Private Cabanas at Magic Kingdom: Last Day to Rent One - February 17, 2017

I could see this being more enticing to those who stay off-site. They might see it as a way to have a "home base" for the day, especially if they like to open and close the parks. It's a way to take a mid-day break without having to get in the car and drive back to their condo or off-site hotel. And since they probably will have a substantial savings by staying off-site, they may be able to justify the cost of this splurge, especially if its a mix of extended family that are splitting the cost.
I could see this being more enticing to those who stay off-site. They might see it as a way to have a "home base" for the day, especially if they like to open and close the parks. It's a way to take a mid-day break without having to get in the car and drive back to their condo or off-site hotel. And since they probably will have a substantial savings by staying off-site, they may be able to justify the cost of this splurge, especially if its a mix of extended family that are splitting the cost.

These are my thoughts exactly. For a group of 6-8 people (more than could fit in an MK resort room) staying offsite and visiting during the holidays, I think this would be very attractive. I have gone to MK during Christmas week and you are lucky to find a bench to sit on. This is a dedicated, private air-conditioned space with snacks, drinks and reserved parade and fireworks viewing. Especially for offsite guests who risk not being able to get back into MK if they leave mid-day, this is really attractive.

This would be a really cute place to have a celebration as well - birthday, anniversary, family reunion. If you compare it to a private Illuminations or Wishes cruise, it's actually more cost effective as you get the cabana the whole day instead of only about 2 hours. Get a cake, some balloons and you have your own private party space in MK. People are always asking on these boards, "where can we celebrate so-and-so's b-day". Well, here you go.

We did the Wild Africa Trek last Dec. 26 and spent just about the same amount as the cabanas on that tour. It was a different experience, but I don't really see why people are up in arms over this over the pricing of tours, fireworks cruises, etc. People are always looking for different ways to make their vacations unique and magical. If someone wants to spend money on this because it fits their family's vacation needs and desires, so be it.

The new head of Disney Parks, who used to head up the Disney Store, is known for trying to find new revenue streams. Since he came onboard, we've seen the introduction of EMM, the late night MK event (which was short-lived), the 4-day, 1 park per day ticket (which also seemed to be marketed more to offsite guests) and now the cabanas. I think we are just going to see more and more of these experiments.
The only way we would pay that kind of money for a tent is NYE to have a space to ourselves. The fact that you can only fit 8 people I don't think works for a birthday party or family reunion too small. It seriously wouldn't take you that much longer to walk to bay lake tower depending on where in the park are you located.
Move it to Epcot, throw in all day any ride head of the line (not FPs because you still have to wait in line for those) and a runner to go to WS and get me a refreshing adult beverage and food all day and I might be tempted if I could get it the morning of and it was a horrible all day rainy day.
If'/when I am able to afford these, I would probably do it. To be honest, I don't think the price is that high as with 8 people you would spend about $10-15 a day on snacks = $80-120. It will save you time on not going back to the resort for a break, time = money. Reserved seating for parades & fireworks is also something I would like. During hot summer months I wouldn't want to go looking for shade.

They are not that attractive, but I've seen worse. I would add a private locker to the tents.
If this included a CM to get you drinks, snacks, lunch, dinner, all day FP's, parade viewing (it says it does that at least), AC, comfortable seating (travel w/ little kids, next year an infant needing to nurse) AND if they made them cute and more centrally located, or the 2nd floor of Main Street buildings ... I'd be in. Oh and an anywhere ADR for BF, Lunch and Dinner if you so desire.

But $650 for this?? Yeah what others said, I'd rather pay CL for Contemporary and enjoy some quiet time at the resort!
Posted in the Rumors and News thread:
Now that more info is out, I think there is a market and I'd consider it.
Considering what is included the price is reasonable.

8 people
Personalized Mickey Ears
Cooler full of drinks
Fruit Basket
1 Ice Cream for each person
Sunscreen, Hand Sanitizer, Insect Repellant
Sofa, Chairs, Table
Fridge and Ice
Charging Stations
Reserved Viewing for Parades AND Fireworks
And if you pay they'll go get your food and bring it back.

Who would be interested?
- Folks who pay for VIP Tours and extras anyway
- Parties of 8 adults who would all split the cost
- Folks staying offsite that would like a break place during the day
- Families who have members who are disabled and need quiet/rest areas
- Families who have members who are elderly and they want to just sit somewhere
- Folks who do rope drop to close or have added EMM/EMH
I think it's tacky.

My first thought (and second, and third), too.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised that apparently no naked money grab is beneath Disney these days. I just never thought they'd cheapen the looks of a park--Magic Kingdom, no less!--to do so. Silly, naïve me.

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I'm sat at home with the baby today, and I'm so tempted to go over to Magic Kingdom to see what these look like in person. Because in the picture, they are beyond ugly.

Could I afford something like this? Yes. Would I spend my money on it? Not a chance. With no A/C, they will still be hot in the summer months, and no amount of snacks or Mickey ears would make me pay $650 to sit in a tent in Tomorrowland, sweating my butt off, trying to convince my kids to take a nap. I would take the money and spend on it on a quiet, air-conditioned room at the Contemporary, which isn't that much further away.
I think it's tacky also. I don't see where it says they are air conditioned (or heated). How will they keep people out that are not supposed to be in them? Does each tent - excuse me - CABANA have a CM assigned to it and if so if they're off fetching something, how do you keep someone not renting it out?
I'm sat at home with the baby today, and I'm so tempted to go over to Magic Kingdom to see what these look like in person. Because in the picture, they are beyond ugly.

Could I afford something like this? Yes. Would I spend my money on it? Not a chance. With no A/C, they will still be hot in the summer months, and no amount of snacks or Mickey ears would make me pay $650 to sit in a tent in Tomorrowland, sweating my butt off, trying to convince my kids to take a nap. I would take the money and spend on it on a quiet, air-conditioned room at the Contemporary, which isn't that much further away.

But, Kate, don't you think if these are a hit, that they would build a themed "village" of them that will include temperature controls (they actually can put portable A/C in these easily) and they fit into the landscape of where they are located. For now I see them just as a test so ugly tents.

And we did the math, we are an adult group that includes an a disabled adult that needs quiet, down time and honestly when he gets to that point, Disney transportation is a problem.

For $650, 8 of us get personalized Mickey Ears so worth about what $200+, ice cream is worth $32, drinks would probably run around $50-75, snacks and fruit basket maybe worth $50, so right off the price drops to $300. Add the locker, charging stations along with the sofa, chairs, table, etc. Having a place where DS can sit while the others can keep going and we go back and forth as needed. THEN to get Reserved Viewing for the Parade and Fireworks ... big plus (especially if a new parade comes at night).

I agree for many it might not be worth it but I do think there is a huge market for them because the price is right based on what is offered .... the key is just like the After Hours ........... THEY HAVE TO MARKET IT, not just expect folks to come to them for something that was never offered before, so no one knows about it.

Permanent these could be super futuristic, I'd love a village of creative tiny homes for Epcot, some awesome cabin like ones tucked in the woods in AK ... and DHS really has lots of options, hope if they do they think it through on who uses them and location.
Reserved one for our December trip. They are air conditioned, comes with refreshments, fruit, snacks, food delivery, desert, reserved seating for parades, fireworks, and castle light show for 8 people. Crowd forecast is 9 out of 10 so might be nice for a break, really wanted it for the reserved seating plus we get Mickey ears!
Reserved one for our December trip. They are air conditioned, comes with refreshments, fruit, snacks, food delivery, desert, reserved seating for parades, fireworks, and castle light show for 8 people. Crowd forecast is 9 out of 10 so might be nice for a break, really wanted it for the reserved seating plus we get Mickey ears!

Please give us a review after! I think it's a great idea for those crazy crowded days during the holidays!! Enjoy your vacation!
But, Kate, don't you think if these are a hit, that they would build a themed "village" of them that will include temperature controls (they actually can put portable A/C in these easily) and they fit into the landscape of where they are located. For now I see them just as a test so ugly tents.

And we did the math, we are an adult group that includes an a disabled adult that needs quiet, down time and honestly when he gets to that point, Disney transportation is a problem.

For $650, 8 of us get personalized Mickey Ears so worth about what $200+, ice cream is worth $32, drinks would probably run around $50-75, snacks and fruit basket maybe worth $50, so right off the price drops to $300. Add the locker, charging stations along with the sofa, chairs, table, etc. Having a place where DS can sit while the others can keep going and we go back and forth as needed. THEN to get Reserved Viewing for the Parade and Fireworks ... big plus (especially if a new parade comes at night).

I agree for many it might not be worth it but I do think there is a huge market for them because the price is right based on what is offered .... the key is just like the After Hours ........... THEY HAVE TO MARKET IT, not just expect folks to come to them for something that was never offered before, so no one knows about it.

Permanent these could be super futuristic, I'd love a village of creative tiny homes for Epcot, some awesome cabin like ones tucked in the woods in AK ... and DHS really has lots of options, hope if they do they think it through on who uses them and location.

I guess I'm far from their target audience; I have Mickey ears, I'm not a big snacker, I don't like ice cream, I only drink water - and I live close enough that I'm not at the parks all day anyway. I'm trying to imagine a scenario where I would personally get use out of them, but I'm struggling to come up with one.

Now if they ARE air-conditioned, that might make a difference. It might make a big difference, actually. I just so hope they make them look prettier! I need my little one to wake up from his nap so I can drive over there and see how they look!
I think if you have 8 people to share the costs, then it's not so unreasonable given the "perks". But, I'm a group of 2 and even for a group of 4, it would be really tough to make the math work.
Reserved one for our December trip. They are air conditioned, comes with refreshments, fruit, snacks, food delivery, desert, reserved seating for parades, fireworks, and castle light show for 8 people. Crowd forecast is 9 out of 10 so might be nice for a break, really wanted it for the reserved seating plus we get Mickey ears!
I can hardly wait to hear what you have to say about them, Bill!


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