A Wigdout trip report, DISmeets, Flashing Jelly Rings and Manpris, Oh MY!

Okay, taking a sewing break! Had to get on to see what was what and I find out that YOU ARE GOING TO GET MORE POINTS, AND ANOTHER TRIP?? MUST be used before February, huh?? Wow, how great! Oh, I mean how unfortunate...:lmao:

[COLOR="Blue"[quote]]Congrats Anita on the points...:woohoo:[/quote]
[B][I][SIZE="3"]Hi Patricia!
Thanks so much!

Oh my...I had heard of this...but I didn't think it was for real...hmmm who takes those photos??? It is perfect for the Halloween season...scary...:scared1:

Could it be the same type of person that takes pictures of manpris?

Okay, taking a sewing break! Had to get on to see what was what and I find out that YOU ARE GOING TO GET MORE POINTS, AND ANOTHER TRIP?? MUST be used before February, huh?? Wow, how great! Oh, I mean how unfortunate...:lmao:

Unless we are able to close super quickly we won't be able to use those points. Was hoping that we could put them on our December trip, then save those points for another trip. They told us 8 weeks until we can close and that will be just too late. Hopefully we will find a use for them though.....it just won't be us going again so soon...:cutie:
More Disney points???

You guys are livin' right!
Congratulations! :cheer2:

Have fun with all that extra time. I know we'll have fun seeing more pictures and hearing more stories.
It's like you bought us all a little extra vacation time! ::yes::

Jill wants to know if Harper will be at our Fourth of July meet next year.
Hey! I'm announcing it here first....

I'm Getting a New Ticker!! :yay:

Sam agreed that we could go to Disney during our Spring Break 2011 :)

Hopefully, we'll be going on DVC points....:rolleyes1
I wish you would have taken a pic of the castle tattoo, it sounds very cool!

I didn't take my camera and my new cell phone doesn't have a camera. I don't know if I would have been brave enough to take a picture even if I did have a camera with me! LOL

I need to look into RtI a bit more, it sounds like some of our kids could really benefit from it.

Don't do it!!!! It just means more testing!!! If I remember correctly, it's benchmark testing to see how they are doing in certain subjects. So, if a child doesn't do well on the benchmark test for math they concentrate on bringing the child up to the required level. Jackie...correct me if I'm wrong or leaving anything out.
More Disney points???

You guys are livin' right!
Congratulations! :cheer2:
Thanks! I just thought it was a way to get down there more often....
I guess that would be living right!

Have fun with all that extra time. I know we'll have fun seeing more pictures and hearing more stories.
It's like you bought us all a little extra vacation time! ::yes::
It is fun to vacation through and with your friends!

Jill wants to know if Harper will be at our Fourth of July meet next year.
Actually, we were thinking more of a Shocker and Wigd trip, w/o Baylor....
Do you know what your dates are yet for next summer?

Oh my gosh!!! That is so funny! :laughing::laughing:
I really hope I'm not ever photographed at Walmart.....
Hey! I'm announcing it here first....

I'm Getting a New Ticker!! :yay:

Sam agreed that we could go to Disney during our Spring Break 2011 :)

Hopefully, we'll be going on DVC points....:rolleyes1
Woot!!! I'm so excited for you! When is your Spring Break? I've been asking but is seems that the airfares are sky high, so we'll see.
What's the scoop on the DVC points? Inquiring minds want to know....

I didn't take my camera and my new cell phone doesn't have a camera. I don't know if I would have been brave enough to take a picture even if I did have a camera with me! LOL
You just have to make it look like you are looking at your camera and turn and click!

Don't do it!!!! It just means more testing!!! If I remember correctly, it's benchmark testing to see how they are doing in certain subjects. So, if a child doesn't do well on the benchmark test for math they concentrate on bringing the child up to the required level. Jackie...correct me if I'm wrong or leaving anything out.
Well, I am rather tired of all the testing! Thanks for the input.
I was catching up... and almost got sick ....... RTI spotted in my DIS world!

That is seriously ruining my school year..... if your school is not into it, lucky you, can I come work with you!

We have decided that fluency is more important than comprehension..... and I have no input anymore in who gets support from Reading teachers due to that stinkin word!
I was catching up... and almost got sick ....... RTI spotted in my DIS world!

That is seriously ruining my school year..... if your school is not into it, lucky you, can I come work with you!

We have decided that fluency is more important than comprehension..... and I have no input anymore in who gets support from Reading teachers due to that stinkin word!

Amen sister!! WHY in the world is fluency more important than comprehension?? AND why do these kids have to have 1 HOUR of extra help per day from their regular teacher before we can even consider them for special ed?? :headache:

Sorry. Back to your regularly scheduled trip report in progress!!
Woot!!! I'm so excited for you! When is your Spring Break? I've been asking but is seems that the airfares are sky high, so we'll see.
What's the scoop on the DVC points? Inquiring minds want to know....

Our spring break is March 14-18. We'll probably drive if I had to guess, but I don't know yet.

We're seriously considering offering on a 250'ish point contract. My grandmother died last year and she left us a little money. If they ever get her estate closed, then we'll probably do it. Sam's making all kinds of charts & graphs and such to justify it~~ :lmao:
More points!!!!!!!

this calls for a celebration with Ben and Jerry!:cool1::cool1:
I was catching up... and almost got sick ....... RTI spotted in my DIS world!
:eek: I didn't realize how crazy it was!

That is seriously ruining my school year..... if your school is not into it, lucky you, can I come work with you!
Nope we aren't into it this week......

We have decided that fluency is more important than comprehension..... and I have no input anymore in who gets support from Reading teachers due to that stinkin word!
Oh that sounds very frustrating, I have decided that I'm glad we are not doing that here. Don't they know that fluency is only one component to the big 5?

Amen sister!! WHY in the world is fluency more important than comprehension?? AND why do these kids have to have 1 HOUR of extra help per day from their regular teacher before we can even consider them for special ed?? :headache:
Don't you ever wonder what has happened to teaching?

Sorry. Back to your regularly scheduled trip report in progress!!
Actually I think it's great to see what's going on in other parts of the country! I love a little teacher talk with my DIS buddies!

Our spring break is March 14-18. We'll probably drive if I had to guess, but I don't know yet.

We're seriously considering offering on a 250'ish point contract. My grandmother died last year and she left us a little money. If they ever get her estate closed, then we'll probably do it. Sam's making all kinds of charts & graphs and such to justify it~~ :lmao:
I say, "you go SAM"! Justify it!
I'll bet our Spring Break is at the same time..... I'll still be begging to go.....

More points!!!!!!!

this calls for a celebration with Ben and Jerry!:cool1::cool1:

Does that mean I get ice cream?
yep....unless there's another ben and jerry you know.

There is, but she cannot have either or both of them!

First...Love the report!

Second...My son's name is Baylor (he is 13 1/2) and it is so weird reading your words of Baylor did this or Baylor thought that! :laughing:

When you name your kid Michael or Steven you know that there will be a million other kids with that name. With a Baylor - it is rare and thus odd to read or hear! :thumbsup2

Your son is only one of 2 others I know of with that name.

So I have a few questions because inquiring minds would love to know and nosy people like me just perhaps!

#1 How did you come up with his name?
#2 What is his middle name?
#3 Do you know of any other Baylor's?

Okay - I followed you from Shannn's TR, who I followed from mine and you made my night! :lovestruc
First...Love the report!

Second...My son's name is Baylor (he is 13 1/2) and it is so weird reading your words of Baylor did this or Baylor thought that! :laughing:

When you name your kid Michael or Steven you know that there will be a million other kids with that name. With a Baylor - it is rare and thus odd to read or hear! :thumbsup2

Your son is only one of 2 others I know of with that name.

So I have a few questions because inquiring minds would love to know and nosy people like me just perhaps!

#1 How did you come up with his name?
#2 What is his middle name?
#3 Do you know of any other Baylor's?

Okay - I followed you from Shannn's TR, who I followed from mine and you made my night! :lovestruc

Hi there and welcome!
How cool that we both have Baylors!
Baylor is a family name, I have a great-great grandfather with that name.
His middle name is Patrick.
I don't know anymore Baylors, well just the university.....:laughing:

So now you need to tell me where you got the name and his middle name.


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