Official 2011 Wine & Dine Half and Relay Thread

I had the Email, text and Facebook alerts working too. but I only got ones that said we crossed the finish line.....i was expecting more updates like crossing mile 4, mile 8, mile 12....stuff like that. either way, they worked and were right on time. i got my text that I finsheed before i got my medal!! :lmao:

and the bus transportation from ASSPorts going to the race was fine, atleast for me. I boarded the bus about 6:50 and made it to WWoS shortly after 7pm. the transpoertatiion at the end of the race left much to be desired. I don't know what time the PP left, but I walked out just before 3am and they were directing us to a different bus lot, but the tram lines were full of non-runners and it was miles long!! I wasn't about to stand still for half an hour waiting....standing hurt more than walking! so I, along with hunderds of other runners, WALKED thru the parking lot over to the bus transportation. and there was a HUGE line for the All Star Resorts!! 1 bus for all 3 resorts!! All Stars have almost 6000 rooms! they realled needed 1 bus per resort, and the woman loading the buses wasn't too bright. she couldn't count and put too many people on the bus, so many had to get off. not me!! i'd rather stand for the ride than get off and wait for another bus to show up!

I too was unimpressed with the drink selection after the race. I can't stand beer, really wanted a class of wine, or heck yeah, even milk!! And I wasn't there last year so I can't say if it was an improvement, but I thought the party was still way too crowded!

What cell phone company do you use? That seemed to have some effects on the accuracy on the messages. I have AT&T, a friend had T-Mobile, and another one had Virgin Mobile and the one with Virgin Mobile didn't get the texts or e-mails (which I have no idea how those are related) for some weird reason. I literally had my phone buzz within two seconds of crossing those sensors on the course.
I was reading the Run Disney Facebook page, and it looks like there are a couple of upset people who were picked up by sweepers. Anyone read those threads? I'm not exactly sure what happened with them.
I think the sweep issue is the fact that they swept at 11.5... SOOO late in the race, and if you searched around for last years info, the final sweep point was right before Hollywood Studios. They were accurate with the pace, it just sucks for those of us that were at the back of the pack to begin with. I was passed several times by the sweeper pace monitor bikers... repeatedly, the pace they told us... "3 minutes ahead of pace (several times)... 1.5 minutes ahead of pace (after a super quick potty stop)" were completely accurate with my Garmin... It took me several times passing these folks before I realized that they were the same ladies each time, I felt like I was living in a Groundhog day.

I do think the sweep was fair in terms of pace... but really, 1.6 miles from the end is just SO devastating. And, that 11.5 mile point was in that tight stretch along the canal, so it was impossible to pick up the pace even when we wanted to, there was just so little room and SO many people were going so slow... folks that had probably started out much stronger and petered out.

It seemed like they ensured that not one single person had a finish time past 4 hours, so that only gave the Corral E starters less than 10 minutes of wiggle room. So, totally by the book, but again... so emotionally devastating to be that close to the finish. I honestly didn't realize how close I came to the actual sweep point until I read those posts...
I get being upset about being swept. Being in a race is an emotional thing and not finishing has to be the worst feeling ever. Attacking Disney because of it wasn't cool. There is no doubt that the W&D was an incredibly difficult race for so many. I did my second slowest race and had my best finish as far as my placing. :confused3 So, the sweepers had to make a call and they did. They gave extra time and swept later in the hopes that those straggling could find a second wind. They didn't and were approaching what I felt was the most difficult part of the course - even if it was "almost there" and they had to be the bad guys. Not an easy job and certainly not the easiest of decisions. Instead of swearing off Disney, I would hope that anyone truly doing this for the sense of accomplishment would actually use the experience to come back so much stronger the next time. We all experience failure at some point or another and how we come back from it is ultimately our biggest test. I hope that that group does another race and doesn't see a sweeper. I still worry about sweepers...and imagine that they look like storm troopers. :lmao:
It's worse on bike rides. This year on a long charity ride there was an accident from the second bike in a thirty bike paceline hitting something. ( a piece of tire picked up and going into the spokes) Took out eight bikes with four people going to the hosipital. At least in running injuries usually involves legs.. biking seems to be a lot worse because of the speeds involved. (That's why I run so slow :) )

Oh yes. If you watch any pro races you'll quickly learn that even the best still face the dreaded mid-peloton pile up.

I only ride solo so my one and only crash was caused by a missing piece of road at the apex of a blind curve. Luckily other than a bit of missing skin and a pinky finger that didn't feel right for a year I managed to get out of it pretty well.
Well, back at work today from our vacation...:mad: Oh well, I'm sure I'll be back soon enough. I've been trying to get caught up on how everyone did and what everyone thought of the race. For me, I loved it and definitely will do it again! Transportation for us was flawless...we stayed at CB and just took a regular park bus to Epcot, walked over to the busses to WWoS and were put on a bus in less than 5 minutes. Getting into WWoS was a little "trafficky" but nothing bad. We were early enough that we had time to make potty breaks, relax, check our bag, wait in a looooooong line for pics with Chef Mickey and stretch before going into the corral. Totally stress-free. I really really enjoyed the race itself. My BF and I ran together for the first time, planning on taking all the picture stops that we wanted. We started in corral B. I think we stopped for every pic except Darth Vader and the dude from "Up". I thought the race went by really fast! We ended up with a 2:48 time, better than I expected with the stops. I estimated closer to the 3 hour mark. I have to agree with some other posters about the very underwhelming finish line. My BF and I both were surprised by that. I remember really enjoying the entrance into AK with the different colored tusks on either side...I thought that looked really nice. We didn't get very many good official pics either. The guy that took the finisher pic after we had our medals really ticked me off! he didn't even give me a chance to get myself set, just snapped the picture and motioned for the next a result my mouth is open and I look completely stupid! We found a nice person a few minutes later to take a better one with my own camera though. Also, many of the photographers we saw on the course just happened to be tinkering with their cameras and not taking pictures every time we saw annoying!!! The ONE shot that got us both together, looking at the camera, and centered is of course blurry. The after party seemed crowded but I have to say, we never made it past the medal engraving table so I have no idea if it was any better further around the World Showcase or in other areas of the park. I've noticed that after races I feel a little unsettled in my stomach for about a half hour and can barely drink any water, so didn't even want to think about getting any food or going on any rides...which was fine with both of us...we had several other days to spend at the festival so we didn't feel bad about not staying for any of the after was just super crowded getting into and out of the park! Since we weren't at a host hotel, we headed straight for the taxi line and there were plenty lined up waiting for wait (and they were closer than the busses I think!) So, all in all I really enjoyed myself and am glad I did this only concern going in was the 10p start time since I am much more of a morning person, but it didn't seem to effect me at all. Had we not made any picture stops I think I would have been right in line time-wise with my last 2 races...and I didn't do any night time training runs at all.

Now, on to Tinkerbell training!!! :cheer2:
Oh yes. If you watch any pro races you'll quickly learn that even the best still face the dreaded mid-peloton pile up.

I only ride solo so my one and only crash was caused by a missing piece of road at the apex of a blind curve. Luckily other than a bit of missing skin and a pinky finger that didn't feel right for a year I managed to get out of it pretty well.

I know what you mean. I usually only ride by myself. I don't like pacelines for a lot reasons. But this was an 80 mile ride and after doing the first section solo... I was tired of being passed by pacelines like I was standing still. So in the middle of the ride I finally forced my way into the middle of a paceline and took advantage of it.. that section I averaged 22 MPH. It was at the end of the ride that I found out about the crash. I wanted to say I did the entire ride without the benefit of the drafting.. But, I gave in to the dark side.. (Don't tell my Tri friends)
I think the sweep issue is the fact that they swept at 11.5... SOOO late in the race, and if you searched around for last years info, the final sweep point was right before Hollywood Studios. They were accurate with the pace, it just sucks for those of us that were at the back of the pack to begin with. I was passed several times by the sweeper pace monitor bikers... repeatedly, the pace they told us... "3 minutes ahead of pace (several times)... 1.5 minutes ahead of pace (after a super quick potty stop)" were completely accurate with my Garmin... It took me several times passing these folks before I realized that they were the same ladies each time, I felt like I was living in a Groundhog day.

I do think the sweep was fair in terms of pace... but really, 1.6 miles from the end is just SO devastating. And, that 11.5 mile point was in that tight stretch along the canal, so it was impossible to pick up the pace even when we wanted to, there was just so little room and SO many people were going so slow... folks that had probably started out much stronger and petered out.

It seemed like they ensured that not one single person had a finish time past 4 hours, so that only gave the Corral E starters less than 10 minutes of wiggle room. So, totally by the book, but again... so emotionally devastating to be that close to the finish. I honestly didn't realize how close I came to the actual sweep point until I read those posts...

I don't understand the thinking of sweeping there. I could understand getting people off the roads so they can be opened back up.. But at 11.5 doesn't make any sense. Also, you can't make me get on a bus.. Ever. As long as you were on public access route.. They can't force you to do anything. I really think the sweeper ladies were clueless. I hope that this wasn't run disney's decision.. Just these ladies' over zealous interpretation if the rules.
Does anyone have a link to the photos? I haven't gotten my email yet, but everyone has been posting that they can see their photos? Im gettin anxious to see the pictures! :goodvibes
I had a great time at during my extended weekend for the Wine and Dine Half. I spent time with my great friends and their families. I finished in 3:16 which obviously is not my best time but the fact is I walked the entire race as a result of just having surgery on my clavicle the Tuesday before and I was wearing a sling. I was tempted a few times to run but I restrained myself. I was so very proud of my friends Jeanie, Matt and Tracy for completing their first Disney Half and especially my friends Karen and Cynthia for earning their C2C medals.

I SAW YOU!!!! I was behind you at one point (you were walking - I didn't know that you weren't able to run) - but I was hitting that mental wall, and when I saw you I told myself, "If this dude is out here with a broken arm, my butt can finish this race!"

Didn't know your arm wasn't broken, but you know ;) And my hubs and I saw you later on in Epcot and I pointed you out, and he was like WOW! LOL.
I know what you mean. I usually only ride by myself. I don't like pacelines for a lot reasons. But this was an 80 mile ride and after doing the first section solo... I was tired of being passed by pacelines like I was standing still. So in the middle of the ride I finally forced my way into the middle of a paceline and took advantage of it.. that section I averaged 22 MPH. It was at the end of the ride that I found out about the crash. I wanted to say I did the entire ride without the benefit of the drafting.. But, I gave in to the dark side.. (Don't tell my Tri friends)

Lots of people don't like paceline riding but it is one of the best ways to increase your overall endurance and speed. There is really no dark side IMO since you benefit greatly with the added effort expended.

In another month we will be getting many cyclists coming to my area of SW Fl. for winter riding. Last year we had a World Ranked triathlete from England ride with us, or rather pull us along when he took his turn out front. Had one of the McDonald's racing teams show up for a week of training rides.

I attribute my walking abilities directly to my bicycling and am surprised people don't use bicycling more for cross training.

As far as being swept, WDW is very generous with a 16mm pace requirement and IMO, the line has to be drawn somewhere. Sorry for those who are swept but it's not like we aren't warned.
It's great to read everyone's recounts of the race. :) So many first timers - congratulations!

Despite having run a half before and doing all my training, I was really nervous the week before and until the start. An old foot injury that hadn't hurt in over a year started acting up and making me crazy. Based on my chronic IT band problems, I knew I'd be speedwalking with a minute of running thrown in a few times per mile. But the foot had me freaked that I wouldn't even complete the race. My foot didn't end up bugging me much, but the IT band got me as usual. When I ran the 2010 Princess, I literally smiled the entire time - never hit a wall - just ran among the clouds - and had enough energy to practically sprint to the finish. This experience was the opposite - it was a long, hard slog. Just before entering DHS, I hit a physical wall where so many things in my body were aching that it was just no fun. The characters, Jumbotron, and Christmas lights put a spring back in my step. Thank you to the cast member who kept yelling, "Merry Christmas" as we entered the Osborn Lights. Mile 12 to 13 felt longer than a single mile has a right to! Despite finishing nearly 20 minutes slower than my last half, I think I had more of a sense of accomplishment crossing the finish line. An easy 13.1 miles would have been welcome, but I'm proud of my mental toughness in this race.

Those giant pumps of BioFreeze were cool. As I took some and applied it while I kept walking - the volunteer yelled after me, "We have Tylenol, too!" :) The BioFreeze didn't seem to help, but I figured it couldn't hurt to try.

I loved seeing everyone's costumes or custom shirts!

I'm planning on running next year's race - and hoping I can finish faster so I have more time at the party!
Lots of people don't like paceline riding but it is one of the best ways to increase your overall endurance and speed. There is really no dark side IMO since you benefit greatly with the added effort expended.

In another month we will be getting many cyclists coming to my area of SW Fl. for winter riding. Last year we had a World Ranked triathlete from England ride with us, or rather pull us along when he took his turn out front. Had one of the McDonald's racing teams show up for a week of training rides.

I attribute my walking abilities directly to my bicycling and am surprised people don't use bicycling more for cross training.

As far as being swept, WDW is very generous with a 16mm pace requirement and IMO, the line has to be drawn somewhere. Sorry for those who are swept but it's not like we aren't warned.

You aren't allowed to draft in a triathelon so I wanted to see if I could do the 80 miles without drafting. I think I did about 55 miles of the ride without the aid of drafting.. Which is about what I wanted to see if I could do.

What I don't generally like about pacelines is they never seem to go the right speed for me. I lag going up hills, and then have to ride my brakes going down the hill to stay in the line. Which is mostly due to my size, I'm not shaped like your normal cyclist... Also since I do almost all of my riding alone, I am just not comfortable riding wheel to wheel. Maybe I'll work on it with riders I trust next season.
You aren't allowed to draft in a triathelon so I wanted to see if I could do the 80 miles without drafting. I think I did about 55 miles of the ride without the aid of drafting.. Which is about what I wanted to see if I could do.

What I don't generally like about pacelines is they never seem to go the right speed for me. I lag going up hills, and then have to ride my brakes going down the hill to stay in the line. Which is mostly due to my size, I'm not shaped like your normal cyclist... Also since I do almost all of my riding alone, I am just not comfortable riding wheel to wheel. Maybe I'll work on it with riders I trust next season.

I thought whether drafting was legal or not depended on the particular Triathlon. I watch the ITU World Championship series and those triathlons are draft legal. I think Hi-Vee is too. I know most long course Tri's aren't draft legal but I was always under the impression many short course Tri's were.

I'm still kind of a Tri novice so I could be way off.
What cell phone company do you use? That seemed to have some effects on the accuracy on the messages. I have AT&T, a friend had T-Mobile, and another one had Virgin Mobile and the one with Virgin Mobile didn't get the texts or e-mails (which I have no idea how those are related) for some weird reason. I literally had my phone buzz within two seconds of crossing those sensors on the course.

I have Verizon.
It's great to read everyone's recounts of the race. :) So many first timers - congratulations!

Despite having run a half before and doing all my training, I was really nervous the week before and until the start. An old foot injury that hadn't hurt in over a year started acting up and making me crazy. Based on my chronic IT band problems, I knew I'd be speedwalking with a minute of running thrown in a few times per mile. But the foot had me freaked that I wouldn't even complete the race. My foot didn't end up bugging me much, but the IT band got me as usual. When I ran the 2010 Princess, I literally smiled the entire time - never hit a wall - just ran among the clouds - and had enough energy to practically sprint to the finish. This experience was the opposite - it was a long, hard slog. Just before entering DHS, I hit a physical wall where so many things in my body were aching that it was just no fun. The characters, Jumbotron, and Christmas lights put a spring back in my step. Thank you to the cast member who kept yelling, "Merry Christmas" as we entered the Osborn Lights. Mile 12 to 13 felt longer than a single mile has a right to! Despite finishing nearly 20 minutes slower than my last half, I think I had more of a sense of accomplishment crossing the finish line. An easy 13.1 miles would have been welcome, but I'm proud of my mental toughness in this race.

Those giant pumps of BioFreeze were cool. As I took some and applied it while I kept walking - the volunteer yelled after me, "We have Tylenol, too!" :) The BioFreeze didn't seem to help, but I figured it couldn't hurt to try.

I loved seeing everyone's costumes or custom shirts!

I'm planning on running next year's race - and hoping I can finish faster so I have more time at the party!

I am so glad that you finished!! I had the same experience with my IT band a while back and was advised to give the CW-X running tights a try. I did and have never looked back (or had any feedback from my IT band :thumbsup2) so if you haven't tried compression pants, I would highly recommend them! They won't help with the foot, but the IT band to me was worse than the PF I had gone through. I like being able to bend my knee!
I thought whether drafting was legal or not depended on the particular Triathlon. I watch the ITU World Championship series and those triathlons are draft legal. I think Hi-Vee is too. I know most long course Tri's aren't draft legal but I was always under the impression many short course Tri's were.

I'm still kind of a Tri novice so I could be way off.

While drafting in a tri event might not be legal at times, drafting is as I mentioned a great way to improve. Two years ago this upcoming Halloween I ventured out at 1:30AM for the start of my 200 mile ride. The first 98 miles were by myself at a respectable speed for a 60yo. I then joined a group of guys I ride with and the next 40 miles we booked. Taking a pull at 28mph then getting back in line and recovering then doing it again and again has a benefit that no amount of individual riding can accomplish for someone my age. When the guys sprinted into the 30s I just let them go knowing I would catch up eventually because I can motor along like a diesel while they fade like a cheetah. After finishing the 40 miler I continued on my own to actually complete 201 miles and felt good after.

The draft will help even if a foot or a little more behind but I enjoy being a couple of inches behind guys I know and trust. It provides a period of time where I am on the edge and very alert.

Sam G, if you prefer riding on your own that's great. You and I have something in common with that as I find during those riding times I am truly in touch with everything. Nothing like hearing just the tires, muffled chain and wind while concentrating on breathing and cadence. I understand what you are referring to about the speed differential but at those times I just pull out, sit up and slow down then get back in line. Again, riding with people you know helps. As far as body type, I was once 45 pounds heavier and now the guys say I look like a Columbian mountain rider and I do so enjoy the hills.
Hello all, I had so much fun at the race. I got the time I wanted and that included pictures. I am planning to do the race again in the future. The plan right now is that I am going to go for the coast to coast in 2014. That is the next time I will do the Wine and Dine Half. My sister will be out of grad school so her my dad and myself are going to do the half while my mom cheers us on.

It was nice meet all of you that I ran into either before or on the actual race course.:goodvibes


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