Resolution In Action (Hopefully, It Keeps the Space)

Officially signed up for the Illinois Marathon last night - I have until the end of April to get ready for it, and I can do a passable 10-mile run right now, so I should be fine.

I had intervals on tap for this morning. Run a quarter mile at a very nice, relaxed, slow pace. And then a hard half mile. Then another slow quarter, followed by a hard half, etc. Managed to do 8 half mile repeats, though the last half was bad enough that I thought I might get sick - which actually means that I was running them hard enough.
Rock on Man! I hope to one day get to the 10K point, but I will be happy if I can make the 5k coming up in April!

I have fallen off the wagon guys. I have not been to the gym in almost two weeks and have gained back five pounds :scared1:

I got to get in there tomorrow.
The problem has been identified, now its up to you to correct it! I have faith in you duck! I will be headed to the Y tonight, the youngest has swim lessons, the oldest has dance lessons, and I'm going to try and go another run, and maybe some of the sybex workout machines if I have the time.

I have noticed that my leg muscles have tightened up considerably, now I just need to work on getting rid of the spare tire!

I can't remember the last time I posted on here, and the boards are going too slow to check.:lmao:

Haven't done any exercising in over a week. I had friends visit Friday night-Saturday afternoon last weekend, followed by preparing for my workshop at the beginning of this week. Monday night was an outing with co-workers. Then on Tuesday, I started feeling under the weather. I ended up taking a day off today, and I should be feeling well enough to get back to my regimen this weekend...
It was finally warm enough outside, and I was feeling well enough, I went for a run today. Jogged for 20 minutes until my legs started to hurt. Managed 3km. It's supposed to be warm out again tomorrow, so hopefully I'm up for another run.

It's two months before the 10K I was planning on doing. At this rate, I'm not sure if I'll be able to be ready in time. I really need to step up my game...
Just got back from another jog. This time it was for 30 minutes with 20 minutes of walking (5 to start, 15 to finish). Covered approx. 4.35km. Feeling pretty sore right now. Plan on taking tomorrow off (partly because I have a meeting after work, it's going to be colder tomorrow night, and I think I'm gonna be pretty sore/stiff tomorrow).
I plan on going to the Y tonight and hopefully hitting the treadmill instead of the pool with the girls. I havent ran since Thursday, and Im really missing it. Now, if I just had 30 hours days, I might be able to accomplish everything!

Week 4 day 3 done, and it was a little harder. Its definitely easier to keep pace on the treadmill. I hard to walk the last minute of the run.:sad2:

Just got home from my run. Jogged 20 minutes, walked 10, then jogged another 10. Covered roughly 6km. Ran just under 10km/hr, walked 6km/hr. Quite exhausted, but I hope to run 30 straight tomorrow.
Just got home from my run. Jogged 20 minutes, walked 10, then jogged another 10. Covered roughly 6km. Ran just under 10km/hr, walked 6km/hr. Quite exhausted, but I hope to run 30 straight tomorrow.

Just remember not to vapor lock on us! :lmao:

Don't push yourself too hard, it may take a little longer to reach your goal, but its better than being down and out for a month with an injury!

Just remember not to vapor lock on us! :lmao:

Don't push yourself too hard, it may take a little longer to reach your goal, but its better than being down and out for a month with an injury!


Exactly! One of the most common mistakes for new runners is to try to run too far and too fast. Really, for most of your runs, you should be able to talk while you run - not long-winded soliloquies or singing, but short sentences.

As it was explained to me - if you can sing, you're going to slow. If the only talking you can do is single words or thereabouts, eg "Too hard! *gasp* Can't! *gasp* Run! *gasp* This! *gasp* Fast!" - you're going too fast (unless you are deliberately doing a hard workout). But talking along the lines of "You see the game? Yeah, it was okay. Third quarter was bad though." is about where you want to be.

For most runs, you want to finish them pleasanrtly tired, fully aware that you could have run faster or longer, but you didn't have to.

As for me - another day, another kettlebell class kicking my butt. Splitting my run into before-class and after-class sections isn't helping either.
Just remember not to vapor lock on us! :lmao:

Don't push yourself too hard, it may take a little longer to reach your goal, but its better than being down and out for a month with an injury!


Exactly! One of the most common mistakes for new runners is to try to run too far and too fast. Really, for most of your runs, you should be able to talk while you run - not long-winded soliloquies or singing, but short sentences.

As it was explained to me - if you can sing, you're going to slow. If the only talking you can do is single words or thereabouts, eg "Too hard! *gasp* Can't! *gasp* Run! *gasp* This! *gasp* Fast!" - you're going too fast (unless you are deliberately doing a hard workout). But talking along the lines of "You see the game? Yeah, it was okay. Third quarter was bad though." is about where you want to be.

For most runs, you want to finish them pleasanrtly tired, fully aware that you could have run faster or longer, but you didn't have to.

As for me - another day, another kettlebell class kicking my butt. Splitting my run into before-class and after-class sections isn't helping either.

Oh, I know not to push myself too hard. My original plan last night was to only run 20 minutes. But, after walking for 10, I felt good enough to run again and ended up finishing my route in the run.

I've also noticed that I tend to start out a little too fast, and am usually sucking wind after a couple minutes. However, I'm usually able to adjust quickly enough that I'm soon into that "short sentences" pace.
Well, I ran the week 5 day 1 last night, which was basically walk for 5, run for 5, walk for 3, run for 5...etc. Still doing about 2.25 miles, Day 2 is run 8 walk 5. Hope I can hold up for that one.

Gotta make flight arrangements today, going out to San Diego in a few weeks for work.

Did a 25 minute jog tonight, and in the last 5 or so minutes, I tried to pick up my pace it bit. I finished that about two hours ago, and I'm feeling pretty good right now.

I think I might have talked a couple of my co-workers to do the 10K with me in April. Gonna try to get them to sign up with me, and have our racing stuff sent to the office (that way, they won't be able to back out :lmao: ). Hopefully, we will get that done within the next week or two (we have until the middle of March to sign up).
I plan on heading to the Y tonight, and getting another run in. Im on week 5 day 2, which is run for 8 walk for 5 min. I was hoping that they would start a P90X class or something like that, but its mostly zumba and yoga right now.

Good luck with the 10K, I'm hoping to do the Pirate run in April, but I'm not holding my breath right now.

Just did some quick calculations over on walkjogrun. The route I ran was JUST under 4km. I was running at an average pace of 9.5km/hr.
I'm finally healthy enough to get started working out again. I'll start tonight.
I plan on heading to the Y tonight, and getting another run in. Im on week 5 day 2, which is run for 8 walk for 5 min. I was hoping that they would start a P90X class or something like that, but its mostly zumba and yoga right now.

Until recently, the DVD's were $120. But I've seen them advertised on tv and craig's list for much, much cheaper. Of course, then you have to find some free weights.. Anyway, I've done it twice and like it alot.
Well, I did week 5 day 2, and it was kinda challenging for me. I was on the track instead of the treadmill, as the Y was completely packed. It was mostly me trying to stick to my pace. Im not sure if I am going to run again today, youngest DD has her swim class. I guess I will wait and see how sore I am by end of the day.



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