Have you ever cross texted?

Twice in the last few days! I was texting my daughter to encourage her to complete some missing assignments. A coworker got an "Excellent. Good Job!" by accident and my sister and SIL got a "You are welcome. Kissy Face Emoji" in response to letting me know they had a contractor to bid on a job for my parents. So, awkward, but not terribly embarrassing and they all got a kick out of it.
Yup it's happened every now and then. Luckily hasn't been too bad lol I do try to check but it happens.

Normally I do a "oops wrong person" message.

It's also happened to me and majority of the time it's easy to tell it wasn't meant for me but it hasn't been too bad either.

I haven't received what the OP mentioned but I can imagine that would be sucky.
I haven't sent any but have received a few. One guy kept insisting I should go out with him since I was so much fun at the club last night. I tried telling him he had the wrong person but he wouldn't believe me until I told him I was a senior citizen,gramma and a few other things to make him believe me. I got another one about a death in the family and I had to tell them they sent it to the wrong person. That one was sad.
Yes! One time I sent my mom a text that was meant for my brother that was complaining about her. Oops.
Not that I can recall. I double check if I’ve been texting with someone other than my kids and DH. I will also “default” to my DH or oldest after texting with someone else so if I do make an accidental text it will go to one of them.

I have been the recipient of an accidental risqué text from my sister. Started out innocent enough, talking about her new air fryer but then went to “when you get home…” A little awkward to say the least.

Many years ago my uncle wrote a letter to his girlfriend and one to my other uncle complaining about the girlfriend. Put them in the wrong envelopes. Girlfriend dumped him. (they ran into each other 18 years later and remain together to this day) Old school “cross texting.” 😂
Once texted sis in law a message meant for ds. It was about money he needed to pay. She was so confused! 😂
Just last Thursday I texted my Mom instead of my DH that I was rushing the cat to the vet because she hurt her leg. It wouldn't have been a huge deal but it was just 3 hours before my Grandma's Funeral Visitation (Mom's mom) and I felt so bad that I worried her about my cat when she had so much else on her plate.
Ha, yes. I accidentally send texts to my husband that are meant to my best friend, and vice versa. And she does the same. I just know how that if I randomly get a text from her that makes no sense, it's probably not meant for me!
Never crossed-text but I don't type on my phone I speak my text and usually don't check it before I send it. Then after the fact I see what Siri wrote and laugh and have to resend with an explanation.
Yes quite a few times. Why just the other day I wore my wife’s panties to a very important meeting at work. Oh my....you said texting. My bad.
I was recently in a group chat my SIL had sent about my niece and nephews birthday party(most people I don’t know) Days later I went to send my brother and SIL a text and somehow grab the group chat. Start my text with Holy f*^%. Sent that followed by sending a video of a flooded street.

Of course the video was taking forever to send. Got responses back quicker than the video sent. That’s when I realized I sent that text to a bunch of people I didn’t know, including grandparents. Uggggg
Never crossed-text but I don't type on my phone I speak my text and usually don't check it before I send it. Then after the fact I see what Siri wrote and laugh and have to resend with an explanation.
This happens when I use CarPlay in my truck. It’s way better than it used to be but sometimes there’s just no deciphering what was sent.
I once send my takeout order to a friend instead of my husband. She was confused for a minute but it was all good once I explained.
Have you ever texted someone and screenshot that text to someone else? But you send it to the same person who originally sent it to you
No, I'm sure I've never done that particular thing. I can't think of a single scenario where I'd want to forward a text to anyone other than the original recipient. :confused3 Maybe I'm not understanding it right. Basically I've gleaned from the rest of the thread it means sending a text to someone other than who you intended it for.
No, I'm sure I've never done that particular thing. I can't think of a single scenario where I'd want to forward a text to anyone other than the original recipient. :confused3 Maybe I'm not understanding it right. Basically I've gleaned from the rest of the thread it means sending a text to someone other than who you intended it for.
Yes exactly.
No, I'm sure I've never done that particular thing. I can't think of a single scenario where I'd want to forward a text to anyone other than the recipient. :confused3 Maybe I'm not understanding it right. Basically I've gleaned from the rest of the thread it means sending a text to someone other than who you intended it for.

I actually do this frequently as a way to disseminate information. Both my mother and my husbands mother have had long hospitalizations in the last few months. My 3 sisters and I were taking turns sitting with my parents. We had a group text between the sisters updating those that weren’t there. If there was something I thought my husband/kids should know, I’d just copy it from the text. He and his sister did something similar with his mom.
My husband and I use it for work too. We own a rental property. Tenant alerted me to an issue this morning that really is something my husband would handle. I copied the text which had names and phone numbers and forwarded it to him. No chance of me copying anything incorrectly.
Nope, not likely as a "dinosaur" whose texts usually are "is this a good time to call?" Ain't got no time for 5 minutes of texting when a 15 second phone call will handle the entire communication.
I was stuck 2 years at my mother's after divorce. I was ranting about it very expressively with my language to someone when my mother hollers for me, "What does this text mean? I don't understand what you sent me." Oops... Luckily I didn't specifically say her.


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