Boo to the Halloween on the Highs Seas Crew

I had something crazy come up yesterday that took all my focus off of everything else :rolleyes1 :dancer:

YES! It happened to me too and wow, things are a bit crazy.

I did Planet Hollywood back in 1999 and have zero desire to return there really

That's kind of what I have heard from others too.

Sorry the spring plans fell through, but I can't wait to hear about plan B!

I sent you an email this morning.

I'm so glad Claire finally got to ride the 7DMT. I'm surprised her wig didn't fly off!

Yes, I wondered if it would. She probably would have been happy if it did.

Great trip report and pictures!

I'm still here :cool1:

For some reason Dis is acting whack and only quoting what it feels like so I had to go back a few times to get it to work.
I knew you'd come back around! You just can't bare to be without me! hahahaha

I love Claire's rolley eyes :rolleyes2 :rotfl2:

I get that a lot.

I am glad I am not the only one who found this confusing.

Every time I have checked in there it has been at a different spot.

I loved this room. We were in the one just before the ice room.

I have been in the room to the one side of it, but never in the back part.

That was definitely worth having.

It sure was nice.

Very nice.

I love any discount I can get. It allows me to do extra stuff too.

I finally have some computer time. Changing jobs is so stressful.

Totally understand.

That was a stroke of luck. I had heard that they now have photographers at Disney Springs, but they were in very short supply when I was there.

I only saw him and just the once, but I wasn't actively looking either.

I love that idea.

It was a pretty easy costume.

This may have something to do with the humidity in Florida.

OOOOH, I bet your are right.

That is a great idea

It was. It kept us part goers out of the traffic of others yet getting a start and everything we needed.

Well done for making this work

Well we ended up skipping the last one then, but it was just Small World and we decided to ride it all together.

Great start to your party! Oh, and btw - you are a cute dalmation. :rotfl2:

Thanks! Claire was embarrassed I put my hair in pig tails and I told her those were my ears.
As we exited the Mine Train I said goodbye to my new little friend and we texted Gail to see if they had arrive yet. They hadn’t but I think they were at the bus stop now.

They were ready for the party too!

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ifamily2 by Jenseib, on Flickr

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We had some time before the next fastpass and Mom was doing Pooh with Gail and Abby and Claire and I were going to ride Space Mountain with Alexis and Rob.

We decided while we waited on them we would head over to Pirates.

We made a potty stop first.

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These have to be the nicest looking bathrooms on property.

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It was a bit crowded, but we made our way through over to our destination.

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And we got on my favorite ride!

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We wants the REDHEAD!

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Later in the evening I saw a person dressed up as the redhead with a guy dressed as a pirate with a rope around her. She looked JUST like the one in the ride. It was amazing. My Mom didn’t understand it and said it was terrible that she had a rope around her. Hahaha….I had to explain she was a figure from the ride.

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When we exited we found a photopass photographer and got some pictures.

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Mom then realized that she had left her treat bag on the Mine Train and was mad that she lost it already. LOL.

Gail still hadn’t arrived yet. She said it was taking for ever for a bus to come, so we made our way over to the hub.

We found another photographer and got some pictures.

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And the little video they put on the picture. (click on it and it should take you to the site to play)

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The show was going on so we stopped and watched a bit of it.

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My mother in law, sister in law and nephew had actually left Disney the day we arrived and this is was one of my nephews favorite things. My sister in law said they watched this show many times.

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We got here right at the perfect time because I love the Princess and the Frog music.

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I think I took some facebook live video of the performance too.

We watched the Tangled segment, and they sang my favorite song “I’ve a got a dream”!

I had to catch a picture of the sisters too.

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We moved on then and I found another photographer.

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I asked for a magic shot.

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We found the Halloween popcorn bucket. We knew we wanted to get one, but not now. There was no way I was carrying it around all night.

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We have a joke in our family about these buckets. The last time we came as a family, Abby wanted a Christmas bucket and they were out at just about everywhere they tried. They said her eyes turned red and her head spun around and she became possessed. They finally found one and she calmed down, but would not allow anyone to eat the popcorn because she was saving it. Geoff had witnessed the whole ordeal and he says he has nightmares about it. LOL. So of course we texted him a picture of the bucket.

It was getting late now and Gail said they were on their way and that Rob and Alexis were going to go as fast as they could to meet us at Space Mountain and she would meet Mom at Pooh. Mom was worried about finding her way around so we walked her over there and then went and stood by Space Mountain.

Claire was worried we would miss our window. This was going to be her first time on this ride too. I kept telling her we had plenty of time before our window closed and if they hadn’t arrived by then we would just jump in line and go without them.

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Finally Rob and Alexis arrived and we got in line.

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We had a lot of fun and squealed all through the ride.

This was my picture and the guy in front of me totally cracked me up.

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Alexis’s face was pretty funny too.

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Once we got off we scanned our bands to be sure we got the pictures.....and we did, like 4 of each of them in my account. LOL.
I haven't had internet since Monday, so I have been playing catch up today with other things. I hope to get another update up tomorrow.
After we got off of Space Mountain we headed over and got in line for Buzz Lightyear. The line was long, but it was moving. We texted Gail to let her know where we were and that they should come. She is slow to respond and finally she said she was coming so we decided to get out of line and wait for her. I was thirsty so we got a pop and Gail arrived and they got drinks and Abby got a pretzel too.

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The lady in front of me was having an issue and it took forever to get her stuff. When I got up there they gave us our drink on the house. That was nice!

We got in line for Buzz again and I think this time it was shorter, so that was a plus.

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Gail and Alexis were ready to fire!

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Our photopass shots.

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And the video.

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Rob is all about winning. LOL.

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I believe Claire hit something and got a big score and beat me.

We then did some trick or treating and got some nice treats.

I mentioned that I was getting hungry and would need to get something to eat soon, so we headed towards Cosmic Rays, but we saw the Queen of Hearts out.

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I told the kids we had to wait to see her and Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. They did not want to wait, so I said I would wait in line while they went off and did some trick or treating.

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The line didn’t move very fast at all, but the plus side was that they were taking their time with each family. I started talking to the guy behind me and he said they didn’t have party bands and hoped they would not be turned away. I told them they probably would. He said they had been to a party earlier in the week but didn’t do all they wanted to. I tried to be nice, but we all know Disney isn’t going to let you stay for a 2nd party without a ticket.

He said they had Crystal Palace reservations in an hour and his wife had called and they said they would be fine. I told him technically they weren’t allowed to stay for the reservations without a party ticket, but they could try. His wife came up and insisted she was told she would be allowed.

Soon after that the CM’s came around and said that if you didn’t have a band on you were waiting for nothing because they were checking bands before you could visit with the characters. The guy and his family then left the line. I really wonder if they were allowed into Crystal Palace or not. I’ll never know.

The kids rode the tea cups and came back. Claire was ready to take off the wig. It was itching her head….thus the reason I am getting a dirty look here.

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I told her after we saw Cruella she could take it off.

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Finally our turn.

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There was a lot of interaction and the kids had fun.

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The bad thing is it is so dark it was hard to get any decent pictures.

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Abby is at such a fun age right now.

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The Queen came over to “pet” me. video

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We then made our way to Cosmic Rays and I took no pictures. That is so unlike me.

The lines were long and slow going, but finally we got some food. I can’t remember what Claire got, probably chicken nuggets. I got a burger that I topped off at the toppings bar with lots of goodies. Gail went past me and told me to load a bunch of mushrooms on the side for her so I did.

Her family got a few things to share because they had eaten not too long ago, but they polished everything off.

We then made our way over to Cruella. Her line was closed and she was coming back in ½ hour. Claire was so mad. Not because she couldn’t meet her but because she hated the wig. I told her she could take it off and she was happy.

Gail said that Rob and Abby were getting on the Barnstormer so Claire and I got in line. They ended up in the train before ours.

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Gail didn’t ride, and I think Rob rode with Abby. I am not sure what Alexis, Gail and mom did.

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I don't always get to comment, but I'm still reading along and love your trip report!
You had a superfantastic pre-cruise visit! That's why I love Disney so much, that even without going to the parks, there's so much to do!
Minigolf, bowling, Disney Springs, swimming, Disney resort, and Halloween Party~all way fun stuff!!
We love Splitsville and try to go and bowl every trip. I know we can bowl at home, but it's just not as cool, not as fun, and I seem to bowl better with a Minnie Mouse ball! :P My kids love to bowl upstairs, we always try to request it. We always have a blast!
That ice room at T-Rex is very cool (haha) but the one time we sat in there, I got a migraine from the changing lights. It's funny, because we know people who request to sit in there, and we request *not* to sit in there. :)
Your photos in the Christmas store are awesome!
Ugh... the new Disney Springs bus stop. So. Far. Away. On our last trip, we ended up taking Uber back to our resort because of it. :car:
I love your costumes for MNSSHP! Claire is darling! Your pics on SDMT are so much fun!
I got to check off a bucket list item last holiday and went to the MNSSHP on Halloween (the last party) and got to go to the first MVMCP on the same trip.
It was very fun to see the transformation of the park! The Halloween Party on Halloween was incredible!
I can't wait to hear more about the party!
I agree with minniebeth... your pre cruise time is making me reconsider how much time I have planned for IN the park! :rotfl2:

Claire seems to have given you a bit of a glare in almost every photo in that last set - she is too funny. I also love that the pretzel is almost the size of Abbys head.
Was that the ghost? I thought he looked cute in pictures but never saw one up close.

No, I think the ghost was 2014. 2015 was a vampire.

I haven't had internet since Monday,

What a pain.

When I got up there they gave us our drink on the house. That was nice!

That was a nice touch.

I told the kids we had to wait to see her and Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum.

Wow, I would love to meet Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum.

I don't always get to comment, but I'm still reading along and love your trip report!


We love Splitsville and try to go and bowl every trip. I know we can bowl at home, but it's just not as cool, not as fun, and I seem to bowl better with a Minnie Mouse ball! :P My kids love to bowl upstairs, we always try to request it. We always have a blast!

I didn't even know there was bowling up there. Now I will have to go check it out.

That ice room at T-Rex is very cool (haha) but the one time we sat in there, I got a migraine from the changing lights. It's funny, because we know people who request to sit in there, and we request *not* to sit in there. :)

It doesn't bother me. I get migraines too but so far so good. Now at home lately with this weather I have had one for over a week. I can't wait to get out of Dodge in just a week and a half and hopefully they go away.

Your photos in the Christmas store are awesome!

Thanks. I used one for my generic looking Christmas card this year. LOL.

Ugh... the new Disney Springs bus stop. So. Far. Away. On our last trip, we ended up taking Uber back to our resort because of it.

It is awful. I wish they had a bridge on the one end to go over to get to some of those islands.

I love your costumes for MNSSHP! Claire is darling! Your pics on SDMT are so much fun!


I got to check off a bucket list item last holiday and went to the MNSSHP on Halloween (the last party) and got to go to the first MVMCP on the same trip.

We did that in 2012! Well we did the 2nd Christmas party, but we did the last Halloween party, cruised and then came back to WDW and did the parks with the family and then after they left Claire and I did the 2nd party and a few more park days.

It was very fun to see the transformation of the park! The Halloween Party on Halloween was incredible!

It was so neat to come back after the cruise of just a few days and see it totally changed.

I can't wait to hear more about the party!

Coming up!

Claire seems to have given you a bit of a glare in almost every photo in that last set - she is too funny.

I get that glare all the time now a days.

I also love that the pretzel is almost the size of Abbys head

It was huge!
No, I think the ghost was 2014. 2015 was a vampire.

Well this was a vampire too. Was it different?

What a pain.

Yes. being without phone and internet is really hard! Especially when you work from home!

That was a nice touch.

I didn't expect a free drink at all. Heck had I known that I would have ordered a pretzel too. LOL

Wow, I would love to meet Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum.

It was neat to meet them. Not ones you normally see.
HAHAH! Love your MNSSHP costumes :love:

Weird about your spots falling off though :scratchin :(

Poor Claire, I understand her pain, I would never wear a wig in Orlando, I would DIE :rolleyes1 :rotfl2:

I miss MNSSHP's they are my favourite :lovestruc

Can't wait for the cruise part to start :sail:
Well notifications are NOT working! :mad: But I am now caught up! Can't wait for more!

I have been having that issue off and on too. I have to go to the top and mark the watched button to get them triggered again sometimes.
HAHAH! Love your MNSSHP costumes :love:

It was fun!

Weird about your spots falling off though :scratchin :(

Well it's me you are talking about. If it can happen it will. LOL.

Poor Claire, I understand her pain, I would never wear a wig in Orlando, I would DIE

It wasn't even that hot, it was just itchy. LOL.

I miss MNSSHP's they are my favourite

They are fun, but not nearly enough time.

Can't wait for the cruise part to start :sail:

I bet...I am ready to talk cruising too. I have some of it written up and I will try to get this boring WDW stuff done soon. LOL.
After Barnstormer, we chatted a bit and then Claire and I decided to head over to see Cruella. We got in line and I told her that when it was our turn she just needed to put the wig on for the pictures and then she could be done with it.

party4 by Jenseib, on Flickr

She’s in total pain. Hahahaha.

We had a great interaction with Cruella though.

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She told Claire she loved her teeth jewelry (braces) and she said I know those are very expensive.

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She had Claire twirl every so often and she really engaged with her.

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She was a great Cruella.

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And it was nice to see Claire smile.

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Some more twirling.

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Claire was feeling silly.

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And with that meet and greet done, the wig went in the bag and never came back out.

Gail’s family and Mom had gone to meet the princesses while we were meeting Cruella and were done now too. They said to meet them at It’s a Small World.

Claire and I had a fastpass for this earlier but once we all got together we just decided to skip it as the others didn’t have one for it and we all wanted to ride together.

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I know some people hate this ride, but we love it. And Gail is a ride wimp, so this is one she will ride.

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It was fun and it was even more fun with the family.

We also were trick or treating each time we found a station. I didn’t think they were well marked at all places though and spots listed on the map were not exactly where the spots were.

Mom was now tired and was going to head back to the hotel. I told her how to get back as she was nervous but I knew she would be fine. Once she got back she texted to let us know she made it and that it was easy.

We decided to ride Pirates again since Gail’s family hadn’t yet so we headed that way.

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We got in line and basically once on the boat I mentioned the small drop and Gail started to freak out. I always forget she is a ride wimp. I told her it wasn’t bad and I know she could handle it but she was so worried right up to the point of it and of course it wasn’t bad and she was perfectly fine. Abby however hated the ride and said it was very scary. I would have never guessed that from her.

The kids wanted to ride Splash Mountain and Gail being a ride wimp said no, and I didn’t want to take a chance of even getting a little bit wet. Rob wanted to ride though so he took the girls.

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They rode several times in a row.

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Gail and I found a spot on the bridge and just admired the view of the castle.

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The fireworks then started as we were standing there and we got a great view.

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I also did a live recording as well and notice that Aunt Mary was watching them via my feed from Coronado.

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It was so nice to watch them and we were both pretty tired now, so it was a nice way to just chill out.

Gail and I went to the snack stand near the bridge and got some drinks and then went and sat down to wait for the rest of the gang and also a double purpose of saving spots for the parade. We had our treat bags and Gail asked if one sitting next to me was mine or hers and I said mine. Uh Oh. She lost one! Oh no! She had put different things in some of the bags, including cell phones. It appeared the bags she had had all of her important stuff but she wasn’t sure. I ran back to the bridge to see if it had been left where we had been standing but no such luck. As I walked back, I stopped at the snack stand and asked the guy if he had found a bag left there. He remembered me and he said yes they did have the bag!

I took it back and Gail was so happy to have it. I don’t think it had anything important in it in the end, but of course to kids, missing candy would have caused an issue too.

As we sat there Gail told me about their flight. She booked her flight on some points she had. They flew Delta and because she booked on points they could not pick their seats beforehand. She called several times hoping it would change and it never did. When they got to the airport she made sure they knew that each adult needed to sit with one of the kids. It worked out. Rob and Alexis actually got an upgrade and got to sit in some nicer seats that had some snack perks. Mary and Geoff always pay for those type of seats. Unfortunately, Gail and Abby didn’t get so lucky, but they were seated in the first row for the poor people. LOL…..right behind Mary and Geoff. Gail said they came around with the special snacks and of course stopped right in front of them and Abby was none too happy about that. Luckily, Aunt Mary and Geoff snagged some good stuff for Abby.

Abby also gets motion sickness. Supposedly kids are not supposed to get motion sickness, but I know that to be a lie because as I kid I got it all the time.

As they were coming in for a landing, Abby told Gail she wasn’t feeling well. Gail blew it off a bit because Abby can be dramatic at times. She will say she feels sick when she is bored or wants attention. Well, Abby really was sick this time and soon had the barf bag in her hands and making good use of it. In between her heaving, Gail said Abby turned to her and said, do you believe me now? LOL. Poor kid! But she was fine after and I would have never known that had happen if Gail hadn’t told me about it.

The kids and Rob all made it back.

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Rob went off to get a drink and snack and I think Claire and Alexis did too.

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Claire and I love the parade and had been singing the song off and on during the evening. It was funny because even though Alexis or Abby have never seen the parade they started singing it too…well just the parts we sang. I told them it was a catchy song and they would have it stuck in their heads.

The Headless Horseman came by and I tried to take a picture with my big camera and it couldn’t focus. I think it was too dark…. But I have also notice this lens I was using tonight has been doing that off and on lately too. This was the crappy photo I ended up getting and he was way past us by then.

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I ended up taking pictures with all 3 cameras (including the phone) during the parade but I had a really hard time getting anything decent. The angle that the parade came and the light on a pole across the way really messed up the photos.

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