Hello! Live from the World!

We rarely eat breakfast but that Captain's Omlette looks amazing.

Yeah was pretty tasty - I just checked, it runs at 12.99 if not on the dining plan, but as a one off treat I thought it was worth it.

I'm really loving your updates :) I keep bugging DH about them when i read what you've been up to as it helps me get all giddy and excited for our up-coming trip :banana::banana:
I also tell DD about it, but at 7 months, she's a little too young to understand what her mummy is saying :rotfl: She helps me to feel all excited too and I am with her all day :lovestruc

hope your still having a great time Disneymad and look forward to hearing the next installment... even the Crown Currency unfolding news can't wipe the excited smile off my face for the upcoming 3 weeks :goodvibes

Awww, that's so sweet with DD :) Glad you're enjoying them and yeah, just read about the CC situation, really hope that works out ok for everyone and glad to hear you're not letting it get you down and are still looking forward to your trip!:thumbsup2

Just uploading some pics now of MNNSHP so another installment coming up imminently!
Just a wee update before I post my piccies of MNNSHP.

Today has been another glorious day weather wise, hot and sunny with barely a cloud to be seen, plus the humidity has really dropped off now - it's really is as close to perfect as you could want.

I won't make too many spoilers until I get the piccies uploaded etc but just wanted to say we had a great meal at Sanaa last night too. Soooooo glad I was able to rebook that after Friday's hiccup where we missed it. Even had the perfect table next to a window - shame it was dark and all the animals were asleep. Dammit, don't those critters know who I am?! ;)

Unexpected bonus came when we got on the bus from AKL to DTD - due to the WDW Half Marathon some of the major roads had been shut down and the bus got diverted through Animal Kingdom...Backstage! Most of it was fairly dull buildings, outhouses and trucks etc, we got close to the animals with a 'behind those trees are where all the animals are asleep' but couldn't see anything. However sad Disney geek that I am, I thought it was pretty cool when we went past the parking lot for the Kilimanjaro Safari's and we saw row upon row upon row of the ride trucks...man they have a LOT of those.

Anyhow, MNSSHP pics coming soon!
Thursday piccies!

Daytime was fairly uneventful as we wanted to conserve energy for MNSSHP that night. We had lunch at Perkins, quick stop at Walmart to top up supplies (no pics of food, sorry, as I don't like to leave camera in the car or lug it around in the store), then we had a little dip in the quiet pool at the resort.

I enjoy the Christmas Party but I think the Halloween one is better - the whole trick or treat stuff, the costumes, the villains - it's just a lot of good old fashioned fun!

We arrived at about 6:30 as didn't want to get bogged down in the crowds when the party officially starts at 7pm. The special party decorations were already in place to welcome us in though.

There were many obvious spooky goings on however I do wonder how many people were actually seeing the more low key effects like this that were all over the park above their heads!

While we passed the time waiting for the party to start I hit the Lunching Pad and we grabbed a drink and a Sweet Cheese Pretzel to share

I'd heard about these from the forums as lots of people love them...add me to the list! This was really yummy, all warm and doughy and the sweet cream cheese was more a hint of sweet rather than all out sickly sweet. I'll definitely be having one of these again in the future that's for sure.

The Cast Members were also having a lot of fun - I get the feeling they were just told they could let their hair down a little bit so to speak. I couldn't get a picture as people were being surprisingly boring and not trying it (that said, there was no way I was doing it either ;) ) but the CM's had a stick midway across the entrance to Mickey's Star Traders - you want to shop, you had to limbo, baby! You could however still walk around to the other entrance and walk in normally if you wanted, hehe.

There was also a game of ghostly Hopscotch

amongst other small game events taking place in Fantasyland (usually outside a shop entrance) which was very cute to see. Small in and of themselves but they did lend themselves to it being a very fun and relaxed atmopshere.

Between the odd ride (the only attraction with any sort of wait was Haunted Mansion, everything else was a walk on and running with half empty vehicles a lot of the time whenever we passed), we did a bit of Trick or Treating

and soaked up the atmosphere and Halloween decorations

We opted to skip the first parade (they started putting up the ropes for this as soon as the party officially started at 7pm as people were already staking their spot for the 8:15 parade - personally I find this insane, you pay good money for an awesome party and you....choose to sit on a curb for an hour of it! Thanks but no thanks) and unfortunately in a senior moment I realised I'd forgotten to take my trusty Gorillapod tripod so no pics of the 9:30 fireworks, grrr. You'll just have to take my word there that they are awesome, especially as they go 360 degrees around the park in places.

2nd parade was at 10:30 (so 45 mins away) - hmm, go stake out a spot or food? Yeah, you can probably guess what won that argument - time for dinner :)

As we wanted something quick and easy we hit up Casey's for a hot dog. The other half had a regular hotdog

this was tasty enough but kinda small - just regular size that you get out of a tin at home. The fixin's bar is the saving grace here though and he was happy to load it up with some Jalapeno's with a side of Saurkraut.

I had the Corn Dog Nuggets

These are a much better deal imo, you get a nice big cup full to munch!

Next post, the parade and the extra special ghostly haunts at the Haunted Mansion.
Glad you're having a nice time. Great pics! :goodvibes

Looking forward to your MNSSHP pics. :thumbsup2

ETA: Oops, just seen that you've posted them now!
MNSSHP is such a great event.

Sounds a great bonus going thru Animal Kingdom, Backstage. We love doing little things like that.
The special parade for MNSSHP is 'Boo to You' - featuring an infectious little song that follows you for days after you've heard it :lmao:

But just before the parade starts you're visited by the Headless Horseman galloping along the route...ok ok, it was a modest trot!

I actually remember the first party we went to a number of years back when he really did gallop through the park though (back then, all this was also fields and I walked up hill to work in the snow too :rotfl2: ) - it was totally awesome with the horse clattering along the street, shoes throwing up sparks as he went...a shame that stopped however totally made sense that it did, Health and Safety must have had a field day when they found out!

Hurrah, here comes the parade...

The gravediggers are coming for you...

These guys were awesome doing a little dance with their spades...every now and then they'd all simultaneously stop and drag the spades across the concrete which would through up a bunch of sparks. Sadly it all happened in a split second and try as I might, I just couldn't manage to catch it in a picture...boo! (if you'll pardon the pun)

The ghoulish dancer from the Haunted Mansion were in hot pursuit

followed by...The Haunted Mansion itself!

Dunno, guess the rent was too high and they had to move to a trailer park or summit ;)

Edit: oops! Left out a pic, can't forget the Voodoo!

Various Villains also seem to be having themselves a rather good time...

Though queenie still seems pretty miserable...no idea why, she didn't even have to walk!

It's not all scary though and all your favourite characters are there to also bring a smile...

some were even bearing gifts....Candy for all! (literally, they were handing candy out hand over fist here)

Yum yum! Thanks Goofy - we love ya man.

The sparkle effect were bubbles by the way.

This parade is so much fun, lots of ghostly happenings, but still lighthearted - the perfect balance for Halloween :thumbsup2

After the parade finished it was starting to get late and people were leaving in droves...time for Haunted Mansion then! Some extra ghoulish fun here as the servants who are usually just deadpan were all in full outfits and looked awesome, every single CM on the ride was dressed up like this!

There was also one of the 999 Happy Haunts taking some air outside the attraction!

This ghostly lady was great! She was sort of a wise-cracking New Yorker style chatterer if that makes any sense. Talking away to people as they passed or stopped to take pictures, and yapping away regardless to herself if there was no one in range - she never stopped with the dialogue. She was very funny.

If you're wondering if she also looks a little bit foggy...that's because she is. They were pumping out the dry ice around her and in the wait line outside. This was the only attraction where I saw any significant extra theming however the fireworks and parade have a heavy HM link so makes sense. Was really very very cool though.

After a quick ride on Peter Pan and Snow Whites Scary Adventures (these aren't really our kinds of rides but both were empty so we walked straight on) we made our way out the park, tired but very happy. A great party :)

Edit: oops, left out a pic of the Voodoo band and also forgot to mention, we found a great spot to watch the parade in Frontierland just 15 mins before the start, yay!
The special parade for MNSSHP is 'Boo to You' - featuring an infectious little song that follows you for days after you've heard it :lmao:

But just before the parade starts you're visited by the Headless Horseman galloping along the route...ok ok, it was a modest trot!
I actually remember the first party we went to a number of years back when he really did gallop through the park though (back then, all this was also fields and I walked up hill to work in the snow too :rotfl2: ) - it was totally awesome with the horse clattering along the street, shoes throwing up sparks as he went...a shame that stopped however totally made sense that it did, Health and Safety must have had a field day when they found out!

lol - oh yeah i remember the song well :goodvibes shame that the headless horseman no longer gallops through, it sent my hairs up on end, but was impossible for us to get a decent photo of - at least you can photograph him properly now - i do remember the CM's appearing to be a bit stressed before the horseman appears there are so many little kiddies at the front i guess it only needs 1 to make a break for it and that would be not be a nice sight. loving your photos and reports :thumbsup2
Love your pictures of the Halloween party - did you get dressed up?

My daughter remembers when we went (although it was a few years ago now) and wanted to go to the Christmas party this year - but like you I don't think it's as good.
did you get dressed up?

We didn't, we (well me) are slackers and stick in the muds :lmao: I did wear my MNSSHP t-shirt from 2007 though so that's almost dressed up! ;)

Just sorting out some more pictures as we speak so will post some more from the first day of the Food & Wine Festival.
Sounds & look's like your having an absolute blast :thumbsup2 Thankyou sooo much for sharing :goodvibes
Friday was a bit of a sleep in day after the Halloween Party the night before. We woke up to a beautiful day on Friday with barely any clouds and no wind...the view from our balcony this morning was therefore of the DTD balloon as we had coffee and munched on some cereal.

Ideal then for us to go visit the first day of Epcot's Food and Wine Festival what with WS not opening till 11am. Even so we didn't make it till about noon - slackers!

After a little browse at this years F&W merchandise

We started at Canada and began our leisurely stroll around the World Showcase - it was fairly busy being the first day but we expected this however we considered this visit something of a reconnaissance for what lay ahead of us after the weekend.

The other half picked up a sneaky Moosehead Light from Canada while we enjoyed the views as we wandered in the sunshine.

However we got all the way to Japan's offerings before we felt ready for a stop for a little nibble of food

We decided to try the California Roll, this was nice and fresh and tasty though we're far from sushi experts so who really knows ;)

Ginger (yuk), Green Wasabi sauce (evil), soy sauce (yummy) underneath.

After munching on a bench for a few minutes we started wandering again and I had to all but drag the other half past one of several dedicated beer stations at this years Festival. This was the USA's selection of beers.

However, I somehow managed to get him as far as Italy without him keeling over from lack of beer - victory!

We chose the Ravioli, I had the Fruit Smoothie (very refreshing even though I'm not really sure what was in it apart from Strawberries) and the other half had a Moretti.

The Ravioli was just one big single one so we had to cut it up in order to share, was tasty enough.

One of the handy things at the festival is that most of the beer servings are 12oz size (or you can choose bigger/smaller) which isn't much bigger than a can of coke, very handy as it means you can sample a reasonable number of the beers without falling face first on the ground after 10 minutes :lmao:

We stayed in Italy for a little bit while we rested and enjoyed our drinks before wandering to Germany. Hurrah, the Werthers shop "KaramellKuche" has finally opened with lots of candy - including a Pick n Mix (we miss you Woolies!). 10cents a candy.

and a very yummy looking counter of fresh goodies...

We didn't pick anything up at the time as it we were more interested in the Festival and it was too warm to carry items around with us. Definitely worth a future visit though!

There is a normal Germany F&W food cart however if you carry on past it and into the empty-ish area between Germany and China they've set up a cute little German Beer Garden there.

and they offer a large selection for beer lovers.

The other half opted for the 6oz Brewers Collection Sampler and he tried the Altenmünster Oktoberfest, Dunkel, Märzen. I don't drink beer myself but I'm told one was lager, one was a pale ale and one was a bitter - they all seemed to go down well enough so guess they were ok!

It was too hot to stand out in the sun in the beer garden plus I had no drink so I made bloke have a sip of his beers so we could move on a bit and we found a table in the shade opposite the African Outpost - in the cool but far from quiet with all those drums :lmao: He parked his beers there and I trotted over the bridge to China to pick up a drink and a snack though neither were from the F&W festival but 'normal food'.

I picked us up a couple of eggrolls to share (I changed my mind didn't open the duck sauce that I picked up so no idea what that was like or if it would even go well with them)

and I got myself an Iced Peach Oolong Tea - this was lovely and refreshing in the heat.

We finished our stroll around the Showcase and finished off by watching the Mariachi Band in Mexico before we decided to leave the park and hit the pool as we were melting in the heat.

This is the day where I'd forgotten to check the itinerary because I knew I'd planned a lazy one after the party and whilst supping a MaiTai at the pool uttered the words "I can't remember what I've booked for tonight but as long as it's not Sanaa then I'm not that fussed if we miss our ADR". DOH! Of course it was Sanaa and I was gutted when I got back to the room and found out we'd missed it. Fortunately was able to rebook it the next night, phew!

Feeling a bit grumpy still, we headed over to AK for what was left of evening EMH (the other part of the boo-boo as this wasn't happening again before we left and I love the atmosphere in AK after dusk). I didn't really take many photo's here due to my mood but we did ride Dinosaur for the first time in ages and Dinosaurs are always cool, right?

Feeling oddly vague about where to eat without our planned ADR we went back to resort but Turf Club was full, Animators Palette had a queue snaking around the room.

We then wandered to DTD which was heaving because it was Friday night...the grumpyness was not improving I can tell you! Wolfgang Puck Express, Earl of Sand, Rainforest, T-rex, Raglan, Paradiso37...either full or long waits, so we just kept on walking! Finally (and thankfully) we reached Wolfgang Puck Cafe and were able to get in virtually straight away, hurrah, finally fooooooooood!

They brought us out a basket of bread.

This was lovely and soft but would have been nicer if they were warm (*grumble grumble* told you we were grumpy, LOL).

The other half had the Pepperoni Pizza

He loved this, the pizza base was soft, fresh and doughy and there was lots of Pepperoni on top. I think he said it was a little spicy too, will have to check the menu to confirm that when I get the chance.

I had the Chicken and bacon pasta.

This was rich and creamy, the bacon was crispy and tasty, was a little light on the chicken though but was good overall.

We both enjoyed our meal here and was a restaurant we'd have been unlikely to try any time soon so this was an unexpected silver lining to what had been a rather large screw up with the itinerary.

We strolled home along the path back to the room, thankfully in a much better mood than earlier.

Edit: fixed a pic I'd left out and an overzealous profanity filter, LOL
Love the pictures of the menus & snacks avaialble on food & wine - we will have DDP and looks like we can get some great savoury munchies this year with our snack credits.
The Hops & Barley Market menu, New England Lobster roll, must be the highest value item I have seen for a DDP snack credit @ $7.25.
Great update again - i've got my eye on that lobster roll and DH would enjoy that beer flight.
Love the pictures of the menus & snacks avaialble on food & wine - we will have DDP and looks like we can get some great savoury munchies this year with our snack credits.

The DDP works very well with the F&W Festival, we had it once in the past and it was nice being able to burn loads of snack credits that we otherwise would have struggled with. That said, when we 'snack around the world' we normally skip a meal that day because we're not hungry - the portions are small but when you have a bunch of them they really fill you up. If you're planning some Signature dining to burn up extra meal credits on other days though it would work a treat.

The Hops & Barley Market menu, New England Lobster roll, must be the highest value item I have seen for a DDP snack credit @ $7.25.

I was surprised to see that too Wayne, especially as last year when we looked the Lobster Roll had been removed as a Snack. It had been on our previous trip when we were on the plan so we noticed when they'd taken it off the following trip (was $6.50 too then I think so it's also gone up).

I'd love to say it's great value but tbh, when we had it I was a little bit disappointed. It's a finger length sized roll (which is fine as that's the nature of all the F&W samples) but there wasn't much Lobster in it - to the point where it was hard to tell it was even there. However as I say, that was a few years back and it's a higher price now so that may mean they improved it *crosses fingers*
Saturday was planned to be a fairly lazy day and at this point of the trip am happy to skip the parks at the weekends when we know it's going to be busier, especially as during the weekday's it's been fairly quiet anyhow.

It's also the night we re-scheduled Sanaa for. It was meant originally to be GF Cafe but that bit the dust in preference to Sanaa.

We had a lazy breakfast of fruit and yoghurt in the room and then started the day with a walk. I'd heard that there was a path from SSR to OKW so I popped over to front desk to check if it was where I thought it was over by the Westside path (it was).

Conversation went something like this:-

Me: Hi! Could you tell me where I'd pick the path up from to walk to OKW?

1st CM: Oh no, there's no path.

Me: Oh. Right. Someone told me there was?

1st CM: Well I guess there might be one by the Treehouse Villas. That would be a very long walk though. Hey X! (hails another passing CM) Do you know if there's a path to OKW?

2nd CM: Well there's a bus or the boat.

1st CM: No, these people say they want to walk.

2nd CM: Oh *insert 'are you crazy?' look* Well that sure would be a long walk (I resist the urge to comment that I'm from the UK and we're actually quite used to walking beyond the house to the car but that would be evil and stuff). The path to Treehouse Villas might take them there?

*pondering looks between the 2 CM's*

2nd CM: Hey X! (hails an older man in a suit who was close by) Do you know if there is a path to OKW? These people would like to walk there.

3rd CM: Sure. Just go to the golf course bridge and turn right.

*some 'ooh so you can walk it' type looks between the first 2 CM's*

FYI it takes all of 25 leisurely minutes to walk between the 2 main Checkin/Hospitality areas :lmao: Ok, that might be a long walk for some, but it's certainly not for me.

It's also quite a pleasant walk

and was actually tagged as a Nature Trail though we were walking mid-morning and it was starting to get hot so didn't see anything bar a couple of birds but could easily imagine spotting a few critters popping out at cooler times of the day.

Note: this path is unlit so can't use it after dusk.


OKW came into view and brings back fond memories of previous times we've stayed here and we stroll over to Hospitality House...


...for a drink (well that long old walk was thirsty work you know!) and to take the boat back to DTD.

The Parrots are outside the Rainforest Cafe and are happily chattering to earn treats from their handler as we pass

We wander around a little bit and decide as we're not that hungry and as we've a big meal tonight that we'll can the planned lunch at Raglan Road (boo!) and just grab an Ice Cream Sundae from Ghiridelli's instead (yay!). Do you ever have one of those places you pass and say 'we really must try there someday, perhaps next time' - but somehow never seem to manage 'next time'? Ghiridelli's was that place for us. It was just one of those places that never happened for us - until now...finally :yay:

We split a Gold Rush

which is vanilla ice cream, peanut butter sauce, chocolate fudge sauce with some whipped cream on top. Basically it's their version of a No Way Jose from Beaches and Cream which is our sundae of choice. It's also a smaller version which is good if you're not looking to pig out and bad if you are ;)

We enjoyed this and the other half also reported that the coffee was good here too but we still prefer our No Way Jose. Of course that just means that next time we find time to go back we'll have to try something else!

We walked off the sundae by....going all the way next door to their chocolate shop.

We just browsed but didn't buy but fyi in case people don't realise, they do give out free samples here and the freebie chocolate caramel of the day was Pumpkin Spice - basically cinnamon. Didn't really do it for me but I'm a bit of a traditionalist when it come to my chocolate, the basics of dark, milk and white usually keep me more than happy.

We'd not really visited WestSide this trip so we made our way across, it's next to impossible to get the other half past the Lego Shop though so we stopped there for a browse.

Howdy Partner!

I loved Lego as a kid and judging by the all the excited children filling up their buckets full of bricks, it's as timeless as ever.

We also saw Ridemakers for the first time. I must say, I wasn't particularly impressed, half the floor was physically empty, it was a bit sterile and it seems like I may not be the only one to feel that way as the place was very quiet though to fair, it's low season and we were there in the middle of the day. Maybe it feels more fun and buzzy in the evenings or something. As it was, the most exciting thing there for me were the real cars on show!

We finished our walk through DTD and WestSide and took the alternative path back to our room for a quick dip in the pool and a rest before dinner, then it was off to the Villa's at Animal Kingdom Lodge

and Sanaa for dinner.

Sorry for the poor quality of some of the pictures as the restaurant has very low lighting in it (it's lovely atmosphere, very mellow and relaxed) and I definitely didn't want to upset people enjoying their meal with the flash so I had to muddle through with a low shutter speed as best I could.

I started with a Kande Coconut Cooler cocktail

This is Rum, Coconut, vanilla Ice cream and orange juice - I thought it might just be like a boozy milkshake, hehe, but it just like a regular creamy cocktail. The other half had a Safari Amber beer.

We started with the bread & dip selection.

You get to choose 3 breads and 3 dips from a choice of several. We got the Naan, Onion Kulcha and the Popadum with Cucumber Raita, Mango Chutney & Garlic Pickle.

Then we each went for the sampler, with this option you choose 2 out of a choice of 4 dishes with a further choice of either Basmati or 5 grain pilaf.

I chose (bottom row), Beef Shortribs, 5 grain pilaf and the Lamb Coconut Curry.

The other half chose (top row), Chicken in Red Curry Sauce, Basmati Rice and the Shortribs. (The last remaining choice that neither of us got was Shrimp in Green Curry Sauce).

These were all delicious - the meats were all melt in the mouth tender, but I had a sneaky taste of the Chicken Curry and I think that I preferred that slightly over the Lamb Curry. But really, everything was all around good and even better, the food is more interesting than standard American - and particularly Disney's fare. I think this is definitely somewhere we'll be heading back to on a future trip at some time.

Our server then brought us out some chocolate cake for our Anniversary (awww)

with a hmm - fuzzy memory and I can't find an uptodate menu on the Dis or Allears - I think it was a Strawberry and mint sorbet. It was very light and fresh in contrast to the rich chocolate and the flavours worked together perfectly.

Yay for free desserts...but blast, I was planning on having the dessert sampler for me pudding...what to do, what to do...well, obviously we order the sampler anyhow!

As the Sampler comes with the chocolate cake on, our server offered to swap in the Orange Sesame Seed Cake instead.

This is a really nice way to taste the different desserts as the portions are small and it's also ideal for sharing. On the left was Mango Kulchi (think that's what it was called, I really wish I'd made notes but I didn't realise that this was a new menu and wasn't online yet), which was a sort of Mango Sorbet, middle was the Chai Cream - this was the only one I wasn't keen on as it had Ginger in it which I don't like. It was a sort of spiced cream/custard - the other half gobbled it up though...well not sure gobble is the right word, the cup was the size of a little espresso cup. On the right is the Orange Sesame Seed Cake. This was sort of a madeira type sponge with an orange sauce and sesame seeds drizzled over the top.

The other half also treated himself to an Irish Coffee to wash it down with - if you're pushing the boat out on a meal, may as well go the whole way eh? ;)

I just wanted to add that another thing that was nice about this restaurant is that you don't feel remotely rushed. The courses come out at a reasonable enough pace that you don't feel like it's slow service, but not so fast that you've not had a proper chance to digest your food and let it settle a little before moving on. At the end, at no point did we feel under any pressure to get out the door and we enjoyed picking at the desserts at our own pace.

All in all, an all round positive experience for us and I consider it a notch above the norm - I can see why people compare it favourably with a Signature experience rather than a standard Disney restaurant. A big :thumbsup2

One last picture, before we made the trek home on the bus I found possibly one of the most pretty restrooms on property. Newp, nothing is sacred if I have my camera so I whipped it out and took a picture of the loo's :lmao:


The picture doesn't do it justice really as it was a 360 marble effect but really, these toilets are amazing.

That's all for tonight, more tomorrow - nightnight all :)
I am loving your trip report and photos. I to like photos of the facilities!! :rotfl2:They look very luxurious, there are something you need to know about and I reckon there are a lot of secret toilet stalkers out there (although not in a certain pop star kinda way!):rotfl::rotfl:
Sounds like you are having a great time, I love seeing the photos. So pleased you enjoyed Sanaa it is a lovely place to eat. :thumbsup2


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