Rant Alert: So disappointed to see the "new" Mickey in Mickey's Mix Magic

I haven't read the whole thread, so FWIW...we saw the show on Friday the 19th (was that its first night, or second?) So not into it. The animation doesn't thrill me but that wasn't really the problem. I wasn't sure why they wanted us to feel like we're in a club or something. I guess I'm just used to ending my day with a Wishes (WDW) type fireworks show that I did not go in with the right expectations. After it was over we my husband and I looked at each other and said, "Really?" No need to see it again.

I agree.
I thought it could be a neat addition, something to run on non firework nights, it was cool.
But as a replacement to them. Nope.
We saw it on Sunday. The music and animantion are definitely geared towards a younger demographic, and they seemed to be having a good time with it. I’m with the folks that think Disney animation doesn’t need to be stuck in the 1950s forever, that attitude almost led to the collapse of the whole animation division. Bob Iger is right that stories need to be told in ways relevant to today’s audiences.
I saw it last night and had a lot of fun. There will always be a spot in my heart for the traditional fireworks show, but I get what disney is doing. As with all things the pendulum swings back and forth. The nostalgic, emotional shows will return. Also, it’s not like this new show is ignoring the past. For example, Aristocats was heavily featured in one segment.
Ugh. Just found out about the new show. The previous one was so great, and reminded me a bit of WISHES at WDW that is no longer there, only better. That is what we saw after getting married at Disney World. Pretty heartbroken that it won't be that one in June when we visit. Even more heartbroken that its being replaced with.....this. :crazy2:
We saw it - I honestly have no idea what all the fuss is about - it's cute, it's light and it's fun - I honestly stood there watching it wondering what all the freaking out was about.
I agree it's not an "emotional" show, but it doesn't seem like it was meant to be. It's fun, it's fresh, the audience I saw it with was having a great time, you're able to have a good view from lots of places, the show should be relatively easy to adjust/expand with new segments... and above all, it's something that can run every night no matter the wind or weather.
View attachment 384318 We saw it last night when we walked off Matterhorn. The view was really great on IASW even that far away. And we had snow too! I thought it was really cute; seeing the joy and dancing during the snow put a smile on my face.
Love the photo! Glad you enjoyed the show -- and that you were dressed appropriately for the cold! (It really did snow yesterday by our house! That Elsa must have been up to her old tricks!) Thank you for reporting on the snow by IASW -- now people can choose either MS or IASW for that effect.
I agree that this show is cute and fun (definitely not deep or a heart tugger). What I love most is that it isn't super crowded and doesn't require hours of camping for a good spot! And dancing with the kids is super fun. :)
Love the photo! Glad you enjoyed the show -- and that you were dressed appropriately for the cold! (It really did snow yesterday by our house! That Elsa must have been up to her old tricks!) Thank you for reporting on the snow by IASW -- now people can choose either MS or IASW for that effect.
I agree that this show is cute and fun (definitely not deep or a heart tugger). What I love most is that it isn't super crowded and doesn't require hours of camping for a good spot! And dancing with the kids is super fun. :)
I haven't seen the full show yet with fireworks, but that is what I feel like I will enjoy most about this show. No need to camp for hours, or have to decide to get an expensive food package just for a good seat. You can just walk up, and enjoy it.
I haven't seen the full show yet with fireworks, but that is what I feel like I will enjoy most about this show. No need to camp for hours, or have to decide to get an expensive food package just for a good seat. You can just walk up, and enjoy it.

Exactly- we walked off Matterhorn and there it was just starting. We moved up a bit when the snow started falling but otherwise had a great view!
... that is what I feel like I will enjoy most about this show. No need to camp for hours, or have to decide to get an expensive food package just for a good seat. You can just walk up, and enjoy it.
Bingo. And the different viewing locations help to spread out the crowds -- much like with TF over the summer. So much less stressful! I miss RDCT, but not all the stress and fighting the crowds.
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Late with my review. I saw the show 2 weeks ago with the fireworks! Am I crazy for really loving it? lol. Yes, it's not emotional like Fantasmic, and I haven't seen World of Color yet, but my friends and I were dancing and singing the whole time. The people around us were dancing and singing the whole time. Everyone was just so engaged in the whole show. My favorite part was the snow. For whatever reason, whenever they make it snow on Main street, I always tear up lol. The animations I thought were cute too. Just my 2 cents..there are people out there who like it lol. I would see it again! Maybe on a less cold night! When I was there it was so cold!
About a week ago, we were at DL for 3 days. Had a nice time, but never managed to see fireworks/Mickey's Mix Magic. I'm watching it right now on the Disneyland Resort's YouTube channel (
). I am SO not impressed. DL's regular fireworks shows in their various forms over the past years have often told some sort of story. Kind of like each attraction has a story.

This is basically a projection show set to a techno music mix. It's really lame. I apologize in advance to folks who enjoy it. I'm not saying this to offend anyone. But there's no connection really from one song to another. And don't even get me started on that awful Ren & Stimpy-style animation that they've got now for Mickey and his pals. It makes Mickey Mouse look freakish and really weird.

I'm glad that we didn't waste our time trying to see it when we were there. I'll skip that nighttime entertainment until they bring in something more worthwhile down the road!
I agree that MMM is not RDCT, DLF!, or Magical. It's not even TF -- and we thought that show was a bit weak. (I'd even take FitS over this for show quality.) But... MMM isn't a total loss. When you're there, in the crowd, dancing with the kids in the snow on Main Street or in front of IASW -- there's a high energy that is really fun. It's not deep or heart tugging, just fun. And, thank goodness, the show is short! So it's just a fun break that doesn't require hours of camping out for a spot. If we see it, it's a spontaneous thing -- fun for the moment, then over. If we miss it, no big deal. That's rather refreshing after all the headache of planning for a viewing spot and deciding who's going to camp out that went on for so many years. Maybe Disney doesn't want us looking at it that way, but for us, that's the best part of this show -- how "not a big deal" it is! (Of course, I say this while waiting for the next big fireworks spectacular -- but I am not looking forward to all the madness that will bring with it, either.)
We saw it on Monday without the fireworks and it was very blah. The fireworks are fine without the projections and if you are near where the projections are during the show that's great but I don't know if the projection part adds enough to the overall show to make it work camping out for a spot to see them. We actually enjoyed watching the fireworks from DCA sitting across from Elias and Co. more than we did watching just the projections on Small World.
That's rather refreshing after all the headache of planning for a viewing spot and deciding who's going to camp out that went on for so many years. Maybe Disney doesn't want us looking at it that way, but for us, that's the best part of this show -- how "not a big deal" it is!

I would find that disappointing, but probably for different reasons. I never understood the whole camping out for fireworks or parades thing. It's just so hard to have all the delights of Disneyland being a literal hop, skip, and jump away but nope, you gotta sit there for the next two hours on the hard pavement and spend the whole time defending your turf against a never-ending tide of boorish jerks like some kind of social awkwardness ninja.

But on the other hand, every person out there camping is one less person standing in front of me in line, so I'd hate for Disney to kill the tradition!
I would find that disappointing, but probably for different reasons...

Oh, MMM certainly isn't our favorite show, but it's just such a relief to have one less stressful thing to plan in the parks. WOC and F! are stressful enough, so we don't see those shows frequently, but all the planning and time investment pay off when we do. MMM is so casual that it feels more fun (if that makes sense) -- the FOMO pressure just isn't there, so we can see it or not -- and not stress either way. I think if this show had the same music and animation and were a bigger, high pressure deal -- complete with mandatory camping out for a view experience -- I would not like it because I don't think the quality of the show is worth that kind of stress. WOC? Yes. MMM? No.
It was like a lame Disney version of a psychedelic rave. Stupid. I think it’s a big dud. Bring back regular fireworks.
I agree that MMM is not RDCT, DLF!, or Magical. It's not even TF -- and we thought that show was a bit weak. (I'd even take FitS over this for show quality.) But... MMM isn't a total loss. When you're there, in the crowd, dancing with the kids in the snow on Main Street or in front of IASW -- there's a high energy that is really fun. It's not deep or heart tugging, just fun. And, thank goodness, the show is short! So it's just a fun break that doesn't require hours of camping out for a spot. If we see it, it's a spontaneous thing -- fun for the moment, then over. If we miss it, no big deal. That's rather refreshing after all the headache of planning for a viewing spot and deciding who's going to camp out that went on for so many years. Maybe Disney doesn't want us looking at it that way, but for us, that's the best part of this show -- how "not a big deal" it is! (Of course, I say this while waiting for the next big fireworks spectacular -- but I am not looking forward to all the madness that will bring with it, either.)

I like the show and I think you listed a lot of the reasons why. Yeah, it's not my favorite ever, but it has great energy and is a lot of fun. I haven't stopped humming the song since my trip a few weeks ago. I like that it's casual and easy to get a spot for too. I don't think that every fireworks show has to have that similar, heart-string tugging, nostalgia inducing...thing that many have had. It's nice to change it up. It also probably won't be around forever since they seem to change it up more frequently now, so no worries from me.
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We saw it on Sunday. The music and animantion are definitely geared towards a younger demographic, and they seemed to be having a good time with it. I’m with the folks that think Disney animation doesn’t need to be stuck in the 1950s forever, that attitude almost led to the collapse of the whole animation division. Bob Iger is right that stories need to be told in ways relevant to today’s audiences.

Agreed. I can't stand the new animation style but my 7-year old loves it and he's the one who is the target.


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