Stay Strong SEPTEMBER WISH Challenge

Not woohooing too much today. I not happy about my foot. Monday night and yesterday morning it started to hurt again. Nothing bad but I don't want to push it and make it really bad again. So DH and I will walk this weekend in the grass at soccer. This way I can still get something in and it will be on soft ground. I am going to start doing some of my xbox workout games. it will be something.

Also, today I am always a little down. I do a lot of remember the events of today and usually anything can make me cry. So today is a lot of just keeping myself together.

I will woohoo though that the school year is going great so far for the kids. DS seems to have gotten over the not turning in homework like last year. Lots of praise for him and if he keeps it up maybe a surprise at teh end of the quarter. I am hoping that being very positive and happy about his work will help him to continue. I was so done having to yell and punish him for mot doing his homework. Well most of the time he did it but didn't turn it in. So frustrating.
Woohoo... my clothes are starting to fit differently. Today I'm wearing a dress/tunic that used to be mighty snug around the belly region and it is no longer looking so dodgy. I can also see the weight loss and nutritional improvement in my skin/face, so much so that I'm going to make an appointment to get my Jevaderm touched up.

But also having a heavy heart this morning, in remembrance. That morning on the bus, a gal who got on at a later stop sat next to me and said an airplane had crashed into one of the Towers in NYC. My initial reaction was to ask, was there fog, bad weather? During the day I remember CNN overloaded with traffic, so you couldn't get updates. We pulled a TV out of a back room that had rabbit ears with foil on them to get any reception (didn't have video conferencing back then)... we were watching when the second Tower went down. Hard to believe it was 18 years ago, it still feel so fresh.
I was working at a daycare at the time. I just got to work when the planes hit. I worked in the infant room and we were able to have a tv on since the babies were too small for it to affect them. The best thing to do when you are upset to to hold a baby. That is what we all did. Even teachers form other rooms when they were able to. Most of the kids were picked up by noon. I remember being scared as the dad of one of the families I baby sat was fling on that day. he wasn't on any of the planes. But I didn't know that until either very late that day or the next day because the cell phones were down and I couldn't get ahold of them. I was one of the last employees to leave. I stayed until about 6 when the last kids was picked up. I then went home. i still lived with my mom and step dad. We watched the news and it was a very quite night. No one really knew what to say. I was in college and classes were canceled that night.

About a week later DH and I went on our first date. It was an odd time.
Also, today I am always a little down. I do a lot of remember the events of today and usually anything can make me cry. So today is a lot of just keeping myself together.

:hug: I know what you mean. The cat meowing pushed me over the edge today.

My DS was only a baby, and I remember we were just getting ready to leave for the grocery store when I heard the news of the first one and thought it was a horrible accident. By the time we checked out, the second tower had fallen and they had hauled the TV out of the breakroom and everyone was watching by the registers.

There are still days when the sky is just that color, and I think of it as "9-11 blue".
I don't really have a woohoo for today. Along with the past events of today; I remember I was getting ready for school and my parents were watching the news, they called me in to watch before I left for the day. It was a very somber school day.

Continuing with the somber theme I got a call from my mother-in-law this morning and her father passed away last night. I am very sad he was such a kind man. We did not expect this at all. I lost my grandfather earlier this year as well so today is a sad and mellow day around here.
“What you you do to set up your environment to make healthy choices easier?”

I’ve been buying healthy options to eat instead of junk - and actually eating the good stuff, instead of letting it rot in my fridge!

Today was hard, because my entire family went out for my mom’s birthday. I went WAY overboard, eating a huge portion when I promised myself I would be reasonable. I’m trying not to let it turn into a huge downward spiral, though!
For Thankful Thursday, lets do a "five senses of thankful" -
something you can see
something you can hear
something you can taste
something you can smell
something you can touch
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something I can see - a family photo on my computer desk (the three of us at the entrance to Adventureland) and the memories it represents

something I can hear - LowKey's music threads here on the DIS. I love the hunt of finding songs, and listening to other ones I haven't heard in a while.

something I can taste - my morning coffee (coconut flavor today - Yum!)

something I can smell - ditto on the coffee

something I can touch - my cat, who is currently occupying the space my keyboard belongs in...which makes for some really awkward typing, but some lovely soft petting
I'm thankful for:
-the sunrise (see)
-the silence, since it doesn't happen except in the mornings when everyone else has already left for work/school (hear)
-the shakeology shake that I make every morning to start my day off healthy (taste)
-coconut lotion that makes me think of summer (smell)
-my kids hugs (feel)
Thankful Thursday

something you can see -
I'm also going to go with the sunrise. I sat facing east on the bus ride in this morning and the sunrise was lightly pink and oh so pretty.
something you can hear - the music playing thru my new noise canceling headphones (starting with ABBA this morning). My number one stressor at work is conversations happening on both sides, so this is a new thing I'm trying to block out the noise. Plus the cushy feel of the headphones is really comforting.
something you can taste - this is a tough one, since my diet has been so limited lately... I did have a salad mix a couple days ago that was pretty good.
something you can smell - I love woodsy/forresty scents and have a couple of the reed style diffusors in the house and love catching the scent when I walk past them.
something you can touch - My kitties, petting and snuggling with them is usually the best part of each day.

Another thing I'm grateful for... breath. Yesterday I had my one-on-one yoga session, and the teacher is also trained in a couple different breathing disciplines so we went over that as well. One of the techniques is the Square Breath:


When I got home I did this for a few minutes, then took my blood pressure: it was 112/69, where I am usually around 136/69. The breathing and the yoga poses she gave me, perfectly fit into what I'm trying to accomplish, so I'm thrilled.
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What a great prompt! I do have a lot to be thankful for.
  • Something you can see: The empty space in my apartment where a pile of boxes used to be! My mom and I hauled an entire carload of old clothes to a thrift store this morning. I'm so happy to be de-cluttering my life and to be free of some old junk!
  • Something you can hear: The quiet just before I head off to work.
  • Something you can taste: The almonds I had as a snack earlier. Plain almonds are my favorite snack when I'm trying to eat "healthy;" they're delicious but nothing beats a bag of potato chips. I'll be good, though..
  • Something you can smell: My shampoo! Got a whiff of it while putting my hair up - OGX knows how to make the scent last, I guess.
  • Something you can touch: Hugs from my nephews.
Hi all,

It has been a busy week - I will catch up :)

What you you do to set up your environment to make healthy choices easier?

Hmmm meal planning and mostly having enough from dinner for lunch the next day. I want to do some more work on this like pre-cooking some meals, popping some pictures and notes to myself on my fridge and bathroom mirror to motivate me.

I try to keep busy in the afternoon/evening when my cravings are at their highest

Ugh - I get this - why is that time of day always the hardest!

It's Woohoo Wednesday, everyone!! - What are you celebrating?

Let's see on Wednesday I was celebrating that I went out to dinner with a friend :)

In relation to 9-11 even down here in Australia - it was on all the news channels - my oldest was also a baby he was 10 months old and a new mum it just seems so scary that the whole world changed in an instant. We found out early in the morning when a friend woke us up to turn on the tv. My BIL is army and he went to/near Iraq and also Afganistan over the years.

Continuing with the somber theme I got a call from my mother-in-law this morning and her father passed away last night. I am very sad he was such a kind man. We did not expect this at all. I lost my grandfather earlier this year as well so today is a sad and mellow day around here.

So sorry to hear about the loss in your family - some days just suck.

and actually eating the good stuff, instead of letting it rot in my fridge!

haha - I also have trouble with this sometimes - best intentions ...

For Thankful Thursday, lets do a "five senses of thankful" -
something you can see - My garden from my couch, sunrise/sunsets, my children's smiles
something you can hear - My children's laughter and chatter floating down from upstairs, birds singing in the morning/afternoon
something you can taste - Chocolate!
something you can smell - Popcorn!, the star jasmine in bloom on my back fence right now.
something you can touch - hugs with my kids

Soooo DS15 hiking camp has been postponed phew - fire conditions expected to be bad next week as well and the national park is being closed. They will now do it in week 3 - term 4 which will be in October - which means warmer weather to be hiking in. Took DD to the doctor to get her rechecked as she has been having way too many aura migraines the past 2 weeks - blood test this afternoon - so will go back next week to see if they tell us anything.

I went to the exercise physiologist this afternoon. So was told that the prompted 30 minutes a day 5 days a week of activity/walking is general and to lose weight need to be doing MORE than that! I already don't achieve that - oops. So my goal is at least 30 minutes 7 days - also she wants me to walk for about 10 minutes after eating - for blood sugar management. I am not eating in the morning at the moment but have been fitting in some walking then anyway. I also have some strength exercises to do twice a week at this stage and then I go back to see her in 3 weeks. Balancing advice from her with own research is a little tricky - also could tell she wanted me to be eating breakfast and when I said Keto got the lecture on too much fat even good fat and asked if it was something I could sustain long term - told her it seemed more sustainable that any other 'diets' I had tried before. Go the whole simplified calories in/out from her and I countered with not all calories are equal and I am not calorie counting on Keto but rater looking at portion sizes and ratios. The one thing I did like was how she explained that food choices help control the sugar and cholesterol going into my body and exercise helps draw it OUT of my body - so exercise is a very key aspect of managing my health. I am thinking this is going to be a repeated battle on Wednesday morning next week when I go to see the dietician ... watch this space for frustration people!

Busy weekend ahead getting children to their shifts - I feel like I want to see a movie - maybe I will look it up now and see if kids want to go to one tonight - they are all home :)
What's on your mind this morning?
I love this group. It's part of my morning routine before work. I get up, do my workout, make my shake, say goodbye to husband, son & daughter, then visit this group as part of my quiet time to help focus my day. And it is much needed today as I ended my day upset. Yesterday was a day of last minute changes that really messed me up. As a major planner, changes in plans really mess with me, not only in accomplishing all the items on the schedule, but also mess with my emotional state. I get so upset when I worked really hard to find ways to make everything work and then at the last minute schedules change. I usually plan my week out on Sundays. When I meal plan, I look at the different actives each night and try to pick something that will fit in the allotted time for dinner. So changes in schedule, also mess with my meals. And my husband & kids don't really understand how much thought goes into making everything work. So that always hurts my feelings because I feel like its hard work that goes un-noticed. Then I get emotional and they don't understand why. I realize it's a minor thing compared to the much bigger problems in life. But it just really hit me hard last night. But everything worked out okay, and today is a new day. Today's plans are made, but we'll just have to wait and see how they go ;)


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