~Misfits Unite!~

Hi Kat :wave2:

well i'm glad it was good even though it might not of been "the" hot chocolate. haha

If you mean sitting at home doing nothing, while trying to feel better. Then yes I did :]

Hello! How are you? :banana:
yeahh i guess I probably should get on here too :rotfl:
My name is Kat I'm 15 and I live in Enfield, Connecticut.
I love pickles, suddenly salad [don't even ASK why], popsicles, and chex mix. oh, and hershey bars. :)
I love to sing [especially opera, my specialty :lmao: ], and I love to write and just to chat with other people.
I am usually always happy/cheerful, I have a very bubbly personality, and I love to make people laugh.

And so I put down that well-known phrase, "Hey! 'Sup?" :hippie:
Hey Kat! I love popsicles! Love them love them love them! Nice to meet you :)

If you mean sitting at home doing nothing, while trying to feel better. Then yes I did :]
Hahah, were you sick? I did pretty much the same thing, sat around my house till legit 830 when a few friends and I decided we would go to see fireworks so we did. Then drove around aimlessly talking.

Disney Princess Elli I like the picture of you jumping!

I'll follow the picture posting trend, I love macro (close up) and people photography so mostly all of mine are like that. Here are a few of my favorites.


Check out my Flickr site to see more; there's a link in my sig :)
Hey there people :]
I'm Emily, I'm 14, and I'll be a high school sophomore in the fall.
I love to write and read, and I find everything funny.
My favorite band is The Beatles. They're pretty much all I listen to.
My favorite book ever is The Outsiders. I'm on my 5th time reading it. Sometimes I wish the greasers were real; I'd totally hang with them.
My favorite TV shows are The Office, That 70s Show, Scrubs (RIP:sad1:), Freaks and Geeks, and Friends.
Some of my favorite movies are The Notebook, The Wedding Singer, Pretty In Pink, The Outsiders, The Breakfast Club, Enchanted, Across The Universe (yes, I watched it the other day and liked it...a lot more than I thought I would), and Say Anything.
I have a strange thing for British accents. I find them extremely hot. I also love guys who can sing. If a guy can make me laugh, I'll pretty much love him forever.
John Krasinski is my dream guy...yeah, I love me some Jim Halpert :D
Hey there people :]
I'm Emily, I'm 14, and I'll be a high school sophomore in the fall.
I love to write and read, and I find everything funny.
My favorite band is The Beatles. They're pretty much all I listen to.
My favorite book ever is The Outsiders. I'm on my 5th time reading it. Sometimes I wish the greasers were real; I'd totally hang with them.
My favorite TV shows are The Office, That 70s Show, Scrubs (RIP:sad1:), Freaks and Geeks, and Friends.
Some of my favorite movies are The Notebook, The Wedding Singer, Pretty In Pink, The Outsiders, The Breakfast Club, Enchanted, Across The Universe (yes, I watched it the other day and liked it...a lot more than I thought I would), and Say Anything.
I have a strange thing for British accents. I find them extremely hot. I also love guys who can sing. If a guy can make me laugh, I'll pretty much love him forever.
John Krasinski is my dream guy...yeah, I love me some Jim Halpert :D

Lol!! Hey, Emily! I'm completely in love with The Notebook...I cry every time... and ditto on loving That 70's Show & Friends.

I love British accents too, scarily!!! I don't know what it is about them! :confused3 lol

How are you?? :yay:
I'm good :-D
I bawl like a baby the ENTIRE time...it's insane.
That 70s Show and Friends are absolutely awesome...I love Eric (he's such a dork, but I love him anyways), Kelso (he's hilarious...and hot:laughing:), and Fez (who DOESN'T love Fez?) on That 70s Show, and I love Chandler (his one-liners kill me), Ross (again, it's the dork thing), and Phoebe (she's just so ditzy and funny...her songs are priceless) on Friends. Oh, and they're not really main characters, but I love Janice and Mike too.
British accents just scream sexy to me...they're just so...GAH:-)
LOL I know!!
I just adore Chandler!! Hee hee...he's so funny & strange at the same time. And I love Phoebe's "Smelly Cat" song that's my fave....
Janice...I just crack up every time I hear her voice!!! :lmao: she's so hilarious

I agree...you just gotta love Fez!!! And I also love Eric's wit-and-run technique...it's so hilarious :laughing:
Chandler is a little weird, but that's what makes him so loveable. At first I thought Janice was annoying, but I can't help but laugh at her "Ohhh my GAWDDD!"
I liked Fez better before he became a pimp...when he hit on girls and didn't score with every one. Eric's sarcasm and wit never fails to make me laugh...he's just so freakin' cute. Have you seen the musical episode? He can sing too! :-)
Thanks. You've got a sick name as well. Don't know anyone with that name around here. Regular as well. If by tricks you mean making it down the slope without falling then I'm landing that. :rotfl: Kidding, but not really. I'm not very good still. I've hit a few boxes, landed off of a few little mini jumps, nothing spec yet. I'm hoping this winter to get jumping more. You?

i've got some pretty aweet tricks up my sleeve. ;) but i aint no shaun white or anything. lmfao. try the pipe next time. you'll love it. :thumbsup2

i like skating more than snow tho...but thats just me

Hi Chase! I love snowboarding as well, and I love surfing! I hope you get the hang on it, it is really tough at first. It is the best rush in the whole world!

awesome. lol. chya...im actually anxious about surfing cuz i dont wanna look like a noob in front of hot girls. :thumbsup2
it took me like a couple of days practicing skimboarding until i not sucked. and people have told me surfing's way harder than skimming.

you surf??? way gnarly. where you located at?
i've got some pretty aweet tricks up my sleeve. ;) but i aint no shaun white or anything. lmfao. try the pipe next time. you'll love it. :thumbsup2

i like skating more than snow tho...but thats just me

Hahah. The pipe alwyas looks so fun to me. I love watching the Winter X Games and Winter Olympics and the other snowboarding events that are on tv. I would love to be able to jump like that, but I'm not that coordinated. Hahah I'm thinking about taking a lesson or two on jumping and stuff. I know there a few places around me that offer those. I don't wanna look like a total idiot and noob in front of the guys that can totally rock, especially the cute ones ;) (like you and surfing).
awesome. lol. chya...im actually anxious about surfing cuz i dont wanna look like a noob in front of hot girls. :thumbsup2
it took me like a couple of days practicing skimboarding until i not sucked. and people have told me surfing's way harder than skimming.
you surf??? way gnarly. where you located at?

when u learn to surf, then u can teach me baby :laughing:
when u learn to surf, then u can teach me baby :laughing:

ditto. ;)
I've always wanted to learn how to surf and like skateboard and all that, but I think I'd have problems staying on the board. I'm not that coordinated. :rolleyes1 :rotfl2:
Hey there people :]
I'm Emily, I'm 14, and I'll be a high school sophomore in the fall.
I love to write and read, and I find everything funny.
My favorite band is The Beatles. They're pretty much all I listen to.
My favorite book ever is The Outsiders. I'm on my 5th time reading it. Sometimes I wish the greasers were real; I'd totally hang with them.
My favorite TV shows are The Office, That 70s Show, Scrubs (RIP:sad1:), Freaks and Geeks, and Friends.
Some of my favorite movies are The Notebook, The Wedding Singer, Pretty In Pink, The Outsiders, The Breakfast Club, Enchanted, Across The Universe (yes, I watched it the other day and liked it...a lot more than I thought I would), and Say Anything.
I have a strange thing for British accents. I find them extremely hot. I also love guys who can sing. If a guy can make me laugh, I'll pretty much love him forever.
John Krasinski is my dream guy...yeah, I love me some Jim Halpert :D
I love Enchanted, and Say Anything! John Cusack =:love: Nice to meet you Emily!

i've got some pretty aweet tricks up my sleeve. ;) but i aint no shaun white or anything. lmfao. try the pipe next time. you'll love it. :thumbsup2

i like skating more than snow tho...but thats just me

awesome. lol. chya...im actually anxious about surfing cuz i dont wanna look like a noob in front of hot girls. :thumbsup2
it took me like a couple of days practicing skimboarding until i not sucked. and people have told me surfing's way harder than skimming.

you surf??? way gnarly. where you located at?
I am in Los Angeles, but I surf all the time at Hunnington Beach.
Surfing is way harder than skimming, and you will probably look like a newb, I know I did in front of all of the hot guys. :rotfl:
I love Enchanted, and Say Anything! John Cusack =:love: Nice to meet you Emily!

I am in Los Angeles, but I surf all the time at Hunnington Beach.
Surfing is way harder than skimming, and you will probably look like a newb, I know I did in front of all of the hot guys. :rotfl:

Nice to meet you too:-)
I just love James Marsden in it...he was so adorable...and the singing? :D
I loved him in Say Anything...after I saw it I wished Lloyd existed for the longest time:lovestruc
I know, I really loved Amy's performance, she was a really good Giselle, and Patrick and James wooo weee. Sexy men xD

I know! He was amazing :}
Hahah. The pipe alwyas looks so fun to me. I love watching the Winter X Games and Winter Olympics and the other snowboarding events that are on tv. I would love to be able to jump like that, but I'm not that coordinated. Hahah I'm thinking about taking a lesson or two on jumping and stuff. I know there a few places around me that offer those. I don't wanna look like a total idiot and noob in front of the guys that can totally rock, especially the cute ones ;) (like you and surfing).

seriously...you dont need lessons. they'll all tell you the same thing. bend your knees...keep your back straight...weight on back foot when you're about ready for the jump then pop and shift to center...blah blah blah. start small then slowly jump bigger ramps. 1 whole day of doing that and you're good to go. just get some air and you pretty much have it down.

once you land a 180...thats when the fun part begins. you'll be doing 720s in no time. :thumbsup2

when u learn to surf, then u can teach me baby :laughing:

hopefully i dont suck by the time you get your cute butt down here. lol
Hey there people :]
I'm Emily, I'm 14, and I'll be a high school sophomore in the fall.
I love to write and read, and I find everything funny.
My favorite band is The Beatles. They're pretty much all I listen to.
My favorite book ever is The Outsiders. I'm on my 5th time reading it. Sometimes I wish the greasers were real; I'd totally hang with them.
My favorite TV shows are The Office, That 70s Show, Scrubs (RIP:sad1:), Freaks and Geeks, and Friends.
Some of my favorite movies are The Notebook, The Wedding Singer, Pretty In Pink, The Outsiders, The Breakfast Club, Enchanted, Across The Universe (yes, I watched it the other day and liked it...a lot more than I thought I would), and Say Anything.
I have a strange thing for British accents. I find them extremely hot. I also love guys who can sing. If a guy can make me laugh, I'll pretty much love him forever.
John Krasinski is my dream guy...yeah, I love me some Jim Halpert :D

Hi Emily! I'm Elin.
I have to say you have an excellent taste in music and tv/movies :]
I know, I really loved Amy's performance, she was a really good Giselle, and Patrick and James wooo weee. Sexy men xD

I know! He was amazing :}

Amy was ah-mazing in it...I didn't know she could sing before I saw it
Oh yes, James is sexy...have you seen him in The Notebook? I couldn't choose between him or Ryan Gosling.
I have a thing for really "ordinary" dorky guys...I can't explain it
Amy was ah-mazing in it...I didn't know she could sing before I saw it
Oh yes, James is sexy...have you seen him in The Notebook? I couldn't choose between him or Ryan Gosling.
I have a thing for really "ordinary" dorky guys...I can't explain it
Haha, same here. I love guys with a sense of humor :}
seriously...you dont need lessons. they'll all tell you the same thing. bend your knees...keep your back straight...weight on back foot when you're about ready for the jump then pop and shift to center...blah blah blah. start small then slowly jump bigger ramps. 1 whole day of doing that and you're good to go. just get some air and you pretty much have it down.

once you land a 180...thats when the fun part begins. you'll be doing 720s in no time. :thumbsup2

hopefully i dont suck by the time you get your cute butt down here. lol
Where you are you learning to surf? Hunnington Beach has great waves. :]
Hi Emily! I'm Elin.
I have to say you have an excellent taste in music and tv/movies :]

Haha thanks :]
I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO LOVES JIM! YAY! :D Isn't he just the best ever? Not to mention, he's sooper hawt:-)


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