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DL so soon!!! I see you started a PTR! :thumbsup2 Heading over!!

Hope everyone else is doing well.. I'm status quo.. training for the full and running the baltimore half in October.. so far so good! :thumbsup2

Love my boys, but can't wait for school to start in 3 weeks!! :lmao: Looking forward to some mommy time! ;):rotfl:
Hey guys! Well, Providence was wet last weekend. Poured the entire duration of the race, but it was so pretty, made it a lot better. Legs were really tired and heavy during the race, so timewise it wasn't my best, but I figured that going in so it wasn't too bad. Plus I got to sandwich Boston around the run, and that's always good. Now it's a DL!! 3 weeks from tomorrow I'll be there, can't wait either!!! This weekend is going to be a light run. Probably try and get 6 in, but we'll see how it goes. Other than that, not much going on. Got our parks and rec deptartment's fall schedule of classes and they're offering a "barre" class which I'm excited about, so I'll have to come back and report on it. Heard a lot of things about it, so it should be good.

Aside from that, after DL, not sure about the rest of the year racewise. I have Honolulu in Dec, and trying to decide if I want to do another 1/2 somewhere in b/w or just straight train. Keep going back and forth w/ that one. Still have to reg for Honolulu, but they're price stays the same from the day it opens and the LA Marathon had a pre-reg code to save money so reg'd for that one instead. LA should be a good run. It's towards the end of March and we go from Dodger Stadium :-)mad:evil Dodgers, but whatever) to the Santa Monica Pier. It'll be nice to see all the different sights I haven't seen before.

Hope everyone's end of the summer is good and not crazy hot!
Kim, glad Providence went well!

Summer here has been pretty crazy hot. We have yet to see a high temp below 90, I don't think, since early June, and at least 5-6 have been over 100.

Last weekend we got a break for my Galloway group's Saturday AM long run - a raging thunderstorm that lasted for almost all 3-4 hours of the run!

I did my longest run ever at 16.5 miles, with about 7 of it circling the (open) parking garage because of lightning. Our normal greenway route flooded out as we got 5" of rain in that 4 hours, so we had to go the other way and loop a lot, but it was better than the parking garage! However, it was really nice to run in the rain rather than what it has been - already over 80 and 90+% humidity before the sun even rises.

My race schedule is as follows:
Aug 27th - Local Half in Kernersville, NC (tentative - depends on heat!)
Oct 9th - See Jane Run Half - Austin, TX.
Nov 5th - City of Oaks - Raleigh, NC
Nov 12th - OBX Half Marathon - Outer Banks, NC
Feb 12th - 26.2 with Donna full marathon (first one, :eek:) - Jacksonville, FL
Feb 26th - Princess Half - WDW!
Good morning team. I seem to never get the chance to get on here anymore. Sorry.

Hockeykat: Congrats on your 16.5! Isn't it amazing what we are capable of? You have a ton of races coming up. I have nothing planned until April, so, I'm a little envious. ;) How's the weight loss going?

Kim: Glad to hear you didn't drown at the race. I was reading the thread and wow, the drama! I just hope that it gets taken care of, because it's just wrong to drive people ahead and let them get a medal. A barre class sounds exciting. We have nothing like that near here (atleast, not anything affordable). I will just stick to zumba.

Disneybound: Glad to hear that training is going well. I'm the opposite of you about school. I'm really sad that summer is ending. I only got to spend 3 weeks with my son this summer, because I was in school all summer. So, it's a little bittersweet. :sad1:

Matt: How's the moving going?

AFM: Because of college this summer, my running had been suffering severely. I was only getting about 15-20 miles per week in. But, I ramped it up in the last couple of weeks. I'm planning at least 30-35 this week, and even more next week. But, then I start school again. I am not going to run AT ALL for the first 5 weeks of school!!!!:eek: I'm not sure I can do it. But, I'm taking 19 credit hours and it's just going to be impossible, unless I want to take all of my time away from my family. Plus, I have this piriformis injury and think it would be good to take the time off. So, we shall see. If I'm going to run this 44 miler in April, this would be a good time to take the break. I have a 16 week training plan, and just need to get my base back to normal before that starts.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Good morning team. I seem to never get the chance to get on here anymore. Sorry.

Hockeykat: Congrats on your 16.5! Isn't it amazing what we are capable of? You have a ton of races coming up. I have nothing planned until April, so, I'm a little envious. ;) How's the weight loss going?

AFM: Because of college this summer, my running had been suffering severely. I was only getting about 15-20 miles per week in. But, I ramped it up in the last couple of weeks. I'm planning at least 30-35 this week, and even more next week. But, then I start school again. I am not going to run AT ALL for the first 5 weeks of school!!!!:eek: I'm not sure I can do it. But, I'm taking 19 credit hours and it's just going to be impossible, unless I want to take all of my time away from my family. Plus, I have this piriformis injury and think it would be good to take the time off. So, we shall see. If I'm going to run this 44 miler in April, this would be a good time to take the break. I have a 16 week training plan, and just need to get my base back to normal before that starts.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

I am on the DIS a lot but don't seem to get to this thread as much as I should.

Weight loss is going great. I am down 23.2 lbs in the last 2 months.

Good luck on the training and fitting it in with school! Darn that life that gets in the way of our training! :goodvibes
I am on the DIS a lot but don't seem to get to this thread as much as I should.

Weight loss is going great. I am down 23.2 lbs in the last 2 months.

Good luck on the training and fitting it in with school! Darn that life that gets in the way of our training! :goodvibes

I too do not get over here as much as I should! But what a great place to jump in! I have been struggling with that last pesky 15lbs and cant seem to find the right combo of keeping enough carbs in to run my long runs and intervals and losing the extra few......any suggestions?

Also, does anyone know if you stay at the Poly is the Monorail open to take you to start or is it still bus transport?
I too do not get over here as much as I should! But what a great place to jump in! I have been struggling with that last pesky 15lbs and cant seem to find the right combo of keeping enough carbs in to run my long runs and intervals and losing the extra few......any suggestions?

Also, does anyone know if you stay at the Poly is the Monorail open to take you to start or is it still bus transport?

I have been doing very low carb for the last few months - lean meats, fish, chicken, some dairy, eggs, veggies, and some fruits. I do not fuel my runs, either. So far, I haven't seen too much of a problem in energy levels, although the 16+ miler last Sat then marathon shopping on Sunday did make me very tired through the middle of the week.
I have been doing very low carb for the last few months - lean meats, fish, chicken, some dairy, eggs, veggies, and some fruits. I do not fuel my runs, either. So far, I haven't seen too much of a problem in energy levels, although the 16+ miler last Sat then marathon shopping on Sunday did make me very tired through the middle of the week.

so....Im hearing 'one does not need as much as you think you do....'!! That is exactly what I needed to hear! I have known that from my first 12 lbs loss, but now time to take it down another notch! Thanks Kat! Cant wait to meet you at the Princess!
I did my longest run ever at 16.5 miles, with about 7 of it circling the (open) parking garage because of lightning. Our normal greenway route flooded out as we got 5" of rain in that 4 hours, so we had to go the other way and loop a lot, but it was better than the parking garage! However, it was really nice to run in the rain rather than what it has been - already over 80 and 90+% humidity before the sun even rises.

Congrats on the long run and the weight loss!

How have you been training/running with the humidity? Do you alter anything when there's high humidity? Just curious, b/c I'm trying to figure out how to prepare for Honolulu in December. CA is great for nice weather, but when you're training for races outside of CA, it's kinda hard training for really cold or high humidity. I read somewhere to load up on clothes when going out, but that really only helps w/ heat.

Had a crazy dream last night. I was running in DL, and I was just about to hit Mile 4, at 22 minutes (which would be awesome if I could do in real life), and race people at the mile marker told me I wouldn't make the cut off so they kicked me out of the race! Ahh the things you dream about before a race. :laughing:

Oh well, things are going good here. Next week starts week 1 of training for Honolulu. Will miss the shorter long runs though.

Hope everyone's good!
I have a frogg togg that I wet and wear around my neck, and during long runs there is a lot of dumping water over the head that goes on!

It's pretty much hot and humid here for 8-9 months out of the year, so being more or less used to it by now, it's hard for me to say how to prepare. It may slow you down some, so just be aware of it.

Oh, I also take salt/electrolyte tablets. In our heat/humidity, sports drinks are sometimes not enough to replace everything lost through sweat.
Hey everyone, I'm back. The move was successful for the most part. House isnt ready yet so I'm in an apartment in sugarland texas. Man is it hot here. Just got promoted at work, so rather happy about that. I joined a rowing club here in Houston and a running club. Should be starting to get back in shape. Had to defer my wine and dine entry :(. Next race is either Nations Tri in DC if i fly back for it or Marine Corps Marathon
Oh, I also take salt/electrolyte tablets. In our heat/humidity, sports drinks are sometimes not enough to replace everything lost through sweat.

What kind of tablets do you take? Are they flavored or just salty tasting?

Hey everyone, I'm back. The move was successful for the most part. House isnt ready yet so I'm in an apartment in sugarland texas. Man is it hot here. Just got promoted at work, so rather happy about that. I joined a rowing club here in Houston and a running club. Should be starting to get back in shape. Had to defer my wine and dine entry :(. Next race is either Nations Tri in DC if i fly back for it or Marine Corps Marathon

Congrats on the new promotion! Sorry about having to defer the Wine and Dine race. I'm thinking about that one as a maybe next year.

Things are good here. Getting ready for next weekend, and have a 10k tomorrow morning. Get to run on the field at AT & T, so that'll be fun. Running in 2 ballparks in 2 weeks!! :woohoo:

Hope everyone's safe from the Hurricane!!
Hi everyone. I hope you are all having a great weekend.

Kim: How'd you do in your 10k? What are you running next weekend?

Matt: Congrats on the promotion and happy you are getting settled in. I think rowing would be fantastic, and now, you live somewhere you can do it year round. :thumbsup2

HockeyKat: It sounds like your diet is very healthy. :thumbsup2 You may want to eat a bit more on those long training run days though. I know that's hard to do, but when you are burning 1500-2000 more calories a day than you normally do, you can do some damage to those muscles if you don't eat more. :)

NCrunner: I'm not sure about the monorail service, but I would think it would be open for those runners staying at those resorts.

Well guys, I am officially out of the running game for awhile. I broke my toe on Saturday (no big deal) and, I guess, I overcompensated for that by putting too much pressure on my other leg during my zumba class on Wednesday night. I felt and heard a big, loud pop in my calf which was accompanied by the feeling of being hit in the calf with a baseball bat. I tore the muscle!:headache: I'm in a boot and will not be running again for a long, long time. My doctor is a sports doc, so he's going to get me back to running, I just don't know how long it'll be. At least it gives me more time to focus on school, right?
What kind of tablets do you take? Are they flavored or just salty tasting?

Hope everyone's safe from the Hurricane!!

They are literally pills so you don't taste anything.

I decided to do a half during the Hurricane. :) Actually, it was about an hour west of here so we didn't have any rain but it was VERY windy. Blew down the finish line. The last two miles were pretty brutal into a head wind.

All we have here is rain and wind but my in-laws are way more in the path than here. Their power is out and they are getting a lot of flooding.

HockeyKat: It sounds like your diet is very healthy. :thumbsup2 You may want to eat a bit more on those long training run days though. I know that's hard to do, but when you are burning 1500-2000 more calories a day than you normally do, you can do some damage to those muscles if you don't eat more. :)

I wasn't really watching calories, just carbs. Lots of protein on long run days, and definitely eating more. :)

Right now we are on a two week break, since 10 days of it we will be at WDW!
Thanks everyone :). So Houston TX, I kinda like it after a week or so of settling in. The running and rowing groups have been a huge plus, I'm being dragged into dozens of races, which should be fun :). Currently living in an apartment while they finish the house, I'll try to upload and post some pictures in the near future :). Hope everyone made it through the hurricane safely.

rubato - wow :( thats rough. Its good that you have a sports doc, when I tore my meniscus I remember how dark those days were.
Hey guys!!

Tandy, I'm so sorry about your toe and calf!!! I know you said you won't be able to run for a long time, will you still be able to train in time for your ultra, or is that out of the picture now? Hopefully you'll heal fast!

Race on Saturday was great. Perfect SF weather~ fog the entire morning, I was driving home around 11:30 and it was still foggy! There were only 2 things I didn't really like. 1 was that on the way out, we had the road which was nice and open, but on the way back, they moved us onto the sidewalk along w/ everyone out and about that morning and tourists, so we were dodging a lot of people. The other was that there was only 1 water stop. Not a big deal for the 10k, but we did 6 of the same miles that the 1/2 was running! A lot of people that were running the 1/2 didn't have fuel belts, so hopefully they were okay w/ that. :confused3 But aside from that it was great. Got a medal, shirt and a bobblehead! I have to say though, this is my 1st 10k in almost 5 years, and I really like that distance. It's long enough to have a race plan and you feel like you got a run in, but not sore the day after like a 1/2 or full.

And this weekend is DL!!! :mickeyjum Going down early Friday morning, and have the parks on Friday and Saturday. Saturday morning is the 5k and Sunday is the 1/2. 5K should be fun, we have a new entrance way into DL this year, so that'll be good.

Have a great week!
Hey everyone, I'm back. The move was successful for the most part. House isnt ready yet so I'm in an apartment in sugarland texas. Man is it hot here. Just got promoted at work, so rather happy about that. I joined a rowing club here in Houston and a running club. Should be starting to get back in shape. Had to defer my wine and dine entry :(. Next race is either Nations Tri in DC if i fly back for it or Marine Corps Marathon

Congratulations on the promotion!! that is awesome! Sorry about the wine and dine, are you able to defer it to next year? That's great that there are so many clubs out there though.. good for you for getting so involved right away.. I would be too shy! :)

Disneybound: Glad to hear that training is going well. I'm the opposite of you about school. I'm really sad that summer is ending. I only got to spend 3 weeks with my son this summer, because I was in school all summer. So, it's a little bittersweet. :sad1:
I'm sad and happy at the same time.. :rotfl: I work from home, so I see them all the time.. they were just started to really get on each others nerves.. they needed the break from each other!

Well guys, I am officially out of the running game for awhile. I broke my toe on Saturday (no big deal) and, I guess, I overcompensated for that by putting too much pressure on my other leg during my zumba class on Wednesday night. I felt and heard a big, loud pop in my calf which was accompanied by the feeling of being hit in the calf with a baseball bat. I tore the muscle!:headache: I'm in a boot and will not be running again for a long, long time. My doctor is a sports doc, so he's going to get me back to running, I just don't know how long it'll be. At least it gives me more time to focus on school, right?

:hug::hug::hug: I am so so sorry.. are you in pain? man that really stinks.. take it easy though and I hope your doctor gets you back out there soon.

Race on Saturday was great. Perfect SF weather~ fog the entire morning, I was driving home around 11:30 and it was still foggy! There were only 2 things I didn't really like. 1 was that on the way out, we had the road which was nice and open, but on the way back, they moved us onto the sidewalk along w/ everyone out and about that morning and tourists, so we were dodging a lot of people. The other was that there was only 1 water stop. Not a big deal for the 10k, but we did 6 of the same miles that the 1/2 was running! A lot of people that were running the 1/2 didn't have fuel belts, so hopefully they were okay w/ that. :confused3 But aside from that it was great. Got a medal, shirt and a bobblehead! I have to say though, this is my 1st 10k in almost 5 years, and I really like that distance. It's long enough to have a race plan and you feel like you got a run in, but not sore the day after like a 1/2 or full.

And this weekend is DL!!! :mickeyjum Going down early Friday morning, and have the parks on Friday and Saturday. Saturday morning is the 5k and Sunday is the 1/2. 5K should be fun, we have a new entrance way into DL this year, so that'll be good.

Have a great week!

I like 10K too.. its a perfect amount! :thumbsup2

Have a wonderful time this weekend!!!!
Kim - have fun in disneyland :). I've never been, I think coast-to-coast is in the plans for next year.

DisneyBound - me shy, thats funny. I talk to strangers haha. Missed that lesson as a child
Matt, I am totally the same way!

Rubato, I missed the part about the calf muscle tear. Oh no!! Hope that it heals quickly.

Kim, have a great time in DL!

I did a local half last weekend, in a town about 15 min west of Greensboro and right on the outer line of Irene.

Wow, I am so spoiled with the larger halfs I have done! Disney, RnR, and even OBX.

This race had a total of 170 runners, and the field was very fast for my pace. Oh, and we had some nice strong winds from Irene and a lot of humidity but no rain. I finished in just under 3 hours (pretty good time for me!), but the last few miles my friend was struggling and I was too, really - the air was difficult to breathe for some reason. I was NOT leaving her, since we were seriously alone on the course.

I am taking a 2 week break from running/healthy eating, then back on the path and onto marathon training.

This weekend, we leave for a week in WDW! :goodvibes


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