Disboutiquers Part 27 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

I cut out everything I need to sew for our trip and another outfit that will be for the Launch I am participating in on Facebook.

I am trying to figure out designs to put on shirts for myself for our next trip.
I cut out everything I need to sew for our trip and another outfit that will be for the Launch I am participating in on Facebook.

I am trying to figure out designs to put on shirts for myself for our next trip.

Chiara you made shirts for my family for Allisons pixie dust give in december 2010.we loved them! I am sure you will come up with something fantastic!
I had disappeared for 3 weeks and have been trying to catch up this past week and finally made it to the last post!

So many gorgeous outfits and bags made. My 9 year old went gaga over the pirate outfits. She is insisting that i add a similar design but in a sundress form to what i have to make for our Disney trip. I loved the lorax dress and my 6 year old fell in love with the ariel bag and insisted that she needed one of those.

I haven't had time to sew at all in the past 3 weeks but i have had time to purchase a ton of fabric. I hope that this week I will be able to try one of CarlaC's stripe dress or patchwork skirt.

I know very little about fabrics except that cotton is what Joann's here mostly carries, i make blankets with fleece,knit is stretchy and a pain to embroider on,i make bowties with satin and the flannel is great for easy fit pajama pants. I keep seeing everyone talk about fabric.com but i go there and i don't know what to look for to find fabric for Florida August heat that is easy to sew and kid proof.

I hope to stay caught up this time. You all give me inspiration!
not much sewing going on here lately but i have plans for Easter dresses for the g'girls...5 of them ,so simple dresses! it's beautiful here in north ga. spring is here and soccer started today for my oldest grandson...and something happened today and i was gonna ask you ladies what you thought...my dd has been having legal probs with her ex and his new wife,new wife wanting lots of things that were settled 2 years ago changed....won't go in to the crazy details except to say they have driving dd nuts with petty issues like when is soccer practice/games etc...the dad knows all this info but insist on sending emails almost dailey asking/demaned things,even conacts his layer about when game was today! wouldn't be crazy except he is the asst coach!!!! and hie's buds with the coach...and to top it off they put the boys name son their jerseys last night and the new step mom shows up with my grandson's name n her shirt!!!!! did they offer his MOM a shirt NO!!! just so disrespectful i think...anywyas whats your views on the shirt,i think she should do last name and ask Brendi is she wants one with Blaze's name on it...
anyways on a nicer note...here's dd at 23 weeks preg with Liberty elayna...catch ya all later

I am so sorry to hear about your DD's problems. Feel free to vent to us, we may not be able to do anything to help directly but I know it is good to vent. It is nice to see Brendi's pregnancy is coming along nicely though.

So we have been talking a lot about knits the last few days. The knit fabrics tend to be so much more expensive than cottons so I decided to re-purpose one of my old shirts for my first experiment in sewing a knit dress. This was a shirt that was in good shape but I hadn't worn for over a year. I thought it would make a perfect summer outfit for my niece. It already had the button front. I used a purchased knit dress for my cutting guide to figure out how long and wide to make the dress. I decided not to do sleeves to make it a little easier this time. Plus the idea I had in mind was very beachy so sleeveless fit that. The little shorts were the sleeves.

That's a very nice summer outfit!

Wow, nothing like finally meandering my way back over to the DisBou thread 229 pages in! :rolleyes1

May trip on the horizon for us and I just finished the first custom! :) I need to get a dress form. These hanger pictures aren't doing a kindness to the skirt and my DD was already in jammies when I finished.



Great job on the dress! I really like the colour combination.

Here is my dilemma, I booked a trip with free DDP in Oct 2012, when I was planning on Oct 2013. I have 6 months to get outfits done for 4 kids and I am not even a novice sewer. :confused3 I have fabric purchased and know what I want, but no realistic expectations of being able to accomplish them. :sad2: Anyone have any ideas of what to do? As I said, I already have fabric purchased and know what I want, nothing fancy mainly some elastic waist skirts, and the sewing ability of a drunk monkey with no real time to practice. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

You may also want to check out Carla's Preppy Skort pattern. The pattern makes both skirts and skorts and they are super easy to put together. By the way, welcome to the club of "drunk monkey sewers"! I am a card holding member of that club and I can still manage to make things looking decent. You will get better with practice too!

I just finished my first Disney top for ME - McCall's 6512 in a cotton voile I found really cheap through Fabric Mart (one of my biggest online weaknesses). Here is the result:


I have more pictures and info on my sewing blog.

Aside from a Buzz Lightyear tee I applique for my youngest son (need to take a picture of that), this is actually my first trip garment.:banana:

It's nice to see what others make for themselves. I really like the fabric you chose and the pattern you used.

Vacuum update: We still don't have a vacuum cleaner yet. DH took it to a shop and they thought they could repair it. We ended up doing the broom and dustpan routine yesterday, fortunately our place doesn't get too dusty! Hopefully the vacuum shop will call us tomorrow to give us an update on the "patient."
i finished my Super Hero capes,i made 22 of them,spent $11 at thrift store for 22 te's { $1 each and i had a 50% off coupon1] $3.50 for heat'n'bond ultrahold and 4 1/2 hours total time for shopping,cutting tee's,tracing,cutting,ironing on stars...not too bad and well worth it when i see all those boys and girls in their capes when Seth comes back sometime in the next week or so!:yay:

i wish i'd of made sure the pic showed the collar of the tee in -tact to hold on the cape,some tute's called for adding velcro or ribbons at the neckline,i like the ease of leaving the collar...gonna use some of the shirt fronts to make ruffles for ???? and the one's that are cool i will use for quilt squares for quilts for my g'sons for christmas...
thanks for looking ~Beth~
Okay I can't for the life of me remember how to post pictures on here. So I'll do this one as a trial, then if it works, I'll post another!

I am NOT a sewer. I'm a cake decorator! Until now I've made...curtains, square patchwork blankets, and pillows. And then, I got sucked into the disboutique. :lmao:

And I think "I want to do that!"

Well girls, I cannot do a lot of the amazing stuff you all have done, but I DID MAKE SOME SHORTS. I wanted to have some cute coordinating outfits without bothering my MIL To make them all. Here is DD4's leopard print shorts with appliqued tshirts. It's not too bad unless you look too closely at the stitching, and if someone gets that close to my daughter, I'll probably deck 'em :)

ok let's see if this works.

hey it worked! So here is DD8's outfit. I took this before I put the ruffle edge on her shorts. I'm not real great with the ruffle edges yet.


Then I saw this fabric at Hancock Fabrics I think, and I loved the colors. So I whipped out shorts for them with it tonight.

I think they are cute little board shorts.

I had NEVER used a pattern before and I did on DD4's shorts. I found them to be really confusing! (And have since made note of the ones you guys have referenced here). But I just went to google and put in 'how to sew shorts" and found this tutorial that made it soooo sooo easy. So if you're new to sewing, give it a try! it worked for me!

how to sew shorts

Anyways, gang, thanks for the inspiration. Now if I can figure out how to make a messenger bag, I'll be good to go! :) :laughing:
Cute AK outfits and I love the plaid shorts.

I should go and sew since I am not sleeping :( but I don't feel like going downstairs. LOL
I had disappeared for 3 weeks and have been trying to catch up this past week and finally made it to the last post!

So many gorgeous outfits and bags made. My 9 year old went gaga over the pirate outfits. She is insisting that i add a similar design but in a sundress form to what i have to make for our Disney trip. I loved the lorax dress and my 6 year old fell in love with the ariel bag and insisted that she needed one of those.

I haven't had time to sew at all in the past 3 weeks but i have had time to purchase a ton of fabric. I hope that this week I will be able to try one of CarlaC's stripe dress or patchwork skirt.

I know very little about fabrics except that cotton is what Joann's here mostly carries, i make blankets with fleece,knit is stretchy and a pain to embroider on,i make bowties with satin and the flannel is great for easy fit pajama pants. I keep seeing everyone talk about fabric.com but i go there and i don't know what to look for to find fabric for Florida August heat that is easy to sew and kid proof.

I hope to stay caught up this time. You all give me inspiration!

Some of the activewear fabrics that are moisture wicking would be great. I'm going about the same time as you and I am sticking with cottons - knits and wovens plus a few performance/activewear fabrics.

hey it worked! So here is DD8's outfit. I took this before I put the ruffle edge on her shorts. I'm not real great with the ruffle edges yet.


Then I saw this fabric at Hancock Fabrics I think, and I loved the colors. So I whipped out shorts for them with it tonight.

I think they are cute little board shorts.

I had NEVER used a pattern before and I did on DD4's shorts. I found them to be really confusing! (And have since made note of the ones you guys have referenced here). But I just went to google and put in 'how to sew shorts" and found this tutorial that made it soooo sooo easy. So if you're new to sewing, give it a try! it worked for me!

how to sew shorts

Anyways, gang, thanks for the inspiration. Now if I can figure out how to make a messenger bag, I'll be good to go! :) :laughing:

It looks like you are doing pretty well. Just a tip - when you work with plaids, try to look where your seams will line up (use the registration marks on the pattern, matching seam points) and it will make it easier to match the plaid.

When you do ruffles, are you using a double row of gathering stitches. I used one row for quite a while and then I switched to double - makes it much easier to control the fullness.
So - tonight I finally got up the guts to try out this embroidery thing!

My first attempt looks okay in the pic, but I'd hooped it the wrong way (duh!) so the stabilizer wasn't going under the entire name.

My second attempt took a LOT of punching of the screen (not sure how well the touch screen & I will get along :rotfl2: ) but it came out exactly as I'd hoped it would and Phalen is THRILLED (Dude, it's a square of fabric with your name on it . . . but apparently he's got big plans for that scrap of fabric :lmao: ).



And here's an action shot LOL

I made another travel artist portfolio for a birthday gift for one of Finn's friends . . . I didn't have white velcro so I improvised an elastic loop & button closure . . .

Interior shot (Walmart has princess paper dolls for 99¢ in the Easter section. The next time I make one of these I want to add a pocket on the thinner section because it'd be the perfect place to slide one of these in. This time I just put it behind the Drawing Pad & Paint with Water book.).
Hi everyone. Lots of cute stuff posted lately but WTMTQ!

I have to share my daughter's baby bump pic, since I don't have any projects to post.

She's 18 weeks. Hopefully we will find out the gender when she has her 20 week u/s!


I found some tutorials for maternity tops on pinterest so I'm hoping to find the time to make a couple of those soon. She's not going to be fitting into her clothes much longer!
I just finished my first Disney top for ME - McCall's 6512 in a cotton voile I found really cheap through Fabric Mart (one of my biggest online weaknesses). Here is the result:


I have more pictures and info on my sewing blog.

Aside from a Buzz Lightyear tee I applique for my youngest son (need to take a picture of that), this is actually my first trip garment.:banana:
Looks fabulous (and comfy too!). I pinned your blog -- you can really see the fabric on the back shot -- I like it a lot!

I am indeed on pinterest. I am sitting here looking at one of the first sewing projects I took on and it makes me want to laugh hysterically, due to the drunk monkey factor. I am so tempted to call my Memaw and ask if I can come over for a weekend of non-stop sewing tutorials. LOL If only it weren't for those 4 kids that won't allow me to get anything accomplished. Thank you for the vote of confidence!
If you search for VBAndrea on pinterest and look in my sewing kids folder you will find some skirt tuts. BTW, my real name is not associated with pinterest as a friend set it up for me (longer story, but we'll leave it at that).

I had disappeared for 3 weeks and have been trying to catch up this past week and finally made it to the last post!

So many gorgeous outfits and bags made. My 9 year old went gaga over the pirate outfits. She is insisting that i add a similar design but in a sundress form to what i have to make for our Disney trip. I loved the lorax dress and my 6 year old fell in love with the ariel bag and insisted that she needed one of those.

I haven't had time to sew at all in the past 3 weeks but i have had time to purchase a ton of fabric. I hope that this week I will be able to try one of CarlaC's stripe dress or patchwork skirt.

I know very little about fabrics except that cotton is what Joann's here mostly carries, i make blankets with fleece,knit is stretchy and a pain to embroider on,i make bowties with satin and the flannel is great for easy fit pajama pants. I keep seeing everyone talk about fabric.com but i go there and i don't know what to look for to find fabric for Florida August heat that is easy to sew and kid proof.

I hope to stay caught up this time. You all give me inspiration!
Most of us just sew with cottons for Dis and do t-shirts as needed too coordinate.

i finished my Super Hero capes,i made 22 of them,spent $11 at thrift store for 22 te's { $1 each and i had a 50% off coupon1] $3.50 for heat'n'bond ultrahold and 4 1/2 hours total time for shopping,cutting tee's,tracing,cutting,ironing on stars...not too bad and well worth it when i see all those boys and girls in their capes when Seth comes back sometime in the next week or so!:yay:

i wish i'd of made sure the pic showed the collar of the tee in -tact to hold on the cape,some tute's called for adding velcro or ribbons at the neckline,i like the ease of leaving the collar...gonna use some of the shirt fronts to make ruffles for ???? and the one's that are cool i will use for quilt squares for quilts for my g'sons for christmas...
thanks for looking ~Beth~
Looks awesome and can't beat the price!
Okay I can't for the life of me remember how to post pictures on here. So I'll do this one as a trial, then if it works, I'll post another!

I am NOT a sewer. I'm a cake decorator! Until now I've made...curtains, square patchwork blankets, and pillows. And then, I got sucked into the disboutique. :lmao:

And I think "I want to do that!"

Well girls, I cannot do a lot of the amazing stuff you all have done, but I DID MAKE SOME SHORTS. I wanted to have some cute coordinating outfits without bothering my MIL To make them all. Here is DD4's leopard print shorts with appliqued tshirts. It's not too bad unless you look too closely at the stitching, and if someone gets that close to my daughter, I'll probably deck 'em :)

ok let's see if this works.

Awesome job! I think the set looks fantastic!
hey it worked! So here is DD8's outfit. I took this before I put the ruffle edge on her shorts. I'm not real great with the ruffle edges yet.


Then I saw this fabric at Hancock Fabrics I think, and I loved the colors. So I whipped out shorts for them with it tonight.

I think they are cute little board shorts.

I had NEVER used a pattern before and I did on DD4's shorts. I found them to be really confusing! (And have since made note of the ones you guys have referenced here). But I just went to google and put in 'how to sew shorts" and found this tutorial that made it soooo sooo easy. So if you're new to sewing, give it a try! it worked for me!

how to sew shorts

Anyways, gang, thanks for the inspiration. Now if I can figure out how to make a messenger bag, I'll be good to go! :) :laughing:
You must have some happy girls :)

So - tonight I finally got up the guts to try out this embroidery thing!

My first attempt looks okay in the pic, but I'd hooped it the wrong way (duh!) so the stabilizer wasn't going under the entire name.

My second attempt took a LOT of punching of the screen (not sure how well the touch screen & I will get along :rotfl2: ) but it came out exactly as I'd hoped it would and Phalen is THRILLED (Dude, it's a square of fabric with your name on it . . . but apparently he's got big plans for that scrap of fabric :lmao: ).



And here's an action shot LOL

I made another travel artist portfolio for a birthday gift for one of Finn's friends . . . I didn't have white velcro so I improvised an elastic loop & button closure . . .

Interior shot (Walmart has princess paper dolls for 99¢ in the Easter section. The next time I make one of these I want to add a pocket on the thinner section because it'd be the perfect place to slide one of these in. This time I just put it behind the Drawing Pad & Paint with Water book.).
YAY!!!! When I do t's I hoop an entire sheet of stabilizer and pin the t. Even when I do patchwork squares I hoop a full sheet of stabilizer -- I tend to get better results that way - less wrinkles.

And now you can start adding embroidery to the art portfolios!

Hi everyone. Lots of cute stuff posted lately but WTMTQ!

I have to share my daughter's baby bump pic, since I don't have any projects to post.

She's 18 weeks. Hopefully we will find out the gender when she has her 20 week u/s!


I found some tutorials for maternity tops on pinterest so I'm hoping to find the time to make a couple of those soon. She's not going to be fitting into her clothes much longer!
Cute! I'm surprised how she still fits into regular clothes. With both kids I was in maternity at 10 weeks! Gained almost 40 pounds (I was not underweight to start with - I was normal weight) and still haven't lost the last ten with my dd (never mind that she is 8 years old!). I hope you post pics of the tops you make your dd.

Well girls, I cannot do a lot of the amazing stuff you all have done, but I DID MAKE SOME SHORTS. I wanted to have some cute coordinating outfits without bothering my MIL To make them all.
Pictures please!
i finished my Super Hero capes,i made 22 of them,spent $11 at thrift store for 22 te's { $1 each and i had a 50% off coupon1] $3.50 for heat'n'bond ultrahold and 4 1/2 hours total time for shopping,cutting tee's,tracing,cutting,ironing on stars...not too bad and well worth it when i see all those boys and girls in their capes when Seth comes back sometime in the next week or so!:yay:

i wish i'd of made sure the pic showed the collar of the tee in -tact to hold on the cape,some tute's called for adding velcro or ribbons at the neckline,i like the ease of leaving the collar...gonna use some of the shirt fronts to make ruffles for ???? and the one's that are cool i will use for quilt squares for quilts for my g'sons for christmas...
thanks for looking ~Beth~
Those turned out great! What a cute idea! I can't believe you made so many of them. I sewed 5 super hero capes last fall and it took forever! I love how quickly you were able t make them.

Good job on the outfit! Can't see any mistakes!

hey it worked! So here is DD8's outfit. I took this before I put the ruffle edge on her shorts. I'm not real great with the ruffle edges yet.


Then I saw this fabric at Hancock Fabrics I think, and I loved the colors. So I whipped out shorts for them with it tonight.
Those looks great! I love the colors in the plaid shorts. Your daughters must love their new outfits!



And here's an action shot LOL

I made another travel artist portfolio for a birthday gift for one of Finn's friends . . . I didn't have white velcro so I improvised an elastic loop & button closure . . .

Interior shot (Walmart has princess paper dolls for 99¢ in the Easter section. The next time I make one of these I want to add a pocket on the thinner section because it'd be the perfect place to slide one of these in. This time I just put it behind the Drawing Pad & Paint with Water book.).

Great job on your first embroidery. You'll be stitching out tons of designs before you know it. What do you plan to make next?

I love the travel artist portfolio. What a cute idea! It makes such a nice gift.

So I looked at my embroidery machine's stitch count last night. It has close to 7 million stitches now. It is still working great but I started to get worried about how long I can expect the machine to last. How many stitches do your embroidery machines have?
Marianne try floating a piece of stabilizer under the hooped item if you don't feel like it is hooped tightly enough.
Okay I can't for the life of me remember how to post pictures on here. So I'll do this one as a trial, then if it works, I'll post another!

I am NOT a sewer. I'm a cake decorator! Until now I've made...curtains, square patchwork blankets, and pillows. And then, I got sucked into the disboutique. :lmao:

And I think "I want to do that!"

Well girls, I cannot do a lot of the amazing stuff you all have done, but I DID MAKE SOME SHORTS. I wanted to have some cute coordinating outfits without bothering my MIL To make them all. Here is DD4's leopard print shorts with appliqued tshirts. It's not too bad unless you look too closely at the stitching, and if someone gets that close to my daughter, I'll probably deck 'em :)

ok let's see if this works.


I think everything is super cute! Keep it up.

So - tonight I finally got up the guts to try out this embroidery thing!


I love the artist portfolio. :love:

So I looked at my embroidery machine's stitch count last night. It has close to 7 million stitches now. It is still working great but I started to get worried about how long I can expect the machine to last. How many stitches do your embroidery machines have?

How do you do that?
Hi everyone, I don't pop in often, but I think I need some help.

I was looking for the safari mickey and Minnie that several on here have made and I can't find them. I know heathersue didn't do these, I thought bowsandclothes did these. But there doesn't seem to be any Disney designs on her site today. Even things from her facebook page are not coming up on here web sight when you link back to them for the web sight. Am I missing something, or did she get in trouble with Disney? It looks to me that she has pulled all her Disney designs.

Hi everyone, I don't pop in often, but I think I need some help.

I was looking for the safari mickey and Minnie that several on here have made and I can't find them. I know heathersue didn't do these, I thought bowsandclothes did these. But there doesn't seem to be any Disney designs on her site today. Even things from her facebook page are not coming up on here web sight when you link back to them for the web sight. Am I missing something, or did she get in trouble with Disney? It looks to me that she has pulled all her Disney designs.


They were on there last week but you have to be logged in to see them.
They were on there last week but you have to be logged in to see them.

Thanks I had not thought to try signing in, but I still can't find any Disney stuff. I'm going to try emailing her, just had wondered if anyone knew anything.

Here are the 2 dress I mentioned previously. The colors didn't come out great...The Rapunzel dress is more lavender and the yellow on Snow White is much brighter that shows up.



Both very pretty



I am not a skinny little woman so my shirt had plenty of fabric to work with.;)

Good job, looks awesome.



Very cute.

Nice looking shirt. Love the fabric.


Awesome, that's a lot of superheroes you know.


Then I saw this fabric at Hancock Fabrics I think, and I loved the colors. So I whipped out shorts for them with it tonight.

It all looks great.



And here's an action shot LOL

Looks like you are starting out great. I dont' know if it's just me, but I always have the most trouble doing lettering. You should try one of Heather's designs if you haven't already.
Thanks for all the encouragement everyone!!! My next attempt is going to be moving files from the laptop to the machine!!! :scared:

Marianne try floating a piece of stabilizer under the hooped item if you don't feel like it is hooped tightly enough.

How do I do that? I told you, I feel like I'm speaking the wrong language :rotfl2: It's just like with hand applique - until I went to Tami's house and she walked me through it, I was totally L O S T :sad2: Once she did, I was good to go!


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