Official 2012 Princess Half Marathon Thread!

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I am so struggling with the time change and temps change to get my running in. I love running outside and it's dark and cold before and after work. UGGGGHH. I have a mindset of hating the treadmill, but I've got to let that go at least for the weekday runs. I've been trying to spend some time reading on this thread to up my motivation. Also, just printed out the course map on a giant poster. I'm going to put one up beside the treadmill.

How many of you have done this and done the royal family 5K. My daughter wants to do the 5K and I originally planned to do it with her, but I'm wondering if it's a good idea. The Galloway plan shows last training run Thurs before the race on Sunday. I've been running 2 years, but never done a half. 8 mile run is my longest so far.
Pay day today, which means I can get new sneakers tomorrow :goodvibes I only wear Asics because my feet start hurting with any other brand, but I do want to compare the GT 2160 and the GEL 1170. I think I've worn both over the years and currently wear the 2160, but I am curious to see how the 1170's feel on my feet.
Pay day today, which means I can get new sneakers tomorrow :goodvibes I only wear Asics because my feet start hurting with any other brand, but I do want to compare the GT 2160 and the GEL 1170. I think I've worn both over the years and currently wear the 2160, but I am curious to see how the 1170's feel on my feet.

Just as an FYI, I recently bought a pair of GT 2160 at JCPenneys for about $40, it was on sale, plus I used a coupon.

Also - again as an FYI. Last night I purchased some Champion sportsbras at Macy's with the Friends and Family coupon and they ended up costing $5.28 - normally $30 bras! I stocked up - DH just looked at me and said - really? :rotfl:
I have always preferred Saucony for running sneakers. I like the way they grab the back of my feet so they don't slide. I have small feet and finding a good running shoe is hard.
Just as an FYI, I recently bought a pair of GT 2160 at JCPenneys for about $40, it was on sale, plus I used a coupon.

Also - again as an FYI. Last night I purchased some Champion sportsbras at Macy's with the Friends and Family coupon and they ended up costing $5.28 - normally $30 bras! I stocked up - DH just looked at me and said - really? :rotfl:

I wish I could do that, but I wear size 10.5 and have never had much luck with that size at department stores. They either have 10 or 11, and I just feel like I'm wearing clown shoes when I put on 11. I really don't know where these big feet come from in the family. If I did, I'd blame them.
Freaked myself out a little bit earlier this week - during my cross-training, I was doing some 'cross-hops' (picture a cross on the floor, jump forward, jump right, jump back, jump left and repeat for a minute) and I felt my right knee 'ping' during a side hop. Didn't improve so I switched to jumping jacks but then step-plyos later on really hurt as well... I stopped everything since I had to run that night, which I did with a patellar knee band.

The knee has been a bit fussy this week, but I did another run with no band and at this point only jumping or stairs seem to bother it.

I had a moment there where I pictured having to take time off to recover, which has been a kiss of death for me in following through on training in the past.

Here's a question - do any of you use those foam rollers for stretching (if you're a believer in stretching). I've got tight IT bands and have heard those are helpful.
DD shared this video with me this morning.perhaps you have already seen it...

you can copy and paste it

That was awesome - thanks for sharing!!

Freaked myself out a little bit earlier this week - during my cross-training, I was doing some 'cross-hops' (picture a cross on the floor, jump forward, jump right, jump back, jump left and repeat for a minute) and I felt my right knee 'ping' during a side hop. Didn't improve so I switched to jumping jacks but then step-plyos later on really hurt as well... I stopped everything since I had to run that night, which I did with a patellar knee band.

The knee has been a bit fussy this week, but I did another run with no band and at this point only jumping or stairs seem to bother it.

I had a moment there where I pictured having to take time off to recover, which has been a kiss of death for me in following through on training in the past.

Here's a question - do any of you use those foam rollers for stretching (if you're a believer in stretching). I've got tight IT bands and have heard those are helpful.

I've been having knee/IT band issues since July and now use a foam roller - it has helped SO MUCH! I highly recommend getting one.
Pay day today, which means I can get new sneakers tomorrow :goodvibes I only wear Asics because my feet start hurting with any other brand, but I do want to compare the GT 2160 and the GEL 1170. I think I've worn both over the years and currently wear the 2160, but I am curious to see how the 1170's feel on my feet.

I would caution you that if you have been fitted with the 21xx ASICs, that the 11xx ASICs may not have enough support for you. I started out with those and wound up with a shin stress fracture due to overpronation issues, and both the running store and my sports med doc said I should have been in the 21xx series to begin with. I am currently in 2150s.

I wish I could do that, but I wear size 10.5 and have never had much luck with that size at department stores. They either have 10 or 11, and I just feel like I'm wearing clown shoes when I put on 11. I really don't know where these big feet come from in the family. If I did, I'd blame them.

I wear a 10 in regular shoes and a 10.5 in running shoes, so I feel your pain. My feet are wide and flat, though, so I moved to men's shoes and wear an 8.5 in men's.

I would likely be in a wide width in women's, too, as they felt very narrow to me, but of course to get a 10.5W requires ordering so I was never able to try one. :headache:

The good thing about this is the men's ASICs are all over the place, and I was even able to find them on clearance at Kohl's for under $50 with coupon.
That was awesome - thanks for sharing!!

I've been having knee/IT band issues since July and now use a foam roller - it has helped SO MUCH! I highly recommend getting one.

Can you share your stretching technique? Do you think I can use a foam pool "noodle"? I too have tight IT bands and my right knee has been limiting my running. I am sooo scared it might limit my ability to finish the Princess. Right now I am just doing a standing and sidelying stretch.
My power songs..... John Williams Oylmpic Fanfare, I am telling you, you will feel like a champion running to this one..... Youtube it! My daughter is really into Indiana Jones right now, so loving that one as well.

My favorite Princess song is from Mulan, "make a man out of you".

and of course the Black Eyed Peas, great running music. I also like Beasty Boys and bunch of 80's stuff.

Thank you! I shared your "olympic fanfare" with a friend traing for a 5K. And, I just happend to stumble upon my old Beatie Boys CD. will try to upload to ipod tonight! Excellent thought!! NO SLEEP TILL BROOKLYN>>> OR THE PRINCESS FINISH LINE>>> Also came across Grease soundtrack..maybe "your the one that I want"???
Hi Everyone!

I’ve been MIA for a couple of weeks. First of all I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. My daughter was chosen by UCA to participate on the All American Cheer team – and we went to Houston to be in their Thanksgiving Day Parade. It was a ton of fun. We met amazing people & I even got in a day of training.

I’m getting better and slowly beginning to believe I can do this. I’m a week behind on the Galloway Princess program, but I did do the 6 miles run last week. It took me 1:24 to run 6.05 miles. My pace was 13:54. I actually feel really good about that considering I wasn’t sore or exhausted afterwards, never needed sip of water and didn’t have to pee. It gives me a little bit of confidence – which Lord knows I need.

I just caught up on pages and pages of reading so below are my responses to everything that I caught

Great work on your training, your races and everyday life 

“I think you think you are slower than you are...running long runs at 14:39 means your pace will be around 12 you about 45 minutes leeway. That's well below pace and not "slow". If anything, if your only goal is to finish, you may be doing the long runs too fast...” JCH

Thanks for the advice, JHC! I don’t know how to figure the math, I’mjust trying my best to stay under the dreaded 15mm pace. 

“Don't be intimidated!! 14:39mm is a great pace! That leaves you AT LEAST 1:21 per mile for potty breaks & character pictures!! (Probably more!) Some of us just need or like an extra cushion. I have a similar pace, and I'm not worried a bit, and I don't plan on getting any faster. But last year - as a first timer - I was extremely concerned! So I can relate to how you are feeling.

Sounds to me like you are doing great and getting better!! I had the time of my life at this race earlier this year, I'm sure you will, too!!” – Ateam97

Ateam97 – THANK YOU for the encouragement. I’m such a newbie dork – but I can’t help it. Too excited!

“I think you should do a 10k if for nothing else than to get experience of doing an organized race. It will kind of prepare you for what to expect....though all races are different and Disney with all the characters are so unique. I get the same nerves regardless of if I am doing a 10k or 5k. Also helps me see what I need to do race morning regarding expected pace, food and how body reacts and umm, potty habits.” Saysay

Thanks again , saysay! I am actually running my first race ever next month at Disneyland. It’s the 5k – not the ½ - but I’m doing it to get a feel for the entire process. I hope you’re doing OK!

Coach Charles, thank you so much for all of your awesome posts. I appreciate the support and information. What is most helpful for me is the actual race day strategies – it helps me visually conceptualize the event.

Italianlover– I am running alone too so don’t fret. My daughter prob won’t cheer me on because there is nobody else to wait with her at the end. I’m really worried about her going by herself to wait for me. It’s going to be very sad to reach the finish line and not have anyone to hug 

Nancytoby – Thank you too for the great tips. This is such a great thread. Thanks!

Revkate –You can do it, and you’re not the only solo runner!

Zehnjahren – you can do it! just take it slow!!

Babyball, Daisy112878, Italianlover, rebapple, namsupak and ALL OTHERS– great work on your training!
FlowersCroon- I and a bunch of others from here are running solo. DH may or may not make it to the finish line. He usually gets there late. I'm sure we can gather up a bunch of us Disers to meet you at the finish!
Hi everyone... just a quick question.... so I have finally made it to my 14mile long runs.... whooo hoooo... I am following the galloway schedual... so now what till the race (princess half)? I want to improve some on my time obviously but dont want to burn out or hit that wall or even worse get an injury. Any tips would be awesome....

Thanks a bunch.:cheer2:
I would caution you that if you have been fitted with the 21xx ASICs, that the 11xx ASICs may not have enough support for you. I started out with those and wound up with a shin stress fracture due to overpronation issues, and both the running store and my sports med doc said I should have been in the 21xx series to begin with. I am currently in 2150s.

I wear a 10 in regular shoes and a 10.5 in running shoes, so I feel your pain. My feet are wide and flat, though, so I moved to men's shoes and wear an 8.5 in men's.

I would likely be in a wide width in women's, too, as they felt very narrow to me, but of course to get a 10.5W requires ordering so I was never able to try one. :headache:

The good thing about this is the men's ASICs are all over the place, and I was even able to find them on clearance at Kohl's for under $50 with coupon.

Yikes, thanks for the heads up. Online shoe guides suggested both, but I think I'll stick with the 21xx series. I need energy chews too. I found a great brand of chews, so no more GUs for me :thumbsup2
Yikes, thanks for the heads up. Online shoe guides suggested both, but I think I'll stick with the 21xx series. I need energy chews too. I found a great brand of chews, so no more GUs for me :thumbsup2

I'd love to hear what this great new brand of chews is :)
Can you share your stretching technique? Do you think I can use a foam pool "noodle"? I too have tight IT bands and my right knee has been limiting my running. I am sooo scared it might limit my ability to finish the Princess. Right now I am just doing a standing and sidelying stretch.

I'm not sure that a pool noodle would work, as the foam rollers are more dense, almost to the point of hurting (but in a good way!). You could try it though, and see if it helps. Honestly I had no idea how to use the foam roller when I first got it, so I googled it and watched some youtube videos. If you have OnDemand, there is also sometimes an 8 minute workout that uses the foam roller. I lie on my side and roll it under my hip and then roll it under my knee while still on my side - not sure if that makes sense.

I'd love to hear what this great new brand of chews is :)

I'm not the one who posted originally, but I love the Honey Stinger chews. I've only tried them in the Orange Blossom, but absolutely love them. I've shared them with some other runners I know, and they are hooked on them now, too!
I've been having knee/IT band issues since July and now use a foam roller - it has helped SO MUCH! I highly recommend getting one.

I used to use foam rollers in college and I would agree that they are amazing. I unfortunately haven't bought my own, but instead of a small rolling stick. They're a bit harder to use as you have to press pretty hard, harder than most people probably want to, to get the right effect. I do definitely miss the foam rollers and stretching my IT band on them...
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