Official 2016 Princess Half Marathon Thread

Can I just rant for a second? I think y'all will understand this more than my non-runner friends.

I have had zero support from anyone outside of my husband and a few friends and you guys. My parents never said congratulations, even when I wore that giant, heavy medal to their house on Monday! Last night my husband talked to MIL and when he mentioned that I ran the 10k she said "well, is she ever going to run a half marathon?" Because 6.2 miles isn't good enough I guess.

Yes, I am 46 years old and wanting validation from these people. I've never been an athlete. My dad always jokes about how I can't walk and chew gum. I didn't have the great PE teachers that my son has so I never developed the motor skills that were needed for most sports. It isn't like I do this all the time and they are tired of cheering me on at the Olympics. For me, 6.2 miles is a huge deal!
It's a huge deal. It's way more than more people are brave enough to try. Congratulations to you!!
Why IS the expo open to the public? Why not limit it to runners and their party? That would keep down the ebay hoarding.

They don't care who buys the stuff, they just care that SOMEONE buys it. And I'm sure it keeps the vendors coming back (and paying runDisney to have their booths there) knowing that a seemingly unlimited number of people have access to the expo.
Can I just rant for a second? I think y'all will understand this more than my non-runner friends.

I have had zero support from anyone outside of my husband and a few friends and you guys. My parents never said congratulations, even when I wore that giant, heavy medal to their house on Monday! Last night my husband talked to MIL and when he mentioned that I ran the 10k she said "well, is she ever going to run a half marathon?" Because 6.2 miles isn't good enough I guess.

Yes, I am 46 years old and wanting validation from these people. I've never been an athlete. My dad always jokes about how I can't walk and chew gum. I didn't have the great PE teachers that my son has so I never developed the motor skills that were needed for most sports. It isn't like I do this all the time and they are tired of cheering me on at the Olympics. For me, 6.2 miles is a huge deal!

Don't let anyone dull your sparkle and you celebrate like no one is watching! party:A 10k or any race for that matter is a huge deal to anyone running it! You should be very proud of your accomplishment. I am lucky in that I have people that support me and realize how tough it is, but most like my parents and in-laws don't understand why I do it and don't understand my love for Disney. A 10k was something I never thought I could do two years ago and this weekend I completed the Glass Slipper Challenge which was HUGE for me. I am running in the Pixie Dust Challenge in May and with it being over Mothers' Day weekend asked my Mom if she'd like to come and she is! She even bought the platinum Chear Squad :cool1: I think that she'll get it after coming with me an seeing me! Anyway, @preciouspups remember that you had the courage to do this and finish and that right there is amazing! Don't let anyone tell you or make you feel differently!
@preciouspups I have another thought (more than you asked for but I wanted to add)...and excuse me for using "I" and "me" and the like so much...

Maybe it's a difference of personalities, but one of my favorite things about running is that it is something I do FOR ME. The sense of accomplishment from finishing a race, knowing that I was successful because I put in the work means way more than someone else giving me a "congrats." So if I get a lack of "congrats" afterward, it doesn't bother me...because that's not what really matters. What matters is that I set a goal, worked hard and achieved that goal (and in your case, you did it for the first time). THAT is the important thing.

I have no idea if that made sense. :confused3
Can I just rant for a second? I think y'all will understand this more than my non-runner friends.

I have had zero support from anyone outside of my husband and a few friends and you guys. My parents never said congratulations, even when I wore that giant, heavy medal to their house on Monday! Last night my husband talked to MIL and when he mentioned that I ran the 10k she said "well, is she ever going to run a half marathon?" Because 6.2 miles isn't good enough I guess.

Yes, I am 46 years old and wanting validation from these people. I've never been an athlete. My dad always jokes about how I can't walk and chew gum. I didn't have the great PE teachers that my son has so I never developed the motor skills that were needed for most sports. It isn't like I do this all the time and they are tired of cheering me on at the Olympics. For me, 6.2 miles is a huge deal!
Congrats, @preciouspups!

6.2 is and was also a very big deal to me, too, as I am your age + 13! (this is the math thread, correct?)

DD would sprint ahead and hold the place in the character line to cut down on wait time for me. She basically sprinted the race without any training at all so we both finished feeling very accomplished!!

Don't let other's comments get you down. You accomplished your personal goal and have a great "metal medal" to show for it!!
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I hope everyone had a great race!! This was my first time running with a friend, and we had planned to stay together. Around mile 10 she was slowing down and I was still ready to go. We ended up splitting up and I finished before her. We did plan to cross together but I couldn't hold back. It would have been nice, but it was just as much my race to finish strong. I trained my butt off and wanted a time that reflected that.

Either way, I agree with what some of you have posted about running being something you do for yourself. Only you get can get up and get to the gym, to push the extra mile, to make it to the finish line. Its nice to have support and encouragement, but it really is a solo thing. No one else can do it for you. No matter how long it took you or how much it hurt, we should all be proud of our accomplishments. You did this for YOU!!

So, who is in for next year?!?
I know a walker only corral is a dumb idea, especially since I kept up with my friend who was running while I was walking. It was just frustrating on the 5k course, which was more narrow than the 10k.
@preciouspups I have another thought (more than you asked for but I wanted to add)...and excuse me for using "I" and "me" and the like so much...

Maybe it's a difference of personalities, but one of my favorite things about running is that it is something I do FOR ME. The sense of accomplishment from finishing a race, knowing that I was successful because I put in the work means way more than someone else giving me a "congrats." So if I get a lack of "congrats" afterward, it doesn't bother me...because that's not what really matters. What matters is that I set a goal, worked hard and achieved that goal (and in your case, you did it for the first time). THAT is the important thing.

I have no idea if that made sense. :confused3
You are right... I do only do it for me. Even in my immediate group of friends, I don't really talk about how far I've gone or my pace just because it is about me and that's it. It just would have been nice to have some acknowledgement.

Don't let anyone dull your sparkle and you celebrate like no one is watching! party:A 10k or any race for that matter is a huge deal to anyone running it! You should be very proud of your accomplishment. I am lucky in that I have people that support me and realize how tough it is, but most like my parents and in-laws don't understand why I do it and don't understand my love for Disney. A 10k was something I never thought I could do two years ago and this weekend I completed the Glass Slipper Challenge which was HUGE for me. I am running in the Pixie Dust Challenge in May and with it being over Mothers' Day weekend asked my Mom if she'd like to come and she is! She even bought the platinum Chear Squad :cool1: I think that she'll get it after coming with me an seeing me! Anyway, @preciouspups remember that you had the courage to do this and finish and that right there is amazing! Don't let anyone tell you or make you feel differently!

That might make a huge difference! My husband and I are planning the Star Wars 10k next year and asking my parents to come down for the night prior to stay with the boy and bring him to the finish line. Maybe seeing it will help them get it?
Why IS the expo open to the public? Why not limit it to runners and their party? That would keep down the ebay hoarding.

Every expo I have every been to is open to the public... and, yes, I'm sure this has something to do with all the expo vendors (including Disney in this case) wanting as many folks stopping by as possible. Also, this makes the runners family and friends welcome to tag along. If they made it runners-only, then family and friends couldn't attend, and I think it would be very hard to setup a system where only family and friends of runners could attend the expo but not the general public. I'm sure with much expense they could setup a MagicBand system at the expo that would only allow runners or people that are part of the same reservation as runners, but then you could have an issue with folks staying offsite. I just don't think there is an easy way to restrict entrance unless it was a runners-only restriction.

That being said, I think they should have one section of the expo that is accessible to runners only (need bib and ID to get in). In this section, they could have a good allocation (meaning enough for all the runners) of all the merchandise that they have at the public expo, plus the runner-specific merchandise, like "I did it" shirts, would only be available in this section.
It's been pointed out that if the expo is runner-only, bibs will be bought up by eBay folks, too.
I totally understand what you are saying. I am normally against the "everybody wins" mentality. There are plenty of other races where that concept is not a part of the race. You don't get a medal unless you finish. For me though, I don't think someone having a medal even if they didn't finish has any bearing on how I feel about my medal and my race. It doesn't cheapen anything b/c I'm not worried about what everyone else is or is not doing. My friend who also ran this race found out that she had cancer in spinal column during training for this race. She was in agonizing pain just walking, so running was out. She showed up anyway and walked every single mile she could. She didn't make it to the finish line but she would have had they allowed her to keep going. i was more happy for her medal than for mine. That being said, I totally get being a part of a group did something amazing,pushed through the pain and crossed that finish line. It's something you had to earn and that means something. I do get it. I just don't think that marking people who didn't finish accomplishes anything or has any bearing on what I was doing. I'm sorry you had an injury and it's awesome that you muscled through it! I had a baby six months ago and I seriously thought I was going to die around mile 7. My body wasn't moving the way it used to. I felt way more tired than I ever had before baby. I felt like a slow loser. My husband kept reminding me I had a baby without drugs, so I better get my game face on and finish this race. So I did. :) We are awesome. All of us.
Hello, I have heard it suggested that Disney call this a participant medal rather than a finisher medal - perhaps that would be a good approach?
Every expo I have every been to is open to the public... and, yes, I'm sure this has something to do with all the expo vendors (including Disney in this case) wanting as many folks stopping by as possible. Also, this makes the runners family and friends welcome to tag along. If they made it runners-only, then family and friends couldn't attend, and I think it would be very hard to setup a system where only family and friends of runners could attend the expo but not the general public. I'm sure with much expense they could setup a MagicBand system at the expo that would only allow runners or people that are part of the same reservation as runners, but then you could have an issue with folks staying offsite. I just don't think there is an easy way to restrict entrance unless it was a runners-only restriction.

That being said, I think they should have one section of the expo that is accessible to runners only (need bib and ID to get in). In this section, they could have a good allocation (meaning enough for all the runners) of all the merchandise that they have at the public expo, plus the runner-specific merchandise, like "I did it" shirts, would only be available in this section.
So the issue is that the resellers will buy bibs so they can enter the expo, thus lessening the number of bibs available for those who want to participate. Some races only allow entry via lottery; and thus only allow entry to those expos to the participants - this obviously prevents resellers from getting bibs unless they are lucky in the lottery--not sure how I feel about Disney changing registration approach to a lottery just so merchandise is available to runners. Thoughts?
So the issue is that the resellers will buy bibs so they can enter the expo, thus lessening the number of bibs available for those who want to participate. Some races only allow entry via lottery; and thus only allow entry to those expos to the participants - this obviously prevents resellers from getting bibs unless they are lucky in the lottery--not sure how I feel about Disney changing registration approach to a lottery just so merchandise is available to runners. Thoughts?
Disney will never be that restrictive to potential shopper/buyers.

They are increasingly selling add-ons for hefty prices. Last year for Star Wars Weekend, for $300, guests could purchase a SW shopping pass and order Limited Release items (with limits), enter and shop a day before SWW began, and be the only guests to order and purchase a Limited Edition MagicBand - it was not available to anyone else.

A "shopping pass" at a price would not cause as many hard feelings as a random lottery - a runner either has the means to purchase the pass, or they don't. A GSC runner who was not a lottery winner would be quite bitter if a 5K-only runner had been a lottery winner. The personal shoppers will still buy the pass but will be limited in their total purchases.
So the issue is that the resellers will buy bibs so they can enter the expo, thus lessening the number of bibs available for those who want to participate. Some races only allow entry via lottery; and thus only allow entry to those expos to the participants - this obviously prevents resellers from getting bibs unless they are lucky in the lottery--not sure how I feel about Disney changing registration approach to a lottery just so merchandise is available to runners. Thoughts?

Will never happen.

If Disney cared about who was purchasing items, they'd make the I Did It shirts and specific finisher items only available in the post-race merchandise tent. Disney doesn't care who buys items as long as the items get sold and they don't have to sell them at a discount. Period.

There won't be a lottery for bibs, because RunDisney rewards past participants (legacies) and those willing to shell out more money to run all the races in a weekend (challenges).

If anything, they might start adding more pre-sale bundles that you can purchase when you register for a race (they keep adding more each race weekend - Disneyland had one where you could pre-purchase the race weekend Tervis tumbler, hat, pins, etc.).

But no. It makes no sense to restrict people from buying things if they have the money and are willing to pay for it. I think people forget that RunDisney, and Disney itself, is a business first.
Just thought I would share my race experience. DD and I woke up at 2:30, got dressed and headed to the food court to get drinks. Downed those, back to our room to ditch our mugs (we had an awesome room location! On the 2nd floor in the building closest to the food court. Would have preferred 1st floor but it was so easy to go get drinks and come back to our room. I definitely think it helped us stay hydrated the whole trip!) Then headed to the bus around 3:10. There were maybe 5 people in front of us and 2 busses waiting behind the one we got on. We arrived at the starting area around 3:30, had no bags so no security bag check. We walked around to stay warm until they let us go to our corrals. DD was in H and I was in I and she had decided to drop back and run/walk with me. Ditched our throwaway blankets and gloves walking up to the start line and we were fine. I was very happy with the weather. Stuck to our intervals, moving to the right and raising our hands when we stopped to walk. There were only a couple times on the course where I thought it was insane crowded. Mostly we were able to run around walkers. Used a real bathroom in MK with zero line (the ones in the tunnel). Leaving MK was a bit crazy and we walked WAY more than we planned to. Around mile 9 DD started having an issue with her foot that she had never had before and we had to slow down. We also stopped for a band aid for her for another issue. We did not stop for any characters as the lines were crazy long for the ones we wanted. Passed a poor lady in Epcot right before the hairpin turn around who was throwing up in the little water spout area. Others were helping her already so we continued on as DD was in pain. Finished in 3:12 which was slower than we wanted but with the crowds of people, were happy with overall. So exciting to cross the finish line with DD. We are together in all the pics. She was excited when 2 different guys, on different parts of the course recognized her costume and called out “Edna Mode!!” I was dressed as Mrs. Incredible. One of them yelled out that DD was his favorite costume ever so that made her race right there.

After all the drama on the Princess Facebook page prior to the race and people saying that this race was nothing but “entitled princesses with attitude” we were very pleased that that was not the case. We experienced nothing but excited people having a great time. I did hear a couple of people complaining about one of the Pace groups running and walking right up the middle of the path. And after the horrible experience with people at W&D cussing out my daughter and hitting me in the face, we thought Princess was awesome. We loved wearing our Medals and I Did It shirts in the park after the race and getting our pic taken with Ariel in her Grotto. She was very impressed with DD’s medal and made a huge deal out of it. The cast member taking pics with DD’s phone caught all the interaction.

All that said, we probably won’t run Princess for a while at least, but only because we want to experience all the races. We are doing the challenge at Avengers in DL this year, then Goofy and DDD next year and maybe the 5K at W&D with our whole family during our family vacation. After that we want to do both Star Wars races in one year. I think we have decided to just do one race on each coast a year.

So sad to come home after 9 days in the World with my DD! She lives in another state and I miss her so much! But I’m heading to visit her for Giants/Rockies games in CO in May, then Sept. is our whole family trip back to WDW. Planning my first marathon in October in CO with her too. But always sad to say good bye to her.
I just think lotteries would cause too many headaches, for the runners and for runDisney.

Think about if you are planning on multiple events - 5K + Glass Slipper Challenge, or 5K + half marathon, or 5K + 10K. There would need to be separate lotteries for each event (tons of work on runDisney's end) - and then what if you get into the 5K, but not the 10K? As someone who has registered for multiple events over the same race weekend, I'd be pretty upset about that.

Similarly, people complain all the time about there being no "register a family"-type option. So what if a family wants to do the 5K together, and say, one parent and kid gets in, but the other parent and kid don't?

I just think moving to a lottery system is more trouble than it's worth for runDisney - on their end, they have to figure out a way to actually run multiple lotteries for each race weekend (when there are already complaints about how their registrations go) and then deal with the backlash from people who don't get selected for their desired events (which they already do, but for other big lotteries you have to pay even for a lottery spot) or from parties who get split up. I just don't see a benefit for runDisney in moving to such a system.

I'd be all for having more pre-sale options like @Keels mentioned - runners get what they want but still have to go to the expo to pick them up, so they could potentially buy even MORE merchandise and still peruse the vendors.
Can I just rant for a second? I think y'all will understand this more than my non-runner friends.

I have had zero support from anyone outside of my husband and a few friends and you guys. My parents never said congratulations, even when I wore that giant, heavy medal to their house on Monday! Last night my husband talked to MIL and when he mentioned that I ran the 10k she said "well, is she ever going to run a half marathon?" Because 6.2 miles isn't good enough I guess.

Yes, I am 46 years old and wanting validation from these people. I've never been an athlete. My dad always jokes about how I can't walk and chew gum. I didn't have the great PE teachers that my son has so I never developed the motor skills that were needed for most sports. It isn't like I do this all the time and they are tired of cheering me on at the Olympics. For me, 6.2 miles is a huge deal!
Rant away, and we certainly know that this is an accomplishment, but you need to remember that you are doing this for you, not them. Different things excite different people. Don't let this get you down, and don't read too much into it. My in-laws have never congratulated me for anything associated with my running, but I know that they love me.
I think honestly the only way to cut down on people reselling the merchandise is for Disney to make enough to begin with, I think they are starting to catch on and make more. I mean if people can get it and not pay the crazy price on eBay they are going to do it so it puts those resellers out of business. I saw shirts etc. on the Disney store website before the expo even opened so I really think they are trying to get rid of the resellers. They did the same thing with the Star Wars merchandise when the movie came out they promised that there would be plenty of merchandise for everyone and to me it seemed like they did a pretty good job of it. They know they are missing out on profit when they don't have enough of the product and are starting to correct it.
I think honestly the only way to cut down on people reselling the merchandise is for Disney to make enough to begin with, I think they are starting to catch on and make more. I mean if people can get it and not pay the crazy price on eBay they are going to do it so it puts those resellers out of business. I saw shirts etc. on the Disney store website before the expo even opened so I really think they are trying to get rid of the resellers. They did the same thing with the Star Wars merchandise when the movie came out they promised that there would be plenty of merchandise for everyone and to me it seemed like they did a pretty good job of it. They know they are missing out on profit when they don't have enough of the product and are starting to correct it.


Presale will help as well, since they will know a hard and fast figure on item inventory long before they have to have things manufactured. Especially when they know that things like wine glasses, etc., are going to always sell out regardless of how many they make.

Another real problem is getting images of items in a timely manner to encourage people to pre-order. Merchandise previews are getting put out later and later and later.
So the issue is that the resellers will buy bibs so they can enter the expo, thus lessening the number of bibs available for those who want to participate. Some races only allow entry via lottery; and thus only allow entry to those expos to the participants - this obviously prevents resellers from getting bibs unless they are lucky in the lottery--not sure how I feel about Disney changing registration approach to a lottery just so merchandise is available to runners. Thoughts?

I am still suggesting that the expo has a Disney merchandise area that is open to the public, so the ebayers could still fight for their stuff and Disney can make as much $$$ as possible, but there would also be merchandise in a runner-only section. I don't think this would make ebayers buy bibs (plus I doubt it makes monetary sense for them to buy bibs). I don't think this requires going to a lottery system.


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