Admit it, you've been that rude guest!

OK I ADMIT IT! I have resorted to physical violence before! Put the waterboarding away!

I had just found out I was pregnant while at Disney. We were at Animal Kingdom in the exploration trails around the tigers. We were all looking through the glass with this 20-something girl comes from behind us and forces her way to the front. She literally climbs up my back to see the tiger. This resulted in my face pressed up against the glass and my belly being mashed up against the barrier. I flipping lost it! We had tried so hard to become pregnant and this careless little witch tried to destroy that? (That was what was raging in my mind at the time). So when she moved on to the next glass pane, I went up behind her to see the tiger, she looked at me and smiled and I shoved her head against the glass...twice. And I flipped her off. She got irrate and her friend wanted to know why I did that (she witnessed her acting like a maniac over freaking tigers). When I explained to her about my pregnancy, she went into panic mode and apologized and said "she is crazy". I told the friend, "You have nothing to apologize for. You didn't do this. But maybe you should put a leash on her".

OK, I feel better...I admit it, I have been rude, even violent. But I felt I was in the right. And I really do try to not be that rude person.

That's nuts. I just remembered, I yelled at someone at that tiger window once too. He just went right in front of my kid and blocked his view and started taking pictures and my kid was quite close to the glass as it was, so it was creepy as well as rude. Maybe they need a FP for that area ;)
I wouldn't say "riff-raff" for the Value resorts, but just a suspicion here - maybe they figured that those resorts would typically be the more popular with teams and school groups and felt that the queue-style lines would work better in corralling them. I can't imagine a bus pulling up with a large group of teens just milling about and waiting on it - talk about chaos! And woe betide anyone not in the group waiting - they would be trampled!
Teams and school groups don't always stay at values. It is sometimes chaos at mods and deluxe bus stops with no queue.
Teams and school groups don't always stay at values. It is sometimes chaos at mods and deluxe bus stops with no queue.

I NEVER said "always". I said typically. And looking at typical school/team group parameters, MOST would be more likely to stay at Values - especially when they started expanding the resorts simply based on the cost of the stay. Have things changed since then? Are there school groups or teams who have more money and can stay more upscale? Sure. I was speaking for when the plans were conceived.
I NEVER said "always". I said typically. And looking at typical school/team group parameters, MOST would be more likely to stay at Values - especially when they started expanding the resorts simply based on the cost of the stay. Have things changed since then? Are there school groups or teams who have more money and can stay more upscale? Sure. I was speaking for when the plans were conceived.
When the plans were conceived is irrelevant today, as groups stay at all levels of resorts. Adding a queue line to the other resort categories would be simple enough. I don't really know why they don't, but I can guess they don't want to offend those that are paying more.
When the plans were conceived is irrelevant today, as groups stay at all levels of resorts. Adding a queue line to the other resort categories would be simple enough. I don't really know why they don't, but I can guess they don't want to offend those that are paying more.

The set-up at the mods really isn't conducive to those lines without doing massive road, sidewalk, and vegetation reconstruction. Had it been done initially that would be one thing.
Heck no! ;)
I did however tell an annoying CM to SHOVE IT.
Picture this: pouring down rain. Hot. Smelly people everywhere. My nice left around three hours prior.... I am trying my best to put a poncho on. Being half soaked, this is no easy task. Come to find out, I am at the entrance to Buzz. Ok so CM with high pitched annoying voice says, "Excuse me ma'am excuse meee! You have got to move!" I say, "I just wanted to put my poncho on. Give me two seconds please." The CM repeats, "Excuse meeee!" All the while I could have already had my poncho on and been on my way...She keeps on and on. Finally, I told her to SHOVE IT where the sun doesn't shine. I am putting this poncho on! I felt horrible afterwards, but she sure was the most annoying person I have ever met. I know she was doing her job. I just wanted my darn poncho on! Ahhh! Disney is the happiest place on Earth though!
The set-up at the mods really isn't conducive to those lines without doing massive road, sidewalk, and vegetation reconstruction. Had it been done initially that would be one thing.
Yep - a single covered bus stop for all destinations instead of separate stops for each as done at the values. Really wouldn't work.
When the plans were conceived is irrelevant today, as groups stay at all levels of resorts. Adding a queue line to the other resort categories would be simple enough. I don't really know why they don't, but I can guess they don't want to offend those that are paying more.

Maybe because not everybody likes them? At least now you have a choice of resort, if having a line bothers you. As I said before, I can't remember a stay at a moderate or deluxe where the lack of line was any kid of issue. And that includes my stay at POFQ over the 4th of July a few years back.

I would honestly rather they do the opposite--take out the queues at the values and put in covered bus stops that have benches.
Maybe because not everybody likes them? At least now you have a choice of resort, if having a line bothers you. As I said before, I can't remember a stay at a moderate or deluxe where the lack of line was any kid of issue. And that includes my stay at POFQ over the 4th of July a few years back.

I would honestly rather they do the opposite--take out the queues at the values and put in covered bus stops that have benches.

You know, come to think about it, I stayed at POR over Thanksgiving and at AKL over Presidents' Week and never had an issue. Granted we aren't Rope Drop to Park Close commandos so we typically aren't there at peak times, but still.
There's absolutely no reason why you can't check with the people behind you to make sure you;re not obstructing their view. And offer to switch with them if you are. Or let them know beforehand what you're planning to do so they have time to find another spot. It's not a great lesson to teach you kid that you and your family are the only people in the world who matter. That's just creating a whole new generation of people who feel no guilt for taking what they please at the expense of others.

Of course, I did say that the optimal solution is one that makes everyone happy. I also emphasized the importance of teaching your child courtesy.

But, in situations where you find yourself trapped in the middle of a packed crowd in front of the castle, with hundreds of people in every direction and no one going anywhere... I've never personally been bothered at that point when I look around and see children sitting on their parent's shoulders. I don't think they are raising entitled little brats. I think they just want their child to be able to see something other than legs.

And I figure I must've done something right along the way by putting my own family first, because my kids, being young adults now, have turned out SO much better than I ever expected. They're both very forgiving, non-judgmental, live-and-let-live folks, who I'd be happy to count as friends if I wasn't already related to them. :goodvibes Why more can any parent ask for?
Don't forget the overly drunk people in the World Showcase stumbling around as well.

Yes, but don't forget that some of them are sober people with neurological disorders, or sober people suffering heat exhaustion, or sober people with disabilities. So, you would have to administer a breathalizer before holding anyone up to judgement.
My mom called the manager of the Coral Reef an a**hole. No one can top that. Game Blouses.

Needless to say, my brother and I felt the need to usher her away from him. My mom is on here too. Sorry mom!

Okay, I want more info! WHY did your mom swear at the manager of the Coral Reef? o_O
I hear you loud and clear! Having just returned from seeing Celebrate the magic, if you FP it, make sure you go to the LEFT side as you view the castle. You CAN get in there early (we did) - the woman could see I was struggling and was an angel for letting us in. It's a MUCH better view than the right hand side. If I had my time again I'd go to the front and sit down before 'leaving' and going further back for the fireworks. Just my opinion ...
Okay, I want more info! WHY did your mom swear at the manager of the Coral Reef? o_O

We waited 45 minutes to be seated and the reason the hostess gave us was that we were going to be seated together (I believe that there were about ten of us). However, when we went to sit down they didn't sit us together. It wasn't just that we weren't sitting together, it was that there was an entire table between us. It just didn't make any sense. As my mom was talking to Tom (the manager), they actually sat two people at the enormous booth located between our two assigned booths (the booth seats about six). My mom indignantly pointed that out and Tom was being inflexible and argumentative so my mom called him an a**hole. We did end up sitting together but that was after my brother stepped in to talk to Tom.
Firstly, if these little kids are on the ground in the crowd, they can't see anything anyway, just like the previous posters child. Solution - their folks need to put them on their shoulders, too. Now all the wee kiddies can see! ;)

Secondly, we all care more about our own loved ones, than we do about other people, and this one thing will guide even the most courteous guests actions. 'I got mine' is not normally a thought that ever occurs to me, but I can easily get caught up in making sure my husband and kids get theirs. It takes a fair bit of self awareness and discipline not to get carried away, especially at Disney.

Disney brings out our inner child. Unfortunately, sometimes my inner child is a brat.

Right, but my kid is on my hip and can see great. Then the person in front of me puts their kid on their shoulders. Now she can't see and neither can I. If the person in front of us just put the kid on their hip too then there wouldn't be a problem. I refuse to put my kid on my shoulders because I think it's so rude. Of course I care about my own child more than the kid behind me but I refuse to be an a**hole just so my kid can see. It happened to us last time and I had no problem telling the guy in front of us that we had been standing there for half an hour before he strolled up and put his kid on his shoulders. He moved. I really can not even fathom being that rude.
Right, but my kid is on my hip and can see great. Then the person in front of me puts their kid on their shoulders. Now she can't see and neither can I. If the person in front of us just put the kid on their hip too then there wouldn't be a problem. I refuse to put my kid on my shoulders because I think it's so rude. Of course I care about my own child more than the kid behind me but I refuse to be an a**hole just so my kid can see. It happened to us last time and I had no problem telling the guy in front of us that we had been standing there for half an hour before he strolled up and put his kid on his shoulders. He moved. I really can not even fathom being that rude.

See, unless he gave you attitude about moving, or was anything less than apologetic, I wouldn't have characterized that as "rude". I would have just assumed he was being distracted and oblivious to your presence behind him - especially since he did accommodate you, as soon as you made him aware of the problem.

Unless he was thinking, "Bwah-ha-ha! I will use my child to DELIBERATELY block this woman's view, because I LOVE ruining complete stranger's vacations!" I wouldn't characterize him as an "*******". As we've seen in this thread, most of us are inconsiderate sometimes and in most cases it's accidental.

It's a lesson I've taught everyone in my family: When someone offends you, speak up nicely and give them a chance to make it right. Ninety-nine percent of the time, they mean you no harm and they'll accommodate you. And that other one percent of the time... meh. It's on them, not you.
I think it also has to do with the capacity of people at the bus stop. all of the Deluxe resorts, aside from AKL have alternate forms of transportation to parks so their busses dont get that busy. Also, at Mods there is one bus stop (albiet one in each section) for all locations. So it would be kind of hard to stand in a queue with barriers, have a bus for Epcot pull up and have to filter the people through a full queue who need to get to Epcot around the folks waiting for MK, HS or AK busses... The reason the queue works for the values is because their stops are separated by their destination. All the guests waiting to go to MK stand in a MK queue, people for Epcot stand in an Epcot queue.. etc.. I haven't stayed at a mod yet (next year!) so I dont know, would there even be enough room for each park to have their own queue at each stop around the resorts?

I agree about the capacity. I've stayed at all three levels and while MODs could definitely do with queues, the Deluxe bus stops were hardly ever overly crowded, except maybe at rope drop and even then not as busy as any of the Values and Mods I stayed at.

However I guess I might be considered rude at the bus stops. If I choose to sit on a bench then I don't complain when someone walks up and stands in the line area and gets "ahead" of me on the bus. If I choose to stand in the back then when the bus comes and people start to line up I'm going to walk to the line and I get in where I get in. By the same logic I do not feel guilty if I walk up and people are sitting back in the shade and I'm standing up in the empty area when a bus comes so I go get in line and get on. I don't wait for everyone sitting down or hanging back in the shade to come line up first.

If you're not in line, then you're not in line.
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I don't think putting your kids on your shoulders is necessarily rude, as long as you aren't the parent who likes to surprise everyone when the show finally starts. I find a good place to stand, and then once the fireworks start you lift your kid on your shoulders. That is just beyond annoying. Either put your kid up there before they start so I can move to a different location, or don't do it at all. Or find a spot out of the way.


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