Official 2016 Princess Half Marathon Thread

Why IS the expo open to the public? Why not limit it to runners and their party? That would keep down the ebay hoarding.

I may be in the exception to the rule, but I appreciate it when the expos are open to the public because there are some vendors I want to purchase from but I may not to do it online. I may not participate in every runDisney race, but I appreciate living close enough to a Disney Park that I can go to the expo and pick up items I need for my running activities and local races. For example, during the last Star Wars race we opted to not run due to scheduling conflicts but I wanted to go to the Expo and pick up some Sparkly Soul headbands and Raw Threads shirts for training. Raw Threads' sizing is inconsistent and I could try on the items I wanted without having to ship stuff back if I ordered incorrectly - plus, I didn't have to pay for shipping!

Keep in mind -- we DO NOT go to the "official merch" area. We aren't running the race and therefore nothing in that area pertains to us. No purses, tshirts, or pins for us! We have to run the race to earn it. :)
If anything, they might start adding more pre-sale bundles that you can purchase when you register for a race (they keep adding more each race weekend - Disneyland had one where you could pre-purchase the race weekend Tervis tumbler, hat, pins, etc.).

But no. It makes no sense to restrict people from buying things if they have the money and are willing to pay for it. I think people forget that RunDisney, and Disney itself, is a business first.

... and yet, by the time I registered for the Star Wars Dark Side, all of the presales were closed or "sold out". And the "I Did It" shirts are frequently sold out before I make it to the expo.

They have been leaving money on the table for years. And by artificially creating a scarcity of merch, they have created an environment where we end up with people literally fighting over hats and wine glasses. Disney's policies have directly led to the fist fights of last Thursday morning.

A large chunk of these issues could be handled by offering a presale a month or two before the race, where we could all see PICTURES of what's available. Disney gets our money up front (good for them), we don't buy anything sight unseen (good for us), and product doesn't run out leaving unfulfilled demand (good for EVERYONE!).

Seriously, RunDisney needs to hire me. :P
We went to the official merchandise area at the staging area before the Half and they had the "I Did It" shirts and the pink/purple Half jackets. I didn't check what sizes they had left though - I already had my shirt and we didn't bring bag check bags with us. I didn't go back after the race as it completely slipped my mind. All I could think of was a shower lol!
So I debated posting my thoughts on the race and expo and weekend in general; but have decided I too will share.

From a vacation standpoint- it was a good trip. I will start with flights- they were great. For once, I left Hartford on time to Charlotte (that flight notoriously can run late because the plane actually is coming in sometimes from midwest, it's not always on a loop between the two airports) and actually left Charlotte on time to Orlando (same thing as previous flight- sometimes that plane is coming in from CA). I landed at MCO at about 12:30ish give or take 20 minutes in either direction.

First word of advice to people thinking of doing this next year: MAKE YOUR RENTAL CAR RESERVATIONS EARLY. MAKE YOUR RENTAL CAR RESERVATION FOR THE CLASS OF CAR YOU WANT- NOT THE CLASS OF CAR YOU HOPE YOU'LL GET. I saw many people who were out of luck when they landed at MCO because not only Princess but Gasparilla was this weekend too. They either had made reservations for the aisle hoping they'd get something else, or they hadn't made reservations at all. Alamo/National were down to SUV's, super premiums (think 7 series and Maseratti), and minivans. I have Emerald Aisle privileges, but the family coming out at the same time as me had Executive Aisle privileges. There was nothing for either of us. I think they ended up with a minivan (worked cause they were a family of 4) and the manager let me take a Durango. I begged not to take a minivan because again, I'm solo, and two- I lean towards sports cars. I drive a Lexus and just came out of a BMW, so I wasn't too comfortable with the minivan situation. I learned to drive on a big ol Suburban though, so I'm okay with the large SUV's.

Second word of advice to the people thinking of doing this next year: KEEP A PRINT OUT OF ALL RESERVATIONS. BRING THEM WITH YOU. The poor little old lady (no really! She was a sweet southern granny) at the Alamo booth bless her heart, she tried. She really did. My reservation was supposed to be $250 total after tax/fees for Thursday 1AM to Monday 9AM. 5 days. For some reason? The system thought $475 plus taxes and fees was more appropriate. So, if you flew in Thursday night and were leaving the B side garage around 1:30 AM and waited in a long line? That was my fault. I'm sorry. I wasn't willing to pay double my reservation, and the lady asked did I mind waiting until the manager was free. We had a lovely chat until the manager could come to where we were. The bedlam of having dozens of families and nothing but minivans had kept him pretty busy. But he worked it out (needed to see my reservation so he could over ride the computer- hence my advice) and then gave me a credit for waiting patiently.

Fast Forward to the Expo. Dude. ***? That's all I can say about that. I saw the guy with the box- which I now understand was wine glasses- and I saw people just literally with tons and tons of stuff in their hands. I was there early, around 945 or so, and it seemed like all of WDW was shoved in that one small area. Through persistence, and trying to tune the crowds out, I was able to get everything I wanted. But I kind of lost my faith in humanity while it was happening. I saw one woman pull something right out of the hands of someone else. As much as I tried to say please, excuses me, etc- it was pointless. Most people were reduced to their inner beasts it seemed. Pretty much everything got refilled during the weekend other than the wine glasses, I think the black mugs and Tervis mugs, the powder blue jackets, and the run princess run stuff. I ended up with the wrong size of that tank- way too big for me so I'll only wear it for working out in the house I think. In the future, I'm either not going to spend money on merchandise, or just accept that I may not get what I want; but I don't think I can go that early and deal with things being so out of control. They got better later, and on other days. But that first day, first few hours? Craziness.

As for the half itself? It started out okay. I didn't really begin to feel crowded until after the TTC on the way down to the Contemporary and MK. It got a bit closer together through there. By the time we got backstage, I was like "where did all these people come from?". Moving down main street was just comical. Moving down Floridian way afterward was also comical. I could only run in a short shuffling kind of step- and my natural gait is a bit wider than that. I think that was part of where things went downhill. Though, I was surprised at myself- I was to mile 8 before I really realized it. I was like "wow, 8 miles already?". Then I looked down at my Garmin and realized I was moving slower than my typical pace. By then, I was on pace to finish at around 2:45. So not glamorous, but I was happy with that for a first time.

Then mile 8.5-9 happened. We were finally back out on World Drive. And for some reason, my thighs were cramping. I'd stop and stretch and try to run, but I just felt like my thighs were tight high tension cables wrapped around my femurs. I just couldn't get into my rhythm anymore. So I had started staying to the far right, because I was increasing my walk intervals and moving a bit slower. Which I think, was absolutely the right thing to do from an etiquette standpoint. But, from a standpoint of what was good for my body? Bad, bad move. I run on rail trails that are flat at home. The roads leading up to Sarge's Hill, up the overpass itself, and leading to EPCOT all have varying degrees of camber to them. Not to mention Sarge's Hill itself being a steep bank. By the time I was past Sarge's Hill, my IT band/hip was hurting. By the time I made it to the hairpin turn into EPCOT, every step was murder. By the time I was within EPCOT, I was nearly in tears. I literally would take a step and it would send searing pain through my body. At one point, I sat down on the stone benches, and a woman passed me turned around and mouthed "are you okay? Do you need help?" (proof that not everyone on the course that day was an @$$) and I gave her the thumbs up. I jumped up because I hadn't even realized I sat down. I crossed at 3:09. I'm not happy about the time. But for 4 miles I was in pretty excruciating pain; I guess I should pat myself on the back that I managed to finish at all. Still walking with a limp- but the pain gets better every day.

So, all in all, would I do it again? Next year, yes, because I plan to do the challenge as part of a repeat of the coast to coast. I plan to do Dopey, GSC, PD, and Dumbo DD next year. I have NOT done those races before. This is only my second ever run Disney event- the first being the half of a half otherwise known as Wine and Dine. Overall, as a front of the corral I runner- I thought the race was good up until about mile 4. From there on out, it was crowded. It got worse for me from mile 9ish on because I was moving so slow. I remember looking out over the on ramp leading down into EPCOT parking lot and seeing a horde of people still coming down World Drive and it just looked like a sea or mass of people. While many have said they were able to run their own race, I never really felt I could do that once we made it to MK and out the other side. I don't remember much about characters other than Bert and Mary and Jack and Sally. Oh and Sarge. Oh, and Buzz- who is my fave but his line was too long. The send off was nice, the on course race was just okay, and after I do my uber challenge next year, I'm done. Whether that means done with rD on a whole or just Princess remains to be seen. I just wasn't blown away by the experience. Maybe if I wasn't solo. Maybe if I was a faster or better runner (and yes, I trained) or in a different corral. Maybe if I'd gone into it not hoping for a great time or PR and instead just aimed to finish. I don't know. It just didn't wow me.

I feel your pain...literally. This was me last year. I was crying by to end and not because I was happy. I'm still rehabbing that injury and not running more than a 5K. My only advice to you is to give yourself a little time to heal and marinate on the idea of doing all those races next year. Maybe this is temporary pain, but just make sure of it.

Here is my math :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

I couldn't survive without a calculator. I am a nerd, but not that kind of nerd.

Can I just rant for a second? I think y'all will understand this more than my non-runner friends.

I have had zero support from anyone outside of my husband and a few friends and you guys. My parents never said congratulations, even when I wore that giant, heavy medal to their house on Monday! Last night my husband talked to MIL and when he mentioned that I ran the 10k she said "well, is she ever going to run a half marathon?" Because 6.2 miles isn't good enough I guess.

Yes, I am 46 years old and wanting validation from these people. I've never been an athlete. My dad always jokes about how I can't walk and chew gum. I didn't have the great PE teachers that my son has so I never developed the motor skills that were needed for most sports. It isn't like I do this all the time and they are tired of cheering me on at the Olympics. For me, 6.2 miles is a huge deal!

It is a huge deal. Shame on them for not supporting you. I honestly feel like my 3.1 miles was a huge accomplishment for where I am right now.

@preciouspups I have another thought (more than you asked for but I wanted to add)...and excuse me for using "I" and "me" and the like so much...

Maybe it's a difference of personalities, but one of my favorite things about running is that it is something I do FOR ME. The sense of accomplishment from finishing a race, knowing that I was successful because I put in the work means way more than someone else giving me a "congrats." So if I get a lack of "congrats" afterward, it doesn't bother me...because that's not what really matters. What matters is that I set a goal, worked hard and achieved that goal (and in your case, you did it for the first time). THAT is the important thing.

I have no idea if that made sense. :confused3

It does make sense and while I don't rely on the validation of others, it's nice for those you love the most to support what you are doing.

It's been pointed out that if the expo is runner-only, bibs will be bought up by eBay folks, too.

Probably very true.

Hello, I have heard it suggested that Disney call this a participant medal rather than a finisher medal - perhaps that would be a good approach?

That will never happen.

So the issue is that the resellers will buy bibs so they can enter the expo, thus lessening the number of bibs available for those who want to participate. Some races only allow entry via lottery; and thus only allow entry to those expos to the participants - this obviously prevents resellers from getting bibs unless they are lucky in the lottery--not sure how I feel about Disney changing registration approach to a lottery just so merchandise is available to runners. Thoughts?

I hope they never ever do a lottery.


Presale will help as well, since they will know a hard and fast figure on item inventory long before they have to have things manufactured. Especially when they know that things like wine glasses, etc., are going to always sell out regardless of how many they make.

Another real problem is getting images of items in a timely manner to encourage people to pre-order. Merchandise previews are getting put out later and later and later.

Agreed. I would be happy to preorder...IF I CAN SEE THE MERCHANDISE.
We went to the official merchandise area at the staging area before the Half and they had the "I Did It" shirts and the pink/purple Half jackets. I didn't check what sizes they had left though - I already had my shirt and we didn't bring bag check bags with us. I didn't go back after the race as it completely slipped my mind. All I could think of was a shower lol!

Did they have any of the 'Run like A Princess' stuff with the different castles in there? Those were some of the only things I was really wanting and I got there and Friday and apparently everything was gone already. I didn't get to go into the Merch tent after the half due to having to catch a plane, so if they had that stuff in there I'm kicking myself!
Did they have any of the 'Run like A Princess' stuff with the different castles in there? Those were some of the only things I was really wanting and I got there and Friday and apparently everything was gone already. I didn't get to go into the Merch tent after the half due to having to catch a plane, so if they had that stuff in there I'm kicking myself!

Lol no, didn't see those.
Did they have any of the 'Run like A Princess' stuff with the different castles in there? Those were some of the only things I was really wanting and I got there and Friday and apparently everything was gone already. I didn't get to go into the Merch tent after the half due to having to catch a plane, so if they had that stuff in there I'm kicking myself!

Yep, it disappeared early Thursday, but when I went back to exchange/return some things Saturday around 2 I saw the shirts. The only thing I never saw restocked was Tervis, wine glasses, the blue fuzzy jacket, and the grey run princess run stuff.

Speaking of, if anyone has a L of the grey 'run princess run' tank and needed an XL instead, I'd do a swap. I grabbed what I thought was a L and fought my way out of the crowd only to realize that an XL had been placed on a L hanger. In the time it took to turn around- they were picked clean worse than a carcass out on the African Savannah.
I feel your pain...literally. This was me last year. I was crying by to end and not because I was happy. I'm still rehabbing that injury and not running more than a 5K. My only advice to you is to give yourself a little time to heal and marinate on the idea of doing all those races next year. Maybe this is temporary pain, but just make sure of it.

Agreed. I would be happy to preorder...IF I CAN SEE THE MERCHANDISE.

Oh god. You're scaring me. I was thinking if I woke up this weekend pain free :cool1: (still pretty stiff in the AM or after being seated for a while and I can't walk too long without the hip starting to feel 'hitch' like) I was going to run. I guess I'm officially a runner. I'm chomping at the bit already to run again. 5 days ago I could barely walk across a finish line. :crutches:now? I'm like 'jesu, how much longer till I can run again?'
Yep, it disappeared early Thursday, but when I went back to exchange/return some things Saturday around 2 I saw the shirts. The only thing I never saw restocked was Tervis, wine glasses, the blue fuzzy jacket, and the grey run princess run stuff.

Speaking of, if anyone has a L of the grey 'run princess run' tank and needed an XL instead, I'd do a swap. I grabbed what I thought was a L and fought my way out of the crowd only to realize that an XL had been placed on a L hanger. In the time it took to turn around- they were picked clean worse than a carcass out on the African Savannah.

Ugh, I went back to the expo around 10am on Saturday and left about 11:30am and didn't see anything! I was specifically looking for the pink pullover. Oh well I guess, snooze you lose haha
Oh god. You're scaring me. I was thinking if I woke up this weekend pain free :cool1: (still pretty stiff in the AM or after being seated for a while and I can't walk too long without the hip starting to feel 'hitch' like) I was going to run. I guess I'm officially a runner. I'm chomping at the bit already to run again. 5 days ago I could barely walk across a finish line. :crutches:now? I'm like 'jesu, how much longer till I can run again?'

I get it. As soon as I finished, I was already wanted to go again, even though I could barely walk. I'm not trying to scare you, just trying to help. Take it easy and listen to your body. Maybe try walking first. If it doesn't improve soon, go to a doctor and see if you need physical therapy.
***which leads me to my next point and one Keels makes, the merchandise, runDisney is sucking people dry and they know it, the "I did it" shirt is ridicules, we are each given a finisher shirt..disney just know they can sale anything.

Those "i did it" shirts kill me.

At Star Wars DH noticed that the font of the Half I Did It shirts made it look like it said "IDIOT".

I did the 5K last year and loved it, and most of the runners I met in the parks were really sweet and encouraging, which is part of why I figured it would be a good race for me (the other part is the princess thing). But from some of the things I've seen here, it sounds like those sweet and encouraging runners are in the minority.

People *in person* were pretty decent. People on the course could be jerky, but you see that, or I've seen it, in all the events I've done. People with just no clue of where to go or how to move around in the course, etc. But in person people were nice.

My son saw my medal and asked if I won. When I told him no he said "so you got a participation medal like I get in baseball." Well, kind of I guess.

It IS a participation medal. I have no problem with that. There are ALSO winner medals. For those who win. :) Disney can charge more if they give everyone some sort of medal (and the winners also get their prizes), so they do that. And all they have to do is call it a participant medal, and then everyone would be happy. Go, participate, be happy.

These same women slowed down before they got to the finish line and linked arms to cross. I get it, you want to cross with your friends.

There. Is. A. Picture...on the official FB rundisney page...of three women in Minnie skirts holding hands as they apparently cross the finish line.

This is what rundisney chooses to put on their page. THEY are part of the problem.

They had some out afterwards.

I think I got lost in my multi-quote. If this isn't what you're talking about, ignore me. :)

The grey, with a castle, "run princess run", tanks with NO race distance on it?

People at the expo we asked for help kept handing me a Half Marathon shirt that was basically like that, but with the Half and a little extra color on it.

we didn't arrive at the Expo until 1:30 on Thursday. I was expecting bedlam, from what I'd read here. Nope. There was NO ONE in the bib pickup, we walked right up to the desks. Same with picking up shirts and bags. The Official Merch had all the "I Did It" shirts- with the map on the back. Magnets. Long sleeved shirts.

So you got in around the time we were leaving. Timing is everything! We had madness. For some reason we went against our plans, and got in the bib line first. The one that started near the parking lot. Then, the line that was non-existent as far as I could tell when we got up there, the main expo line, went nearly to the kid's Mile run area. It only took 8 minutes in that line, once we got to the very end of it, to get into the building, but it felt longer.

Did they have the tanks I mentioned above?

I saw two over two days. One XL that was snaked out from me by a lady behind me as I waited patiently for the person in front of me to move (on Thursday), and one that's borderline small on me but I got it anyway because I wanted it (on Friday after my cousin stalked an employee restocking items one at a time).

And the inside of the tank, where the transfer is, feels rubbery and damp all the time, because it's such poor quality. Sigh.

if you frequently run races that send off runners with fireworks and feature marching bands and drum lines and Disney characters along the route- then variations in the number or frequency of those things are going to matter more to you than they will to someone who is not accustomed to those things.

So true.

Except that corral C for the 10K got NO fireworks. :( They even did the "ready, set, go" thing again, and still no fireworks. It was sad. (don't know about later corrals as I was gone for them, but they had them for A and B!)

finisher medals (which is how rD refers to them on their website)

And all they have to do is change the name. :)

not all of them are people who admit they never should have started and even joke about it.

Exactly. So true.

I still have not seen or read anyone saying/writing that. I've been told that people were, but I didn't notice it.

Rock N Roll series was built SOLELY on the idea of selling out races and challenges. And sorry to say, you don't see them handing out a medal if you don't finish.

Rock and Roll Vancouver:

Their sag wagon will take you to the finish OR will take you further in the course, where you can get off the sag wagon and continue.

Tell me how that isn't doing just about the same thing Disney is doing?

I also got to start that Half last year half an hour before the race started, because that's something they offered to the slower ones in the last corral. (we have our own division for results, which amuses me)

I ended up with the wrong size of that tank- way too big for me so I'll only wear it for working out in the house I think.

The one without the distance? Grey with silver castle and run princess run on it? If you have a M and need a S, let's swap.

I am normally against the "everybody wins" mentality.

Maybe it's because my kid isn't in soccer, but I still haven't seen "everybody WINS". Participant trophies are accurate and fun. I've only heard of events where everyone gets those AND the winners get a winner thing.

But honestly, just putting one foot in front of the other for something like this is a form of winning. I might have a unique perspective, though, as I have been a self-doubting, body-dysmorphic (first diet at 9 years old!), introvert my whole life. I always wanted to take gymnastics but wouldn't get out of the car. It's been my whole life. I have to surprise myself with things, just sign up or show up suddenly, so I don't talk myself out of it. Last year I started taking ballet, after thinking about it for over a year. I was SO nervous, even though I had hubby's and son's support. Son's was the biggest deal, because he dances, and I was going to be dancing at the same place he was, with his friends.

He totally gets me. He has heard my gymnastics story more than once. The day of my first class, hubby dropped us off (DS had a different dance class at the same time). As we walked into the YMCA, DS turned to me and said "you got out of the car".

Just CHOOSING to participate can be an amazing, astonishing, HARD thing. And that's why I'm in support of stuff for participants.

I'm also supportive of stuff for winners, too. :)

For me though, I don't think someone having a medal even if they didn't finish has any bearing on how I feel about my medal and my race. It doesn't cheapen anything b/c I'm not worried about what everyone else is or is not doing.


So I got my dang medal and feel like I truly deserved it, even if they swept me.

So previously you didn't agree with it and now you do? That's cool.

Can I just rant for a second? I think y'all will understand this more than my non-runner friends.

I have had zero support from anyone outside of my husband and a few friends and you guys. My parents never said congratulations, even when I wore that giant, heavy medal to their house on Monday! Last night my husband talked to MIL and when he mentioned that I ran the 10k she said "well, is she ever going to run a half marathon?" Because 6.2 miles isn't good enough I guess.

Yes, I am 46 years old and wanting validation from these people. I've never been an athlete. My dad always jokes about how I can't walk and chew gum. I didn't have the great PE teachers that my son has so I never developed the motor skills that were needed for most sports. It isn't like I do this all the time and they are tired of cheering me on at the Olympics. For me, 6.2 miles is a huge deal!

I'm so sorry.

All the older generation around me thinks I'm really stupid for running. Sigh.

They don't care who buys the stuff, they just care that SOMEONE buys it.

I get it. But they SHOULD care.

So, who is in for next year?!?

Thought I was one and done.

But at 2.5 miles into the 5K my cousin and I wanted to do the finger twirly thing and ask if we could "go around again". We were having fun.

Apart from some craziness during the 10K, I actually quite liked that, too. Didn't PR but I wasn't too far off, and I did better than RnR Vancouver 10K in October (which I did with my son), so I was happy.

My cousin wants to do it again, and is planning on the 5&10 like I did. So I'm planning it too, now. :)

especially since I kept up with my friend who was running while I was walking.

I have that type of run as well. My cousin, who is taller than me with longer legs, was walking briskly as I jogged. Kind of embarrassing, kind of funny. Ultimately totally OK. :)

Hello, I have heard it suggested that Disney call this a participant medal rather than a finisher medal - perhaps that would be a good approach?

Since I'm one who mentioned it previously I'm all in support. ;)

I'd be pretty angry if they changed to a lottery system.

I cannot even imagine them doing that.

If anything, they might start adding more pre-sale bundles that you can purchase when you register for a race (they keep adding more each race weekend - Disneyland had one where you could pre-purchase the race weekend Tervis tumbler, hat, pins, etc.).

The key would need to be pictures. I just won't give them $100 for something sight unseen for 6 months! I won't. Even if I can return it.

DD and I woke up at 2:30, got dressed and headed to the food court to get drinks. Downed those, back to our room to ditch our mugs (we had an awesome room location! On the 2nd floor in the building closest to the food court. Would have preferred 1st floor but it was so easy to go get drinks and come back to our room.

What resort?

I did hear a couple of people complaining about one of the Pace groups running and walking right up the middle of the path.

I saw that twice in the 10K. Not sure if it was two different groups or if I managed to find the same one twice. It was VERY uncool. And it forces you to run or walk on the wrong side, depending on what the situation is around you as you approach.

A large chunk of these issues could be handled by offering a presale a month or two before the race, where we could all see PICTURES of what's available. Disney gets our money up front (good for them), we don't buy anything sight unseen (good for us), and product doesn't run out leaving unfulfilled demand (good for EVERYONE!).

Seriously, RunDisney needs to hire me.

Pictures pictures pictures.

They need to hire me, too, for proofreading and making sure they make sense.

Because this was NOT correct for Contemporary or Bay Lake. (west side of the convention center was where the buses were, not the port cochere, and the valet/bell people in the p.c. had ZERO clue as to where transportation was, and were giving out wrong info)


Nor was the sandwich board off at the corner where Contemporary meets the convention center that had an arrow pointing the correct way labeled for Expo busses, and an arrow pointing back to Contemporary labeled with "runners use monorail for ALL RACE EVENTS".

First, the sandwich board was off where no one but a weirdo like me would walk (other runners were going on the diagonal to save steps), so no one saw it, and second, no, NOT all race events at all. 1/3 of race events to be specific. Saw that after the 5K (when I brought Lisa-the-transportation-lady a coffee because she was so awesome) and went to a CM immediately (Cydney), but it was still there the day of the Half (and the 10K). Not that anyone saw it, but it was wrong all the same.
I'm NOT in favor of a lottery... the stupid lottery is why I can't get my husband Master's tickets for the fifth year in a row. I was looking at one race that allows a certain number of registrations on opening day. They sell out in minutes. And then it goes to a lottery for the rest of the entries. However, they cap the runners at 4000 and not 20,000 so I don't know that it would work for Disney.
So you got in around the time we were leaving. Timing is everything! We had madness. For some reason we went against our plans, and got in the bib line first. The one that started near the parking lot. Then, the line that was non-existent as far as I could tell when we got up there, the main expo line, went nearly to the kid's Mile run area. It only took 8 minutes in that line, once we got to the very end of it, to get into the building, but it felt longer.

Did they have the tanks I mentioned above?

I saw two over two days. One XL that was snaked out from me by a lady behind me as I waited patiently for the person in front of me to move (on Thursday), and one that's borderline small on me but I got it anyway because I wanted it (on Friday after my cousin stalked an employee restocking items one at a time).

And the inside of the tank, where the transfer is, feels rubbery and damp all the time, because it's such poor quality. Sigh.

We totally lucked out- we had planned to get to the Expo earlier but Old Key West was re-enacting that scene from the Zootopia trailer with the sloths, and took almost an hour to check us in (and turned out to have made a bunch of errors that would follow us until checkout, bless their hearts). Especially as we had a 7 year old and a grandmother with MS in tow- so we were both slow and prone to tantrums. I had heard so much about the crowds at the expo I was expecting it to be terrible and really ready to just get my bib and get out (the race t-shirt we got and medal were enough for me- I have a tiny apartment). But everyone else wanted to shop. The veteran in our group did comment that if you like something, get it immediately because it will be gone. She also made the comment that anything Disney will attract a certain kind of fanatic and that the races are no exception, so people will buy it in massive amounts. While there were plenty of shirts in my size, larges were rare and XL and above almost non-existent. But I did get the pink and purple Run Like the Princess You Are pullover- which was fortunate because Thursday night was COLD and we stayed at HS until the Star Wars fireworks (which I loved) and I needed the long sleeves. I don't remember if I saw the other tank you mentioned- it sounds familiar. I was overwhelmed after passing the Raw Threads booth and things started to blur together.

The most hunted item for us that weekend wasn't the runDisney gear, it was those couple shirts that say "I Love You" and "I Know". My BFF searched every store in the park and finally found a pair our last nigh in Disney Springs- at Wonderful World of Disney while I was at Arribas getting my medal engraved- that even the staff thought didn't exist.
About my post: I realized that I had worded it incorrectly and had to rephrase it to correctly express what I thought. I didn't mean to sound like I was flip-flopping on my views. I was forced to finish at mile 8. I could have made it, but Disney stopped me. And, while I didn't realize it at the time, health wise it might have been for the best.
I got behind the pacers and couldn't catch up with them despite being ahead of them earlier. I was disappointed, but I ran/walked 8 more miles than I had in a long long time. At mile 7 I thought, "hey, I got this!" At mile 8 though, Disney decided I just didn't. While on the sad van, my legs, mind and other parts told me that it was all for the best.

What was disappointing was that I saw a bunch of people I was pacing with crossing the line. It was those 5/10 minutes that I lost.

And by the way, two years ago, I saw a serious runner seriously sprain/nearly break her ankle about 50 ft from the finish line. Didn't cross line because she couldn't walk. I think she earned her medal. Heck, she really earned it!
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Except that corral C for the 10K got NO fireworks. :( They even did the "ready, set, go" thing again, and still no fireworks. It was sad. (don't know about later corrals as I was gone for them, but they had them for A and B

I wonder what happened with C, I was in D and I wanted to get a picture of the fireworks but all of a sudden they were running so I figured that the fireworks were over but then they went off for us.
The thing with the buses was so weird at POR this year! On Thursday, the line was at the DME stop and there was no sign. Part of the time there was a CM there, part of the time there wasn't. The first bus did not arrive until almost 10. It was a small park shuttle, which was different than what I remembered in years past. On Friday, the race bus was in the same spot as normal. No issues. Thank goodness. Friday expo buses were also in the DME spot, no sign and no CM. Saturday, the expo bus was in the old spot where the race bus had picked up. There was a sign with an arrow when I walked out the front door. Then there was another sign that said "race transportation" or something like that. That bus took FOREVER to get there, but it finally did show up where the sign was. Not too terrible or frustrating, just weird. It would have made me nervous if I was new.

And yes...if you've been keeping track, I went to the expo all three days.
So much great information in these threads!

This was my very first year of doing the Princess Half! I have been wanting to do it the last two years or so, but it never worked out. Now I'll be doing it likely every year! For some of those who are considering doing it for the first time, I say go for it! Here are a few experiences of mine and/or observances!

1. I trained! Definitely do a training program. I personally followed Jeff Galloway's Beginner Program for the Princess Half and I was AMAZED at how well it worked. 1 year ago, I could barely run a mile without my lungs burning or my legs. I was weight training, but my cardio was weak. Plan to understand you will likely make a few mistakes during your first Princess Half. You don't know what you don't know! The bathrooms were the nightmare I expected them to be, but I should have ONLY used the restroom in Tomorrowland of Magic Kingdom. I ended up finishing around the 3 hour mark, but would have totally been able to finish at 2:30 if I HAD NOT stopped at the dreaded port a potty around the 10 mile mark. That was dumb, so dumb! AHHHHH!! But, it is what it is. Now, I know what NOT to do next year!

2. Don't rely on RunDisney to remind people to walk towards the right side! It will get very crowded in certain areas of the race. Unfortunately, to make up for it, I pretty much ran in the grass the entire time. A LOT of runners were. Picture lines are definitely very long at times. I chose not to stop for any as I wanted to see how well I could do in this race as far as time. I also don't think this is a "runner's race" for the most part, unless you are fortunate enough to get in corrals A-C. I was put in M as I had no proof of time, and ended up finishing with the H-K's. If it's your very first time running a 1/2 marathon, I would focus more on finishing strong than finishing fast if you are put in the last few corrals.

3. The EXPO. UGH the EXPO!!! I made a few mistakes on this one. First of all, I should have must trusted my gut instinct and pre-ordered the merchandise with registration. The con to this is you are out the money at first, and you have no idea what it looks like. The pro, however, is you get to finally see it when you get there, are guaranteed the items, and can always return them and get your money back! Totally wish I would have done this to score the awesome black jacket. ARGH. Next mistake I made was getting in line for my race bib at 8:30 when I should have gone STRAIGHT to merchandising. (You have the day to get your registration bib and it's not going anywhere! LOL). By 10:30 am, not kidding, on Thursday, I stood in line for merchandise for nearly 45 minutes. By the time I got there, my size was GONE in the Run Disney hoodie, the grey Run Princess Run tank, and I never saw the Glass Slipper Challenge hoodie! That must have went REALLY fast. Lots of smalls and extra smalls were left. That was it. I was, however, able to get the Raspberry Champion jacket, the grey Princess Half tank & matching shorts, and the I Did It Princess Half tee. I also got a few magnets, and the Tervis tumbler. I have always wanted a Disney Dooney & Bourke, so I did splurge on myself finally and get the Princess Half Letter Carrier bag. So glad I did.Here is the Disney Blog link to the merchandise that was offered:

I personally feel like the Expo should only be open to registered runners the FIRST day. It was a mad house. It is VERY ANNOYING to be trying to get ONE item for yourself as a participant, while watching an eBay reseller stand in line with HOARDS of it.

EDITED TO ADD: The Champion made merchandise appears to run small. Nearly every woman I encountered was trading in her size for the next one up. I'm a size 8/10, nearly a standard woman's medium, and I had to purchase all the Champion items in a size Large. Good to note for future registrations.

4. Runners for the most part were ok in the areas I was in. I was grateful for one woman who kept yelling, "walkers! PLEASE stay to the right side!". I was able to really get through then. LOL. I was fortunate to be in a very encouraging group of people! And I was neck and neck with the guys dressed as Disney Princesses. LOL. Great costumes everywhere!

I would say, overall, I had a great first experience. Save for my own mistakes, which I knew was inevitable since I've never done one before. I now have great plans for the next few years; Wine & Dine Half this year, Princess & Tink Half next year & WDW 10K, then perhaps Dopey Challenge for 2018. My personal fitness goals for this year to get through another half are lots of yoga, more training, strengthening my knees and ankles, and staying fit. I think it will really help improve my time for myself. I cannot wait to do another RunDisney race!
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@bumbershoot I needed a M, and there weren't any on the rack but in the chaos figured a L would work as well. The hanger I grabbed said L so I fought my way out of the madness that was grabby hands and snatching fists only to look down at the tank itself and realize the tank was an XL. It hangs down WAY to low on the sides to be appropriate (at least for my comfort zone on my own body- people do actually wear tanks this low so I guess the rest of the world may not think it was so inappropriate) outside my own home. I kept it because it's roomy and I do work out at home often, and the L and M I never saw restocked. But, what I need is a M or L and I have an XL. Still has tags on it, haven't opened it....

As for RNR Vancouver, I stand corrected. I did not know this was an option. I'm actually looking at starting to run their stuff after the mega disney races o madness self imposed challenge that will be next calendar year. I was going to start with LV, and hoped to do VBeach as that's my hometown. I don't remember anyone who has done VB ever saying that the sweep van would move you along the course or give out a medal after being swept. Didn't know they did it.
This was my 4th Princess. The races were crowded, but I would expect that with 18,000+ runners. People complained that they couldn't register, so they increased the field. We want to run through the park, so there are narrow spots. People were taking too long at photo ops and getting swept, so they cut some out. (At least that is my personal opinion) Rundisney wants to encourage new runners (and increase profits), so I have learned that is a far different crowd than a race like Marine Corp or a local half. I run Princess to hang out with my sisters. We laugh a lot and eat what we want. Although I am always cognizant of my time, it is more about the atmosphere. I saw people encourage each other. I saw 2 princesses jump in to help push a wheelchair runner up a hill. People stopped what they were doing to cheer on a young wheelchair participant who walked part of the kid's mile. Thankfully, I missed the rudeness (mean girl syndrome) which I have seen in the past. It is unfortunate Princess has gained such a negative reputation, but I attribute that to the huge focus on costumes/pixie dust /merchandise and minimal official focus on running (training, etiquette, preparation, etc.) Again, my personal opinion. That said, I had a fun time. I run other races besides Princess and Disney, so I know that factors into my opinions.


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