Something About Nothing............ #14

Yesterday we found a baby squirrel that appears to be orphaned. Don't know yet what we are going to do with it. It's funny because it was an encounter with orphaned squirrels over 20 years ago that led to a license plate, a screen name and eventually my nickname. 68542631_10219364759780902_4033417626058227712_o.jpg
Good morning, and thank you for all the well wishes. Think I broke my fever last night. Was achy, then way too hot, then feeling way too cool. Still a little elevated in temp, this morning, but at least not as achy now. Colds tend to last about a week, so I am hoping I am not weak enough to catch another as this one finishes. So, since my arrival is not for another month, I hope I am quite healthy by then.

Box of tissues will be by my side all day. Thankfully, a bit later start, as I have to go in town for training. Even nicer, older one has class later today, so he can drop me off at the train station before class. Then I will be quick out of the class, and hope a train is caught right away. Blonde I need to be, and wish now I had made that appointment a little later. But that appointment was scheduled before the training was announced. Sigh. At least that means an early bedtime tonight, and will most likely pick something to eat up, after the haircut.

The best Tuesday to you all, and don’t forget, Taco Tuesday is here. Mac will be thinking of her Taco Bell run today. Join her, 🌮 🌮 🌮 for the homies. Happy Tuesday.
Glad to hear your on the mend. Hope you can get some rest to fight off the bug.
It’s Taco Bell Tuesday
Good morning. I got a decent night’s sleep last night and am actually up and ready to go early today.
Today’s excitement will be picking up an in-line order. I got new covers for B’s bed at home. I looked at the one she has now and realized that it does not fit the bed well. I don’t really like comforter sets. I prefer a one piece bedspread, but it seems like most of the ones available look like they belong on a great grandmother’s bed. I finally found one that I think B will like.

MonyK - Are they doing anything special for crowd control at Galaxy’s Edge in addition to the virtual queue? I liked the way they did it at Disneyland. I really kept the crowds down.

Pumpkin - Glad the migraine is gone. Yeah, technology is great, but not so much when no one in the office really understands how to use it.

Lynne - Continued well wishes.

No Taco Bell for me. I had an unfortunate incident there a few weeks ago and am still not ready to go back.

Time to get to work. Hopefully no more computer problems today.
I need to find new bed coverings too. I like a comforter, have a nice down one. But need new cover and some new sheets. Been postponing shopping cause I want to re-paint bedroom.
When we were at DL there was no more crowd control, I wish they did a virtual queue for the ride. But if you got to park 45 min before rope drop to be in the front of the pack at the holding place for rope drop, and beetle over to GE it was a relatively short wait, almost walk on. When we got off the wait was up to 85 min.
What happened at Taco Bell?

Well after signing off I got a good sleep! Yesterday went to see Once Upon a Time. I like Pitt & DiCaprio together. Aside from the Tarantino weirdness it was good. Not a film I’d rave about but I liked it.

Today have to fill in at church office for the morning. Secretary is in hospital so lots of volunteers needed to cover. Seems like every day this week I have a job. Today it’s office, tomorrow is my usual every other Wednesday bread bagging for food bank, Thursday is folding Sunday bulletins, and Friday office again. Don’t know how this happened!

Another brilliant sunny day here. BBQing chicken, will make a salad, and haven’t decided on sides yet.

Finally linked my AP to Universal APP and discovered I have the 6mo renewal bonus. I don’t know how that happened as we didn’t arrive and activate AP till we arrived late April. Maybe because I bought AP thru AAA. No idea but I’ll take it! Bonus!

Having oat meal for breakfast. No bacon. Sigh. Well we do have bacon, but it’s in freezer lol. So guess no Sans will be lining up at my door!

Hope everyone has a good day.
Here's to hoping that everyone has a better day of health, or sleep!

View attachment 430013
Yesterday we found a baby squirrel that appears to be orphaned. Don't know yet what we are going to do with it. It's funny because it was an encounter with orphaned squirrels over 20 years ago that led to a license plate, a screen name and eventually my nickname. View attachment 430014
What a cute little guy! Interesting story about how you got screen name! Do you have a wild life rescue nearby? Did you end up nursing the orphaned ones from 20 yrs ago? Hope the little guy survives!
:coffee:Good morning

Don't know why my smiley posted before the text but I'm too lazy to change it.

Hope everyone is feeling better today and in good health for your upcoming trips...only 2 weeks for us and it can't come soon enough.

A belated :bday:🎁🎉🎈to Tom...glad the surprise went well and you all had a good time. How many days do you have until you leave ?

It rained all night last night so no yard work as planned can wait until tomorrow.

I had leftover lobster pizza for breakfast....just a few small slices from the kids trip to Red Lobster yesterday...too bad there weren't any cheddar biscuits left.

Guess it's time to get productive and do some laundry :laundy:

Hi to Mac, Lynne, monyk, Sue, pumpkin, Robo, Robbie, Charade squirlz, keisha, Bobbie, disxuni, agavegirl and anyone else I missed....
Hope you all have a great Tuesday :flower1:
I am so ready. I get to go to lunch early at work today,


But it's because during my normal lunch we're going to have a meeting to discuss hurricane preparedness.
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:coffee:Good morning

Don't know why my smiley posted before the text but I'm too lazy to change it.

Hope everyone is feeling better today and in good health for your upcoming trips...only 2 weeks for us and it can't come soon enough.

A belated :bday:🎁🎉🎈to Tom...glad the surprise went well and you all had a good time. How many days do you have until you leave ?

It rained all night last night so no yard work as planned can wait until tomorrow.

I had leftover lobster pizza for breakfast....just a few small slices from the kids trip to Red Lobster yesterday...too bad there weren't any cheddar biscuits left.

Guess it's time to get productive and do some laundry :laundy:

Hi to Mac, Lynne, monyk, Sue, pumpkin, Robo, Robbie, Charade squirlz, keisha, Bobbie, disxuni, agavegirl and anyone else I missed....
Hope you all have a great Tuesday :flower1:

Hey Vicki........I was just looking at a picture of us a few years ago at HHN!!! Been trying to find one picture in particular, but trying to find a needle in the ocean would be easier!!!

No cheddar biscuits........:scared1: they should have compensated you for the distress.......:rotfl:Glad you enjoyed it though.......folks can sneer all they want about RL.....we love it!!! I shared the lobster pizza with my aunt in NYC and it was gorgeous.......

We leave Monday for our overnight at the airport then fly next Tuesday......if we go by American time we should be just about ready to land......:cheer2:

And you’re not far behind us.....:thumbsup2 Don’t work too hard today.......:wave2:

Been sitting in the garden all’s glorious, although a little cool sea fret is rolling in from the sea.......but in the sun it’s beautiful......and have been working in getting our little book group back together.

We disbanded it after we had a rabble rouser who thought her word was time to get it going again. So, starts tomorrow morning where we’ll decide which book we’ll start with then meet after I get back.......although I did admit I won’t have read much of it by time we get back........think they’ll understand......we have 10 of us so far.....most were in the old group, and a few new ones. We do enjoy a few meals out and some nice days of get togethers so it’s very social........

Barbecuing tonight.......well Tom will grill..... made burgers and ribs have been marinading all day.........home made potato salad, spicy mac n cheese and some rosemary bread.......lush!!!

Loving this weather........
Hello everyone :wave2: ... The weather was cool again yesterday and a little warmer today. I still have that blasted air conditioner on. I cant' wait to have central air condition in Florida, this window ones make me crazy with not getting the right temp.

We went to a freind's last night. Her husband who passed away two years ago was one of our best friends and Liv's band teacher and mentor. We have managed to stay in touch with her and have regular gatherings. We take turns at each one's house. We buy a whole bunch of food and just talk and eat. Her house was warm and she won't put the a/c lower than 77:scared1:f or me that is too warm. Anyway thank goodness I packed my handheld portable fan:thumbsup2

Tonight is buy one get one at our local wing restaurant so we are off to there for dinner. I almost stopped at Taco Bell for lunch but really going to try and watch what I eat. I told Liv we are going to start walking this week.

Yesterday took the teens to Saver's. It is a nice used clothing super store. They both needed clothes for the fall and I picked up a couple of nice things too.

Schumi sitting in the garden sounds so nice and with a sea breeze. Your dinner sounds great, I need some more ambition to cook more detailed items. I did bring out one of my cookbooks and picked a few receipes to try soon. The book club sounds like a nice time. I would have loved that when I was younger, now if I start reading I fall asleep!:laughing: One week to go :cool1:.

Disxuni I hope your early lunch went well,:thumbsup2 hurricane prepardness is something I wil have to get used too!

Tink :wave: to you too!!! Oh your breakfast sounds so good!!! :jumping1: two more weeks for you!!! I feel like I am always doing laundry. I can't wait to have my washer and dryer on the same floor:woohoo:

Sue sounds like a busy week for you!! Your dinner sounds nice tonight! I would be knocking on the door with turkey bacon. Liv and I gave up pork about a year ago. We are hoping to add more to the list slowly. :woohoo:on the 6 month bonus for you. An unexpected extra trip::yes::!!

Squirlz Oh what a cutie!! I hope it all works out with the little one:thumbsup2. What a great story on the way you got your name.:)

Lynne I am glad that you are feeling better!! I hope your training goes well and you get back soon. I am enjoying that Liv :car: now. pixiedust: I hope blonde you will be!!

Pumpkin I am glad that your migraine is better:thumbsup2. I have suffered for years with them. They are awful boogers.:worried:

Mac I hope your taco bell run was good to you::yes:::D

Charade Glad that you slep good:goodvibes. I am hoping for better nights:thumbsup2. Glad that you found something you liked for the bed, even better is you think B will like it. I was a comforter girl until the hot flashes. Now I just use bamboo sheets and a bamboo blanket. It can be hard to go back to a restaraunt after a bad episode. I don't feel so alone in the no big vacation club now:laughing::goodvibes

Monykalyn I hope your growling chicken is doing better and your sick one is feeling better :thumbsup2 :cool1: countdown to GE sounds great! I can't wait to hear how it is!

I hope everyone has a great day and night!
@bobbie68 I'm used to it in general, but due to the fact that this is the first time I've had a full time job during a potential hurricane and the fact that our job is to have companies up and running in terms of service due us specifically working with businesses, which includes fire depts, police depts, hospitals, nursing homes, ect, it's more of a "what are we going to do when this, this, and this goes down and we still have to find a way to work". :laughing:

As for general preparedness, it's just make sure to have plenty of water, non perishables, don't freak out, and hope that your power comes on asap, because the longer it's out, the longer you have no air conditioning (we personally run away during storms no matter how "bad" it is to ensure we do have air conditioning). Also, don't stock your freezer/fridge before the storm, because it's all just going to potentially go bad anyway depending how long the power is out.
Hello everyone :wave2: ... The weather was cool again yesterday and a little warmer today. I still have that blasted air conditioner on. I cant' wait to have central air condition in Florida, this window ones make me crazy with not getting the right temp.

We went to a freind's last night. Her husband who passed away two years ago was one of our best friends and Liv's band teacher and mentor. We have managed to stay in touch with her and have regular gatherings. We take turns at each one's house. We buy a whole bunch of food and just talk and eat. Her house was warm and she won't put the a/c lower than 77:scared1:f or me that is too warm. Anyway thank goodness I packed my handheld portable fan:thumbsup2

Tonight is buy one get one at our local wing restaurant so we are off to there for dinner. I almost stopped at Taco Bell for lunch but really going to try and watch what I eat. I told Liv we are going to start walking this week.

Yesterday took the teens to Saver's. It is a nice used clothing super store. They both needed clothes for the fall and I picked up a couple of nice things too.

Schumi sitting in the garden sounds so nice and with a sea breeze. Your dinner sounds great, I need some more ambition to cook more detailed items. I did bring out one of my cookbooks and picked a few receipes to try soon. The book club sounds like a nice time. I would have loved that when I was younger, now if I start reading I fall asleep!:laughing: One week to go :cool1:.

Disxuni I hope your early lunch went well,:thumbsup2 hurricane prepardness is something I wil have to get used too!

Tink :wave: to you too!!! Oh your breakfast sounds so good!!! :jumping1: two more weeks for you!!! I feel like I am always doing laundry. I can't wait to have my washer and dryer on the same floor:woohoo:

Sue sounds like a busy week for you!! Your dinner sounds nice tonight! I would be knocking on the door with turkey bacon. Liv and I gave up pork about a year ago. We are hoping to add more to the list slowly. :woohoo:on the 6 month bonus for you. An unexpected extra trip::yes::!!

Squirlz Oh what a cutie!! I hope it all works out with the little one:thumbsup2. What a great story on the way you got your name.:)

Lynne I am glad that you are feeling better!! I hope your training goes well and you get back soon. I am enjoying that Liv :car: now. pixiedust: I hope blonde you will be!!

Pumpkin I am glad that your migraine is better:thumbsup2. I have suffered for years with them. They are awful boogers.:worried:

Mac I hope your taco bell run was good to you::yes:::D

Charade Glad that you slep good:goodvibes. I am hoping for better nights:thumbsup2. Glad that you found something you liked for the bed, even better is you think B will like it. I was a comforter girl until the hot flashes. Now I just use bamboo sheets and a bamboo blanket. It can be hard to go back to a restaraunt after a bad episode. I don't feel so alone in the no big vacation club now:laughing::goodvibes

Monykalyn I hope your growling chicken is doing better and your sick one is feeling better :thumbsup2 :cool1: countdown to GE sounds great! I can't wait to hear how it is!

I hope everyone has a great day and night!

bobbie....I learned very early to cook from my grandmother, my mother wasn’t the most adventurous cook.......she liked staples.....then my older cousin became a female chef before it was the norm, taught me when she came to live with us for a while as she trained.

I picked up a lot from her and kept going myself, even helping her at catering events when I was in my teens. However I have two friends who can’t boil water.....however hard they try......I guess some folks just aren’t interested..........but I do love cookbooks and read them for ideas now and again.....but usually I never follow a recipe......but it’s fun creating new dishes........

Yes, the book group was fun and I’m looking forward to starting it back up again.......nice group of women....glad you keep in touch with your friend, it’s always good to catch up.

Just been outside watching lightning and the strangest thunder which just kept rumbling constantly.....not usual for here......lightning was constant too.....quite impressive as it rolled out to sea.......

Think we may have an early’s a bit cooler tonight, so will be pleasant to sleep in.......

First book group get together tomorrow, then no idea.........

Watching an old episode of Poirot right now.......
Good evening. A mostly uneventful day today. This is my last week having to help out therapist 2 who left the office last month. Therapist 1 had agreed that we would continue to so therapist 2’s scheduling and billing through the end of August while she gets settled into her new office. I got really annoyed with therapist 2 this afternoon. I have been working for several months to try to recover a couple of missing claim checks of hers. Today I emailed her all of the documentation (dates I called, what I was told, if I talked to someone or got voicemail, etc. She emailed me back and told me to just write it off. SO glad I spent so much time trying to make sure she got her money. >:(

Yesterday we found a baby squirrel that appears to be orphaned. Don't know yet what we are going to do with it. cute. Keep us posted on how it’s doing.

I need to find new bed coverings too. I like a comforter, have a nice down one. But need new cover and some new sheets
I just ordered a couple of new sheet sets for our bed. We have a king, so I always buy something with strips so I know I’m putting the fitted sheet on correctly.

What happened at Taco Bell?
Let’s just say my lunch and I had a rather serious parting of the ways.

I had leftover lobster pizza for breakfast....just a few small slices from the kids trip to Red Lobster yesterday...too bad there weren't any cheddar biscuits left.
Those biscuits are dangerously addictive.

But it's because during my normal lunch we're going to have a meeting to discuss hurricane preparedness.
I always hated hurricane season when we lived in Miami. I still remember how scared I was during our first hurricane.

folks can sneer all they want about RL.....we love it!!!
We love Red Lobster. We don’t go too often because I always want to order something that really isn’t good for me.

Hello everyone :wave2: ... The weather was cool again yesterday and a little warmer today. I still have that blasted air conditioner on. I cant' wait to have central air condition in Florida, this window ones make me crazy with not getting the right temp.
Having grown up in the south I can’t remember a time when we didn’t have central air. You will love it.

Her house was warm and she won't put the a/c lower than 77:scared1:f or me that is too warm. Anyway thank goodness I packed my handheld portable fan:thumbsup2
I agree. That is way too warm. We keep a constant 73/74 year round.

However I have two friends who can’t boil water.....however hard they try......I guess some folks just aren’t interested...
That’s me. Well, I can boil water, I’m just not interested in cooking. I cook because I have grown rather fond of eating.

Dh is watching some hideously bad movie on Amazon right now. I need to go find something else to do.
Ooh. that was a 4 or so hour nap. Now nicely blonde, after which, told older one I am going to lay down. Um, that was about 6:30 tonight. Little one called, that woke me up. Think older one went to BK for dinner. While he likes a real meat burger, he really likes that potato based burger there as much. Pricey. We will have to see if I can find for me to cook. Only other place selling that burger is the Zoo’s one food truck. And I think pricy there too. Plus, the one BK is minutes from our home, and recently upgraded itself to a nicer looking BK. And fancy computer soda dispenser that we had not seen before. Me, sound asleep. And nothing came home for me either. Was not hungry anyway. Big lunch, as I had no lunch or dinner yesterday, as was not feeling well. May go in for a few hours tomorrow and then take leave to go home and sleep the rest of the day.

This cold has worn me out. So I need to recharge, and hope the sleep helps me kick this nasty cold. Another sinus headache started in the train ride home, and even the pampering at the hair salon did not feel as nice as I usually feel. All I wanted was to take more drugs and lay down.

Aww, cute little squirrel, but I would take it to a wildlife rescue. They tend to have bugs and other, and as a bsby, they type of rescue has the resources to help. Hope it gets big enough to be released.

With that, talk of lush food, and Mac and others enjoying some SF bar drinks. Maybe I will partake in a drink from that bar too, as I am staying at SF for the first time, the first 2 nights I arrive. Two firsts if I do both.

With that, need to do my nighttime stuff, and hit the bed once again.

Have a peaceful and quiet, good night sleep, homies.

Charade, I buy striped sheets for my Queen beds for the same reason.

I haven’t used AC at my up North lake house in 3 years. It’s cooler there, well insulated and shaded and it has not made it over 74 for any appreciable length of time. And Bobbie, I consider 77 way too warm too.

Squirz, as cute as the little fur all is I would be afraid to pick up a wild critter.

Schumi, I finally caught up on your PTR for your September. I also appreciate your food pics and unique HHN photos. How can you sleep?

GLTA in Florida on storm prep. Part of the reason I go the last half of October is storm avoidance. Usually works for me. Living there, you are a captive audience to the spectacles of Mother Nature.

Get Well Soon Lynne....sleep is good.

:coffee:Good morning

I had leftover lobster pizza for breakfast....just a few small slices from the kids trip to Red Lobster yesterday...too bad there weren't any cheddar biscuits left.

Guess it's time to get productive and do some laundry :laundy:

Hi to Mac, Lynne, monyk, Sue, pumpkin, Robo, Robbie, Charade squirlz, keisha, Bobbie, disxuni, agavegirl and anyone else I missed....
Hope you all have a great Tuesday :flower1:
Did I hear LOBSTER pizza :P
I am so ready. I get to go to lunch early at work today,

But it's because during my normal lunch we're going to have a meeting to discuss hurricane preparedness.
I was in Florida when Hurricane Irma was coming. Luckily I was scheduled to leave 2 days before storm hit. I had an early 6am flight to LAX and so the day before had to fill rental with gas. Waited in a 1.5hr gas line up at Costco. Big signs in parking lot that they were out of water! Stores were crazy.
My mom lives in Florida. I forget which storm it was that she didn’t have power for 5 days. They were bringing buckets to the pool to get water for flushing toilets. I’ve been very lucky, I’ve been going to Ft Lauderdale area for so many years and August’s, and have dodged a few hurricanes including Katrina. We flew out the morning Katrina hit Florida coast later that day. I think we experienced the outer bands.
Hey Vicki........I was just looking at a picture of us a few years ago at HHN!!! Been trying to find one picture in particular, but trying to find a needle in the ocean would be easier!!!

No cheddar biscuits........:scared1: they should have compensated you for the distress.......:rotfl:Glad you enjoyed it though.......folks can sneer all they want about RL.....we love it!!! I shared the lobster pizza with my aunt in NYC and it was gorgeous.......

We leave Monday for our overnight at the airport then fly next Tuesday......if we go by American time we should be just about ready to land......:cheer2:

And you’re not far behind us.....:thumbsup2 Don’t work too hard today.......:wave2:

Been sitting in the garden all’s glorious, although a little cool sea fret is rolling in from the sea.......but in the sun it’s beautiful......and have been working in getting our little book group back together.

We disbanded it after we had a rabble rouser who thought her word was time to get it going again. So, starts tomorrow morning where we’ll decide which book we’ll start with then meet after I get back.......although I did admit I won’t have read much of it by time we get back........think they’ll understand......we have 10 of us so far.....most were in the old group, and a few new ones. We do enjoy a few meals out and some nice days of get togethers so it’s very social........

Barbecuing tonight.......well Tom will grill..... made burgers and ribs have been marinading all day.........home made potato salad, spicy mac n cheese and some rosemary bread.......lush!!!

Loving this weather........
Sounds like my kind of afternoon! Book club sounds fun! You’ll have to let us know what book you decide on. Beautiful weather here too.
Hello everyone :wave2: ... The weather was cool again yesterday and a little warmer today. I still have that blasted air conditioner on. I cant' wait to have central air condition in Florida, this window ones make me crazy with not getting the right temp.

We went to a freind's last night. Her husband who passed away two years ago was one of our best friends and Liv's band teacher and mentor. We have managed to stay in touch with her and have regular gatherings. We take turns at each one's house. We buy a whole bunch of food and just talk and eat. Her house was warm and she won't put the a/c lower than 77:scared1:f or me that is too warm. Anyway thank goodness I packed my handheld portable fan:thumbsup2

Tonight is buy one get one at our local wing restaurant so we are off to there for dinner. I almost stopped at Taco Bell for lunch but really going to try and watch what I eat. I told Liv we are going to start walking this week.

Schumi sitting in the garden sounds so nice and with a sea breeze. Your dinner sounds great, I need some more ambition to cook more detailed items. I did bring out one of my cookbooks and picked a few receipes to try soon. The book club sounds like a nice time. I would have loved that when I was younger, now if I start reading I fall asleep!:laughing: One week to go :cool1:.

Sue sounds like a busy week for you!! Your dinner sounds nice tonight! I would be knocking on the door with turkey bacon. Liv and I gave up pork about a year ago. We are hoping to add more to the list slowly. :woohoo:on the 6 month bonus for you. An unexpected extra trip::yes::!!

Squirlz Oh what a cutie!! I hope it all works out with the little one:thumbsup2. What a great story on the way you got your name.:)
I hope everyone has a great day and night!
@bobbie68 I'm used to it in general, but due to the fact that this is the first time I've had a full time job during a potential hurricane and the fact that our job is to have companies up and running in terms of service due us specifically working with businesses, which includes fire depts, police depts, hospitals, nursing homes, ect, it's more of a "what are we going to do when this, this, and this goes down and we still have to find a way to work". :laughing:

Good evening. A mostly uneventful day today. This is my last week having to help out therapist 2 who left the office last month. Therapist 1 had agreed that we would continue to so therapist 2’s scheduling and billing through the end of August while she gets settled into her new office. I got really annoyed with therapist 2 this afternoon. I have been working for several months to try to recover a couple of missing claim checks of hers. Today I emailed her all of the documentation (dates I called, what I was told, if I talked to someone or got voicemail, etc. She emailed me back and told me to just write it off. SO glad I spent so much time trying to make sure she got her money. >:(

I just ordered a couple of new sheet sets for our bed. We have a king, so I always buy something with strips so I know I’m putting the fitted sheet on correctly.

Let’s just say my lunch and I had a rather serious parting of the ways.

Those biscuits are dangerously addictive.

I always hated hurricane season when we lived in Miami. I still remember how scared I was during our first hurricane.

We love Red Lobster. We don’t go too often because I always want to order something that really isn’t good for me.
I agree. That is way too warm. We keep a constant 73/74 year round.
Dh is watching some hideously bad movie on Amazon right now. I need to go find something else to do.
Oh boy! I can’t believe Therapist 2 said that to you after you went thru all you’ve done. How rude.
That is a brilliant idea about sheets. I can never figure out which way is which! When I get new sheets stripes it is!
My in laws used to keep their house sufferingly hot. I used to sneak over to thermostat and lower it, lol.
There is a Red Lobster in Coral Springs near moms and used to take her for lunch. Haven’t been back in years. Maybe next time. I buy the biscuit mix from Costco! They are yummy.

Ooh. that was a 4 or so hour nap. Now nicely blonde, after which, told older one I am going to lay down. Um, that was about 6:30 tonight. Little one called, that woke me up. Think older one went to BK for dinner. While he likes a real meat burger, he really likes that potato based burger there as much. Pricey. We will have to see if I can find for me to cook. Only other place selling that burger is the Zoo’s one food truck. And I think pricy there too. Plus, the one BK is minutes from our home, and recently upgraded itself to a nicer looking BK. And fancy computer soda dispenser that we had not seen before. Me, sound asleep. And nothing came home for me either. Was not hungry anyway. Big lunch, as I had no lunch or dinner yesterday, as was not feeling well. May go in for a few hours tomorrow and then take leave to go home and sleep the rest of the day.

This cold has worn me out. So I need to recharge, and hope the sleep helps me kick this nasty cold. Another sinus headache started in the train ride home, and even the pampering at the hair salon did not feel as nice as I usually feel. All I wanted was to take more drugs and lay down.

Aww, cute little squirrel, but I would take it to a wildlife rescue. They tend to have bugs and other, and as a bsby, they type of rescue has the resources to help. Hope it gets big enough to be released.

With that, talk of lush food, and Mac and others enjoying some SF bar drinks. Maybe I will partake in a drink from that bar too, as I am staying at SF for the first time, the first 2 nights I arrive. Two firsts if I do both.

With that, need to do my nighttime stuff, and hit the bed once again.

Have a peaceful and quiet, good night sleep, homies.

Glad you’re getting some sleep. I always believed that it does help the body mend.

I don’t know where the time goes! I did my office morning shift. Then went to lunch. After that I made the fatal mistake of going to the shoe store at the mall after picking up some mascara at Sephora. Mephisto sandals were on sale. ::yes::

Then picked up dog treats and it was 4:30! Just like that!
Went for a dog walk with my friend after dinner, it was a beautiful night. Walked by the house across the way that’s being moved. Interesting to watch all the stages. I hope I’m home when they actually move it.

I have haircut appt made for 3 days before I leave. Need to make colour appt to cover the sparkles and get nails done! It’s getting close to go time. I’ve asked youngest dd to pick me up at the airport (midnight) coming home. Mr doesn’t like to drive that late.
I ordered a small sling backpack on Amazon today to wear at the parks. Palm leaf print. Will see how it works out. Handy to carry mug in and if I get popcorn bucket refills. I like to snack on it at night in the room! Last time I used a string bag backpack.
Hoping to meet some of you while there. Even if just a quick hello!
18 days!
Eek. I don’t know what happened to some of my multi quotes :confused3 half of them disappeared and the last 2 just the quote appears but not my answer.
I’m too tired and lazy to re do it!
@Squirlz how is the baby?

Hope everyone is tucked in now back east! Schumi May just be waking!
Wishing everyone a good night and Schumi good morning!
Quick drive by this morning......

Lynne....glad you`re doing better...…. I know....I have been known to have the odd nightmare or two.....I`m a dreamer and dreams can be so vivid at times!! But HHN is so much fun.......Glad you`re all caught up and hope you enjoy it.....

Never thought about striped sheets!!! I know the label on the fitted sheet goes to the botttom on Tom`s side of the bed......that`s an easy tell for me.....

Sue, yes, looking forward to starting book group back up again.....we always enjoyed getting together......

So, breakfast was quick and easy.....rice krispies.......can`t get easier than that.......I have some mid morning pastries and little snack items for the group as we`re meeting here......Tom will find something to do for that time.....maybe check his latest project fermenting nicely in his outdoor man`ll be gone by lunch.

Have a great Wednesday all.......
430222 Ah yes, the day of the week, that most think, get over this hump of a day, and Friday will be here before ya know it. So, 430223

A very dark commute, but 10 degrees warmer. 67 said the car screen. Usually, when the temp rises, it means rain. Phone says rain chances are between 2pm and 7pm today. The point when the warmest part of the day, tries to get to 80 degrees, the rain percentage chances increase. It's been an unusually cooler week, so far. That's okay, no AC needed. A hehe, last night, DH said to turn the AC off, I laughed, that's nature's AC, not ours. Last couple of nights, no one around us had their AC on either, as quiet nights with the temps down to high 50's the last couple of nights. House did feel a bit cool in the wee hours. But nothing a blanket can't remedy, though I am told I am a blanket hog. Priorities, you know. LOL

With that, a bunch of tissues has been used, the tea is ready to fill another cup full. Drugs taken before left home, and will take more at lunchtime today. I am not a good patient. I hate not feeling well, and this darn cold has gone into my sinuses, and annoying headaches with it. Hence, the drugs more for the headaches, than the symptoms of nasal congestion. That, tissues and lots of liquids seem to help. Good thing I already planned a 4 day week-end. Thinking an early leaving today, and tomorrow too, if I am still too tired. Have to call my Dsis, as it's her place to party this week-end, and I'm thinking easy. We all bring something, and hope the weather holds, as swimming and firing up the grill, will make a fun time. My and little one's birthdays will be celebrated too. I think little one is coming up Sunday, so we'll have the party that afternoon. I think all of us have off on Monday, so party on Sunday, relax on Monday. The plan, I think.

:wave2: Have a nice Wednesday, all. Follow on, the month of September will be here before ya know it, and that means quite a few homies are kicking their heels up for holidays and vacations that are coming soon. Looking at Schumi, Tink, Mac, MonyK, Robo, and lots of other homies. Including Keisha, who hopefully, is enjoying the heck out of this little jaunt out West.

Oh hello tea, yes I need to drink more. Why, thank you, and later homies. Be good. Only 118 sleeps away, until Wednesday, December 25. :santa:

I always hated hurricane season when we lived in Miami. I still remember how scared I was during our first hurricane.

I was too, since I was a little kiddo for my first one, but I luckily I survived and realized the worse thing about it is the insanely hot weather. But technically, it wasn't, because afterward I found out about Hurricane Andrew and that one came in when I was a baby. Is that the one you went through, as I recall it went through south FL?

I was in Florida when Hurricane Irma was coming. Luckily I was scheduled to leave 2 days before storm hit. I had an early 6am flight to LAX and so the day before had to fill rental with gas. Waited in a 1.5hr gas line up at Costco. Big signs in parking lot that they were out of water! Stores were crazy.
My mom lives in Florida. I forget which storm it was that she didn’t have power for 5 days. They were bringing buckets to the pool to get water for flushing toilets. I’ve been very lucky, I’ve been going to Ft Lauderdale area for so many years and August’s, and have dodged a few hurricanes including Katrina. We flew out the morning Katrina hit Florida coast later that day. I think we experienced the outer bands.

That's horrible that your mother had to deal with that and it sounds like you've been quite lucky a few times! Typically, our neighborhood is one of the last to get powered restored in our town, so we're down minimum five days up to a week. The last couple we decided we're going to evacuate no matter what (which typically we're a mandatory zone anyway) simply due to comfort reasons. After getting smacked with four in a row one year you kind of no longer want to deal with that.


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