Resolution In Action (Hopefully, It Keeps the Space)

thanks. the encouragement is needed.

Casey you have motivated me!

I decided to restart my C25K program (not fully) because I was not improving on my speed at all. So I dropped back a few weeks and here I am.
I did weigh myself this evening and I'm now down to 204! WOot!

Keep working guys, it does help!

The funny thing is, I haven't used the C25K program since the second week of January. I think my speed was up these past two nights because I put myself on a time limit. I knew the distance I had to run, and gave myself either 30 or 45 minutes. At the end of which time, I had to meet DW to walk her home from work.

When I deviated from the program, I just wanted to see how far I could run. I wasn't worried about speed or anything, just how long I could last. I ran for about 20 minutes and thought, "ok, that's good." I turned around to head back, but didn't stop running. I just kept telling myself, "just make it to the end of the beach...ok, just make it to the gas station..." and so on until I made it back home. I ended up running for 45 minutes, covering just over 6km. Since that day, I've pretty much just been doing the 20minute or so runs, very rarely stopping to walk.

I've been writing down how long (time wise) I run each day or if that day was a no-workout day. I started on January 3rd, and I've only ran on 23 days since then (only 5 times in March, and three of those this week). To make matters worse, I still haven't been able to quit smoking (although, I have gotten down to about a 1/2 pack a day).

However, with my first event happening two weeks from tomorrow, I have gotten much more motivated. And, if I feel I do well enough in this one, I plan on signing up for a half marathon that is happening on June 10. Since the events are only about two months from each other, I figure that won't give me any time to slack off.
The funny thing is, I haven't used the C25K program since the second week of January. I think my speed was up these past two nights because I put myself on a time limit. I knew the distance I had to run, and gave myself either 30 or 45 minutes. At the end of which time, I had to meet DW to walk her home from work.

When I deviated from the program, I just wanted to see how far I could run. I wasn't worried about speed or anything, just how long I could last. I ran for about 20 minutes and thought, "ok, that's good." I turned around to head back, but didn't stop running. I just kept telling myself, "just make it to the end of the beach...ok, just make it to the gas station..." and so on until I made it back home. I ended up running for 45 minutes, covering just over 6km. Since that day, I've pretty much just been doing the 20minute or so runs, very rarely stopping to walk.

I've been writing down how long (time wise) I run each day or if that day was a no-workout day. I started on January 3rd, and I've only ran on 23 days since then (only 5 times in March, and three of those this week). To make matters worse, I still haven't been able to quit smoking (although, I have gotten down to about a 1/2 pack a day).

However, with my first event happening two weeks from tomorrow, I have gotten much more motivated. And, if I feel I do well enough in this one, I plan on signing up for a half marathon that is happening on June 10. Since the events are only about two months from each other, I figure that won't give me any time to slack off.

I still use it, but mainly as a way to track my runs for the week. I haven't had alot of time to run recently, and I noticed that my pace wasn't very good. I have also noticed that the weight I've been losing has started dropping off alot slower, even with me being quite militant about tracking my Calories and stuff.

So, I decided to roll back a few weeks on the C25K now that I'm at an acceptable level of fitness, and work on building my speed up. Before I was jogging at 5 miles an hour, which barely qualifies as jogging. So now, I'm going to try a faster pace, 6.5 mph or so and see where that gets me.

cool thread guys. Just the thing I need to hold myself accountable. just got into running and looking to run a half marathon by next year. but for now I'm looking to just get to running for 10 minutes straight. Down 2 lbs after a week. need to drop another 40 or so and I will be about where I need to be.
LIke Casey said above, He and I both started using the C25K program, if you google it you can find it pretty easily. I also use to track the food I eat and it seems to be working for me so far.

I still use it, but mainly as a way to track my runs for the week. I haven't had alot of time to run recently, and I noticed that my pace wasn't very good. I have also noticed that the weight I've been losing has started dropping off alot slower, even with me being quite militant about tracking my Calories and stuff.

So, I decided to roll back a few weeks on the C25K now that I'm at an acceptable level of fitness, and work on building my speed up. Before I was jogging at 5 miles an hour, which barely qualifies as jogging. So now, I'm going to try a faster pace, 6.5 mph or so and see where that gets me.

LIke Casey said above, He and I both started using the C25K program, if you google it you can find it pretty easily. I also use to track the food I eat and it seems to be working for me so far.


Ah, I see.

And yeah, thheaton, before this year, the only time I ran was for school umpteen years ago. Now, the shortest run I've had in the past two months was just over one mile, at ten minutes. I could have run further, but I had a late start and had to get ready for work. Most of my runs have been in the 20-25 minute range, without stopping to walk at all. C25K (Couch to 5k) is a great way to start. You can also check out the W.I.S.H subforum here on the boards for more info/help/support/etc.
Hey Guys,

Still trying to find a comfortable place to restart the C25k. I basically just did week 2 Day 1 last night, and even with the higher speed (6.5) and adding an incline (1.5%), it was still not enough to give me that workout complete feeling. I even ran an extra quarter mile, but to no avail. I think Im just going to stick with it and do extra as needed for me to get that runners high.

Thanks for the encouragement and advice guys. I ended up sticking with the program,runner's world 8-week beginner, I found before you guys told me about the C25k program. This week I'm going through week 1 again as it was a struggle for the most part last week. its nice to see some progress though.:thumbsup2
Hey Guys,

Still trying to find a comfortable place to restart the C25k. I basically just did week 2 Day 1 last night, and even with the higher speed (6.5) and adding an incline (1.5%), it was still not enough to give me that workout complete feeling. I even ran an extra quarter mile, but to no avail. I think Im just going to stick with it and do extra as needed for me to get that runners high.


wish I had some advice for you, but this is the first time in my life I have attempted to run for distance. Everything I had done in the past involved sprinting. Sounds like you're headed in the right direction though.
wish I had some advice for you, but this is the first time in my life I have attempted to run for distance. Everything I had done in the past involved sprinting. Sounds like you're headed in the right direction though.

Thanks Bud

I ran again last night, and bumped it up to 7 mph and 1.5 incline. Ran Week 2 day 2, then did an extra 1/4 mile. I may try to do an extra 1/2 mile, but my limiting factor is time. Between work and the schedule of my DW, and 2 DD, my time if very limited.

Good luck and keep it up!
Thanks Bud

I ran again last night, and bumped it up to 7 mph and 1.5 incline. Ran Week 2 day 2, then did an extra 1/4 mile. I may try to do an extra 1/2 mile, but my limiting factor is time. Between work and the schedule of my DW, and 2 DD, my time if very limited.

Good luck and keep it up!

Try running outside. My 10k is this weekend and I've been good about following my training schedule. The problem is that most of it was inside. My last few runs have been outdoors and I wish I had gotten out there sooner. My legs have felt heavy and I'm getting tired much sooner than I expected. I did a half marathon about 10 weeks ago and now I'm struggling with a 10k!!
Try running outside. My 10k is this weekend and I've been good about following my training schedule. The problem is that most of it was inside. My last few runs have been outdoors and I wish I had gotten out there sooner. My legs have felt heavy and I'm getting tired much sooner than I expected. I did a half marathon about 10 weeks ago and now I'm struggling with a 10k!!

I may try to switch to the track, but there is no where to run outside around here. I'm not brave enough to try and run on the road, so its mainly inside. I have tried to run on the track, but there are so many kids in the way that I finally just gave it up.

There was some outside trails for running in the park not far from my house, but most of those have been destroyed by construction and no longer usable.

I do agree that it would probably be better to run outside, but I don't feel like getting run over either. :eek:

I may try to switch to the track, but there is no where to run outside around here. I'm not brave enough to try and run on the road, so its mainly inside. I have tried to run on the track, but there are so many kids in the way that I finally just gave it up.

There was some outside trails for running in the park not far from my house, but most of those have been destroyed by construction and no longer usable.

I do agree that it would probably be better to run outside, but I don't feel like getting run over either. :eek:


Same situation here. I don't like running on the busy road. So for my longer runs I've been driving to a nice neighborhood with sidewalks. It adds 10 minutes driving each way but at least I don't have to run while constantly trying to look over my shoulder.
Same situation here. I don't like running on the busy road. So for my longer runs I've been driving to a nice neighborhood with sidewalks. It adds 10 minutes driving each way but at least I don't have to run while constantly trying to look over my shoulder.

I live in a very rural area, and the avg speed of my drivers is 60-65 mph, in the 55 mph zones. They may slow down some for 45, but not by much.

I will try to do more on the track though, you brought up a very good point. I had read in a few other places that there is a difference between the treadmill and real life (duh) but you can make up for it by upping the incline on the treadmill.
Got a 20 minute run in on Thursday. Wanted to run yesterday, but it was raining.

My 10k is one week from today...:scared1:

I was able to run with my co-worker earlier today. Copied from his facebook:

A great run around Bukbu Beach with Casey.

I just finished my run
Distance: 5.04 km | Pace: 5'52"/km

The whole run took just under 30 minutes. We were planning on running back, but my co-worker's leg was bothering him, so we walked it instead (on the walk, we were averaging about 11m/km).

I'm REALLY sore right now...maybe I should have cleaned the house before I ran...

My plan for the rest of the week:
Short (maybe 20 minute) run tomorrow (Sunday).
Long run on Monday (alternating between run 2km/walk 1km).
Short run Tuesday.
Long run on Wednesday (alternating between 20min run/1 min walk...if that's too rough, add a couple minutes to the walk).
Short run on Thursday.
No running on Friday.

The 10k starts, I believe, at 10am on Saturday.
So my "short" run today ended up being longer than yesterday, at 5.33km, with an average pace of 5:58.

Feeling better overall today, compared to yesterday. But we'll see how I feel tomorrow morning.
Felt fairly good today, considering how much I ran over the weekend. My run tonight covered about 3.75km in about 20 or so minutes (not sure exactly of the time, since I didn't have my watch or phone on me), and half of that was running into a non-stop wind. I'm fairly exhausted right now, huffed a lot of wind on my two-block walk home. But, like the good husband I am, I cooked spaghetti for DW and I for dinner, despite my exhaustion.

I'm gonna try for a longer run tomorrow, run 20/walk 1 or 2, and see how long I last. (The route I'm going to do is about 1km, and I'll be running it back and forth...then again, I might do the slightly longer run by adding a block. With that route, back and forth four times will give me over 9km (5 times without the extra block)...)
Good Job Casey!

I finally got the chance to run yesterday afternoon, right after church. I only had 30 minutes to run, and I could really tell it had been almost a week since I had run. But the good news is that I did get off the treadmill and actually ran the track, esp. since there was almost no one there. Hopefully will try again today or tomorrow, based on how sick the wife is.

Copied from my facebook:

Didn't get to run tonight, due to a disagreeing stomach. However, I crunched some numbers. I've been keeping track of the times that I've gone running...just under 10 hours since January 2nd. I didn't keep track of the distances, but, if I had to guess, it'd be somewhere between 80-100km. Considering I never ran more than a mile before this year (and that was back in high school), and I haven't been very consistent in when I run, I'd say that's pretty damn good.
Ran for 31:50 on a late run tonight. Covered 4.76km with an overall pace of 6:40. Ran against some fairly strong winds for part of it, too (part of the run was along a beach...I think I saw waves that were about 10 feet high). I almost considered running the route again, to make it closer to 10km. I was feeling good (still do right now), but I was really thirsty.

I actually timed my run perfectly, though, and it was a good thing I came home when I did. DW was in Seoul yesterday and today. I was home for no more than 5 minutes after my run and she called, telling me to go downstairs to help her unpack the car.

Only two more days to get some runs in, and I wasn't originally planning on running on Friday night. Now, I think I might try to do a short run. Got my racing bib and chip in the mail today. Seems more real now. :lmao:
Ran for 31:50 on a late run tonight. Covered 4.76km with an overall pace of 6:40. Ran against some fairly strong winds for part of it, too (part of the run was along a beach...I think I saw waves that were about 10 feet high). I almost considered running the route again, to make it closer to 10km. I was feeling good (still do right now), but I was really thirsty.

I actually timed my run perfectly, though, and it was a good thing I came home when I did. DW was in Seoul yesterday and today. I was home for no more than 5 minutes after my run and she called, telling me to go downstairs to help her unpack the car.

Only two more days to get some runs in, and I wasn't originally planning on running on Friday night. Now, I think I might try to do a short run. Got my racing bib and chip in the mail today. Seems more real now. :lmao:

Good Luck Sat. Looking forward to seeing how well you do.

As for me, looks like I will not get much running in this week. DD is home on spring break, so that eliminates my usual AM run. and I'm having a pretty big workload after my class and haven't been able to do any running so far. Back to normal schedules next week so should be able to get back on track. my first 5k will be on June 16th.:banana:
Didn't get a chance to run on Thursday or last night. Makes me a bit nervous for my 10K which is in less than three hours from now :scared1:

I'm both excited and nervous. Hopefully, I'll be able to move afterwards...


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