RANT ALERT Park Manners

... I like to carry more than I should. If you can get hit from it, you are way too close. If I feel your kid (or you) on my bag, I will "accidentally" hit you and say "my bad. maybe you were a little too close."
.. I have <sic> a very impatient person. I can walk faster with my stroller than without! I will bump into you if you suddenly stop and run around you like a mad woman because I do get very anxious waiting for slow people to go by. If you stop, I will try to hit you, but I can't promise anything but that my son will throw his food at you because you are now in his way.
& on.....

Don't talk on the rides!

I don't mean don't speak a word, but the time for idle chit chat is not when you've finally gotten on the ride. I hate it when I've finally gotten on a ride I've been waiting who knows how long for (both in the possibly long line and for months while I was at home), and the people in the next row or car are chatting so loudly I can't hear the ride.

Seriously, no ride is more than just a few minutes long. Wait til the it's come to a full and complete stop before you discuss what you'll have for lunch (or etc).

It's more of if there is a family with small children directly behind you, and you are right up at a rail, there is no harm in offering for the children (& them only!) to sneak in front in order to see. It's polite. I have found most families are really appreciative of this and I have never had it be an issue, or be abused. Maybe I am just lucky :confused3 ? My husband and I are both 5'11+, so I know us being in front really limits views for kids right behind us. I can deal with a toddler being in my bubble for 15 minutes, when that 15 minutes is basically the most amazing thing ever for them. I am an adult and LOVE disney, heck adore it, but we have to remember it means SO much to the kids.

At 5'11+, not too many people will try to shove in front of you. When you're shorter, people will try to take advantage of any kindness you might show them. Especially if they are taller than you.

Personally, I love to let kids shorter than me in front of me for things like parades. But, sometimes, their parents will not let them go more than 3 feet away from their sides. So the parents will "naturally" try to go in front with them.
It is not always a self imposed condition. There are many medical conditions that can cause someone to gain a lot of weight. And there are many medications that cause weight gain. There is not one of us who can know by looking at someone if they are heavy from bad diet and lack of exercise or heavy from a medical condition.

That's true, we cannot know for certain the 'reason', but having said that, according to Doctors, there are 'very' few conditions that 'cause' severe obesity!!! There are 'many' that can cause a person to gain easier than others, and makes it 'harder' to take off/control - but it 'can' be done! I am one of the latter. Yes, it is very frustrating, and takes lots of effort and 'desire' to do it, but I fight extra pounds all the time, and exercise (with lots of pain) more than most, because I 'refuse' to be obese!! I 'will' win - may not be super thin, but I'm not packing too many extra pounds either - I'm also 67!!

So, I'll be honest, I do, to a degree, get frustrated at seeing very obese people on scooters and seeing them eating heavy snacks and their baskets loaded with them also. I have a cousin that is a dear, but she has several bad health conditions - most/all caused by over eating and not exercising, according to her doctor.

Please don't force your terrified child to ride rides like Tower of Terror. I witnessed this when I went to Disneyland last March. The girl was maybe 9 or 10 and was bawling her eyes out in the line and making a scene. Her dad was basically telling her to suck it up. They were directly behind us. If the poor kid isn't ready, don't ride it or do the rider swap. Forcing them only leads to panic which can traumatize the child and disturb the other guests.

This!! It really upsets me to see this, and I have more than once. I also blame the CM's. If a child is obviously scared, screaming they don't want to ride, etc. the CM's should not allow them to board, period!!!! Plus, it doesn't make for such an enjoyable ride for anyone around them either!
Actually you have no clue what my life is like. I know if I was in a scooter and the bus was clearly going to be full without us on and we got there last I would wait for the next one that's what is fair. Everyone has difficulties in life and no one knows who is dealing with what (whether you walk or not). If them getting on means I have to stand, no big deal. If it means I have to wait however long for another bus yeah that does annoy me.
I am in a power wheelchair and have waited for as many as 4 buses before a bus arrived that could board me at times. I have offered to wait for the next bus when there is along line and have been told by the driver to board and not wait. The drivers are in control not me.
Would you want me left alone at an empty stop at night because you can push on the bus and I can't because that is what happened the time
I waited through 4 buses and it would have been longer had a relief driver insisted that I be loaded on the bus even though it was SRO. 2 hour wait.
This may be, but it doesn't take a dietitian to realize that the 32 ounce soda and large bucket of popcorn isn't helping the situation.

Just because it is 32 oz doesn't mean it is soda. Mine always contains unsweetened iced tea not soda. Disney has none I can safely drink. And a large bucket of popcorn is not really high in calories and can last all day. You are judging on a snippet of time. Not a valid judgment.
I can't stand scooters!!! They drive me crazy!!!

I once was walking in front of a lady down a narrow exit (one person wide) and while I was by no means slow...she said to me, "if you don't move faster I'm going to ram you with my scooter!"... BITE ME LADY!


While my grandson is not on my lap, he is usually on my footrest. Has nothing to do with tiredness. He is there so he doesn't get too. close to my wheels and this is when it is just the 2 of us. Otherwise Mom, Dad or Grandpa holds on to him.
If everyone just used common sense and manners, imagine how wonderful it would be? But they don't, so here's my list:

1) Line cutting, get your crap and your group together before you enter into a line. You aren't any more important than the rest of us, you can wait.

2) Personal space. Breathing down my neck will not get you to the front of the line any faster. There are still x number of people in front of you whether you're a foot away or an inch away, that number does not change. In fact, breathing down my neck will increase the amount of space I leave between me and the person in front of me, just to annoy you.

3) Be aware of who/what is around you. I don't care if you're pushing a stroller, riding scooter or just walking, you are not the centre of the universe and you need to be aware of your surroundings so you don't cut people off or block them. And if you do so by mistake (it happens to us all), a simple apology goes a long way.

4) QS/snack carts, etc... Know what you want before you get in line, or if it's a long line, at the very least use your wait time to figure it out. You should pretty much know what you want or what questions you need to ask before you get to the cashier.

I'm sure there are others, but those are my top ones. As an aside, I have no bus rants listed because I always rent a car to avoid the bus nonsense. Based on the amount of ranting on this thread about them, I'll stick with the car.
Scooters in lines for rides. We were in line for Maelstrom and two "elderly" people refused to get off their ecv's. The lady ended up crashing through the rope on one of the tight turns. Then we had too wait and have the ride held up so they could park their little cars. They both looked very capable of walking from the ecv's to the boats. As soon as we get out of the ride and head to the exit we catch both of them smoking electronic cigarettes. Now I'm no rocket scientist but this just pissed me off. I have to park my stroller and tote my 25 pound DS through that maze of a line, yet too old farts that have more than likely smoked so much that they can't stand in a line get catered too like royalty.

I also don't like the other alternative I see at some places where people in wheelchairs and so forth get to go a special way and bypass the line altogether and hop right on. Easy fix too this problem is if you can't get out of your scooter or wheelchair, take a number from a CM and if the wait is 30 minutes when you arrive at a ride, then you may take your scooter through an optional way to the front of the line but you will wait the 30 min.

I'm thrilled handicapped or handicap able people get special treatment but we all did pay the same amount for this ticket at a "private" buisness. I apologize if I offended anyone but there is a small % of people that have abused the "scooter" thing and that has really jaded my opinion.

The other thing that bothers me is people congregating or waiting or whatever it is they do right in the middle of the walkway or path. Please slide to a side or bunch up near an object like a column or something.
A couple of comments to the previous poster:

First off, most of the lines at WDW are mainstreemed, meaning that people in scooters and wheelchairs are allowed to stay in them. I'm not sure if Malestrom is one of those rides, but I wanted you to be aware that for most rides, the scooters are sent through the queue.

Second, Disney has a new policy meant to help those with disabilities. They go to the ride and get a time to come back. It is very similar to a Fast Pass.

I want to add that people in scooters don't get what I would call "special" treatment. You make it sound preferential, and it is definitely not. they are accommodated, which means Disney does what it can to make people with special challenges able to tour the parks. There is no line skipping, except in very extreme cases. Usually there is more waiting in line, waiting for a certain ride vehicle, instead of hopping in the next one that shows up. It is not faster or easier to tour the parks in a scooter or wheelchair.
. I also don't like the other alternative I see at some places where people in wheelchairs and so forth get to go a special way and bypass the line altogether and hop right on. Easy fix too this problem is if you can't get out of your scooter or wheelchair, take a number from a CM and if the wait is 30 minutes when you arrive at a ride, then you may take your scooter through an optional way to the front of the line but you will wait the 30 min. .
For the attractions that do not have accessible lines this is what they do. You are given a return time to use the accessible entrance. You can have only one attraction return time at a time. So basically it is like having someone wait in line for you. People are so quick to think a w/c just gets to go through the fastpass line and not have to wait. I wish that people would know the policies in which they complain of before they complain. Not you specifically I mean in general a lot of times people in line will see a wheelchair go through the fastpass line and say rude things without knowing the facts... Like that wheelchair also just waited an hour.
A couple of comments to the previous poster:

First off, most of the lines at WDW are mainstreemed, meaning that people in scooters and wheelchairs are allowed to stay in them. I'm not sure if Malestrom is one of those rides, but I wanted you to be aware that for most rides, the scooters are sent through the queue.

Second, Disney has a new policy meant to help those with disabilities. They go to the ride and get a time to come back. It is very similar to a Fast Pass.

I want to add that people in scooters don't get what I would call "special" treatment. You make it sound preferential, and it is definitely not. they are accommodated, which means Disney does what it can to make people with special challenges able to tour the parks. There is no line skipping, except in very extreme cases. Usually there is more waiting in line, waiting for a certain ride vehicle, instead of hopping in the next one that shows up. It is not faster or easier to tour the parks in a scooter or wheelchair.

1: I understand this.... but this is an opinion poll if i am not mistaken. I don't like the scooters in the line, it's dangerous , period. Wheelchair I have no issue with but this lady was out of control and had she ran one of my kids over (which could have very well happened if they had been there) "crap" would have hit the fan.

2: So then there is special treatment for people in wheelchairs or with scooters. If they are given a pass and told to come back at a certain point to ride that is like a fastpass. Now if I am not mistaken I only get three fastpasses per day, yet what you are saying is that wheelchair bound or scooter bound people technically get an unlimited supply. Im sure they get their 3 FP+ and then they are getting what is essentially the old fastpass. It irks me because I paid the same amount of money they did to the parks.

( I just read the next posters comments and my question is how do they monitor if I go ride another ride with a shorter wait time and come back and get to hop right on this ride. Or get my special pass go grab some lunch come back and hop on it?)

3: And I would agree it is not easy to tour the park in a wheelchair however it is extremely easy to do so in a scooter, I've done it at Universal for my daughters bday party 2 weeks after ACL/MCL reconstruction. And i didnt ride any rides or use my "disability" in any lines for others to ride.

4: Please don't think I am heartless. I have no quarrel letting a child with a disablility and their family go all the way to the front if thats what they want. I have an issue with people , and trust me I could point out plenty at any given time in any park that are not what I would consider medically needed, or wheelchair bound. Just because you are fat or have not taken care of yourself by smoking so much you cant walk more than 50 feet without resting does not make you any more special than those of us holding onto that 25 pound baby in a 30-45 minute line.
Scooters in lines for rides. We were in line for Maelstrom and two "elderly" people refused to get off their ecv's. The lady ended up crashing through the rope on one of the tight turns. Then we had too wait and have the ride held up so they could park their little cars. They both looked very capable of walking from the ecv's to the boats. As soon as we get out of the ride and head to the exit we catch both of them smoking electronic cigarettes. Now I'm no rocket scientist but this just pissed me off. I have to park my stroller and tote my 25 pound DS through that maze of a line, yet too old farts that have more than likely smoked so much that they can't stand in a line get catered too like royalty.

How are they getting catered to like royalty? They waited in the same line you did, using mobility devices they spent money to rent, AND they probably put up with ignorant assumptions and judgmental stares from jerks like you for their whole trip. :rolleyes2

I also don't like the other alternative I see at some places where people in wheelchairs and so forth get to go a special way and bypass the line altogether and hop right on. Easy fix too this problem is if you can't get out of your scooter or wheelchair, take a number from a CM and if the wait is 30 minutes when you arrive at a ride, then you may take your scooter through an optional way to the front of the line but you will wait the 30 min.

FWIW, Disney does give return times at the small minority of attractions without mainstreamed queues, like BTMRR - nobody skips lines except MAW kids. So those people who got you all knotted up and frothy at the mouth with their ECVs were doing exactly the right thing since Maelstrom's queue is mainstreamed - they waited in line.

But honestly, you seem to love making assumptions, so wouldn't you most likely end up assuming that someone who had a return time is just skipping the line and be on here whining about it later? :rolleyes2

EDIT: Oh, you spewed more garbage.
1: I understand this.... but this is an opinion poll if i am not mistaken. I don't like the scooters in the line, it's dangerous , period. Wheelchair I have no issue with but this lady was out of control and had she ran one of my kids over (which could have very well happened if they had been there) "crap" would have hit the fan.

Not everyone can self-propel in a wheelchair or has someone to push them. The lady should have practiced more at driving the ECV, and probably turned her speed down, but that's not a good reason to ban a class of mobility devices from lines.

2: So then there is special treatment for people in wheelchairs or with scooters. If they are given a pass and told to come back at a certain point to ride that is like a fastpass. Now if I am not mistaken I only get three fastpasses per day, yet what you are saying is that wheelchair bound or scooter bound people technically get an unlimited supply. Im sure they get their 3 FP+ and then they are getting what is essentially the old fastpass. It irks me because I paid the same amount of money they did to the parks.

The DAS is not given out to people for mobility disabilities. The poster who indicated it was is wrong. (And honestly, the DAS is basically a perpetual return time card, which you liked the idea of a few posts ago.)

4: Please don't think I am heartless. I have no quarrel letting a child with a disablility and their family go all the way to the front if thats what they want. I have an issue with people , and trust me I could point out plenty at any given time in any park that are not what I would consider medically needed, or wheelchair bound. Just because you are fat or have not taken care of yourself by smoking so much you cant walk more than 50 feet without resting does not make you any more special than those of us holding onto that 25 pound baby in a 30-45 minute line.

Your Wikipedia MD doesn't actually qualify you to diagnose the medical conditions of complete strangers by looking at them, and your opinion on the supposed validity of someone else's medical conditions literally does not matter anyway.
How are they getting catered to like royalty? They waited in the same line you did, using mobility devices they spent money to rent, AND they probably put up with ignorant assumptions and judgmental stares from jerks like you for their whole trip. :rolleyes2

FWIW, Disney does give return times at the small minority of attractions without mainstreamed queues, like BTMRR - nobody skips lines except MAW kids. So those people who got you all knotted up and frothy at the mouth with their ECVs were doing exactly the right thing since Maelstrom's queue is mainstreamed - they waited in line.

But honestly, you seem to love making assumptions, so wouldn't you most likely end up assuming that someone who had a return time is just skipping the line and be on here whining about it later? :rolleyes2

EDIT: Oh, you spewed more garbage.

Not everyone can self-propel in a wheelchair or has someone to push them. The lady should have practiced more at driving the ECV, and probably turned her speed down, but that's not a good reason to ban a class of mobility devices from lines.

The DAS is not given out to people for mobility disabilities. The poster who indicated it was is wrong. (And honestly, the DAS is basically a perpetual return time card, which you liked the idea of a few posts ago.)

Your Wikipedia MD doesn't actually qualify you to diagnose the medical conditions of complete strangers by looking at them, and your opinion on the supposed validity of someone else's medical conditions literally does not matter anyway.

Oh well I guess you just get left with a bad taste in your mouth when you nearly get ran over by one and the lady is non apologetic and actually thinks its funny. Or by the senile (im assuming using my wikipedia MD) old man who is yelling at my wife to take our sleeping child out and fold up our stroller on the monorail so he can try and wedge his ecv into the car.

Anyhow i own some stock in the company but am not on the board so my opinion doesnt matter a hill of beans. I thought this post was to rant and I understand that not everyone will agree with everything so with that being said..... Have a lovely day.
Oh well I guess you just get left with a bad taste in your mouth when you nearly get ran over by one and the lady is non apologetic and actually thinks its funny. Or by the senile (im assuming using my wikipedia MD) old man who is yelling at my wife to take our sleeping child out and fold up our stroller on the monorail so he can try and wedge his ecv into the car.

Anyhow i own some stock in the company but am not on the board so my opinion doesnt matter a hill of beans. I thought this post was to rant and I understand that not everyone will agree with everything so with that being said..... Have a lovely day.

Fwiw, when the monorails are full Disney has been known to ask people to fold up their strollers. So the "senile" person, while maybe a bit rude, wasn't that far off from what is normal. And from what some would consider the courteous thing to do.
Just because it is 32 oz doesn't mean it is soda.

Oh my goodness, so much THIS.
It's something that has made me crazy since NYC tried to ban 32 oz beverages.
I don't know why anyone would assume everything in a cup with a lid and a straw is sugar filled soda. Look at any beverage dispenser in any location, and there are several different types of beverages dispensed - not all containing sugar or caffeine -- including Water.

At Disney more than most places, everyone needs to stay hydrated - young, old and in between. You see people with giant beverages everywhere you look. But there's no way on god's green earth you can tell what they have in that cup unless you were in their personal space when they filled it.

As usual, people's assumptions say more about themselves than anything else.

The DAS is not given out to people for mobility disabilities. The poster who indicated it was is wrong. (And honestly, the DAS is basically a perpetual return time card, which you liked the idea of a few posts ago.)

A DAS card is not given out to individuals who have ONLY mobility disabilities in which they use a scooter or wheelchair. However if they use a scooter or a wheelchair and have another disability Disney may deem it appropriate to provide them with a DAS card. However a return time is given to a wheelchair or a scooter. A Person can only hold one return time at a time.
Directly from disneys website:
Does a Guest whose disability is based on the necessity to use a wheelchair or scooter need a DAS Card?
No, a Guest whose disability is based on the necessity to use a wheelchair or scooter does not need a DAS Card. Depending on the attraction, the Guest will either wait in the standard queue or receive a return time at the attraction based on the current wait time. For some attractions at Disneyland Resort, these guests will go directly to an alternate entrance. Guests with additional needs should discuss them with Guest Relations.

I am confused with the poster who brought up how the two ladies couldnt work their scooters, how they thought the mainstream line was no place for the scooters and how it is dangerous etc. The suggestion was made by the same poster that it would be better if the scooters waited somewhere else. When it is brought to the attention that the scooters and wheelchairs in fact can wait in another location for their return time this poster says that it is not fair because they can go do other things while they wait. Where else should the scooters or wheelchairs wait? Would it be better if they had a holding area for them? Would that then make it ok for you? I guess i am just trying to understand your idea of how this should be handled because you dont seem ok with them being in mainstream queues or being able to receive a return time so that they dont have to wait in the mainstream queues.
A DAS card is not given out to individuals who have ONLY mobility disabilities in which they use a scooter or wheelchair. However if they use a scooter or a wheelchair and have another disability Disney may deem it appropriate to provide them with a DAS card. However a return time is given to a wheelchair or a scooter. A Person can only hold one return time at a time.
Directly from disneys website:
Does a Guest whose disability is based on the necessity to use a wheelchair or scooter need a DAS Card?
No, a Guest whose disability is based on the necessity to use a wheelchair or scooter does not need a DAS Card. Depending on the attraction, the Guest will either wait in the standard queue or receive a return time at the attraction based on the current wait time. For some attractions at Disneyland Resort, these guests will go directly to an alternate entrance. Guests with additional needs should discuss them with Guest Relations.

I am confused with the poster who brought up how the two ladies couldnt work their scooters, how they thought the mainstream line was no place for the scooters and how it is dangerous etc. The suggestion was made by the same poster that it would be better if the scooters waited somewhere else. When it is brought to the attention that the scooters and wheelchairs in fact can wait in another location for their return time this poster says that it is not fair because they can go do other things while they wait. Where else should the scooters or wheelchairs wait? Would it be better if they had a holding area for them? Would that then make it ok for you? I guess i am just trying to understand your idea of how this should be handled because you don't seem ok with them being in mainstream queues or being able to receive a return time so that they don't have to wait in the mainstream queues.

Well never once did i say wheelchairs in the mainstream lines were an issue. I think Disney could be setting themselves up for a lawsuit should someone in the line get ran over by an ECV in one of them. Make no mistake had my kids been with me the lady at Maelstrom probably would have hit one of them as careless as she was. And she thought it was funny, that was what made me the most irritated.

Yes i think a separate waiting are would be the best option for a number of reasons from practical to petty if you will.

1. It is safer for everyone involved.
2. Many people complain that CM's are not stopping the moving walkways for wheelchairs and I would agree that they may have been told during busy times try not to stop the ride. If they were to group people with DAS in an area and have a running clock where every 10 minutes (or on an as needed basis) or so they let those people on.
3. Personally I don't like the fact that because you have a DAS card you can essentially get an "old style FP" ticket then go ride something you have set up on FP+ perhaps grab a quick bite then head back to your ride that has the DAS que and then repeat throughout the day. Unless you paid extra for that DAS i see it as an added benefit that not all can participate in.

And yes, originally I did post that they should get a ticket and wait to ride like the rest of us, but I don't like the fact that the card gives them the right to go and take in the rest of the park until their time comes up, while others have to wait in a 40-50 minute line and don't have the same option. I guess a middle ground would be (and again maybe Disney already does this, i don't know) but if you use the DAS it is only good for the person and one guest not a the entire crew.

To the person that wrote back saying I was in the wrong on the monorail, actually I wasn't. I don't have to wake a sleeping baby so that Mr. "ImOldYouBetterRespectME" can have his whole family in the same car as he. The CM spoke up and told him there was room for him in the handicapped car and plenty of room for others in his group in other cars.
2. Many people complain that CM's are not stopping the moving walkways for wheelchairs and I would agree that they may have been told during busy times try not to stop the ride. If they were to group people with DAS in an area and have a running clock where every 10 minutes (or on an as needed basis) or so they let those people on.

Really, "those people"? I guess you don't realise how disrespectful that sounds.

3. Personally I don't like the fact that because you have a DAS card you can essentially get an "old style FP" ticket then go ride something you have set up on FP+ perhaps grab a quick bite then head back to your ride that has the DAS que and then repeat throughout the day. Unless you paid extra for that DAS i see it as an added benefit that not all can participate in.

You do realise you can't get a DAS unless you have another disability, not only a mobility issue that means you need a scooter? People with a DAS literally can't wait in the line - it's not a benefit to give them a pass that says they can come back later, it's helping them enjoy the park like everyone else.

And yes, originally I did post that they should get a ticket and wait to ride like the rest of us, but I don't like the fact that the card gives them the right to go and take in the rest of the park until their time comes up, while others have to wait in a 40-50 minute line and don't have the same option. I guess a middle ground would be (and again maybe Disney already does this, i don't know) but if you use the DAS it is only good for the person and one guest not a the entire crew.
Once again, they have a disability that means they can't wait in the line. I'm sure they'd love to be able to wait in line like everyone else.

But more importantly, how would you like to be told you couldn't ride with all of your family and instead had to pick just one? It sucks that you'd even think of suggesting that to someone with a disability - they're people who want to enjoy the parks with their families too, not just one person because you're jealous that they don't have to wait in the line and can instead wait somewhere else.


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