Official 2011 Princess Half Thread Part II!!!

Kelley A meet is set up so that those who actually would like to meet face to face can. Some one set up a time and place..most times it is Saturday at a Resort.

I know you ladies have been working hard. I actually started my official training today with a 7 mile run outside (yeah, not so fond of the TM for long runs). It was warm, 60ish and partly sunny with a small breeze. Hope I can get all my LR in outside this year. Last year I trained ALL on the TM.

Eight weeks from today and it will be history, in the book and on to the next race.

I just noticed your 20 minute time improvement in 1 year's time----WOW, waY TO GO!:banana:
Got my 9 miler in today . . . finally . . . in the rain. I feel a little wobbly, but I'm glad it's in the bag! Yuck.
Kat - I adore my Garmin. I am such a horrible judge of distance and I didn't find mapmyrun or other similar sites to be accurate enough for me. I got a used Garmin 301 from a friend earlier in the year and fell in love with it. It came with the heartrate monitor, but it was annoying and I never used it. So, when I bought a 'backup' a few weeks ago when Amazon had a sale, I bought the 205. The only difference between it and the 305 was the lack of HR monitor and I knew I wouldn't use it anyway. Of course, I guess I could always use the monitor I have with the new watch if I had to.

I don't know much about the brand new models, but I really love using the Virtual Partner function so I can see just how far ahead (or behind) my time I am. (Helps keep me ahead of the sweepers! :lmao: ). I know some people had complaints about the newer models with the touch-bezel controls. They said that hitting the face/bezel of the watch inadvertantly pressed buttons or changed modes, etc. I don't know how much truth there is to that or which models were affected by that problem, but I definitely didn't need that!

I really like my 205 so far! (And still like my 301 even though it's pretty bulky).
Jude You can figure out where the inclines are..around mile 5 and 10 etc, just look at the map and ask questions to figure it out and then when you are doing a long run when you get to that point in the race aka LR up your incline to cover that section etc etc. I did that a couple years ago.

Bounceliketigger the time difference is that in the first Princess I took my DDs and they held me back. They were 18 and 20 that year...well they are coming back with me this year after a year off, so we'll see how that goes. They want to do better, but I'm not seeing the training too many diversions in college, but that okay. I glad they want to do it and with me.
Ladies, I have a problem. This is rather embarrassing, but it's not like you'll know it's me at the race so you can't point and laugh. :rolleyes1 DD is almost 2 and I've struggled with incontinence since she was born. (She camped out in the birth canal and I pushed for 4 hours.) So now I can't laugh or cough too hard without issues. I know this is a common issue for moms, and I know it might not ever get better.

But all of a sudden, I am having serious problems when I run. Up till now I would just get that feeling that I had to go, even if I really didn't. Well my past 2 runs outside have been disasters. I had to cut my run short today and wound up walking 90 percent of it. Every time I started to run, "whoosh", out it came! :scared1: I was soaked down to my knees. I even stopped and used the port-a-jon on the greenway and STILL had leakage when I ran afterwards. I was in tears I was so discouraged. Thankfully my black running pants are good at hiding wetness, so hopefully no one knew but me. But it makes you really cold when the wind blows and you're soaking wet. I guess some Depends are in my future?

Has anyone else had this issue? Any suggestions on how to fix it? I am going to start doing more kegels and check out some Depends for my next run. :sad2:
ugh! you guys! why does the universe NOT want me to succeed in my training??

i was all set to run 9 miles today. went to bed early last night because i wasn't feeling all that great. well, it's 7:10pm and i never got out of bed :( i have the WORST cold! if it's not sickness or injury or not being able to find someone to watch the kiddo, i've barely done any running in like two months!

i'm hoping that i will feel better and i asked my cousin's friend who is home from college on winter break to watch my son while i go run.

this is so frustrating!
M'thonMom- way to go on your 9! And in the chilly rain too!

I did 7, which was ok for me considering it was my 1st long run since the PT gave me the ok to do up to 5 last week (shhhhh!). I actually used Galloway in hopes to preserve my knee. I did a 5:1 interval & finished in 1:23. Not my best time but i'll take it. (and I had to stop twice for 3 min each to stretch the knee). Overall I felt pretty darn good at the end, which I attribute to a lot of form focus. I'm trying to use Chi & it seems to be working.

Keke- you are most certainly not alone. I have a 'hyperactive kidney', which makes running a challenge. Combined with other wicked nasty digestive issues, which I understand are quite common for runners.

Good news is that there are medications that do a great job of addressing the problem, if you haven't tried that yet. And far more comfy than depends or poise. More good news- plenty of runners deal w/ similar issues & from what I gather, no one really notices or cares why you're wet. (Even though of course you do.)

Keep up those keigels & we'll see you at the races!
I got my 9 mile in today also. It was a little chilly at 41 and a bit windy, but not bad. I tried to hold back a little as my left shin has been naggin me, not aching but I can just feel it...worried about agrivating - just when I get over the PF, now this. UGH, just a wake up call to STRETCH STRETCH STRETCH.....and not over train. My feet were tired an a little achy last mile, but overall felt very good.

Its funny - my feet felt exactly the same the last mile of my 8 mile run, maybe its all in my head!

Marathonmommy, good job on your run.

Dumbo_buddy, so sorry about your cold and lack of sitters....

Well Tuesday I will look at the airfares one last time and get my flight booked. DH now might come with our little one, which is cool by me! Either way its going to be great.

So hard to believe 1 more mile and technically I am ready! I have come a long way from the hot July morning Couch 2 5K program. And the race will be here before you know it!
Kelley A meet is set up so that those who actually would like to meet face to face can. Some one set up a time and place..most times it is Saturday at a Resort.

Love this idea! I need to find someone who has my pace because the people that I am going with are straight runners.
ugh! you guys! why does the universe NOT want me to succeed in my training??

i was all set to run 9 miles today. went to bed early last night because i wasn't feeling all that great. well, it's 7:10pm and i never got out of bed :( i have the WORST cold! if it's not sickness or injury or not being able to find someone to watch the kiddo, i've barely done any running in like two months!

i'm hoping that i will feel better and i asked my cousin's friend who is home from college on winter break to watch my son while i go run.

this is so frustrating!

Sorry your sick, but don't give up. I am just coming out of being sick for a month. and I know Kat on this thread just got out of a cast.
You had a good pace before you started to get sick. Just one mile at a time.
You can do this!
Thanks Maggie, Kat & Meg for the places to find the heat packs! I will be picking them up soon! :)
Happy New Year everyone! Can’t believe we’re only 55 days from race day! I’m so glad to hear that princesses are healing and able to run again. I did a 9.8 mile run yesterday. It has been so cold here in the Carolinas (I know, I’m wimpy), but yesterday it was 60 degrees. Yay! It felt so nice to be out running in a tshirt and shorts. Unfortunately, it was back down in the 20’s this morning.
I have a pink tutu from my sister that I plan on wearing at the race. Like others, I’m a bit freaked out that I won’t know what it is like to run in it until race day. It is very short and light weight, but puffy. I might have to run around in my back yard in the dark to try it out!:lmao:
I also want to wear a tiara. Anyone have any tips for how they kept it securely on their heads for 13.1 miles????
Sorry your sick, but don't give up. I am just coming out of being sick for a month. and I know Kat on this thread just got out of a cast.
You had a good pace before you started to get sick. Just one mile at a time.
You can do this!

thanks sweetie! i am NOT giving up! if i have to walk the whole darn thing i'm going to finish this race. i just REALLY wanted to be ahead on the training instead of behind. i was up to 10 miles in november! but between getting injured and getting sick THREE times, it's been really slow going. i did 7 miles last weekend.

does anyone have experience with running with a sinus infection/cold? i feel so much pressure in my head right now and can hardly walk without pain. is it ok to run with a sinus infection/cold if i start feeling a little better? i don't want to have to wait a week or more to get all better and then be REALLY behind!
does anyone have experience with running with a sinus infection/cold? i feel so much pressure in my head right now and can hardly walk without pain. is it ok to run with a sinus infection/cold if i start feeling a little better? i don't want to have to wait a week or more to get all better and then be REALLY behind!

I ran through a pretty nasty cold last year. I actually think it helped to move it along. I run outside, so the cold air always makes me runny anyway (sorry gross!) so after my runs during my cold it was a good opportunity to get all of that junk out of there (again, sorry so gross!) I also started using a neti pot during that cold and used it after those runs, which really helped a lot.

I would say as long as your head isn't throbbing and your lungs aren't raw you should be able to give it a shot and just don't push it too hard.

Sometime a while back I heard some guideline that you can workout through a cold but not through a flu, so that's what I usually follow. :confused3
I have a question for those of you who run on a treadmill. Yesterday, my DH and I bought a new NordicTrack. However, before we took it home, I didn't think to ask whether or not it will track my pace while running. And unfortunately, I found out this morning that the model we bought will not. The person that my DH spoke to said that the only ones that offer that feature are $1,000+, and that is totally out of our budget. (The one we bought was on sale for $599). The treadmills that I'm use to running on at our gym does tell you your pace, so I just assumed that all treadmills would come with it. So, my question is this--is there anyone else out there who runs on one that does not tell you your pace, and if so, how do you keep up with it to make sure that you're training where you want to be?
Attention Asic 2150 wearers...

runningwarehouse just lowered their price on what is left in stock. With the WISHD discount, nets to $50.90! Just got myself a new pair of shoes, will start to break them in before the race! What a deal.... had to share.
Attention Asic 2150 wearers...

runningwarehouse just lowered their price on what is left in stock. With the WISHD discount, nets to $50.90! Just got myself a new pair of shoes, will start to break them in before the race! What a deal.... had to share.

ARGH!!! I *JUST* bought some, they are arriving TODAY. Bleah!
I have a question for those of you who run on a treadmill. Yesterday, my DH and I bought a new NordicTrack. However, before we took it home, I didn't think to ask whether or not it will track my pace while running. And unfortunately, I found out this morning that the model we bought will not. The person that my DH spoke to said that the only ones that offer that feature are $1,000+, and that is totally out of our budget. (The one we bought was on sale for $599). The treadmills that I'm use to running on at our gym does tell you your pace, so I just assumed that all treadmills would come with it. So, my question is this--is there anyone else out there who runs on one that does not tell you your pace, and if so, how do you keep up with it to make sure that you're training where you want to be?

Does it give you pace as 1, 2, 3, 4 etc? You can covert that (ex - 4 is 4 mph or a 15 minute mile). I use that to gauge my speed.
Does it give you pace as 1, 2, 3, 4 etc? You can covert that (ex - 4 is 4 mph or a 15 minute mile). I use that to gauge my speed.

My problem is that I'll be doing a run/walk combo, so my speed will be changing every few minutes.
Saysay, thanks for the heads up!!

RunningWarehouse is *awesome* and just credited back the price drop on the 2150s. :)


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