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Hi everyone.

Matt: Sounds like a great race for you! :thumbsup2 I once finished 2nd in my category in a half, but there were, apparently, just a lot of slow people. Still, I get to say that, which is cool. Glad you made a decision on a house. When's the big move date?

Kat: Your race sounds awesome. I ran a 10k with my son last month and he's a little slower than me, so I got to experience the whole 'back of the pack' thing. I was really disappointed to see people packing up. I think the last runner should get as much support and encouragement as the first. Of course, I've never volunteered for a race, so I guess I can't really complain.
It's taken me quite a long time to reach that goal weight, so it's totally possible for everyone to do it! But, the most important thing is that you are in good enough shape to run a half marathon! :thumbsup2

Shannon: Wow! For such a bad race, you still got a PR! :worship: Very impressive! Can you imagine what you can do with some solid training? :laughing: Hey, at least you learned from it, right?

Kim: That's a lot of people! I don't think I could do it. The half and full at Disney this year were so crowded I was losing it on the way to the corrals. I can't imagine even more people. :eek: I think I've said this before, but naked people running is scary! I don't want to see certain things bouncing along, thank you very much!

My hubby got a new bike this week, so we headed out the door at 7 am today for a run/bike together. We got 6 miles in, which is good for him since he hasn't ridden in forever and has a shattered pelvis from a motorcycle wreck 25 years ago. I was shocked at how humid and nasty it was that early. I get to get up at 4:30 for my run tomorrow. In order to keep my son from being home alone for very long, I enrolled in an algebra class that starts at 6:30 am, so if I'm going to run this summer, it's 4:30 for me. I figure I'll do that 2 times a week, and then, run at a decent time on all 3 days that I'm off from school, making those my longer runs. I'll be fine for now, but when I start training for my ultra, I'm going to have to figure something else out. At some point in that training, I need to run a 34 miler, which will take me a really long time. But, the race isn't until April, so I have plenty of time to ramp up the mileage.
I have volunteered for 2 marathons now, once at mile 23 as a course monitor, and once at mile 19 for a water stop. We stayed until the sweepers passed us.

crewmatt, the heat is definitely a killer! I did a seriously hot set of hill repeats on Wed morning (the temps hit 97 here that day) and a hot and humid 8 this morning. Brutal. I think I can take the heat easier than the humidity - it feels like the sweat just clings to you.

Speaking of heat, I walked in a girl in this morning for the last 2. Definite signs of overheating. You are so right that it takes time to acclimate.

Switched off to new shoes this morning too... my old ones were shot. Thankfully I bought two at once the last time, but my feet were still a little unhappy with me by the end.
The race went very well, all things considering. I finished about 27 min faster than the Princess in Feb, so I was pleased.

My Williamsburg race was horrible and great all together. I think I have my running motivation back finally...I finished, I didn't finish last, and I beat my first half marathon time (Wine and Dine half) by 4 minutes :goodvibes

Ran a 15K this weekend, placed 15th overall, number 3 in my age group. One of my best finishes ever, the race wasnt particularly fast, but it was a very fun race. I knew a lot of the volunteers - so that was fun encouragement, and it involved running along some nice shaded paths around a lake.

Congrats on the PR's guys!

Tandy~ how's college going? I hope well!

Running's been going, took a couple weeks off after SD, but am starting back up again. Have to really pick up on hill training for SF in 6 weeks, I'll probably end up just going to SF 2-3 times to do long runs there w/ the treadmill inclines. Other than that, things are good. Having our 1st little heat spout, it's about 90 today and 95 tomorrow, but then it's back down again.

Hope everyone's good!
I finally gaved and bought a GPS watch. Found a good deal on the 405, $130 like new from craigslist, and came with the heart monitor. I already had the FR60 with the foot pod but wanted the GPS. The foot pod can be used with the 405 so now I get the best of both worlds. :)

Still hot as crap here - 95 today, 97 tomorrow and Wed. I think I might have a date with the treadmill! :laughing:
Hey team. How's everyone doing?????

HockeyKat: I could not live without my Garmin at this point. I hope you enjoy it. Sorry it's so hot. There's no stinkin way I could run in that. I'm getting up at 4:15 to run outside. I hate my treadmill, so this is it for me.

Kim: I didn't realize you lived close enough to SF to just hop over there for runs. It's really beautiful there. :)
School is kicking my butt, but I have all A's right now, so I can't complain. I have lost my mind, but hey, it's going to keep me feeling young, right? Or, add to my grey hairs!

Matt: Thanks for the tips on summer running. I love, love, love the heat, but when I'm running, it needs to be about 70 or under. I like it most in the 50s. My hubby wants to move to Seattle someday, because it's so moderate. I'm sure the running there would be better than Kansas City.

Well, my running is slowly going along. I ran my first ever 5k (I've done halves, 10ks, a full and Goofy, but never a 5k) and had a great finish. 22:03 officially! I came in 1st in my category, 3rd for women, and 9th overall! I don't think I'll ever top it, so I'm just going to revel in it!!!! :laughing: But, I'm not a short distance runner, I'm a cross country runner. So, I need to focus on my mileage, not my pace. I am trying to maintain 25-30 miles a week, but with school, it's getting really tough. After my schedule dies down at the end of September, I'm going to start ramping up for the ultra. That'll give me about 6 months to get back up to where I need to be, which should be enough time to keep me injury free.
Well, my running is slowly going along. I ran my first ever 5k (I've done halves, 10ks, a full and Goofy, but never a 5k) and had a great finish. 22:03 officially! I came in 1st in my category, 3rd for women, and 9th overall! I don't think I'll ever top it, so I'm just going to revel in it!!!! :laughing: But, I'm not a short distance runner, I'm a cross country runner. So, I need to focus on my mileage, not my pace. I am trying to maintain 25-30 miles a week, but with school, it's getting really tough. After my schedule dies down at the end of September, I'm going to start ramping up for the ultra. That'll give me about 6 months to get back up to where I need to be, which should be enough time to keep me injury free.

What an awesome 5k time!!! I will live through you since i am a very slow poke runner :rotfl: Congrats!!
Kim: I didn't realize you lived close enough to SF to just hop over there for runs. It's really beautiful there. :)
School is kicking my butt, but I have all A's right now, so I can't complain. I have lost my mind, but hey, it's going to keep me feeling young, right? Or, add to my grey hairs!

Well, my running is slowly going along. I ran my first ever 5k (I've done halves, 10ks, a full and Goofy, but never a 5k) and had a great finish. 22:03 officially! I came in 1st in my category, 3rd for women, and 9th overall! I don't think I'll ever top it, so I'm just going to revel in it!!!!

I'm about 45 min-1 hour south of SF, so it's not that bad of a drive. I usually do hill training in a park closer, but there is one crazy hill that is really steep on this race. You pretty much go from ocean level to the GG Bridge in about .2 miles, so this year I figured I'd drive up a couple of times just to go up and down that hill. Plus, the weather is great there and w/ summer, the morning fog is setting in so it's really nice up there.

Glad school is going well for you and congrats on your 5K!!! That is so awesome!

Got a nice 8-9 miler this weekend, thinking about Monday rather than Sunday, we've got a little heat wave going this weekend and Mon looks to be the coolest of the days. And all this after we had crazy rain on Tuesday!! We got 2/3 of an inch in a couple hours, it was so weird to watch.

The hot dog eating contest on Monday! :woohoo: Don't know why, but I absolutely love watching it. I think it's b/c it's one of those things where it's so bad that it's good.

Hope everyone has a great 4th!!
well HELLO! everyone! :yay::yay: sorry I have been such a stranger :angel: I hope everyone is doing well and still running. I know I have been slacking. I actually haven't ran in a month! :headache::sad1: BUT I am back out there, about to go out for a 3 mile run this morning and I officially start training for the Disney full this week!!

So did you run yesterday? How'd it go? I hope well!

Kim, I did run that 1/2.. and I actually didn't do that bad considering I didn't train at all for it!! I ran it in 3:10, BUT I pretty much walked the last 4 miles of it. I could feel my legs cramping up and I didn't want to hurt myself.

... I am more like in the fat-suit phase.

me too Kat.. me too... :sad2:

Hey everyone, house hunting went well. Having a house built in Sienna Plantation about 15-20 minutes from Houston.
That's great news Matt. Congrats, when do you guys officially move?

Hope everyone else is doing well.. I promise to be around more!! time to lace up and get out there! :)
Disneybound: Welcome back. I saw that you registered for the full for January. Is this your first full? You have plenty of time to train and get back in there! :thumbsup2

Kim: I love and hate hills. They are so tough, but when I'm standing at the top, I have this amazing sense of accomplishment! Did you get that long run in? I got 10 in yesterday, and man, I am hurting today. What's up with that?

I am seriously thinking it's time for some injury maintenance. I've had something in the glute area pulled or strained or whatever since last November. I wake up every single morning with a tightness that I have to try to work out. Then, after yesterday's run, my knee started hurting, which is new. My ankles are hit and miss after marathon weekend. So, I'm going to buy some compression socks and some compression shorts. I think I'm going to go back on anti inflammatories for awhile and maybe take it easy on the running here pretty soon. I have a really crazy schedule for school for 5 weeks starting at the end of August. I may use that as a forced break, if I can make it until then.

Other than that, things are going good. Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday.
Disneybound: Welcome back. I saw that you registered for the full for January. Is this your first full? You have plenty of time to train and get back in there! :thumbsup2

Kim: I love and hate hills. They are so tough, but when I'm standing at the top, I have this amazing sense of accomplishment! Did you get that long run in? I got 10 in yesterday, and man, I am hurting today. What's up with that?

I am seriously thinking it's time for some injury maintenance. I've had something in the glute area pulled or strained or whatever since last November. I wake up every single morning with a tightness that I have to try to work out. Then, after yesterday's run, my knee started hurting, which is new. My ankles are hit and miss after marathon weekend. So, I'm going to buy some compression socks and some compression shorts. I think I'm going to go back on anti inflammatories for awhile and maybe take it easy on the running here pretty soon. I have a really crazy schedule for school for 5 weeks starting at the end of August. I may use that as a forced break, if I can make it until then.

Other than that, things are going good. Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday.

It sounds like you really need a break! My sports med doc cautioned a bit against anti-inflammatories as they can actually inhibit recovery. Rest, ice massage, and the compression shorts and sleeves/socks may help.

The knee may be because you are compensating for the other injuries, too.

So, speaking from someone who is NOT taking time off :-)laughing:), I have started training for my first full. :eek: I signed up for the 26.2 with Donna on Feb 12th. I have a weight limit before I will do it, though - I have to lose 35 lbs by then or I am dropping back to the half.

I also found a great deal on a half in Austin that a few friends wanted to do - $37 registration! It's a See Jane Run for chocolate and champagne on Oct 9th, so I registered and used a free SW flight to get there. 3 other friends from my local running group are going too, so it should be a fun weekend!

Since I was in the registration mood, I also registered for our local half, City of Oaks, on Nov 6th. I will likely be doing the Princess again this year for 2012, and that should do it. :)

Hope everyone has a great 4th!!
Hey everyone, how's the weekend going. Work has been kinda crazy recently.

I've done 2 tri's since posting -DC Triathlon and a Tri in the Buff (in BUFFalo NY). Both went well enough. Gotta learn to swim better, bike faster, run faster obviously haha. But thats the same after almost every race right?? Haha.

So I'm moving middle to end of August. I recently signed up for the Houston Marathon 1 week after Disney - so looks like I have a new training goal - run 2 marathons 7 days apart. Anyone else doing that?

Also they're doing US Olympic Trials at Houston Marathon this year - so that'll be fun to spectate.

Sadly I dont think I'm going to be able to get down to Disney for the Wine & Dine which is upsetting. Still holding onto that reservation until the last minute just incase :).
Only 2 months until the DL half! Wow, that's creeping up quickly.

I'm not nearly as prepared for this one as I was for my last two. That makes me nervous. But, I'm really excited about my first trip out to Anaheim. Hopefully I'll be able to make it through the race and enjoy the trip.

I've been nursing a foot injury and the heat has kept me indoors more than I'd like. Definitely not a good combination when I should be really gearing up right now.

I'm actually registered for 5 half marathons between September and the end of January. We'll see how THAT goes! :lmao:
Disneybound: Welcome back. I saw that you registered for the full for January. Is this your first full? You have plenty of time to train and get back in there! :thumbsup2

Kim: I love and hate hills. They are so tough, but when I'm standing at the top, I have this amazing sense of accomplishment! Did you get that long run in? I got 10 in yesterday, and man, I am hurting today. What's up with that?

I am seriously thinking it's time for some injury maintenance. I've had something in the glute area pulled or strained or whatever since last November. I wake up every single morning with a tightness that I have to try to work out. Then, after yesterday's run, my knee started hurting, which is new. My ankles are hit and miss after marathon weekend. So, I'm going to buy some compression socks and some compression shorts. I think I'm going to go back on anti inflammatories for awhile and maybe take it easy on the running here pretty soon. I have a really crazy schedule for school for 5 weeks starting at the end of August. I may use that as a forced break, if I can make it until then.

Other than that, things are going good. Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday.

Yes, my first full!!! :eek: I am excited about it though.. how bad can it be! :lmao::scared1::lmao:

Only 2 months until the DL half! Wow, that's creeping up quickly.

I'm not nearly as prepared for this one as I was for my last two. That makes me nervous. But, I'm really excited about my first trip out to Anaheim. Hopefully I'll be able to make it through the race and enjoy the trip.

I've been nursing a foot injury and the heat has kept me indoors more than I'd like. Definitely not a good combination when I should be really gearing up right now.

I'm actually registered for 5 half marathons between September and the end of January. We'll see how THAT goes! :lmao:

good lord lady!!:lmao: that's a lot of halfs!!!! good luck!! you will do awesome I am sure!

Hey everyone, how's the weekend going. Work has been kinda crazy recently.

I've done 2 tri's since posting -DC Triathlon and a Tri in the Buff (in BUFFalo NY). Both went well enough. Gotta learn to swim better, bike faster, run faster obviously haha. But thats the same after almost every race right?? Haha.

So I'm moving middle to end of August. I recently signed up for the Houston Marathon 1 week after Disney - so looks like I have a new training goal - run 2 marathons 7 days apart. Anyone else doing that?

Also they're doing US Olympic Trials at Houston Marathon this year - so that'll be fun to spectate.

Sadly I dont think I'm going to be able to get down to Disney for the Wine & Dine which is upsetting. Still holding onto that reservation until the last minute just incase :).

2 marathons in a week! :worship: you are the man Matt!! good luck with all your moving plans and I really hope somehow you are able to get down to the W&D

I like the beginning stage of training.. only 3 miles today!! :thumbsup2:rotfl2:

Hope everyone has a great week!!

Anyone coming down to Disney for marathon weekend in Jan???
Yes, my first full!!! :eek: I am excited about it though.. how bad can it be! :lmao::scared1::lmao:

You'll do great. My first full was this January. I loved almost every minute of it (miles 22-24, not so much). I think that, as long as you train well, stay healthy and don't plan on being Speedy Gonzalez, you'll have an amazing day.

I like the beginning stage of training.. only 3 miles today!! :thumbsup2:rotfl2:

Hope everyone has a great week!!

Anyone coming down to Disney for marathon weekend in Jan???
Somehow my answer to your first question ended up inside the quote. Sorry.

I would LOVE to go down for marathon weekend, but my husband has vetoed Disneyworld for next year. He seems to think I spend too much time there. Plus, he won't do the races again. He said it interfered too much with vacation. So, I have to stick to more local races, and can go back to Disneyworld in 2013.

Meredith: That is an insane running schedule! Good gracious! :worship:I'm going to be lucky to get 3 races in this year.

Matt: You've got a crazy running schedule too, at least next January. I hope the move goes well. That's a bad month to move to Houston, but at least it'll acclimate you quickly, right?

Hockeykat: Another crazy, overachiever runner! Goodness. That's a lot. Good luck with the weight loss. It's so hard to train and lose weight, at least for me. I hear you on the anti inflammatories. I take them VERY rarely. I talked to my local running store owner today, and he has my same glute injury. He's had his for 3 years! :scared1: And, this guy's an expert. He said he'd been thinking about compression shorts too, and was going to take my lead. :confused:

I got the compression shorts and the socks. I am going to go run a time trial for my running class, and then, put them on and try to get this pain under control. I bought the kelly green socks leg things without the feet, so I should look quite ridiculous to the non runners around me. I will never forget all the looks I got marathon weekend when I got taped up in bright neon pink KT tape at the expo. People thought I was trying to make a fashion statement or something. :lmao: A bad one, I must say.

Had a good running weekend. I got 10 miles in on Saturday and 4 on Sunday. I am hoping to ramp up the Sunday run a little more. I'd like to get 16-20 in every weekend. We'll just have to see how it goes.
well HELLO! everyone! :yay::yay: sorry I have been such a stranger
Yea Leigh's back! No WDW in Jan. :sad1: But I'll be there for Goofy in '13.

So, speaking from someone who is NOT taking time off :-)laughing:), I have started training for my first full. :eek: I signed up for the 26.2 with Donna on Feb 12th. I have a weight limit before I will do it, though - I have to lose 35 lbs by then or I am dropping back to the half.
Good luck w/ training for the full! I think you'll do great.

So I'm moving middle to end of August. I recently signed up for the Houston Marathon 1 week after Disney - so looks like I have a new training goal - run 2 marathons 7 days apart. Anyone else doing that?

No back to back marathons, but I've got back to back 1/2s in a couple of weeks. Definitely not close to being the same, but I can let you know how that goes. A massage is a yes on Tuesday or Wednesday for me.

Only 2 months until the DL half! Wow, that's creeping up quickly.

I'm not nearly as prepared for this one as I was for my last two. That makes me nervous. But, I'm really excited about my first trip out to Anaheim. Hopefully I'll be able to make it through the race and enjoy the trip.

I've been nursing a foot injury and the heat has kept me indoors more than I'd like.

Hope you foot gets better! You are going to have so much fun. I'm counting down the days more for those races than the 3 I have before then! :rotfl2:

Had a good running weekend. I got 10 miles in on Saturday and 4 on Sunday. I am hoping to ramp up the Sunday run a little more. I'd like to get 16-20 in every weekend. We'll just have to see how it goes.

Oh my goodness Tandy!!! 16-20 every weekend??? You're crazy! :goodvibes When's the endurance race again?

Got my run in on Monday. Weather's starting to cool here today so that's good. Nowhere close to as hot as it's been in the midwest or back east, but I'm a Cali girl and used to a lot cooler weather. This weekend's a 9, maybe w/ SF thrown in Saturday. If not this weekend, then next. We'll play it by ear.
Whoa heatwave, hope everyone is doing well and surviving. I'm doing OK, obviously runs have been shorter and slower. Heading out to San Antonio for work, then chicago, then moving
Hey guys! Things are okay here. I've got the SF 1/2 this weekend and then Providence next weekend, so those are my long runs for the week. :rotfl2: Hope everything is good with everyone else. If you need a cool place to hang out and escape the heat, you can come out here for a visit. We've been mid to high 70s the past week and this week the marine layer appeared. Hopefully it will stay at least through Sunday!
I would LOVE to go down for marathon weekend, but my husband has vetoed Disneyworld for next year. He seems to think I spend too much time there. Plus, he won't do the races again. He said it interfered too much with vacation. So, I have to stick to more local races, and can go back to Disneyworld in 2013.
Well at least when you go back the Fantasy Land expansion should be done! :thumbsup2

Yea Leigh's back! No WDW in Jan. :sad1: But I'll be there for Goofy in '13.

Good luck w/ training for the full! I think you'll do great.

Thank you! As long as I stay on schedule I should do fine.. just keep moving..

AND I think I am going Goofy in 13 so WE HAVE TO MEET UP THEN!!! :thumbsup2

Hey guys! Things are okay here. I've got the SF 1/2 this weekend and then Providence next weekend, so those are my long runs for the week. :rotfl2: Hope everything is good with everyone else. If you need a cool place to hang out and escape the heat, you can come out here for a visit. We've been mid to high 70s the past week and this week the marine layer appeared. Hopefully it will stay at least through Sunday!

have fun with the SF half this weekend!!!
and YES< I SO wish the heat would go away! We got rain today so it did cool it off, but I don't think its going to last.. thankfully my scheduled long run is only 5 miles this weekend so I should be able to get it done before its in the 90's! :scared1:
Hey Guys!!! Hope everyone's end of summer is going well. Ran the 1/2 yesterday. Perfect weather w/ the heavy fog staying through the whole race. Racewise... it was an okay run, glad I went up there and did a few training runs, definitely helped. Not a PR, but the 1st 1/2 has all the hills and is just a hard course. Kinda reminded me a little of running through DL and WDW, b/c once you hit the hills, the running path is really narrow so everyone slows down plus the 1 hill is so steep a lot of people stopped and walked so that slowed people down even more. That also happened on the GG Bridge- 1 lane was for 1 direction and 1 land was for the opposite direction so it was a little conegested there as well. But once you got out of those parts and were on regular roads, you had the whole road so that was really nice. I love coming back across the beginning of the bridge, b/c you see the towers of the bridge w/ whole skyline in the background, it's so pretty! :cloud9:

Anyways, really sore today, massage tomorrow night, then red eye on Thursday for a long weekend visiting my sister in Boston and down to do the Providence RNR 1/2. Right now, the weather says scatted thunder and lightning, but as long as it doesn't affect the race, I'm good. :goodvibes

And today they released bib numbers for DL!!! I'm so excited!!, I'm down to 32 1/2 days till I'm there. But it's not like I'm really counting or anything. :rotfl2: Not 100% on the 5K theme, but that's okay, it's still a fun little run to relax the legs before Sunday.

Hope everybody's well!!!


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