High School student arrestsed for bringing homemade clock to school.

I don't think the kid was playing the race card either, at least not initially, but others certainly are. Just as some have said this would have not happened to a white kid, if it had, I doubt that kid would be getting tweets from the President, Hillary Clinton, Zuckerberg, astronauts and I'm not sure who else by now. White kids (and other "brown" kids) have been sent home for pop-tart guns, butter knives, clothing, etc. They may get a day or two on the news wire, but nothing like this..

Yes, they've been sent home. Parents have been called. We've heard the stories. But were they led away in handcuffs???? Were they interrogated by police without an adult present? Completely different treatment.
Apologies if I misinterpreted what you meant. You seem very intent on justifying the actions of the school and police, and it's just my opinion, but I think this is one time where the blame for an unfortunate and completely avoidable situation lies completely on one side.

Thank you. I apologize if I seem to be justifying the actions of ANYBODY in this story. That has not been my intent at all. If I did seem to justify anything, it was only through potential scenarios that I believe still fit the real facts in the story. I'm also sorry if my comments regarding "more to the story" and "I don't know what happened" have sounded too much like a crusade and not just my personal preference not to state any conclusive opinions on this story. I guess I would have been better off just lurking and reading others' opinions. (Actually, I did state one somewhat conclusive opinion on this thread regarding the quality of the clock itself.)
Yes, they've been sent home. Parents have been called. We've heard the stories. But were they led away in handcuffs???? Were they interrogated by police without an adult present? Completely different treatment.

Since you quoted my post, I will respond. Yes, other students have been led away from school in handcuffs and interrogated by police, for a variety of "offenses' (one in Queens, NY for apparently just doodling on her desk). (It took me a couple minutes on Google to find several cases.) Were the schools and police right to do so? Was it right to do it to Ahmed? It certainly does not seem so, but I honestly don't know.
Thank you. I apologize if I seem to be justifying the actions of ANYBODY in this story. That has not been my intent at all. If I did seem to justify anything, it was only through potential scenarios that I believe still fit the real facts in the story. I'm also sorry if my comments regarding "more to the story" and "I don't know what happened" have sounded too much like a crusade and not just my personal preference not to state any conclusive opinions on this story. I guess I would have been better off just lurking and reading others' opinions. (Actually, I did state one somewhat conclusive opinion on this thread regarding the quality of the clock itself.)

It's always good to remember there are two (or three)sides to every story, and to try to look at things objectively. :flower3:

In this case, I do think we have the whole story. I've been wrong before and I'll be wrong again, but I think it is what it is and the school and police are 100% in the wrong (Much more the school than the police, because the police were put in a tough spot by the school)
So they fully knew it wasn't a bomb. At that point, why the ^%$%@ are police involved? Even if you think the kid brought it into school to create panic (cause, ya know, showing your engineering teacher something you made is a really panic-inducing action...) at that point doesn't it just become a disciplinary matter? Shouldn't the police have said "Mrs. Crabapple, this isn't a bomb. It's a clock. If you think some people might confuse it for a bomb, I'd suggest you keep it in the office or have Ahmed's parents come and pick it up. Good day to you, ma'am."

In some ways, it's good for Ahmed that the police overreacted, I guess, because if he had just been suspended he wouldn't be going to the White House or facebook or whatever. But I still can't begin to wrap my head around the arrest and suspension.

Context matters. And the context here is that this happened in Irving, TX.

This is what the mayor of Irving is known for:



When she's your boss and/or the leader of the community, and this is what she is using the bully pulpit of her office for, what course of action do you take? We'd all like to think we'd stand up for civil rights and common sense, but self-preservation kicks in to, and so you better take something like this "very seriously," otherwise if the Mayor found out, what might she say and do? I doubt the police chief, lower level LEO, the principal or any of the school administrators want to end up in her cross hairs. She's a more imminent threat to their current positions than any of this media and social outrage. That's why I said up thread, this is less about what the police and school believed about Ahmed and more fear of "what others might say."
This is probably the best thing to ever happen to this kid. Doubt he'll be scarred for life. Sometimes it's time to just move on, and this is one of those times.
This is probably the best thing to ever happen to this kid. Doubt he'll be scarred for life. Sometimes it's time to just move on, and this is one of those times.

Yes. It worked out better than anyone could have imagined.
From what I can see, this is a complete set up by the family. The boy's father who has a record of fighting "Islamophobia" had his son take apart a Digital Clock, put it together in a case that could resemble a bomb and bring it to school. If some one was building a clock with a large visible display, why would they build it. inside a case. it may be a pencil case, but it resembles a briefcase that could be left anywhere. According to the police when the kid was asked about the device and why he brought it school would only answer it was a clock.

The shame of it is that another Political Leader got himself involved again without knowing all the facts in the case. If taking something apart and putting it together in another case get's you an invite to the Whitehouse, it's going to get very crowded. Comment's about kids bringing devices that looks bombs into school, yet silence about shot and killed cops is disturbing.
From what I can see, this is a complete set up by the family. The boy's father who has a record of fighting "Islamophobia" had his son take apart a Digital Clock, put it together in a case that could resemble a bomb and bring it to school. If some one was building a clock with a large visible display, why would they build it. inside a case. it may be a pencil case, but it resembles a briefcase that could be left anywhere. According to the police when the kid was asked about the device and why he brought it school would only answer it was a clock.

This is consistent with the mainstream media articles I have read.
So many things wrong here.

First, I have to say the Big Ben meme is hilarious, but other than that this whole situation irritates me.
I see nothing about this situation that leads me to believe the child is being harassed for his religion.
He brought some electronics to school that looked like it had possible bomb type ingredients. Teacher #1 knew that if people saw it there would be upset and warned child. Teacher #2 heard noises, saw the wires, and did what was expected and contacted administration.
He was questioned, first by the school, then by the authorities.
When immediate answers weren't received, he was detained by authorities - just like anyone else would have been.
They sorted it all out and let him go.

Parents etc. went crazy on social media to the point where even the POTUS jumped on board with accusations. (Really?)

I wasn't paying much attention to this and from just seeing headlines I assumed something that looked like a clock came to school in someone's backpack and people went nuts. After I read the articles and saw what really happened I'm wondering what on earth people are making a big deal about?

This whole thing could have been solved if the engineering teacher had told the student to leave the device in his/her room because of it's electronic nature. However, I'm not ready to fault the teacher for not immediately thinking of something that in hindsight could have fixed the problem. Teacher is probably already kicking himself.

IMO, this should be a funny story about a bright kid (like Sheldon making radioactive stuff in his garage as a kid or whatever that story was on BBT) not a a big "race and religious persecution in America" story.

My kids are white Christians. If this happened to them, should I have claimed Christian persecution? (Don't get me started on what some people claim to be persecution of Christians - same issues there.)
From what I can see, this is a complete set up by the family. The boy's father who has a record of fighting "Islamophobia" had his son take apart a Digital Clock, put it together in a case that could resemble a bomb and bring it to school. If some one was building a clock with a large visible display, why would they build it. inside a case. it may be a pencil case, but it resembles a briefcase that could be left anywhere. According to the police when the kid was asked about the device and why he brought it school would only answer it was a clock.

The shame of it is that another Political Leader got himself involved again without knowing all the facts in the case. If taking something apart and putting it together in another case get's you an invite to the Whitehouse, it's going to get very crowded. Comment's about kids bringing devices that looks bombs into school, yet silence about shot and killed cops is disturbing.
I just saw this. Now it really makes sense.
From what I can see, this is a complete set up by the family. The boy's father who has a record of fighting "Islamophobia" had his son take apart a Digital Clock, put it together in a case that could resemble a bomb and bring it to school. If some one was building a clock with a large visible display, why would they build it. inside a case. it may be a pencil case, but it resembles a briefcase that could be left anywhere. According to the police when the kid was asked about the device and why he brought it school would only answer it was a clock.

The shame of it is that another Political Leader got himself involved again without knowing all the facts in the case. If taking something apart and putting it together in another case get's you an invite to the Whitehouse, it's going to get very crowded. Comment's about kids bringing devices that looks bombs into school, yet silence about shot and killed cops is disturbing.
The parents do seem to be enjoying this.
The parents do seem to be enjoying this.

Yes another one of those Strange Coincidences. If someone from the house is late for work on Monday, we will know where they got the Digital Clock. I wonder if mom picked out the NASA Shirt.
Apparently, Ahmed's sister was there filming the incident too and took the photo of him in cuffs.

Based on the geek thread I read about his clock (reassembled 70s era Radio Shack clock radio), I'd have to give him a C+ in Engineering but an A+ in Psychology/Sociology.
So, it looks like the thing that the two pictures of those elementary school kids holding guns in Texas and the high school aged boy with "bomb ingredients" in school in Texas do have in common is parents who are using them as pawns in their own games. The only difference is that a high school kid will be held more accountable for his own actions.

(Still puzzling over how anyone could compare those two pictures shown earlier on this thread and think the only difference was skin color.)
From what I can see, this is a complete set up by the family. The boy's father who has a record of fighting "Islamophobia" had his son take apart a Digital Clock, put it together in a case that could resemble a bomb and bring it to school. If some one was building a clock with a large visible display, why would they build it. inside a case. it may be a pencil case, but it resembles a briefcase that could be left anywhere. According to the police when the kid was asked about the device and why he brought it school would only answer it was a clock.

The shame of it is that another Political Leader got himself involved again without knowing all the facts in the case. If taking something apart and putting it together in another case get's you an invite to the Whitehouse, it's going to get very crowded. Comment's about kids bringing devices that looks bombs into school, yet silence about shot and killed cops is disturbing.

I just saw this. Now it really makes sense.

Apparently, Ahmed's sister was there filming the incident too and took the photo of him in cuffs.

Based on the geek thread I read about his clock (reassembled 70s era Radio Shack clock radio), I'd have to give him a C+ in Engineering but an A+ in Psychology/Sociology.

Oh my... this is too funny... you are all serious. I never ceased to be amazed at the level of fear that perpetuates out society. Of course, now it all makes perfect sense:rotfl2: Even if ( and this is a super paranoid stretch of an if ) you are all right, and this little 14 year old masterminded the whole thing... what does it say about all the idiots who fell for his Dr. Evil plot: hook, line, and sinker. So glad they are running a school and a police department.
what does it say about all the idiots who fell for his Dr. Evil plot: hook, line, and sinker. So glad they are running a school and a police department.

I do think they "fell for it." They felt compelled to remove Ahmed from the school for some reason. I think they erred out of caution, due to things that were said or done and/or due to some zero tolerance policy. I have trouble believing they are all Islamaphobes, despite the snarky media attitude towards Texas.

I've only read text articles-no video-but I've been curious about the lack of interviews with other students at the school. Has anyone seen any?
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Oh my... this is too funny... you are all serious. I never ceased to be amazed at the level of fear that perpetuates out society. Of course, now it all makes perfect sense:rotfl2: Even if ( and this is a super paranoid stretch of an if ) you are all right, and this little 14 year old masterminded the whole thing... what does it say about all the idiots who fell for his Dr. Evil plot: hook, line, and sinker. So glad they are running a school and a police department.

Seriously? How does thinking the parents of the child were hoping for a story make us more paranoid than all the people who think this child has been targeted and traumatized for life simply because he is Muslim? Bolded above - true. Pot/Kettle/Black

I don't think they "fell for" anything, they followed protocol. Those perpetuating the "it's a conspiracy against Muslims" are the ones who fell for it.
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