Northern Sights and Mickey's MAGICal Delights-1st Baltic Cruise-June 12,2010-Pt 2

We did Hermitage and Evening Canal Boat Trip on the first day, then Pushkin/Peterhof and the Folklore Show on the second day. Definitely wanted to maximize our time in St. Petersburg. I studied Russian in school, and this was my first trip there, so I was super excited.

Hermitage was definitely a whirlwind, but that's what you're signing up for, right? Our guide did a great job of marching us all over the museum, and I feel like we really did see all of the highlights. It was super crowded, though, so I recommend you stick very close to your guide. My mom got lost at one point, but caught up with us pretty quickly. I think there were 3 or 4 other cruise ships in port that day, plus all of the other non-cruise tour groups and individuals. Fortunately, they used headphones so we could hear our guide, but there was some interference if you fell too far behind. In all honesty, I thought seeing the Winter Palace was even more exciting than the art collection. Basically no time for souvenir shopping.

The Evening Canal Boat Trip was very nice - definitely need to see St. Petersburg from the waterways. I absolutely fell in love with the city, kind of a cross between Paris and Venice. There were a few singers and musicians who played on the boat, and the one singer was really excellent. Nice relaxing evening, and there was both the open top and covered lower level for seating.

Pushkin/Peterhof was a loooong day, but worth it. There was one shopping opportunity at Catherine's Palace in Pushkin - an open-air market and some nicer shops nearby. Just know that anywhere you're shopping on an excursion is basically all tourist-focused. The shops had nicer things, but not cheap. The palaces are simply astounding. We got to Catherine's Palace early, which was nice since it wasn't crowded. By the time we got to Peterhof later in the day, that wasn't the case. Bear in mind that the grounds are open to the public, so that part is definitely more crowded. The guides said the pickpocketers were out, but they did a good job of keeping us wherever they weren't. Just use some common sense and you should be fine. Oh, and lunch was maybe a bit longer than I expected, but very good. Starters of cold meats and veggies, then a mushroom cream/soup, then borscht (which was superb, and I don't care for beets!), then two kinds of cabbage rolls, and I can't remember dessert, but it was all great. In a restaurant modeled like a wooder summer house (dacha). Sure it was touristy, but the food was all very good, and they also had singers and musicians performing.

We got back an hour late from that excursion, but there were two big things going on those days - the economic forum one day and then the holiday for all the school graduates the next - so that likely had some impact. The main dining rooms were adjusting for everyone's schedules. Dinner started earlier, around 5:00 or even 4:45 at Topsiders. The Head Servers passed out tickets based on your schedules, and since the ship wasn't full, we were able to eat at the first seating between our excursions on the first day, so we got to try the Czar menu. Second day we only ended up with 30 minutes from the time we got back on the ship to when we had to meet our next excursion. My folks were contemplating not going (Mom was having bad allergies), but I said I wanted to go even if they didn't feel up to it. Not knowing when I would have a chance to come back to St. Petersburg, I didn't want to miss a minute of it. So, the folks decided they felt the same, even though we were all very tired.

And I am sooooo glad we did that. That folklore show was one of the highlights of our trip. We had decided not to book the ballet, figuring that Russian ballet dancers always seemed to be visiting and performing in the States. The folkloric show seemed like it was a bit more unusual. Plus I know a number of Russian folk songs from my studies. But we were pretty exhausted, my mom was suffering from allergies, we'd had folk singers at two of our other excursions...we still ended up going. Well, this "folklore" show was presented by the Russian Cultural Society inside a concert hall within one of the palaces in town, so it was definitely legit. The 2-hour show consisted of a Russian military men's choir and band in full uniform and a troup of exceptional dancers. Truly, truly excellent!! I am so glad we chose this over the ballet, which I heard from others was a bit uncomfortable given the lack or air conditioning (or maybe just minimal air conditioning) when everyone was dressed up.

So, if anyone's still trying to decide what to do in the evening, definitely book the folkloric show. It was a trip highlight for us! :dance3:


we are doing both folk lore and ballet. when you say 'dressed up'... how dressed up were people? we have our tuxes and such for formal night but were not planning such a dress up for the ballet. or is it that elegant?

we are doing both folk lore and ballet. when you say 'dressed up'... how dressed up were people? we have our tuxes and such for formal night but were not planning such a dress up for the ballet. or is it that elegant?
Some people wore a tux - I wore a sport coat with a dress shirt - but no tie.... There were others in jeans and t-shirts....

Thanks to everyone for our lovely gifts and it was great to meet a few of you folks during the short time we had at the DIS group meeting.
We look forward to seeing some of you on the Wonder going to Vancouver and then Alaska back to back.

An interesting side note. Spoke to a few of the CM about the dry dock in Freeport. None of them seem happy about not coming to Norfolk. Since we live in Williamsburg we were courious as to how they felt about it.
Paul & Sue
An interesting side note. Spoke to a few of the CM about the dry dock in Freeport. None of them seem happy about not coming to Norfolk. Since we live in Williamsburg we were courious as to how they felt about it.
Paul & Sue

We spoke to several crew members about that as well and received the same reaction. Though I did hear from a couple that there's a slight chance they may be going back to Norfolk. Don't know if that was referring to this time or to the future.

Actually, I felt very bad for the crew given how uncrowded the ship was. I think I heard about 1700, though there was going to be maybe another 300 on the following cruise. For those who work in tipped positions especially, that really has to cut down on what they earn.
I been avoiding showing me face here....

First off, thank you all very much for the gifts! Everytime we went back to our room there was something new on our door and I got that look from my wife that said, "How come you didn't tell me were supposed to do little gifts for your DIS friends?!" I just had that blank, unknowing look a man will get when he knows he messed up becuase he missed the details or did not read the directions.

Anyway, I am sorry we did not provide any gifts to the other DISers. You guys are so artsy and creative! Thank you all so much! It was so fun to see all the creative ways you guys came up with to make memorabila for the cruise.

Sorry we missed the meet/greet thing with the DIS folks. My wife is the social brains of the outfit and since she is not a DISer and I am mostly asocial...

Thanks again for the really cool gifts and I'm sorry we did not reciprocate.

I, too, want to thank everyone for the FE gifts - some of you are very imaginative! All the gifts were great! We had such a great time! It was good to see all our friends, and meet new folks. I know we did not meet all of you, so maybe next cruise!

Thank you to everyone for the FE gifts. Everyone here is so thoughtful and generous!

Wanted to let you all know that the Scavenger Hunt winner who was drawn was the Moore Family in 6052 (afraid I don't know what their DIS name is). Everyone who submitted an entry ended up with at least 100% with the help of the bonus questions. There were 15 entries in the end. Thank to everyone who played, and I hope you enjoyed it :)

If you have any questions about it, feel free to PM me, though I tried to scribble notes on everyone's forms that I handed back out. Though you might want the souvenir.

One question that stumped many of you was the former name of Diversions. A bunch of people answered Barrel of Laughs, and you were almost right, but that was on the Wonder. On the Magic, it was called Off Beat.

This was so much fun - thanks for putting it together. I am surprised that you got only 15 back, it seems that we ran into a lot of folks doing it the same time we were! That is funny about Barrel of Laughs - I think that was one that we got our answer (Barrel of Laughs) from a ships officer:rotfl:

Again - Thanks to all for all the great gifts! Looking forward to seeing you again on our next cruise (the Magic New Year's Eve cruise)!
I been avoiding showing me face here....

First off, thank you all very much for the gifts! Everytime we went back to our room there was something new on our door and I got that look from my wife that said, "How come you didn't tell me were supposed to do little gifts for your DIS friends?!" I just had that blank, unknowing look a man will get when he knows he messed up becuase he missed the details or did not read the directions.

Anyway, I am sorry we did not provide any gifts to the other DISers. You guys are so artsy and creative! Thank you all so much! It was so fun to see all the creative ways you guys came up with to make memorabila for the cruise.

Sorry we missed the meet/greet thing with the DIS folks. My wife is the social brains of the outfit and since she is not a DISer and I am mostly asocial...

Thanks again for the really cool gifts and I'm sorry we did not reciprocate.


Mike, no worries!!!! I almost didn't get my gift together before we left and then it almost got ruined in the suitcase due to a multiple implosion of things in the tolietry bag. I was hoping we'd get to meet at some point during the cruise, but it was pretty hectic during the trip. I noticed on the roster you're from Huntsville and I'm in Huntsville as well.:thumbsup2
I, too, want to thank everyone for the FE gifts - some of you are very imaginative! All the gifts were great! We had such a great time! It was good to see all our friends, and meet new folks. I know we did not meet all of you, so maybe next cruise!

This was so much fun - thanks for putting it together. I am surprised that you got only 15 back, it seems that we ran into a lot of folks doing it the same time we were! That is funny about Barrel of Laughs - I think that was one that we got our answer (Barrel of Laughs) from a ships officer:rotfl:

Again - Thanks to all for all the great gifts! Looking forward to seeing you again on our next cruise (the Magic New Year's Eve cruise)!

I had to get help with a couple of my questions from officers as well. One wouldn't actually give me the answer, but pointed me in the right direction and the other answered right away.
Just a quick post to thank-you all of you for the wonderfully generous and creative fish extender gifts we received. I am in awe at the time, effort and/ or expense some people put into their gifts. I am almost embarassed that ours was so dinky! DISers never cease to amaze me. A special shout-out to Connie and Chuck, whom I kept trying to meet, but it never happened. Your gift will be with me forever. Thank-you so very much!

We did not do alot of partying on this cruise as the port excursions left us pretty much exhausted. Plus, we are trying to rest up before the next wedding in just about a month. A note of good news.....shortly after we arrived home, we received word that our daughter actually WON the Emmy so we are thrilled to death about that. Here's the first unofficial photo:
Just a quick post to thank-you all of you for the wonderfully generous and creative fish extender gifts we received. I am in awe at the time, effort and/ or expense some people put into their gifts. I am almost embarassed that ours was so dinky! DISers never cease to amaze me. A special shout-out to Connie and Chuck, whom I kept trying to meet, but it never happened. Your gift will be with me forever. Thank-you so very much!

We did not do alot of partying on this cruise as the port excursions left us pretty much exhausted. Plus, we are trying to rest up before the next wedding in just about a month. A note of good news.....shortly after we arrived home, we received word that our daughter actually WON the Emmy so we are thrilled to death about that. Here's the first unofficial photo:

Jeanne, what is your daughter's Emmy for? Congratulations to her and what an honor!!!!!
It was one of the creative awards and those are not televised so she didn't appear on TV last night. Hers was given out Friday night in LA. It was for Outstanding Achievement in Main Title and Graphic Design. The show was "Avec Eric"....a cooking show that appears on PBS. Unfortunately we don't get it in Raleigh! But she did win out over Sesame Street and Nickelodeon!:cool1:
I had to get help with a couple of my questions from officers as well. One wouldn't actually give me the answer, but pointed me in the right direction and the other answered right away.

We had the help of several cruise staff, one of whom was so interested in it that we dropped off an extra copy for him to stump the rest of the crew!!!

Also, wonder if anyone else noticed that at the goofy pool there are two of the signal designs that are different from the others. Just curious if anyone knew what they meant....
Can I also say thanks to everyone for the great fish extender gifts, and especially to Connie and Chuck for the very generous gift to us. I think, even with the cabin changes I managed to cover everybody that gave us a gift but apologies to anyone I missed. :goodvibes
We had the help of several cruise staff, one of whom was so interested in it that we dropped off an extra copy for him to stump the rest of the crew!!!

Also, wonder if anyone else noticed that at the goofy pool there are two of the signal designs that are different from the others. Just curious if anyone knew what they meant....

I found this among my photos from the Mickey Pool. Not sure if the ones around the Goofy pool were different (will have to keep searching the photos).

I've looked up the flags and found out what they mean. Who can guess? Remember from the scavenger hunt that ="D"

And another hint (and to clarify what the obscured flags are): the sequence is made up of the center two series. In other words...
Ditto everyone's praises for all the delightful FE gifts! I too hope to have found everyone but if I didn't please forgive me!

Trusting that everyone had uneventful trips home! It was quite a magical 12 nights!

Kind regards,
Just a quick post to thank-you all of you for the wonderfully generous and creative fish extender gifts we received. I am in awe at the time, effort and/ or expense some people put into their gifts. I am almost embarassed that ours was so dinky! DISers never cease to amaze me. A special shout-out to Connie and Chuck, whom I kept trying to meet, but it never happened. Your gift will be with me forever. Thank-you so very much!

We did not do alot of partying on this cruise as the port excursions left us pretty much exhausted. Plus, we are trying to rest up before the next wedding in just about a month. A note of good news.....shortly after we arrived home, we received word that our daughter actually WON the Emmy so we are thrilled to death about that. Here's the first unofficial photo:
Congratulations! It was lovely meeting you at the Ballet. Hope to see you in Raleigh sometime soon!
Kind regards,
Just a quick post to thank-you all of you for the wonderfully generous and creative fish extender gifts we received. I am in awe at the time, effort and/ or expense some people put into their gifts. I am almost embarassed that ours was so dinky! DISers never cease to amaze me. A special shout-out to Connie and Chuck, whom I kept trying to meet, but it never happened. Your gift will be with me forever. Thank-you so very much!

We did not do alot of partying on this cruise as the port excursions left us pretty much exhausted. Plus, we are trying to rest up before the next wedding in just about a month. A note of good news.....shortly after we arrived home, we received word that our daughter actually WON the Emmy so we are thrilled to death about that. Here's the first unofficial photo:

Wow! a REAL Emmy? What TV show is she on? How exciting!

I'm so glad you liked our FE Gift!

We got so many wonderful gifts! I am going to put them all out and take a photograph of them all! The Secret Mickey gifts were fun, too. I was completely fooled....I thought my secret Mickey was from England!

One bad thing, though, I got VERY sick the last night of the cruise. I had to call the medical center at 3am and get some meds,and again at 7am for a refill so I could travel home with no unfortunate accidents (if you know what I mean).

I am on the mend now though, finally feeling myself again.

see everyone soon! :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:
I found this among my photos from the Mickey Pool. Not sure if the ones around the Goofy pool were different (will have to keep searching the photos).

I've looked up the flags and found out what they mean. Who can guess? Remember from the scavenger hunt that ="D"

And another hint (and to clarify what the obscured flags are): the sequence is made up of the center two series. In other words...

Okay completely random and sorry for buttin' in but, I saw the picture of the swim pool and I was wondering how much the kids swam. My DH was thinking we might pack there short wet suits so they could spend more time in the water. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
It was one of the creative awards and those are not televised so she didn't appear on TV last night. Hers was given out Friday night in LA. It was for Outstanding Achievement in Main Title and Graphic Design. The show was "Avec Eric"....a cooking show that appears on PBS. Unfortunately we don't get it in Raleigh! But she did win out over Sesame Street and Nickelodeon!:cool1:

That is great! Good luck getting through the next wedding! I am still unpacking and doing laundry and back to the nightmare of stacks of stuff here at work for me!
Okay completely random and sorry for buttin' in but, I saw the picture of the swim pool and I was wondering how much the kids swam. My DH was thinking we might pack there short wet suits so they could spend more time in the water. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Most of the time when we were up by the pools there was only a handful of people in the pools. One day (can't remember which) the Mickey pool was completely empty.


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