting on people grumbling, forking over the money, and then not collectively responding.

Maria: Your Easter plans sounded fun and delicious. Homemade ice cream! Yummy. No easter egg hunt, though? I don't remember if we did them in our house past a certain age. As an adult, I'm nostalgic for the hunt--maybe I should take up geocaching? I do hope you had a rejuvenating, relaxing, uplifting weekend and few days off. You deserve it.

Jeanne: I'm so sorry to hear about all the stress in your life, between the pain, the doctor's appointments (a pain in their own right), and income taxes (really painful as well). :headache: I so hope the meds and the patch work for you. :hug:

:yay: Hello to all our other Lean Meaners: Julie, Tracey, Wendy, Connie (miss you here), Chris, Cindy, Vic, Mike, and Jeff (because we can't forget the men), and anyone I may have missed.

As for me: Well, I did my confession above. I lost a pound for last week by Friday, had gained it back by Monday. :sad2: Like Jeanne, I've had a barrage of med. appointments, but most of them were slammed into Good Friday: CT scan, X-rays, ultrasound, and mammogram. I've come to the conclusion that whoever invented the mammogram machine was a sadist. My girls, as I've said before, are more toddlers than anything else. I cannot imagine them being any bigger and being able to deal with a mammogram! :scared1: And the contrast solution for the CT always throws me off for about 24 hours. I tried to work out Friday night and only made it through 45 minutes before I was exhausted. Other than that, the appointments went well, and I have to give kudos to the med. staff. They went out of their way to overlap appointments and streamline my time there. All very friendly, too. I think I love them. :cloud9:

Speaking of updates, I did have a great WISHer moment on Saturday. I got to have brunch with Cam and Howard and their DS! They were in the Pgh area for Easter and we met at a Panera's. Afterwards I went for a run that I finished because I kept the visit in my mind, but not because I was well fueled--so it was tough. Anyway, I so like being able to meet my online friends and I have to tell you, small meetings are so relaxing. As you know, I found the POP meet intimidating. Now I want to redouble my efforts to visit where all of you live. Maybe that's how I should start to plan my vacation/conference travels?


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