Stressing Over Space Mountain

I'm a ride wimp-HATE Expedition Everest-the one and only time I rode it my stomach was sick for 3 hours afterwards. I can barely tolerate Barnstormer. That said, I did OK on Space Mountain. If I remember, I've ridden it twice now. The first time I rode it was right after Astro Orbiter. I told DH, who likes Space Mountain, "OK, I'll do that one-it CAN'T be any worse than AO was for me!" And I was right-it wasn't so bad.
I hate roller coasters but i could ride space mountain over and over again. I wouldn't even consider it a roller coaster, its extremely slow and relaxing.

There are a lot of things I could use to describe Space Mountain...and I mean in a positive way, I really like it. But "relaxing" isn't one, at least not for me. It's like a wild mouse ride...lots of jerky movements and sudden turns. You get thrown around pretty good.
I also hate big roller coasters and the long drops, but I can do Space Mountain because the drops are small. You can't see them coming, which is part of the fun. The biggest drawback of SM to me is that it is extremely jerky and full of abrupt sharp turns that can really snap you around. My husband won't ride it anymore for that reason because he has some back and neck issues that can be aggravated by those movements.
I just got off Space Mountain for the first time this trip and it felt so much slower than I remember. In fact if it wasn't jerky I wouldn't hesitate to put my four-year-old on it. I definitely think you're getting worked up over nothing. My adrenaline didn't even spike 1%. Lol
I don't really see the harm in getting on and trying it. If you don't like it, don't go back. Forcing a kid on it is one thing, but as adults I think we have some reason in our minds to know it's 30 seconds to a minute and it will end at some point. I think the only time one shouldn't ride Space Mtn is if they have some underlying back or neck issues. I can see that causing some major discomfort. Thankfully, I'm not there yet. We try to ride this one as much as possible!
If you want a slight spoiler, there are videos on youtube of the ride with the lights on to give you an idea.

This was going to be my recommendation. I've ridden BTMRR and EE but was nervous about Space because I didn't know what to expect. I looked it up on YouTube and, with the lights on, was able to see just how tame it really is (other than the jerkiness). It's one of my favorites now!
Hola friends!

I need someone (or a few someones) to ease my fear of Space Mountain. I am a seasoned Disney World veteran and a college program alumni but this is one attraction I have never been brave enough to try. I love Big Thunder Mountain as well as the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train (minus the big drop). My goal is to finally try Space Mountain on my trip next month but I'm stressing myself out over it. I reallyyy don't like big drops which makes Big Thunder the perfect roller coaster for me. Am I working myself up over nothing?

Thanks in advance for any words of wisdom!

Have you looked on You Tube? There are some videos of Space Mountain with the lights on. If you watched one of those, you might feel less nervous knowing how small the drops actually are.
watch a lights on POV of the ride and see if it looks like its too much for you.
IMO space mountain is really tame. The thrill comes from not being able to see anything.

I say give it a shot!
What helped me get on space mountain the first time was KNOWING I wouldn't be able to see what was gonna happen.
I ride it all the time now.
I don't find Space "scary ", but to me is a more jarring/jerky ride than the other coasters. I think it's because Space is in complete darkness (except for the strobe-like lights) and you can't lean into or anticipate the turns or drops like you can with most coasters. For me, that means I feel like I've been flung back and forth, from side to side, thru the whole ride. Almost reminds me of a Mad Mouse type carnival ride, super jerky, but in the dark.
So I will admit I love rollercoasters, but I have convinced others who do not like them to go on Space Mountain with me many times. I always do the same thing with each person. I first always ask for the front seat to give to the new rider. While the ride is dark, you can still see generally what is going to happen if you are in the front seat. Also, I always say, the ride is primarily jerky turns and one "drop." Its a small drop but the speed and angle does cause the stomach in throat sensation sometimes. But this also can happen at one point during BTMRR, so if you can do that, you should be able to do this ride too. The "drop" is slightly after you fly through the area where your coaster originally gets pulled up at the beginning of the ride, so you can prepare yourself for it.

I hope you give it a try, everyone who I have brought on has gone on to ride many times more. The only person I know who does actually hate it, does not like riding because he feels he will hit his head as he is rather tall and the coaster seems to be a little low at times.
I think you will like it just fine!

Klayfish talked about the cars being a bit cramped - they are, but I like it, it makes me feel secure, lol. Of course, I'm really short, so I'm usually bouncing around on rides, wondering if they tested the safety bars on smol people.
Just to add, Primeval Whirl has a top speed of 29mph and a drop of 30 feet. Kali River Rapids has a drop of 30 feet.

Or you could look at it like the top speed is slower than most city speed limits and the drop is less than 1/3 of the way between home and first base or less than a 1st down in football. It is the tamest of the Mountains, but it is also the jerkiest. If you want a slight spoiler, there are videos on youtube of the ride with the lights on to give you an idea.
i meant as far as now making me scared of the coasters we are trying instead of space mountain. Lol
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I hate WDW's Space ......way too rough.
I won't ride it anymore.
I can ride Everest with no problem, RnR is okay. Big Thunder is a breeze as is Seven Dwarf
This is it EXACTLY. It isn't fun for me anymore. I feel beaten up every time I ride.
I'm fine with all the others. Love California Screamin' and Space Mountain in Hong Kong.
It’s not scary at all. Go for it.

The only things that annoy me is the lack of leg room to stow big backpacks...
Personally I am not a massive fan of roller coasters however Space Mountain for me wasn't so bad because you couldn't see where you were going. I tend to freak myself out when I can see there is a drop coming up of an inversion, however I didn't have this problem in Space Mountain for obvious reasons. The coaster also doesn't have any ridiculous drops, making it less daunting.
I will say, we find it less herky-jerky in the morning - rails are cooler and cars run slower? IDK. But I would recommend an AM run for the first try.


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