WISH Team Who??? (Doctor Who quip) :) ... All are welcome :)

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Tandy~ Congrats on your 6 miler! Good luck w/ your 10.

Matt~ Glad you had ok weather for the race. I know you just did MC, but you should totally do NYC!!! I'm excited about Sunday too. That's my dream race, not fast enough to get into Boston, so I moved to that one. Hopefully I'll get in next year, but if not, I'm in in '13.

Good luck this weekend in Savannah Meredith!

I've got 15 again this weekend. Starting to book activities for the week, so I'm starting to get really excited. Only 6 more weeks!!!

Hope everyone had a great Halloween and has a great weekend!
Good luck in Savannah Meredith!

Slowbie over here tends to be beyond jealous of 1:46 halfs and 3:27 marathons. :laughing:

This weekend is City of Oaks, which is a local half. I am running it as a training run, and am doing OBX the following weekend as a race (hopefully). If I can finish under 3 hours (for a half marathon, yes), I would be happy!
I agree entirely about the Boston thing, I'd much rather run NYC then boston. I'd love to qualify for boston, but if you look at the weather/etc the past few years, NYC is just a much more appealing option to me.

Good luck in Savannah :)

Getting excited about Disney marathon as well :)
Hey everyone :goodvibes It has been way too long since I have been on this thread, I am sorry for being absent!!

I joined a training team and found one that has fellow slow pokes like me, our team group name was the penguins :thumbsup2 With the team I was training for my third half marathon, the first I really actually trained for properly!

I just completed the Richmond half marathon yesterday and didnt make my goal of actually getting under 3 hours, but I did however take 15 minutes off of my last time and hit 3 hours 3 minutes :cool1: I know how slow that sounds to everyone :rotfl:, but for me its really pushing it :thumbsup2

I got a little over zealous and decided to sign up for the full marathon in January, my first full. I really want to complete it and believe I can, but because I am so slow with my run/walk I am nervous I will get swept!
Shannon: How awesome that Disney is going to be your first full! Don't worry, you can handle it. Just remember that if you have to, you can walk most of it. I'm sure you'll do great. It was my first half this January, and I loved the experience.

Matt: Are you doing the full again this January? I can't imagine you could break that time you got this year.

Kat: Did you make it in under 3?

Kim: How's the training going? Are you feeling strong?

I feel like I'm the only one not going this January! :sad1: I wish we could make it, but it's just not in the cards this year. I have a hard time convincing hubby to do Disney as it is, but he had such a bad time this January because my running interfered with his vacation. Oh well.
Running is going great. I've gotten a back to back 6 and 10 miler as my high right now. I have 8 scheduled tomorrow (Monday's are my long run days), and then, I get to ramp it up again. I have to build up to 36 for my longest long run, so I need to get going. ;) Back to zumba classes and really enjoying that again. School is kicking my b***, but it's great. I am applying to the RN program on Tuesday, but won't hear back until late March, early April. It's a super competitive program, so I'm just pushing to get a 4.0 this semester. Otherwise, I don't think I'll get in. Out of all my classes, only 1 poses a problem, but I still have 4 weeks to get my grade up.

I hope everyone is doing well.
Kat: Did you make it in under 3?

Yes!! I did City of Oaks half last Sunday in 2:57, and then OBX half today in 2:44 (unofficial Garmin time). If the OBX time is close, it will be a PR for me, as my previous best time was 2:49.
Yes!! I did City of Oaks half last Sunday in 2:57, and then OBX half today in 2:44 (unofficial Garmin time). If the OBX time is close, it will be a PR for me, as my previous best time was 2:49.

Awesome!!! Great job. Even if it's close to your Garmin time, you'll get that PR. That's got to be super exciting.
Hey everyone! Hope all's going well.

Kat congrats on your 1/2 PR!!!:cheer2:

Tandy glad to hear running and Zumba are going well. Good luck w/ the rest of school and the RN program application.

Training is going good, but could've gone a little better. I got a cold again, so no long run last week, so this week is my last 18 miler. Wish I could have gotten 1 more in, but that's okay, the scenery w/ help me out. Still having some hip discomfort when I run, so a little worried about Diamond Head, but even if it's bad I know I'll be able to walk the rest of wherever I stop on the course. Then after Honolulu, it's a week off then back to training again. Week 1 starts Monday for the LA Marathon, but not really worried about that training until after X-mas b/c of HI.

Have a local Turkey Trot tomorrow morning. Signed up for the 10k, but the rain slowed down and is now supposed to hit middle of the night through tomorrow morning, so I might drop down to the 5K is there is rain b/c of my cold and trip. Cross your fingers for no rain!

Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!!
Thanks Kim!! My official time was 2:44:55, so definitely a PR, and 5 seconds under my 2:45 goal.

Have fun at your Turkey Trot! I wanted to, but have too much family here this year to be able to sneak away.

Good luck with Diamondhead! I bet it will be beautiful.
Hi everybody! Leave tomorrow and as of right now, it's cloudy and 80 race day. Happy w/ the clouds, wish it was a little cooler, but I'll take it. Went out this morning and had complete dead legs, only got in 3. I'm thinking it was just b/c it was so cold out there. So Thursday, hopefully it'll be different and get in about 5.

Hope everyone's well.
Hey everyone, hope your holidays went well :)

A week till the start of marathon weekend!!!!!!!!!!!

Is everyone ready? Who is going. I"ll be there for the full (number 355). Where are people staying?
Hi everyone. MIA again, sorry.

Matt: Nope, not this year. :sad1: I wanted to do Goofy again, but my hubby wants to take some time off of Disney vacations. I'm not sure what's wrong with him. ;) Are you hoping to beat your time from last year?

Kim: How was your race? Details please!!!!!:)

I'm injured again. I don't know why, but this has been the toughest year yet for running. I got over the calf tear, then got a bad bout of stomach flu that sidelined my running for a week. Now, I've aggravated my IT band. I'm being very proactive in treating it and have completely stopped running. I'm hoping to only take 2 weeks off, but it may take longer.

We had a wonderful Christmas and are taking it easy with just a small get together for New Year's. My son is having the big deal party with all his little 12 year old friends. I'll be asleep by 10 or 11, and they'll be up all night. :laughing:

I hope everyone has a fantastic time at marathon weekend. Good luck to you all!
I AM A BAD BAD BAD DISer!!!! :headache::headache::headache:

I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday!!! We had a nice one, my Aunt, Uncle and cousin came up from Florida and spent it with us. We then took them up to NYC for day/night trip. They have never been. It was fun.

Now just trying to put Christmas away and get ready for the 1/2 Marathon next weekend!!!!

Hey everyone, hope your holidays went well :)

A week till the start of marathon weekend!!!!!!!!!!!

Is everyone ready? Who is going. I"ll be there for the full (number 355). Where are people staying?

I'm going!!! I'll be running the 1/2.. we are staying at the Beach Club. Get in on Friday and leave on Tuesday.

Hi everyone. MIA again, sorry.

Matt: Nope, not this year. :sad1: I wanted to do Goofy again, but my hubby wants to take some time off of Disney vacations. I'm not sure what's wrong with him. ;) Are you hoping to beat your time from last year?

Kim: How was your race? Details please!!!!!:)

I'm injured again. I don't know why, but this has been the toughest year yet for running. I got over the calf tear, then got a bad bout of stomach flu that sidelined my running for a week. Now, I've aggravated my IT band. I'm being very proactive in treating it and have completely stopped running. I'm hoping to only take 2 weeks off, but it may take longer.

We had a wonderful Christmas and are taking it easy with just a small get together for New Year's. My son is having the big deal party with all his little 12 year old friends. I'll be asleep by 10 or 11, and they'll be up all night. :laughing:

I hope everyone has a fantastic time at marathon weekend. Good luck to you all!

:hug::hug::hug: So sorry this has been such a rough year for you!

oh boy!!! that party sounds fun!!! lol.. I can't even imagine!! :lmao:
I'd love to beat my time from last year, but pace groups are different this year (3:15, 3:25 instead of 3:20). I also have some sort of hip flexor issue thats had me sitting for the last 2 weeks. But Its getting much better so here's to hoping. A lot will depend on race day I suppose. I could start with 3:15 and back off if I feel its too fast, or start with 3:25 and push ahead. Or go solo at 3:20 idk.....
I'd love to beat my time from last year, but pace groups are different this year (3:15, 3:25 instead of 3:20). I also have some sort of hip flexor issue thats had me sitting for the last 2 weeks. But Its getting much better so here's to hoping. A lot will depend on race day I suppose. I could start with 3:15 and back off if I feel its too fast, or start with 3:25 and push ahead. Or go solo at 3:20 idk.....

Oh my gosh you are FAST!!! I am hoping to finish it in the time limit and am very nervous!! This will be my first marathon...eek only one week!!
Yea, after a fast run yesterday and a rough run this morning I'm even more confused as the fast run felt great (might just have been not allowing enough recovery/etc). I'll take the first mile light to warm up and then see where it goes. Assuming its something like the 30K I did a few weeks ago I should be able to get to my race pace without much effort as long as I take the first mile nice and easy.
Shannon: I'm sure you'll do great. Just relax and enjoy it. During this year's Goofy, I was so worried about time and getting a PR that I didn't take the time to enjoy. I wish I had ridden EE during the full, because truly, how long could it have taken? 5 minutes?

Matt: I no longer try to understand my body. It is so weird and doesn't seem to follow what the experts tell me. :laughing: I have never run with a pace group, so I have no advice on that. I may someday when I try to get that 3:30 marathon that I dream about. Of course, now that I'm training for an ultra, I'm learning how to SLOW DOWN. It's so counterintuitive for me.

Disneybound: Good luck in the half! I'm sure it'll be fantastic. Glad you had a good Christmas. :)

My knee is feeling better. Of course, for me, that means that I want to run. I have to talk myself down. :) I'm hoping to start again next Monday, but we'll see. I'm feeling a little less sorry for myself this week. Can't stay down for long. :thumbsup2
Exactly, I stretch, ice, and do the things the PT doc said, it hurts worse. I go out drinking the night before and it feels fine. I run sub 7's yesterday and the day before after going out both nights before, today I can barely go sub 8 (and yes I did have 1 beer last night but far less then the previous 2). I only have a week to dial in the correct alcohol/stretch/sleep/etc for the best feeling run the next morning haha. So counter-intuitive
Kim: How was your race? Details please!!!!!:)

I'm injured again. I don't know why, but this has been the toughest year yet for running. I got over the calf tear, then got a bad bout of stomach flu that sidelined my running for a week. Now, I've aggravated my IT band. I'm being very proactive in treating it and have completely stopped running. I'm hoping to only take 2 weeks off, but it may take longer.

I'm so sorry you're hurt again! Maybe this means you got it all out of your system and you'll be injury free this year and have a great ultra!

Hawaii was incredible! The hotel was a block off the beach so it was a really easy walk. Weather was okay, temps b/w 75-80 w/ no humidity, but it was constantly partly cloudy, w/ a passing shower every now and then. 2nd day, my sister and I were on the beach w/ the sun shining on us and it started to sprinkle, it was so weird. But in the afternoon, the trade winds would really pick up. So, little tan, but not as dark as we wanted. :rotfl2:

Race was good. We had no humidity and clouds, but big trade winds, that wasn't so fun. Great fireworks at the start! A lot of the course was along the water which was nice, but there was a big chunk in the middle coming and going on the same expressway and w/ the wind wasn't fun. Diamondhead wasn't as scary as I thought it would be (a plus to having run in SF) but we had to go back over around 24 and that wasn't fun. Don't know if I would do the full again, but they're starting a 1/2 in March, and I think I'd go back for that one.

I didn't hear it, but my dad did; and he said that the race announcer said that 2/3-75% of the runners were Japanese! It was really interesting to see the difference in gu's they were using and a lot of the runners were wearing compression long tights and arm sleeves under running shorts and shirts. Before the race they broke off in huge groups and did stretches and exercises together w/ music. I kind of enjoyed that the most, you were able to see how different cultures approach races in a way you don't here.

Went snorkling at Hanauma Bay, which was incredible. You could see where the reefs and non-reef areas were from the beach, and tons of fish. B/c of the winds and surf, shark diving got cancelled both days, really bummed about that one, b/c that was what I wanted to do the most. The day before we left, I went to Kailua for kayaking, and fell in love w/ their beach. I've never seen the ocean in that many different colored blues. It was absolutely gorgeous. And the beach was all white sand. It was truly paradise! Really wish I went there the 1st day to know about it so I could go back everyday. The best part was after the kayaking, I was in the water and got on the Flip camera a storm come in from off the island, to on top on me, to passing through. It was awesome!! If/when, I go back to that island, definitely staying there. To give you an idea, here are 2 of my pics.

The beach:

The storm:

Hope everyone's X-Mas and New Year's was great! Took a couple of weeks light/off after the race, but back into it again~ got the Tink 1/2 at the end of the month and the LA Marathon in March.

I'm going!!! I'll be running the 1/2.. we are staying at the Beach Club. Get in on Friday and leave on Tuesday.

A week till the start of marathon weekend!!!!!!!!!!!

This will be my first marathon...eek only one week!!

Good luck this weekend everybody!! Hope the weather is good and you all have a great race!!
Hey everybody! How did last weekend go for everyone, hope it was good. Read Sunday was a little warm, but hopefully it wasn't too bad towards the end of the race.


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