Your Unpopular Opinions

That outdated stereotype just kills me. All the jokes that mainstream, national media make about everyone in Colorado toking up and being high all the time. It’s mostly about edibles now, not rolling a joint and smoking it. Probably about half the people I work with use. We are a professional office, degreed people. They aren’t high at work, just like no one is drunk at work. To a lot of folks, it’s no different than having a glass of wine or martini at the end of the day. They know what their limits are. We as an adult populace just said, this is silly, our state could collect insane amounts of taxes from this, let’s legalize it. So we did.

Plus I bet the snack food industry in Colorado is booming!
I hate sweets.
Al Sharpton is a non tax paying race baiter.
If I work, stay at home with my kids is none of your's my choice and I could care less what you do or what you call either one....its just not that important.
Prime time tv just isn't that great anymore.

ETA...every single news media has a slant
Outsourcing parenting is what wealthy Victorian families did. The poor families were the ones who raised their children themselves. Not saying either is bad or good just an adding what I think is an interesting, historical perspective.
Chipotle tastes like overcooked dog food.
Not so much religious, as a musical issue.

I love traditional hymns and hate modern Christian music/praise hymns with a passion. It dumbs down church services. If you remove the word "Jesus" from a song and replace it with a random man's name and the song sounds like a romantic one, that's just wrong. I call them "Jesus is my boyfriend" songs. Singing the same sentence 8 times in a row is not a hymn. It's babble. You can't make a modern Christian song into a decent hymn by tossing in the occasional anachronistic "thee" or "thou." In an attempt to be relevant to teens, songs are sung which the teens don't even sing along with. It's just bad church music. I joke that I have to go to Hobby Lobby to hear a decent hymn these days.

Sadly, every church around here, no matter what the sect, has abandoned hymns for those horrible praise songs.

Reading your post I had a visual of the youth pastor on "The Middle" makes me shudder every time he plays the guitar, and sings!
That made me think of another one. There is very seldom a good reason to rehome an animal. And 95% of the population should never have a pet because they are too lazy or irresponsible to do a good job.

A thousand times YES!

We keep getting comments and looks because we've relocated four times and taken our cat each time. She's healthy enough to travel so it was never a question. But the number of people who casually remark that they'd have given their pet away sickens me. My kitty may not have a forever home, but she has a forever family!
I think the word rehome should be eliminated. It makes it kinda easy to mentally be done.
It's bad enough for pets. Occasionally I'll hear it used in reference to children. Just unthinkable.
Not so much religious, as a musical issue.

I love traditional hymns and hate modern Christian music/praise hymns with a passion. It dumbs down church services. If you remove the word "Jesus" from a song and replace it with a random man's name and the song sounds like a romantic one, that's just wrong. I call them "Jesus is my boyfriend" songs. Singing the same sentence 8 times in a row is not a hymn. It's babble. You can't make a modern Christian song into a decent hymn by tossing in the occasional anachronistic "thee" or "thou." In an attempt to be relevant to teens, songs are sung which the teens don't even sing along with. It's just bad church music. I joke that I have to go to Hobby Lobby to hear a decent hymn these days.

Sadly, every church around here, no matter what the sect, has abandoned hymns for those horrible praise songs.

I call those 7-11 songs. They have seven words and you sing them eleven times.
EMom, I'm laughing about the hymns...remembering a certain South Park Episode...
You should come to my ILs church, they only sing old hymns...particularly if it is about the blood. AND to top it off, they sing every last stinking line/verse/stanza in a hymn
You're right. Let's call it what it is, dumping.
Sometimes. But I think there is some space between various kinds of rehoming and dumping. (Of course, some rehoming is dumping.)
Why can't they just say what happened? Like: "We gave Fido to our neighbors before we left", rather than "Fido was rehomed."

My two cents....on the just my opinion thread. :)
this was a very bad thread to start lol.
from my experience on here i'm not "allowed" to give an unpopular opinion without severe backlash and it ends with me getting points/banned for a while.
yet others are allowed to and are praised for doing so.
this was a very bad thread to start lol.
from my experience on here i'm not "allowed" to give an unpopular opinion without severe backlash and it ends with me getting points/banned for a while.
yet others are allowed to and are praised for doing so.

Well to be fair most aren't posting their unpopular opinions that are religious or political. I definitely have a high number of those, but they probably would get me points/banned.

Here is another one...
I don't like cheesecake. Most people I know think its the best thing ever... and I do like cheese just not cheese cake.

I don't like most cake actually.
From today's top stories:
Society feeling sorry for someone who doesn't follow the rules.

do what you are told-follow the rules, don't have teacher call in authorities because your sorry a** wants to do what ever it is you want to do.
Now everyone feels sorry for you-phooey.
I stand with BLUE!

That girl was actually smacking the police officer! She would not listen to the teacher when she was asked to leave the room. She would not listen to the principal. And she thought she was not going to listen to the officer. She smacked him several times. Then the officer took control and treated her like the animal she was acting like. She earned that treatment.

But no. The police officer will get into trouble now. They will make it a black vs. white issue, which it is not at all.

But the biggest thing is this girl will be rewarded for disobeying several authority figures at her school. She was just taught that she does not have to respect or listen to anyone. Disgusting.
Well to be fair most aren't posting their unpopular opinions that are religious or political. I definitely have a high number of those, but they probably would get me points/banned.

Here is another one...
I don't like cheesecake. Most people I know think its the best thing ever... and I do like cheese just not cheese cake.

I don't like most cake actually.

how could you?!?! lol
i love cheesecake!
its my favorite dessert.
haha its ok i have an unpopular opinion about having birthday cake and ice cream together. i hate it!


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