Resolution In Action (Hopefully, It Keeps the Space)

Route took me 47 minutes today: 27 jogging, 20 walking. I stopped running somewhere between 4-4.5km. Started to get a very tiny blood blister on one of my toes on my right foot. Felt like I had something in my sock or my shoe, but it was just toes rubbing together, I think.

Watched this Nova documentary last night. Pretty interesting. I recommend it, if you have about an hour to kill...
Yeah didnt run last night, but will most likely run this evening before church. Sorry to hear about the blisters Katoot, having worn steel toed boats for about a decade, I know how bad blisters can hurt your feet.

Oh yeah Forgot to tell you guys, I weighed myself last night at the Y and Im down to 214. I've lost about 10 lbs since I started jogging! :woohoo

Yeah didnt run last night, but will most likely run this evening before church. Sorry to hear about the blisters Katoot, having worn steel toed boats for about a decade, I know how bad blisters can hurt your feet.

Oh yeah Forgot to tell you guys, I weighed myself last night at the Y and Im down to 214. I've lost about 10 lbs since I started jogging! :woohoo


I just started working out and running pretty hard this week. Haven't run in a few weeks and haven't done more intense stuff in about 3 months. It's sad how much weaker I've become in those 3 months. :sad2:
Congrats on the weight loss!
I just started working out and running pretty hard this week. Haven't run in a few weeks and haven't done more intense stuff in about 3 months. It's sad how much weaker I've become in those 3 months. :sad2:
Congrats on the weight loss!

You know, I cant complain too much about my weight. I was in Submarines for 10 yrs, and was working really long hours on very little sleep. I was mostly sedentary, and that continues when I got out. I've been out for almost 10 yrs now, and in the last 20 yrs or so I had put on almost 60 lbs. Now that Im exercising again, I feel much better than what I did, my snoring has decreased enough that she noticed, and I do have more energy. I can see changes in my calves and thighs from the jogging and I'm pretty happy so far.

I did recommend to the Y that they start a P90X course, but havent heard anything back about that. Im not motivated enough to do it on my own.

Oh and thanks!:thumbsup2

Well Guys, I finished week 5 day 3, which was a 5 minute warm up walk, and 20 minutes straight jog. The last 2 minutes I bumped the speed up on the treadmill from 5 mph to 5.5 and tried to put in a hard final lap. Felt good overall, but I was falling asleep watching Ghost Hunters last night. Both DD have stuff to do tonite, DD Ashlea has dance from 530-630, and DD Abigail has swim lessons from 445-530. Maybe I will get another jog in or something not sure yet. :goodvibes

WOOT! Week 6 Day 1 complete!

I bumped the speed up to 6 and ran that for the most part, but I did have to drop it back to 5mph twice in the last few minutes of the runs. Im getting there, slowly but surely!

I forgot how hard training for a race and trying to keep up with P90X can be. I'm too tired to play video games now!!
Only ran 20 minutes tonight, but at a slightly faster pace. Covered 3.41km. Tomorrow's supposed to be around the same temperature (8 degrees C), so I'm gonna try for another run when I get home from work.
Quick checking in - I've been sick for most of the last week, so while I have made at least the daily mileage to keep my streak going, I skipped the kettlebell class and my planned long run for the weekend. Good to see others have been active as well.
Every time I take a break from working out and then start up again this happens. I put on 6-8 pounds almost immediately and spend the next few weeks losing it. It seems to have happened in the past few days. Oh well. I think it's because I'm forcing myself to drink so much water.
Finished up week 6 day 2, I could tell it had been a few days since I had run. Next day of running is a straight 25 minute run. Hope I can hold out for that one!

Didn't get a chance to run on Tuesday night due to weather. I've been busy with long days at work, so I haven't been able to run at all since Monday. Probably won't be able to until Saturday. Hopefully, I won't be hungover too much to run, since it's supposed to rain on Sunday (plus, DW wants to go shopping in Busan, which would take most of the day).
I did the bike for a few miles yesterday, I think the total was about 7.5. I could definitely tell it by the end. Hard to exercise when I'm on the road, as it takes 3 or 4X longer to do the paperwork due to slow VPN. But I'm East Coast bound tomorrow, flights San Diego at 7AM. :cool1:

I seem to keep improving my almost 4k run, despite only running about once a week. Ran it in approx. 20 minutes, really about 22, but I had to wait at a stoplight for about two minutes. (I really need to start using a stopwatch or something...). My frequency should start changing, however. Just signed up for my first run (a 10K) today. Race date is April 7th.
Well, I haven't made it a full 5K yet, as the program is slowly building up to that. I'm currently mostly running for time instead of distance. Distance wise, I'm at about 2.5 miles at 5 miles an hour. I finished up Week 6 Day 3 yesterday, and will probably go back again tonight. All this week its 5 min warm up, 25 min jog.

On a positive note, I weighed in at 208 yesterday, official weight loss of 10 lbs, unofficially, closer to 15. :cool1::banana::banana:

Still running, but I missed yesterday's kettlebell class because DS was sick and had to stay home from school. Should be able to make tomorrow, however.
Ran Week 7 Day 1, and I learned a valuable lesson. You should probably wait at least an hour after dinner to run. I finished the run, which is the same as Day 3 of week 6. 5 Min walk and 25 min jog. I am quite sore this morning, but pain is just weakness leaving the body, right?:sad:


I ran week 7 day 2 last night, and I had not run any since last Wednesday. I definitely could tell it had been a few days. My legs are quite sore this morning. I did lose another pound, so my total loss is 11lbs so far. :cool1:

I haven't ran since Thursday. Today, I realized I only have 31 days until my run! :scared1:

Now that the weather has cleared up, though, I should be able to get a run in tomorrow and Thursday...
Have been running. Weather is getting nicer, finally got to run outside. In the dark. Good thing I had a headlamp. :)


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