Laid off--Support thread

Even if you are fired from a job here in Ny you can collect unemployment benefits, although you have a longer waiting period to apply. Apply as fast as you can no matter what your former employer told you. I was told for 5 years that because my job was a temporary 10 month job every year, I was not eligible to apply. However, this summer I did apply as I am not guaranteed a job once school starts. The company I work for is now furious, because the labor department has gotten after them and fined them for telling me what they did for 5 years. Now the company is offering me a job for only 15 hours per week, which if I decide to take, I can still collect partial unemployment. The company was really mad when I told them this. Be sure to investigate with the labor department what you are eligible for. :cool2:
My hubby was laid off Friday, no warning. Insurance ends at the end of the month. It is really hard for us because the company is going under and they are trying to stay afloat not only by laying off employees but by trying to keep from having to pay unemployment. He worked there for 7 years and they are cheating him and 2 other guys. The company told him he was being laid off but told the unemployment agency that he was terminated for slandering the company. Well we never did that before, always thought they were a great place to work. Now they are guaranteed to have our family talk negatively about them and it is justly deserved! Thanks to the OP for starting this thread. I really needed to rant today.
I figured I might as well join in.

My boss informed me the day she fired me that I was not even to bother filing for unemployment benefits because I was not eligible. I am still continuing my search and hope to find something soon.

Oh, you should make sure that's true; she has an interest in you NOT collecting benefits.

I was surprised to learn that here in Ohio, you can collect partial unemployment if your hours have been cut.

Oh trust me I know. I filed as soon as I got home and Ohio unemployment decided that I was entitled to full unemployment benefits. My old company even tried lying to them saying I was paid for the rest of the week I was let go instead of just that day (It was a monday).

Thanks for all the information I should have said that I was eligible for benefits but after a lot of fighting with my old company and as I stated before lies from them.
I figured I might as well join in.

My boss informed me the day she fired me that I was not even to bother filing for unemployment benefits because I was not eligible.

That is not true, it is up to the Labor board to make a decision if the employer disputes! How dare she CHA!

I would go to the Dept of Labor and tell them what happened and see what recourse there is. Bless your families heart, you all deserve things to be righted.

For all of us still in the boat, hold hands to keep us a float,
I had a huge melt down is the day before our u/c checks come, and so broke, no milk or bread in the house, even the cats had to have left over scraps and the last of the dry food.

DH just stays up for days sleeps for an entire day. If he would at least go put resumes out, even if he worked for 20 hrs a week to pay the health benefits.
I hate that he expects ME to find HIM something!!!!!
I am having anxiety attacks daily and crying now with fear.

I am going to start the marketing for the PI business, and hope that we can make a living SCARED :scared1: not going to do the traditional type work, and especially NOT workers comp surveillance, but research, loacte skips, witnesses, take statements, supervise visitation and monitor exchanges, phone calls of estrangles parents, even some geneology work.

I did get the program for after care for latch keys going.....No pay for now, but the kids have a grand place to go, a computer lab, kitchen, living room, it is a two bedroom apartment, rent free and utility FREE>

I am sooo excited. but still no grants to pay staff yet. That is not the important part, it is about kids!!!! :thumbsup2
I have to focus on that to stop the melt downs.
Thanks disneymarie. I hope things start looking up for you and your family as well. It has been very hard looking for a job considering I left school to take the job at that company since the hours were so long and missed my associates degree by one semester. I am happy to say that I do have funding to return to school in the spring thanks to generous scholarships and grant money so I will be working toward my bachelor degree. With that said it seems as though every entry level job around my area is being filled with applicants who have more experience at other jobs and can not find anything in their field.

Although I did get good news tonight I was approved for the Tier 2 of the Federal unemployment benefits since Ohio's unemployment rate is now up over 11%.

Regarding my ex-boss telling me I could not file for any unemployment I did speak with someone at the labor board when they had called with some questions early on and she told me that they would look into it.
Got laid off July 3rd (posted then) and got the call, going back to the office September 1.
I'm beginning to think that I will never find a decent job. I get the feeling that the longer I am out of work, the worse it looks on my resume, like how come you haven't worked in almost a year? LOSER!!
I'm beginning to think that I will never find a decent job. I get the feeling that the longer I am out of work, the worse it looks on my resume, like how come you haven't worked in almost a year? LOSER!!

I understand how you feel...I have had 3 layoffs in 3 I am out since end of Feb...and the future is not looking much better...

My other worry..I am so used to being home...going back to work is going to be a challenge..LOL..I have settled into a routine, and if something comes along, changing it will be interesting
I'm beginning to think that I will never find a decent job. I get the feeling that the longer I am out of work, the worse it looks on my resume, like how come you haven't worked in almost a year? LOSER!!

What industry are you in? I have family that lives up that way so if I hear of something I can let you know. My mom was laid off in 2001 after 25 yrs and it took her over a year to find a new position at a 50% paycut. It's a tough area. Good luck!

Got laid off July 3rd (posted then) and got the call, going back to the office September 1.
Wonderful! I hope it's a permanent call back :)

My Dh just got laid off today. I'm a SAHM. Not a good day.

Sorry to hear this. I hope he finds something soon.

My DH's hours were cut in the summer and he still hasn't been able to secure another FT position. Luckily he gets partial unemployment. I'm considering working part-time at night, in addition to my day job to help pull us through. He had that one preliminary interview, but he wasn't called in a week, like the guy said he would. DH followed up and left a message, no return call. Ugh!
I just want to wish luck to everyone having a rough time with job loses right now.

Have you checked out the federal jobs website I only mention it here because several people I've talked about it to didn't even know it exisisted. Depending on where you live, there are jobs open to the public that don't need lots of specific skills or education. Not always the highest paying jobs, but sometimes they come with good benefits and opportunity to advance in the future.

A friend's wife is a clerk at an office at one of the state parks where she had started out working part time in the gift shop, so you never know what type of job you will find on there or what it could lead to.

Good Luck everyone and hang in there! :hug::hug:
I just want to wish luck to everyone having a rough time with job loses right now.

Have you checked out the federal jobs website I only mention it here because several people I've talked about it to didn't even know it exisisted. Depending on where you live, there are jobs open to the public that don't need lots of specific skills or education. Not always the highest paying jobs, but sometimes they come with good benefits and opportunity to advance in the future.

A friend's wife is a clerk at an office at one of the state parks where she had started out working part time in the gift shop, so you never know what type of job you will find on there or what it could lead to.

If you have an airport near you, the TSA is hiring TSOs at many locations and they add new ones all the time. I'm sure there are other country wide jobs to search for too.

Good Luck everyone and hang in there! :hug::hug:

Thanks for posting this. I didn't know about that site. I found a job in DH's field on the site, so he'll apply for that. It seems that the jobs are getting scarcer in his field around here.
I got a contract from the company I am laid off from and they want me to sign a contract for 12 months, but only pay me for 40 weeks.:scared1: I think they are crazy thinking that this would be legal and I am refusing to sign the contract. I have talked to the Dept. of Labor and they are going to investigate, but they verbally told me that the company cannot do this. My union is doing NOTHING to help me, either. :eek: Sorry for all of you union people, but all my union will tell me is to talk to my supervisor. The next thing is I will opt out of the union as my union dues apparently aren't worth anything. :cool2:
I got a contract from the company I am laid off from and they want me to sign a contract for 12 months, but only pay me for 40 weeks.:scared1: I think they are crazy thinking that this would be legal and I am refusing to sign the contract. I have talked to the Dept. of Labor and they are going to investigate, but they verbally told me that the company cannot do this. My union is doing NOTHING to help me, either. :eek: Sorry for all of you union people, but all my union will tell me is to talk to my supervisor. The next thing is I will opt out of the union as my union dues apparently aren't worth anything. :cool2:

I agree. the years of union dues and zilch in the situation that evolved here too. THey still have monthly meetings but do nothing.
The company reopened, brought back the younger guys, lots less pay, but they took the jobs instead of joining together and bargining for better conditions.
THe company could not train and open with out their knowledge.

THey will be gone soon, although the plant is a mess from poor structure and the same plant managers that had their perks that backrupt the company, are back at the helm...
How does that happen, oh and they got their severence and monies from the sale of the prior company,

Why isn't the union after the workers monies owed?
Very difficult, gut wrenching.
If only they union made some kind of effort....all that money all the years.
This is the beginning of week number 3 for DH being laid off. I'm a STAHM--we are foster parents and raising our special needs son 9. He's applying like crazy it just is so difficult to stay positive and hopeful when things don't produce.
I have been out since Feb-- 2nd layoff in 2 years and the second job was commission only so it is not eligible for UI benfits. I'm not getting callbacks on resumes' When I actually speak w/ someone I typically find out that there have been HUNDREDS of resumes sent in for each job I have applied for. I am just so frustrated. I need to work. We cannot survive on one income. It doesn't pay the bills in our area. I have worked hard, gone to college, paid my dues in my industry and.............nothing. I just feel gross. Down, lost and unable to work upi any enthusiasm to keep looking for work
So, I didn't get a job I recently applied for, and was well qualified for, because...I have been out of work too long!
So, I didn't get a job I recently applied for, and was well qualified for, because...I have been out of work too long!

Sorry to hear that, that just seems so wrong.

Today is the end of week 3 for my husband being laid off. He has sent out 32 resumes as of today. It is so hard not to give up...I am so down all the time, but he is hopeful he will find something soon.

This area isn't the best for IT jobs but since the economy seems to be picking up hopefully there will be more jobs posted and the right one will come along.
Just signed a contract to go back to my old job at reduced hours for the rest of the school year. They are going to be surprised when I still collect partial unemployment while I work. ;) However, the school is wanting to contract with BOCES to have an actual counselor in the district next year, so this will probably be my last year. So, I will be looking for jobs while I work! Hopefully the Census will hire me back after I did such a good job for them in April. I have a couple of other ideas, too. It was just announced here that a food factory nearby will close before Thanksgiving, so things are still not good around here. Whoever said the recession is over must have their head up their a**. :confused:
Just signed a contract to go back to my old job at reduced hours for the rest of the school year. They are going to be surprised when I still collect partial unemployment while I work. ;) However, the school is wanting to contract with BOCES to have an actual counselor in the district next year, so this will probably be my last year. So, I will be looking for jobs while I work! Hopefully the Census will hire me back after I did such a good job for them in April. I have a couple of other ideas, too. It was just announced here that a food factory nearby will close before Thanksgiving, so things are still not good around here. Whoever said the recession is over must have their head up their a**. :confused:

I live in the WNY area too, and there is nothing out there. Have you tried to look at usajobs? That site posts all the federal positions in the country, a lot are open in Buffalo/Rochester.


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