Any word on how Castaway Cay is doing?

Given that Disney has added ports when itineraries have changed in the past, you have to assume if they don't that it is a logistical issue and not them being cheap or trying to short their guests. I have sometimes been surprised at some of the itinerary changes and it does seem like they are trying to give their guests the best experience possible even when they can't hit a certain port. If they were making the decision based on money, a missed port would just be a missed port and they would never be adding them.
When I look at the overhead video of the Bahamas and all of the devastation, I feel so grateful that I am healthy, that my family is ok and that my home is standing. My heart breaks for those whose lives have been lost or torn apart from Dorian.

I know it is disappointing to miss ports and especially Castaway Cay but I feel so utterly thankful that I am still able to carry on my life and if that is the biggest worry I have then amen to a missed port of call.

Sure hope and pray for those in the Bahamas and for those of us with cruises in the next few weeks, let’s just take what we get with thanks. Disney will do what they can to get everything back to normal as soon as possible.
I asked Disney Cruise Line about the status of Castaway Cay and received the following reply at 8:40 am this morning:
"Thank you for your email and Disney Castaway Cay is fine. They are doing some clean up and minor repairs.
Have a wonderful day,
Sue C.
Concierge Services DCL"
I do know the Dream was there the day before as a last minute thing since that’s what our tour guide mentioned. I’m not saying grand Cayman specifically but Disney could of planned it better. My last job was as a travel agent dealing mostly with luxury cruise and it’s been handled better. They obviously saw this coming but did nothing for a plan B.

Are you seriously complaining that Disney could have planned better because you’re mad that a hurricane that destroyed countless homes is preventing you from going to Castaway Cay?
Are you seriously complaining that Disney could have planned better because you’re mad that a hurricane that destroyed countless homes is preventing you from going to Castaway Cay?

Agree, let’s not lose sight of how terrible it is for all those poor people who were affected by this devastating storm.

You can donate directly to Bahamas Red Cross.
I was trying to get a direct link for the Bahamas Red Cross.
When I look at the overhead video of the Bahamas and all of the devastation, I feel so grateful that I am healthy, that my family is ok and that my home is standing. My heart breaks for those whose lives have been lost or torn apart from Dorian.

I know it is disappointing to miss ports and especially Castaway Cay but I feel so utterly thankful that I am still able to carry on my life and if that is the biggest worry I have then amen to a missed port of call.

Sure hope and pray for those in the Bahamas and for those of us with cruises in the next few weeks, let’s just take what we get with thanks. Disney will do what they can to get everything back to normal as soon as possible.
Agreed on all counts. I heard the most devastating story on the radio this morning about a father on one of the islands. He and his 5 year old son were separated from his wife and other children (I think). The end result of the story is we thought he go this son to safety but his son was hit by storm surge and was lost. The father broke his leg during the ordeal and almost had a wall of a church fall on him. The wall fell and crushed 8 people.

I understand how disappointing it is to miss ports but thankfully I can go home to my children tonight. I am sorry but this story and the others just really impacted me. This was a devastating storm for many many people.
Personally I'm Happy just to be able to get on the Fantasy this weekend, and I'm sure I'll enjoy and relax where ever we end up going. Having said that, feeling compassion and empathy for the entire nation of the Bahamas and everyone that was and continues to be impacted by Dorian or any other disaster. While at the same time being disappointed or let down over the possibility of having your vacation negatively impacted, are not mutually exclusive feelings. I'm sure many like me who will be sailing in the near future are anxious to find out the effects on our trip, hoping for the best in those regards and expressing those hopes in no way diminishes our compassion or care for those whose lives have been devastated.
Agreed on all counts. I heard the most devastating story on the radio this morning about a father on one of the islands. He and his 5 year old son were separated from his wife and other children (I think). The end result of the story is we thought he go this son to safety but his son was hit by storm surge and was lost. The father broke his leg during the ordeal and almost had a wall of a church fall on him. The wall fell and crushed 8 people.

I understand how disappointing it is to miss ports but thankfully I can go home to my children tonight. I am sorry but this story and the others just really impacted me. This was a devastating storm for many many people.
Beyond heartbreaking. I remember watching the aftermath of Katrina and a man and young son were standing together looking lost. A reporter tried to interview them and he kept saying "she's gone, she's gone" The reporter was like "who is gone?" He said he wife. They were on roof and the house split and she was swept away. I have thought about this man and his son over the years and wonder how they carried on. Obviously it haunts me to this day.
Personally I'm Happy just to be able to get on the Fantasy this weekend, and I'm sure I'll enjoy and relax where ever we end up going. Having said that, feeling compassion and empathy for the entire nation of the Bahamas and everyone that was and continues to be impacted by Dorian or any other disaster. While at the same time being disappointed or let down over the possibility of having your vacation negatively impacted, are not mutually exclusive feelings. I'm sure many like me who will be sailing in the near future are anxious to find out the effects on our trip, hoping for the best in those regards and expressing those hopes in no way diminishes our compassion or care for those whose lives have been devastated.

I don't blame people for being disappointed and I don't think expressing disappointment shows a lack of compassion.

I do take issue with people whining that Disney should have magically scheduled a different port (and planned better to make that possible) when a/ missing a Castaway stop happens now and then even without hurricanes and Disney always substitutes a sea day and b/ that sort of complaining does show a lack of compassion for the people who are experiencing the devastation of Dorian.
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We just got back from the "3 night" that left last Friday. We stopped at CC yesterday to drop supplies. I love CC, which we clearly did not go to, but I am so very thankful for how Disney handled the entire cruise. They did an excellent job. Docking is not a possibility at CC right now because they have to determine if there was damage to the dock etc- they can't just pull in without surveying the damage to make sure it won't hurt the ship/put anyone at risk. In any event, Disney has no control over the storms, or where they will be able to go if a storm comes or there is damage. It is just plain silliness to complain about it. Our cruise on the Dream was nothing but an exceptional example of how amazingly well Disney can handle things, and how well they take care of their guests.
The reason Disney is not arranging for another port is because they are still going to Castaway Cay to drop off supplies. As they should. Yes, it's always disappointing to miss Castaway Cay ( did on my last cruise) but Disney does a good job planning for an extra sea day and will ensure everyone enjoys themselves on the ship.
I read the official statement as referring to that they will depart from Port Canaveral as planned. I also seems like returning to Castaway Cay is really going to be dependent on the condition of the pier and the channel.

Not really sure how many staff stays at the island on a permanent basis. Don’t think it a high number: (maintenance, caretakers for the stingrays, small medical team?). I know the wait staff and Cookies staff are ship personnel. I realize most of the excursions are run by locals and those will be case by case I am sure.

I've read anywhere from 60 to 100 permanent cast on the island. - which is a larger number than I had thought.
The island CMs largely come off the ship. I don’t believe locals have any positions other than as vendors - shops or offering excursions. The ships can certainly port as long as the channel is clear (sounds like it is if the Dream got close as a PP says) and the pier is safe/repaired. Excursions get canceled all the time so won’t necessarily dictate the ship’s ability to port. In fact, I suspect the locals who do have employment opportunity on CC will want/need the income assuming they are able to still offer their service(s).

I've ready there are anywhere between 60-100 permanent cast are on the island - which is a much larger number that I expected. Excursions are going to depend on where the local vendors are located. Great Aboco and Grand Bahama are the closest islands and they experienced the most damage.
Agreed on all counts. I heard the most devastating story on the radio this morning about a father on one of the islands. He and his 5 year old son were separated from his wife and other children (I think). The end result of the story is we thought he go this son to safety but his son was hit by storm surge and was lost. The father broke his leg during the ordeal and almost had a wall of a church fall on him. The wall fell and crushed 8 people.

I understand how disappointing it is to miss ports but thankfully I can go home to my children tonight. I am sorry but this story and the others just really impacted me. This was a devastating storm for many many people.
I heard this story on NPR too. Absolutely heartbreaking...
Agree, let’s not lose sight of how terrible it is for all those poor people who were affected by this devastating storm.

You can donate directly to Bahamas Red Cross.
I was trying to get a direct link for the Bahamas Red Cross.
I am adding this American Red Cross Dorian link only to give people the option in case they are not sure of the Bahamas Red Cross website security.
I am adding this American Red Cross Dorian link only to give people the option in case they are not sure of the Bahamas Red Cross website security.

Please remember the American Red Cross may only benefit the US, not the Bahamas. I would verify this before donating. You would want to donate to the International Red Cross to benefit the bahamas

Also, something I learned when I was a fund raiser with the ARC (29 years ago), if you write a check, put a note in the memo section designating where the funds are to be used. Example: Bahamas Dorian Relief or Dorian Disaster Relief
If you do not, the money goes to the general fund for use as they see fit. If you specifically designate where the money goes, they are supposed to put the money in that "pot" of money specifically.


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